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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 50

by Erin Trejo

  “You look good in red.” Walking over to him, I slap my hand on his shoulder before I notice the look on his face.

  “I used to think it was your color.” The smirk on his face is priceless. I guess I deserved that.

  “Yeah, it usually is. Was it RIt?” He knows I want the answer to be yes. I want to move on that son of a bitch so damn bad, I can taste it.

  “He wants all of Willows. I said no.” Shaking my head, I run my hand through my hair. This is getting worse. Creed may be the president, but I am the fucking enforcer. I want blood.

  “Watch that look brother. We aren’t movin’ in just yet.” Creed’s voice pulls my attention back to him. He is making a mistake not moving in on them, I can feel it.

  “Come on Creed! He fuckin’ shot you brother!” Kicking a rock across the ground, I take a deep breath.

  “We ain’t ready Ryker! We need a plan, you know that.” Creed growls before standing up and moves toward me. His hands land on my shoulders before I jerk away.

  Pointing at him I let it all rip from me. “You could have died! They could kill any one of us brother! Is that what the fuck you’re waitin’ for?” Stomping past him, I head inside.

  Looking at the mess that Jada sweeps up just rips at me. My chest tightens as I reach for the broom before she shakes her head.

  “Let me do it.” Being a little firmer with her this time she lets me take it.

  “He could have died Ryker.” Sweeping the glass up, I don’t want to look at her. It eats at me. This is our life though. This is what we’re signed up for. Any of us at any given time could be dead.

  “I know. I want to move on them, but he won’t.” The sob that rips out of Jada tightens my chest even more. I fucking hate this!

  Leaning the broom against the cooler, I reach for her. Pulling Jada into my chest, she cries harder.

  “I’m sorry. I know how hard this is on you darlin’.” Jada doesn’t stop crying as I rub her back. Blowing out a breath, I try to calm her, and myself.

  “When is this shit going to end?” Pulling out of my grasp her whole attitude has changed. Jada scrubs at her eyes before she sniffs. Her anger radiates off her. There’s the feisty girl I heard so much about.

  “It never ends. Welcome to the lifestyle Jada. You knew this shit. You lived it!” Getting a little louder than I needed to she glares over at me.

  “It does end! It ends, when I end it.” Her tone is harsh as she grabs for her phone on the counter.

  “When you end what?” Looking over my shoulder, Creed stands with a cloth to the wound.

  “All of this! I’m sick of worrying about if you’re going to come home Creed! This is crazy!” I watch the rage that sizzles through her before Creed steps in front of me.

  “You knew all this shit Jada. You knew how this life was. I’m tryin’ here!” Watching him snap at her, I can’t even imagine how that must feel. Our old lady’s sit there and wait while we’re out on runs, not knowing if we’re coming home or not.

  I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it that way. The toll it must take on them; it rubs me raw.

  “Why don’t we just head back to the clubhouse? This shit is gettin’ too real, and we need to work it out.” Both of them turn to face me but I just shrug. Hell, I was just trying to be helpful here.

  “You know what. You’re right Ryker. I want to go the fuck home. Not the fucking clubhouse. I’m going home!” Jada stomps around Creed before stopping and kissing my cheek. The look I get from Creed is one of rage.

  “Way to help motherfucker!” Creed screams before he stomps past me to go after Jada.

  “That mean you ain’t givin’ me a kiss too?” The way he slams the front door should answer that.

  Chuckling, I go back to cleaning up the damn mess those asshole Dusts’ made.

  Chapter 30


  The club was in an uproar when Creed and the guys came back. I can’t say today is any different either.

  Jada left with Heather saying she didn’t want to be near Creed right now. Of course we sent a guy to keep an eye on her. That hasn’t stopped Creed from going all kinds of insane. He’s stomped around busting shit up all over the club. I swear, it’s like having another kid around here.

  “I’m going to see Jada. Do I need to take someone?” Cher smiles up at me before I kiss her.

  “Yeah. Take Bo. Be careful, and see if you can talk that girl into coming back in here. That son of a bitch has lost his mind.” Nodding over toward Creed, where he sits at the bar drinking like an idiot, Cher laughs.

  “I’ll try. I love you.” Leaning down, I kiss her once more before she walks off.

  “Hey Creed. Let’s ride brother.” Yelling at him, he looks up shaking his head. I know he doesn’t want to ride, but there are a few things that I wanted to look into.

  “Take Torch.” Huffing, he turns back to his drinks. I swear he is worse than a fucking female.

  “I said you. This is a president matter. Let’s fuckin’ ride.” Stomping past him, I head out the door and toward the bikes.

  Creed comes out a few minutes later, not looking very happy either.

  “What the fuck is this shit?” Creed doesn’t look too happy with me, but I don’t give a shit.

  “We need to go look at somethin’. It needs to be us. Get the fuck over yourself.” Sliding my helmet on, I ignore the smartass remarks he’s mumbling over there. We need to figure out this fucking Dust shit so we can make a plan.

  I rev up my bike before heading down the driveway. I’m in no mood to deal with Creed’s whining shit today. I’ve heard it enough. We all have problems, and this just goes with the territory.

  We ride out Hwy 16, toward and old warehouse that I heard the Dusts’ had been using. I didn’t bring it up with the other guys though, because I know Ryker would go all out crazy, and rush the fucking place.

  The silence is nice. Only my bike rumbling beneath me. Its’ a reprieve from the hell we’ve been living with at the clubhouse. So much bullshit crammed into one place will work your nerves over, that’s for sure.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I cut the engine before climbing off my bike. I need to get Creed’s mind on something other than Jada.

  “What the fuck is this?” Creed climbs off looking around before he runs his hand through his hair.

  “I got word that Dusts’ were using that old warehouse. Not sure what the hell they’re doin’ in it. I thought we could take a look.” Creed looks over at me with disgust all over his face.

  “You couldn’t bring Torch out here for this shit?” Clearly the man is pissed, but I need to get his head right for him.

  Stepping into his space, I get right in his face.

  “This shit with you and Jada is affectin’ the club. You’re off your game, and it hurts us. This shit ain’t goin’ to die down anytime soon. We need you in this shit!” Grinding out between my teeth, he steps up closer.

  “You think I’m not handlin’ shit?” The rage that simmers inside of him is threatening to explode free. I can see it in his eyes. At least he’ll take it out on me, and not one of the other guys.

  “No Creed. I think you’re lettin’ this shit with Jada cloud your judgement. I get it brother, I do, but we need to watch our asses here.” Creed blows out a breath before taking a step back. I know things are getting hard for him but he’s a strong person.

  “I feel like I’m losin’ her Tank.” Scrubbing his hand over his face, I look at him. I get it, I’ve been there.

  “Jada’s a lot of things Creed. Hard headed, strong, fierce, but the one thing she isn’t, is a quitter. She needs some space. Let her have that; let her find her way back. Life’s crazy for everyone right now.” Creed nods, but I don’t know if he’s truly listening to me.

  “Let’s check this shit out, yeah?” Creed nods before he follows me toward the building. I hope shit gets worked out soon. This shit is crazy.

  Chapter 31


  Heading int
o this building, I don’t really give a shit about the Dusts’ at the moment. I’m worried about Jada, and I think Tank may be right. My head is messed up. I’m not right, and I need to figure this out.

  “Looks like a fuckin’ crack house.” Stepping over litter and broken bottles, I look over at Tank as he chuckles.

  “That’s what it seems like.” We keep walking but this shit is nasty. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such filth in my life.

  Moving from room to room, it’s all the same. Litter and bottles, that’s all you see around here.

  “What do you think they are usin’ this for?” Tank stops walking when I speak. His eyes are tracking something. I know how he gets when he thinks, or sees something that’s off.

  I don’t speak, I just follow behind him.

  “Look. Right there.” Stepping up next to him, I follow his finger. I focus on the area he’s pointing at when I see it.

  “Trip wires. Son of a bitch.” My heart slams in my chest while my hands clench at my sides. They are up to something, and I don’t like not knowing what it is.

  “Somethins’ back there.” Looking over at Tank, I know the asshole is about to go back there and find out. Whatever I say doesn’t matter at this point.

  “How are we gettin’ past those?” Pointing at the wires, he smiles. Sneaky bastard.

  I follow Tank as we cautiously make our way toward the back room. Standing there, I watch as my best friend follows the wire back to its origins.

  “Watch that shit up top Creed.” Nodding my head, I look up to see two shotguns ready to fire as soon as those wires are tripped. Shaking my head, I wonder what the hell is back there that they have this shit set up like that.

  Just as Tank snips the wires, I hear someone coming in.

  “Shit! Tank.” Nodding toward the entrance I twirl my finger in the air, letting him know we need to roll out, but he shakes his head.

  Damn him!

  Glancing around for something to hide behind, I crouch behind a table that’s been flipped over. Tank moves closer to the door before plastering himself against the wall.

  Shit could go a few ways here if there is more than one guy coming in here.

  Taking a deep breath, I wait for it.

  Seconds tick by like the longest minutes of my life before a man walks in carrying a food bag. I swallow hard as Tank heads toward him.

  “Nice to see.” His growl rips through the room before I stand with gun drawn. Aimed right at the door, I look at the guy. He’s actually not a guy at all. He’s a prospect, not very old either.

  Tank has the kid around the neck before he drops his bag to the floor. Something flashes in his eyes, fear. He’s scared shitless.

  Lowering my gun, Tank looks at me confused.

  “What the hell are you doin’ here kid?” Making my way closer to the two of them, I can sense the fear inside of him. It practically hits me in the face.

  “I was told to watch the warehouse. I wasn’t supposed to leave. FUCK!” Tears pour from the little fuckers eyes as snot leaks over his lips. Sad to see such a young kid sucked into this shit.

  “How old are you?” Looking at Tank, he loosens his grip on the kid.

  “I just turned seventeen.” He stutters his way through those few words when I shake my head. Damn, he is just a kid.

  “What are they usin’ a kid like you in their warehouse for?” Tank releases his arm completely before crossing his arms over his chest. Shit, if that big motherfucker doesn’t scare the shit out of him, nothing will.

  “I’m dispensable.” Dropping my head, he cries harder. Kid’s shouldn’t be in this shit.

  “Pick your bag up kid. What’s your name?” He looks around like he’s afraid to answer, but when Tank twitches the boy nearly pisses his own pants.

  “Johnny.” He squeals out before he grabs his bag off the floor.

  “Do you know what you’re guardin’?” Johnny looks up at Tank shaking his head.

  “No. I was just told to shoot to kill.” His hands shake before I turn and head toward the back room.

  Tank follows behind me with Johnny in front of him.

  “Take a seat.” Once we walk into the room, Tank directs the kid to a chair against the wall where he gladly goes.

  Pulling the lid off one of the many crates that are back here, I gasp. Sucking in a rough breath, this is bad.

  Chapter 32


  “You bunch of pansy ass bitches!” Spitting on the ground outside the clubhouse, I look at these kids. That’s all they are. A bunch of little fucking girls disguised as men.

  “Fuck off Ryker!” Torch gets pissed but he knows he can’t fight me. None of these motherfuckers have shit on me in a fist fight.

  “Oh come on, Torch. I took on half your team brother. Give me somethin’ I can work with here.” Wiping the blood from my lip, I look around at the small crowd.

  A few of the Nomads and a few of Griff’s boys came over to hang out, and get in some hand to hand combat action.

  “Let me in this shit.” Jack, one of the Nomads steps up. Now he’s a big motherfucker. He’s about 290 pounds of muscle. I don’t care though; I can take his ass.

  “You big jolly green giant lookin’ asshole. You think you can take me?” Now, I know I’m not as big as the other guys, but my fighting skills are superior to theirs.

  Rob stands in the middle as acting referee while I bounce around getting ready.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Jersey’s voice booms behind me before we all turn to look at her. Standing there looking sexy as fuck isn’t going to help my strategy here.

  “Workin’ out darlin’.” Jersey shakes her head before taking a few steps closer, her eyes never leaving mine. That sexy as fuck grin across her lips does little to help either.

  “I can work you out better than he can.” Nodding toward Jack, I laugh. She has a good point there. Bella walks out of the door behind her with wide eyes.

  “Oh shit! Are you guys fighting? I’m in. $50 on Ryker.” Bella drags money out of her pocket before tossing it onto the table.

  “I got you on that one. Mine’s on Jack.” Jack’s old lady throws her cash down as I rub my hands together.

  “Now we got a fight goin’ on.” Turning my attention back to Jack, he looks a little nervous. Yeah, I would be too, if I was about to get my ass beat in front of my girl.

  “Don’t take it so hard Black Jack. I’ll go easy on you.” The sinister laugh that escapes my throat should scare the hell out of him. Hell, it would me.

  “Easy my ass. I got you motherfucker.” Pointing at me, I smile. Yeah, we’ll see about that.

  I turn into a devil when I fight. I break bones, I give no mercy. Blood is all I want. I want to see the motherfucker bleed at my hands. Call it demonic, or crazy. That’s all me.

  When I was younger I’d be pushed to my limits. I wanted to die, but once I learned how to fight, I became what people feared. I was the devil himself and I own that shit.

  “Let’s do it.” Clapping my hands together, we get into position. My hands are clenched into fists as I ready myself for the monster that comes at me.

  Fists are flying, blood is shed. Bones crack and lips get split. I’m running on pure adrenaline here. It courses through me like the blood in my veins. I can feel it rising to the surface.

  “Jesus, Ryker!” I can hear Jersey’s voice off to the side yelling at me. A slight grin tugs at my lips before I move in on Jack. He doesn’t know what’s about to come down on him.

  My right fist connects with his eye before the crack can be heard. Jack falls to the ground with his hands over his face. Rob calls our little fight just as I see Tank and Creed pulling up.

  They kill their bikes before walking toward us. Their faces are haunted, and I know this is going to be bad news.

  “Havin’ fun?” Tank nods at Jack as he pulls himself up off the ground.

  “I was. What’s wrong?” Looking between the two of them, I shake my head.

  “Church in twenty. Get cleaned up.” Without another word, I nod before heading over to Jersey.

  “You won that bet, yeah?” Grabbing the towel and wiping my face, she smiles.

  “I did”. I knew my man was a winner. Kissing her quickly, I dry my chest.

  “Got church. After that I’m fuckin’ you all crazy.”

  Without another word, I head inside to clean up.

  Chapter 33


  “So, shit at the old warehouse wasn’t what we expected. There’s enough C4 in that motherfucker to blow half the city.” Creed looks around at all of us. My gaze tends to stay on Ryker though. I know that out of all of us here, that motherfucker is the most ruthless one of all.

  “We blow it or score it?” Speak of the fucking devil and he answers.

  Creed’s eyes move to Ryker’s before he speaks again.

  “Well, that’s what we don’t know. If we blow it, that brings a shit storm on this city. One that we might not be ready to handle. Feds, local police.” Creed shakes his head before I look back over at him.

  “But if we go back in for it, they won’t know which club has it. We can’t go flashin’ that shit around or lettin’ it be known that it’s here.” Creed nods his agreeance before Ryker stands. Damn, why does he have to be so goddamn evil?

  “Fuck that shit. We use that shit to blow them the fuck up! We kill those motherfuckers with their own shit.” Half the room chuckles along, but not the other half. They know just how crazy Ryker really is.

  “Thought about that, too. Heard they were settin’ up a new clubhouse down off Shady. I thought we could let them get all nice and settled before we play light the night. I want to watch when they go in, meetins’, parties; I want to know it all.” Ryker drops back into his chair with a huge ass grin on his face. Yeah, he likes that idea.

  “We vote on the kid.” Blowing out a breath, I didn’t want to do this.

  “What’s that mean? What kid?” Piper looks over at me before I speak.

  “When we were in there, a kid came in. Seventeen. He was told to watch the shit and shoot on sight. Clearly he didn’t do that. Now, we know he’s only a prospect, but we still need to vote on what we do with him.” Ryker grins and I already know his answer.


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