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Fallen Angel's MC Box Set

Page 54

by Erin Trejo

  “I know he wouldn’t want you sitting around like this. I know how much he loved you guys.” Pushing myself up, I stand looking down at her. All my nerves firing off in unison.

  “You don’t know shit! He died because of me!” Jersey jumps up off the floor pushing me in the chest. Her hands on me ignite a fire that I’m not sure how to handle.

  “No Ryker! He died for you, not because of you!” Grabbing her by the shoulders, I shove her against the wall. Her eyes widen before she sucks in a breath.

  “You don’t have the fuckin’ right to say that shit to me Jersey! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Screaming in her face, I grip her shoulders tighter. Fear is etched across that beautiful face of hers. I hate seeing that on her.

  “I have every right Ryker! You guys have walked around like fucking zombies for days! None of you are handling business. None of you are being men!” Jersey snaps, screaming back into my face. Her rage isn’t unwarranted either. She speaks nothing but the truth right now.

  None of us have been ourselves and it’s hurting this club, hurting the ones we love.

  “I’m not a man? Is that what you think?” Pressing my body into hers, I wait for her to answer.

  “No Ryker. I think us women are being the men for you. We have taken over your roles.” The look on her face sends jolts throughout my body. She’s not mad, she’s pissed, and she’s right.

  We’ve let ourselves go until they had to pick up our pieces. What kind of men does that make us?

  Letting go of her shoulders, I wrap my hand around her neck, squeezing slightly.

  “You want me to show you what kind of man I am?” Leaning in close to her ear, I can feel her little body shiver.

  “You don’t have it in you.” She growls at me. Pulling back, I look in her eyes before sliding my hand between her legs. This little skirt leaves little to the imagination.

  I can feel just how wet she is right now.

  “Try me.” My words leave my lips before her lips slam frantically into mine. Tasting her, touching her, it all ignites a fire in me. Reaching between us, I undo my jeans letting them fall to the floor before I lift her, pinning her against the wall.

  Teasing her entrance with my dick, I suck the side of her neck.

  “Tell me again that I don’t have it in me.” Biting her neck, she screams. Yeah, that’s what I thought. I slam her little body down on my dick as I rock my hips into her. Thrusting into her with everything I have in me, feels so good.

  My stomach trembles when I feel her nails on my skin. Rolling my hips, I lean back and take in her beauty. Her breasts bounce the harder I slam into her.

  Her eyes sparkle as they lock with mine. I know I haven’t been the man I need to be, but that changes, and it changes now. If I have to take over the roll as President for Creed, I will fucking do it. This club needs to get its shit together before there isn’t a club left.

  Chapter 50


  Long days, turn into longer nights. The club’s eerily quiet with no Angel chasers in site. The music that once filled these walls ceases to exist anymore.

  I sit in the back of the room with a beer bottle in my hand when Bella walks over. She drops on the couch next to me before laying her head on my shoulder.

  “You ok dad?” Dad. Those three little letters. Something I haven’t been in weeks.

  “I don’t know baby girl. I’m at a loss right now.” Snuggling in closer, I wrap my arm around her shoulder and hold her.

  “You know; I remember the day you were born.” Having her near me makes me remember. The slight chuckle makes her giggle.

  “You were freaked out weren’t you?” Sighing, I pull her as close as I can get her.

  “No. Your mom was. That nurse passed you to me and my world collapsed around me. You opened those big blue eyes of yours and looked up at me, like you knew who I was.” Bella tips her head so she’s looking up at me.

  “I did know. I’ve always known. When she took me away from you, I thought about you all the time. I had a picture that I found in her stuff one night. She was gone and I was bored. I always remembered you. Bald head and everything.” Bella giggles as I turn my face to look at her.

  “Hey, you had this bald head when you were born.” Ruffling her hair with my hand she grins.

  “You know you’re the best dad, right?” Shaking my head, I don’t believe that, not anymore.

  “I don’t think I have been.” Bella sits up a little looking me in the eyes.

  “Dad, you have always been the best. Even Dougie told me that you were looking for me for years. No one knew where she took me, but I knew in my heart that you were out there waiting for me.” A tear slides down her cheek before I wipe it away.

  “I’d wait for you forever Bella. You are my baby girl; you always will be.” Pulling her into me, I hug her. Holding her tight, I never want to let this girl go again. I don’t plan to.

  “Dad, your choking me out.” Bella giggles as I loosen my grip on her.

  “Can we cook out? I know things are rough right now, but you know Torch would be cooking out.” Looking down at the look in her eyes, I know she’s right.

  “He’d be burnin’ shit. Drunk off his ass with a burnt hot dog in his hand.” Bella laughs, and that noise fills me with joy. She’s right though. Torch wouldn’t sit around like this. He’d make the best of another day on this earth. That’s how he was. A crazy son of a bitch that enjoyed every day he was given.

  “You know what. I think it’s a good idea. Let’s round everyone up.” Kissing her forehead, she nods before standing up. Offering her hand to me, I take it in mine.

  “When the hell did you get this tall?” Setting my hand on the top of her head she laughs.

  “Please. I’m freaking barely five foot four. If that’s tall, I hate to see what short is.” Bella laughs as we walk down the hall toward the bedrooms.

  “Cher ain’t much taller than you. Maybe you two could join the circus together. Squeeze in that tiny car.” Bella slaps the hell out of me before I laugh hysterically pushing the bedroom door open.

  “What are you two doing?” Cher smiles as we go in. Bella jumps on my back before she talks.

  “Dad thinks we’re too short to be normal. He thinks we should join the circus.” Pulling at my ear like she did when she was little makes me smile.

  “It was a suggestion. I thought you’d be perfect for the little car.” Cher moves in on me now, too. The two girls that mean the most to me in the world are right here in my arms.

  Looking at the two of them, I know what I need to do.

  Chapter 51


  Lighting the grill’s up out back seems surreal. It’s been a long time since we’ve done this. It doesn’t feel right, but I know we need this time.

  “Uncle Creed, don’t burn mine!” Bella smiles as I look over at her.

  “Oh come on Bella. I don’t burn that shit, that’s your dad.” Watching the smile on her face reminds me of Jada when she was younger. Innocent, and full of life.

  “Yeah, says that crunchy black burger last time when you cooked.” Rolling her eyes, I chuckle to myself. This girl is the light in a lot of darkness. I never knew just how much having her around has changed us all.

  When shit gets rough, Bella seems to pull us all out of the dark, and back into the light.

  “Now, you know you could always do it yourself.” Pointing the tongs that I have in my hand at her, she puts her hand on her hip.

  “Now that would be unfair. Remember that whole a woman’s place is in the kitchen thing? A man’s place is at the grill.” Shaking my head, I wonder how we ever survived without her around here.

  “Then get that little ass in the kitchen. I want pasta, and only you know how to make it right.” Bella sticks her tongue out at me before turning and heading back inside.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” Tank steps up next to me passing me a beer.

  “Told her to get her ass in the kitchen.�
� Chuckling, I take a drink before looking back at the grill.

  “I’m glad we’re doin’ this. We need to reconnect here. This club is comin’ apart Creed.” I look up at him and nod.

  “I know brother. I haven’t taken my place very well lately. I know it needs to change though. We’re goin’ to get back on track.” I’ve thought a lot about this. I’ve looked at myself and the guys. We need to start fresh.

  “We’ve all been off. None of us have pulled our weight around here. We need to fix that.” Ryker walks over with a smug ass grin on his face.

  “What the hell are you smilin’ about?” Tipping his bottle at me, he shrugs.

  “I just got the best dick suck of my life.” Shaking my head, I look at him. Nasty motherfucker puts his business out there for everyone to know.

  “Ryker, why the hell did you think we needed to know that?” Tank blurts out loudly. Ryker tips his head to look at Tank before he grins.

  “Come on asshole! You know you get that superb dick suck every once in a while. That one, where you have to tell the world about it.” His face is so serious I want to punch him.

  “Oh shut the fuck up. You two are just jealous.” Ryker snaps at us as we watch him walk away with that giant ass grin on his face, I can’t help but laugh.

  “You ever wonder what the hell happened to him when he was a baby.” Looking over at Tank, I lose it. I laugh like I haven’t laughed in a long time.

  “Tank, I think there’s a lot that happened to that motherfucker when he was a baby. Look at him!” Both of us look over to see Ryker dancing like he’s lost his mind. I’m not sure the crazy fuck ever had one!

  “Jesus Christ. Look what we have to look forward to.” We both laugh before I turn back to the grill.

  It’s nice to laugh and be ourselves. That’s something we’ve been missing for a while now.

  Chapter 52


  “Oh yeah! This is the shit right here.” Hell, I might be a little drunk right now, but I’m in a hell of a mood.

  Eating with the guy’s and Jersey is the best. I haven’t felt this energized in a long time.

  “Bella! Get your ass over here.” She spins around to look at me like I’ve gone crazy. Yeah, that was long ago.

  “Why are you yelling?” She walks over to me not looking all that amused. She’ll get happy, I’ll make her.

  “Dance with me Bella.” Grabbing her hand, I pull her closer to me. The music is blasting from the speakers, just like the old times. The times when we had all of our guys here with us. The times when all we worried about was what kind of beer we were drinking.

  “What’s wrong with you today?” Bella looks me in the eyes as I smile.

  “I’m at peace Bella. I’ve been thinkin’ about shit. Life. We need to make this club stronger and we ain’t doin’ that. It needs to change.” Her smile lights up as she looks at me.

  “My thoughts exactly. That’s why I made dad have the cook out.” Her smile widens, but mine fades.

  “What? What’s wrong now Ryker?” She notices the shift in me. Hell, I notice it, and I don’t like it.

  “I don’t know what I’m goin’ to do without you Bella. I don’t want to lose you.” Her smile never fades. It stays in place.

  “Don’t think of it like that. I’ll be around Ryker. You can’t get rid of me that easily. Every time you feel the breeze blow, that’ll be me.” She leans in whispering that last part in my ear. I know what she’s saying, but that does little to ease the hurt.

  “It’s comin’ Bella. I can feel it.” She smiles before nodding her head.

  “I know.”

  “The guys are goin’ to lose it. If I don’t, they will.” She pulls back to look at me, a now serious look in her eyes.

  “You can’t let them Ryker. Promise me you won’t let them fall apart.” Her hands grip my shoulders before I smile at her. How could I say no to her?

  “I promise Bella. I won’t let them fall apart, but you know that’s a big order. It hurt when Torch died but you, that shit’s goin’ to kill us.” I’m telling her the truth. It will break this club, I know it.

  She may not see it, but I do. She’s the glue that holds us together here. It’s been that way since she came home.

  “Shut up Ryker! This is happy time. Stop fucking with my happy mood.” Bella slaps the hell out me before I laugh.

  “I didn’t know you had a happy mood.” I can’t help but mess with her. She makes it too easy for me.

  “You know I have a happy mood! You are sending me into my pissed off mood though.” Her smile falls but not for long. She can’t pretend to be mad, it doesn’t work.

  “Oh stop tryin’ to act mad. You know you love me.” Jersey’s hand touches my back. I know it’s her, I can feel her warmth.

  “Not everyone loves you Ryker. Stop getting a big head.” Jersey giggles behind me. Bella laughs before I let her go to grab Jersey.

  Looking between the two of them laughing, I grab Bella again.

  “Look at that. Two chicks that love me. I’m a lucky motherfucker.” They both laugh, but I don’t. I know now just how lucky I am. If I lose either one of them, I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.

  Chapter 53


  The party is pretty lively if I do say so myself. It’s nice to see the calmness back in place around here.

  “Hey, Tank. Need to talk to you a minute.” Looking over, Creed has a serious look on his face. I don’t like it; I know what it means.

  “Take Griff. I’ll be right back.” Kissing Cher, I pass Griff over to her before I follow behind Creed. He stops at the corner of the building, checking to see that no one else is near.

  “Just got a call. Some of Griff’s boys said they saw Rit holdin’ up at that old motel on 1st street.” Scrubbing my hand over my face, I blow out a breath.

  “Shit. They have any idea what they’re doin’?” Creed shakes his head before he speaks again.

  “Nope. Said the bikes are lined up out front. Looks like he’s got a few more guys with him.” That doesn’t sound good. Besides the fact, that 1st street isn’t too far from us.

  “What do you want to do?” Creed’s eyes come to meet mine, that old devilish look to them. I know exactly what he wants to do.

  “You call in for back up? We’re runnin’ low without Torch, yeah?” Creed nods his head.

  “I want to move, in the next hour. If they’re plannin’ on hittin’ us, we need to hit them first.” I agree with that. We’ve taken enough hits to last us a lifetime.

  “Round the guys up. Let’s do this.” Creed slaps a hand on my shoulder before he walks off. I turn and head back over to Cher.

  “You ok?” She smiles up at me, but I can’t smile back. The feeling of something going wrong is hitting me hard. I don’t like it.

  “We have to take a run. I don’t know how long it will be.” Cher nods not looking all that happy about it, but she understands.

  “Ok. Be careful. I love you.” Kissing her I pull back and kiss Griff on the head. Turning, I motion for Bella to come over here.

  “Miss me already?” Her joking smile sets my heart at ease.

  “Always baby girl. We’re headin’ out on a run. You keep an eye on those two?” Nodding over my shoulder at Cher and Griff, she shakes her head.

  “Please. Cher is a big girl, dad.” Her smile lights up my insides.

  “Yeah, but you know she gets out of hand. I love you.” Kissing her cheek, I pull her into a hug.

  “Love you, too.” Pulling away from her just feels off.

  I head inside to get shit together before we go. I don’t know what we’re looking at when get there, but I can assure you it won’t be good.

  “You ready?” Ryker, the crazy son of a bitch is grinning ear to ear.

  “Damn right I am.”

  Chapter 54


  We’re all geared up and ready to ride. The girls all know that the club is on lockdown until we get back. Le
aving Piper there seemed like a good idea, even though he wanted in on the action. He can’t get in there as fast as we can.

  “We’ll stop and set up a perimeter once we hit 1st. Once we see what we’re dealin’ with, we’ll move from there.” Everyone nods their heads ready for this. It’s like something has settled within us all.

  We will get payback for what they did, and we are ready.

  We round up and head toward the meeting spot. The rumble of the bikes sends a shiver throughout my body.

  Knowing that we are going to take these assholes out just fills me with the need for blood. I want to watch every little bit of life drain from their no good bodies.

  Looking in my rear view mirrors, I smile. The guys are in formation behind me. They are all on edge and ready to finish this. This will officially close this chapter in our lives. We need to turn the page and start a new one, and I think this is the way to do it.

  Pulling up at our meeting spot, my heart is flipping in my chest. We cut the bikes engines before we stand in a circle.

  “Hotel’s over that hill. We need guys on all sides. Coms are up and runnin’. I don’t want these motherfuckers to know we’re comin’. We scout it, we hit it. We hit it hard, and fast. Shoot to kill.” Everyone’s eyes light up. This is it. They know I mean business.

  “You and your boys take the back and north side. Reggie, you take the south end. Me and my guys are hittin’ the front. No one makes a fuckin’ move until I say.” Everyone nods in agreement before we file out.

  My pulse pounds in my ears. Something inside of me tells me this is all wrong, but how can it be?

  “All units in place?” Talking into the coms, I watch the hotel. There is no movement, which worries me.

  “South is in place.” I hear Reggie confirm before I hear Timmy.

  “North, in place.” Here we go. This is what it’s coming down to.

  “Anyone see any movement?” Glancing over at Tank, I see the look on his face. Ryker has the same look in his eyes.

  “This ain’t right Creed.” Ryker speaks softly, and I can feel it too.


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