The Love We Had

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The Love We Had Page 5

by C Monet

  “Tori, how can I help you?” he asked as he sat up with a stoic face. The name sounded hella familiar. The scene before was making me uneasy. She was moving like a slithering snake. Slow and calculated. Her laugh and her body language read homewrecker.

  “Don said you refused to work with us on the numbers and I just had to come by and see why?”

  “Conflict of interest. I let Don know that,” he responded nonchalantly.

  “Oh is that about my offer for a little party with you and the missus?”

  “You were and will forever be out of order. There’s two things I take seriously; my wife and my vows. I pass and therefore I can't work with you. But I did recommend a partner to help.”

  “So tell me, is she off limits or are you off limits?” the long-legged, bald-headed hoe asked. My pressure felt like it was rising, and I moved closer to her. I could smell that cheap ass Wal-Mart Lucky you perfume on her. Surely this wasn’t the Tori that invited us to a Christmas party. He made up some excuse as to why we couldn’t go, and I accused him of keeping me a secret.

  “Both of us are off limits. I wouldn’t dare disrespect what I have.”

  “A little birdie told me it isn’t really working out. I could add some excitement you know,” she pushed. I drew my hand back and slapped her, but it didn’t work, and I was pissed. I was in the moment. Had I been there in the office when this happened I would have knocked her head off her shoulders and dropped in it the river for fish food.

  “Should I call security, or do you have enough class to leave on your own recognizance?”

  “Think about it Gray baby.” Oh the bitch gave him a nickname and solicited a threesome. As soon as this vision was done I was calling him and asking for her information. We would be having a conversation about her doing bald headed hoe shit. She was a whole thirst bucket, bust down Thotianna, thotimus prime, thot pocket in these streets wearing to small clothes and cheap ass perfume. I was fuming and knew if I ever seen her again I would knock her head between a washer and dryer.

  “You see that could have been a different situation all because of your words,” Mara mentioned as we came back to present day. I was furious with this Tori bitch. She was out of line and out of order. The hoe just knew she was about to get a piece of my husband. I knew he was fine, but he was off limits to skanks. I was proud of him for shutting that shit down, nonetheless, Mara had a point.

  “What was I dealing with?” I asked. I antagonized that man any chance I got. Pure hatefulness and evil to a man I swore I loved more than I loved myself. I treated him like a child, like my puppet. I didn’t deserve him. Somehow I forgot about all that I had done to him. I deserved the D word. I wouldn’t be saying it anymore or anything else that could manifest negatively.

  “Deep hurt over the failings of the past. You’ve let your feelings of your parents bind you to a life of measuring everything to them.” It was true. The reason I loved Graysen was because he was so different from my father. Dave was a good man until the day he passed but he had his own ways of doing and thinking. My father was a soldier who dealt with PTSD and it made everything ten times harder. That made it harder for momma.

  He would be one way and then another the next day. One day we would be greeted with smiles and the next minute we would be scrubbing the floorboards with a toothbrush for no reason at all. We were never sure who we would get when we woke up. I felt a lot like that now. It was like two opposite poles from moment to moment.

  “Ok enough of the visions, how do I make this work?” I no longer needed to see who we were back then. I needed a solid solution as to how we could be better than that today, tomorrow and forever. I’m convinced this is how it has to end.

  “Go get him,” she whispered before vanishing. Looking around she was gone. I smiled and I hoped she wouldn’t be back to show me any more embarrassing moments. The review of my actions was sickening. It was time to free myself because this was getting a little out of hand. It was a wonder he hadn’t divorced my mean ass sooner. I damn sure would have. There was no way I would have been able to put up with me and my attitude. Leaving would have been my only option with no forwarding address.

  Grabbing my luggage, I checked his phone calendar. I was going to do exactly what Mara suggested. I was going to get my husband. If I knew him like I thought I did, wherever he was there was a room key for me. That was his thing, he always made sure to give me access to him if I needed to get to him. Shit, I used to come to every other location. I would surprise him in a negligee, ride him until the sun came up and fly back out later that evening.

  According to his calendar, he was in Toronto staying at the Shangri- La Hotel. I called Chris and had her book me the earliest flight. During my waiting period, I would get myself together and figure out what I was going to say or do in order to get my husband to forgive me.

  “Naomi, the earliest flight is at four p.m. You’ve got about three hours before the flight. Do I need to make any other arrangements?”

  “No, I can handle the rest. But I do need something,” I said with a hint of mischief. If we were doing this I was doing it all the way. Showing up in Toronto in my birthday suit wouldn’t be enough. I needed to make a big statement and he needed to know that I was more than willing to compromise and make this work.



  Now I'd lose my way girl if I left you lonely- Jeremih

  “Excuse me, sir, I need a minute.”

  “What’s up?” I asked stepping out of the boardroom and into the hallway. I was glad we were just working out the details of the merger on this trip or I would be up shits creek with all the interruptions.

  “The hotel called and said someone has checked into your room. They just wanted to let you know and check if they should call security?” he answered. I squinted, attempting to think about who would do such a thing and what they were looking for. I didn’t have any friends and not many people knew all the details of my travels.

  “Cole, get the hotel on the line,” I ordered. Cole handed me the phone and I started quizzing them on who was looking for access to my hotel room. It didn’t make sense because no one had any need for my room. I didn’t keep any work where there. I valued my clients and they valued their privacy. My dealings were never out of my reach.

  “Sir actually when your assistant books your room there’s always a listing for Naomi. It’s been that way for some time now. I can cancel the key if you wish.”

  “No, hell no. I’ll be there in a minute. Send champagne, a two porterhouse steaks, garlic potatoes, and roasted asparagus. I need fresh flowers sent to the room and chocolate strawberries. And this next part is extremely important. I need a card that says, ‘the love we had stays on my mind.’” In the hallway, I wanted to heel kick, jig, and two-step because I couldn’t believe she came and remembered our old way to see each other when I was away on business. She still loved me, and she still wanted this to work.

  “Cole, thank you.”

  “No problem sir, do you need me to wrap everything up and reschedule?”

  “No, we handle business and then I handle my own business ya feel me?” I had a jolt of confidence as I stepped back into the room with my colleagues. We needed to wrap this up because I had better shit to get into than the numbers right now. I thought I would never say that, but the stunt Naomi just pulled had me thinking of different numbers; more like how many ways I could make her say my name, the number of positions she would be in, and how long I could keep her in an uncomfortable position before she tapped out.

  Believe it or not, it had been over a year since I touched my wife intimately. As many times as I wanted to fulfill my needs, I wouldn’t dare disrespect her and break her trust. I could attribute it to being separated but it would still carry the same disappointment. I wanted her to wake up, but I didn’t dare want to hurt her. Shattering her heart would be shattering my own.

  “Belton, it looks like everything here is a go. Thank you as always for doing an exce
ptional job.”

  “It’s always a pleasure Mr. Hill. Now if you’ll excuse me I have a wife to get to,” I answered as I motioned for Cole to grab my things and call the car around. I was ready to get my ass out of here and back to the hotel. I prayed she didn’t get cold feet before I came. It was late so I’m sure she was wondering why I wasn’t in my room already. I would explain and be sure to make it up to her in more ways than one.

  It felt like an eternity on the ride back to the hotel. Shit, I was antsy and delighted that she had come back to be in my comfort. I was surprised but I wasn’t complaining at all. I was actually really proud of her initiative. This was all I wanted. It was more about her remembering what we had. Being without her was lonely. Many nights I drank something to take the edge off while staring out the window wishing I could hear her nagging instead of sitting in silence.

  The unknown was worse than dealing with her. But again I understood we wanted different things so while it was painful it would hopefully be helpful in setting her free. It was never up for discussion that I wanted her. But I couldn’t allow her to continue to kill something so special.

  “Have a good evening sir,” Cole said as we entered the hotel. I nodded and anxiously got on the elevator. I pushed my floor number a million times hoping it would get me there faster. It didn’t but the excitement was a drug. My adrenaline was pumping. The wait to see her was killing me softly. I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was exactly what we needed. I know I said she needed a reminder but so did I.

  Unlocking the door, I smelled her Blushing Blooms perfume that I had crafted for her. I inhaled because I missed it. The simplest shit felt grand as fuck. The room was full of steam. In the distance, I could hear the shower running. Removing my clothing I sauntered into the bathroom. I couldn’t see much other than her silhouette, but I would know her curves anywhere. Damn, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her. I couldn’t decide if I should wait so we could talk first. But with her being her all the way in Toronto I knew we weren’t ready to let our love die. Words weren’t necessary, they could wait.

  “Get in, Graysen,” I heard her say. Opening the shower curtain her wet body came into view and I salivated at the sight. Her breasts were my favorite part of her body. So full and plentiful, the Hershey kisses gave me a toothache every time I indulged. Inside the shower, I ran my fingers through her hair. I waited for her to get mad about getting her hair wet and nothing came. I smiled and gently kissed her lips.

  “I missed you so damn much Naomi,” I spoke into her ear as I held her in my arms. My first instinct was to relieve the pressure, but I couldn’t treat this powerful once in a lifetime encounter as if it was all about sex. It wasn’t at all. My heart was back. I felt the beat, it was different. It wasn’t sluggish or lethargic. I had a new energy, a new purpose tonight.

  “I missed you too Graysen. Stuff has been so crazy and one day I’ll explain but for now, I just want to make love to my husband for the first time in a long time.”

  Lifting up her leg, I began to caress and stroke her pussy lips. The water already had her body wet but as I took one finger and dipped in and out of her love canal she got a different kind of wet. Wet like only she could for me. I hungrily kissed her lips as I continued to stroke and play with her pearl. She was moaning and holding on to my shoulder for dear life. Grabbing her wet hair I pulled her head back and let the water run down her neck as I sucked on those Hershey kiss chocolate nipples I loved so much.

  “It’s been so long,” she mumbled as I let her leg fall. Enough of the foreplay. I was ready to fuck the shit out of her. Turning her around she was now facing away from the shower head. The water beat down on my back as I slid inside and just stood there for a minute. The wetness of her folds caused me to pause and gain my composure.

  “I love you, Naomi,” I whispered in her ear as I started to rock back and forth. Shit, she felt the same way I thought she would. She felt like a dream come true. Grabbing her hips I began to pull her body back as she caught each thrust like a champ. The more she moaned the harder I went. And she was giving them right back. Her back was arched giving me perfect access to each nerve ending I needed to see her come unglued.

  Before I could switch positions her body talked to me and let me know she was close. Going harder, I wanted to share the moment with her. It would be the first in a while. One last thrust back, and she was raining her love oil on my dick. I grunted and gripped her ass as my release rolled through like the midnight train.



  Stop pointing fingers, the blame is on me- Boyz II Men

  After sex for the last hour, all I wanted to do was eat something more than dick. Shit, my body was tired, and I would definitely need to see my masseuse when I made it back home. The body was a beautiful thing, but it wasn’t made for impromptu sex sessions after years of not having any. I was sucked bone dry and didn’t know how I would function in the morning.

  “Bae, I got them to bring new food up. My bad about that.”

  “Don’t apologize, I enjoyed myself and after a night like this eating isn’t as important as I thought,” I laughed. Steak and potatoes ain’t come close to how good our lovemaking was. That went down in history and I wouldn’t need Mara to help me remember.

  “Wanna tell me how you got here or no?”

  “Well my original plan was to come here and talk but one thing lead to another and it got lost in the shuffle,” I shrugged. “I wish I could tell you everything, but I can’t without you thinking I’m crazy. But I just had some time to remember how we used to be, and I took some to acknowledge that I was wrong. I don’t want to be without you, Graysen. I never wanted that. I did, however, want to control our fate and our fate isn’t just in my hands. I messed up and I want to fix it.”

  “Can I ask why now without you getting upset?”

  “I want to break the curse of my parents. Somehow, although I wanted to be nothing like them, I ended up just like them both. I lash out like my father. I can’t control my emotions like him. Living and loving me shouldn’t be hard for you. You’ve been my best friend for years and I don’t want that to change.”

  “Naomi, I never wanted to get a divorce. You made me feel like I had no other option. Your happiness is so important to me even if it means I can’t have you how I want. I wanted to prove a point, but I also wanted you happy. But the other day I called it off, because it felt wrong. It felt like we hadn’t tried hard enough,” he admitted causing me to cover my eyes. For so long I thought he hated me, and I felt like I hated him.

  “I want to have a baby, look at the camera feed. I know you said if I came to you and could show you I was for real you would stay, and we would work it out. That’s my peace offering,” I mentioned holding his hands. He smiled and his eyes softened. He lowered himself in front of me and looked me in my eyes. I was nervous, I hoped he still wanted kids because I was ready now. It was now or never. Not to mention the contractor was there painting, assembling cribs and creating a tuck away for private bonding.

  “Bae, that makes me really happy, like really happy. But,”

  “But what?”

  “Relax and let me finish. I don’t want you to do this because you think that’s the only way to keep me around. It’s not. I would love to have kids with you it’s been a wish for a long time, but it was about you believing me when I promised to be different. I need you to love me enough to trust that I have your best interest at heart. I want you to be a mom and career woman if that makes you feel whole and full. Because all I want is for you to have pure and unspeakable happiness. I know you had a life I won’t understand, and I don’t hold that against you. I thought we worked so well because you knew I believed in you. It hurt and frustrated me that you didn’t think it was still that way.”

  “I’m asking you as humble as I can. What can I do for you? You’ve done so much and took on so much on the strength of me and I need to know. I want to know so we can move forward,”

p; “I want compromise and communication, love. I want you to respect me and show me this is what you want. We can't keep playing games with one another. I gain nothing from holding you back. I’ll set you free if that’s what you want.”

  I wasn’t leaving this hotel room unsure of anything. I wasn’t leaving this hotel room on different wavelengths. I would be here day in and day out to prove my love for him. He deserved it, I couldn’t deny he had always been the one that loved me no matter what. Occasionally, I felt like he loved me more than my own parents. Since we separated it felt like I was underwater and suffocating. Scratching and clawing attempting to get back to land. I would kiss it and never let it go once I landed on solid ground.

  Graysen was a necessity and I couldn’t live without him even if I tried. He was my forever love and I wasn’t going to give up when we both were ready to get it right. For once we were on the same page, reading the same sheet of music, singing the same tune.

  “I love you and I want to be all you want and need me to be.”


  A year later

  Namiko sing to me- Jhene Aiko

  “Graysen, don’t forget my bag,” I heard her scream from the back room. Naomi had me running around frantic. Between checking her bag, the baby’s bag, and making sure she didn’t eat anything I didn’t know if I was coming or going. When she tapped me five minutes ago saying she thought Namiko was coming I felt like she was mistaken. We had one of these scares before. Got her all the way to the hospital and it was a false alarm. But shit got real when she wet the bed.

  “I got the bag. Don’t eat those chips, Naomi,” I warned on my way to get her and help her down the stairs. My excitement was suppressed because I was so worried about her. Because of her age, the doctors said she had to be careful because she was high risk. We thought we were at the prime age to have a child but apparently not. This entire pregnancy had been rocky. This scare and that scare, but it was all worth it as we headed out of our home and to the hospital.


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