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The Nanny

Page 7

by Alta Hensley

  "It is just down here. Third door on the left, from the end of the hall," Gia said. She turned the handle and stepped into the room. She stalled momentarily, taking a deep breath as Theo came up behind her. At the slight hint of contact, she rushed to the windows and opened the shades, allowing more light to come into the room. "It is much bigger than my quarters as a nanny."

  Theo smiled and shut the door behind him, coming further into the room. "You do not need to be nervous," he said, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. Perhaps if she knew he was not going to rush her for a romance that needed to bloom, she would relax. "What do you think of your nursery?"

  "The nursery is not what makes me nervous, nor is it you, Mr. Elliott."

  Theo pushed himself from the bed and stood. "You are to address me as 'Papa.'" He did not like her being so formal with him. Stepping closer, into her personal space, he loomed above her, much taller than she in height and stature. His hand found her lower back as he listened to her sharp gasp.

  "Papa, you are not to touch your little one. Not yet." Gia slipped from his grasp, her height making it easier for her to whisk away from him. Her voice remained firm, and he dropped his hands to his sides. She was not in charge, but he also did not wish to take advantage of her. Soon she would discover that her choices would belong to either himself or her nanny, and that she would obey or there would be consequences. Theo did not wish to remind her of that just yet. She would discover it soon enough.

  "You are right. I apologize. Until you are regressed, you are still Giana." He sat back down on the edge of the bed, resting his hands in his lap. He needed to see her as the adult she was; her mind and body had not yet reverted to childlike abandon. Her fears would flit away when it did happen, and she would trust him. Theo just had to give it time. "I would like to have tea with you, Giana. Would that be all right?"

  "Yes, Papa. I would like that very much."

  She surprised him, calling him exactly as he desired. His cock pulsed in his trousers at the mere mention of his coveted name spilling from her lips. He needed to take things slowly, in a few hours everything would fall right into place. The examination was still a short time away, and when it occurred, he would be there to embrace her and soothe any fears she had.

  "May I fetch the tea and pastries?" Giana asked. "Usually a nanny or maid would procure the meals, but my change in status here has forced everyone else to double their workload."

  "Philip will hire someone soon to replace your position as nanny. I am sure he just needs the time to find a young lady who is capable of caring for the little ones at Ashby."

  "Yes, I am sure that he will, in time." Giana pointed toward the door. "I will return in a few minutes. Please make yourself comfortable."

  She closed the door behind her and Theo stood up from the bed. Curious, he glanced first out of the window, taking in the view of the sun now high above the horizon. The room was basked in a warm yellow glow. The décor was hand-painted, cherry blossoms along two walls, and trees and vines that stretched along the wall of the door, across to where the washroom with the tub lay situated just beyond another open door. There was no physical door to close, no real privacy in the nursery, not that a little would need privacy. How would his little Gia react to such a different type of care than she was used to? She had been a nanny before, so the change would be great. He had not thought to ask the question if she enjoyed being a nanny. He really did not know anything about her at all. As soon as she returned with the tea, he would inquire about where she had been brought up, and what had led her to become a nanny for Mr. Hartley.

  When she did not return within five minutes, Theo found it difficult to remain still. His fingers grazed over the dresser and curiously he opened the drawers, glancing at the white cotton bloomers in the first one. He pulled open the second drawer to discover a black leather box. Wondering what was inside, he tipped the lid, pulling it back as the hinge creaked. His eyes widened at the sight of two, different sized plugs. Would those go into his little Gia's bottom?

  Mr. Hartley had given him a strange set of questions to fill out with the initial application; one having asked how interested he was in specific acts with his little one, including bottom play. Now he knew why. Smiling, Theo felt glad that he had put 'extremely interested' on the sheet. Had she seen the form? He could not recall it requiring a signature of any kind, but there were many pages of the application, and he had breezed through most of them.

  The lock clicked on the door and he snapped the lid of the box shut, pushing the drawer closed just as Gia stepped back into the room, carrying a silver tray. She brought the contents over towards the bed and placed the items on a small table.

  "Come and sit down. The tea is warm and we will get better acquainted with one another," she said.

  His heart swelled, and his cock throbbed at the thought of plugging his little Gia's bottom. Would he be allowed to perform the task himself, or would the nanny be the one separating her cheeks? Oh, how he desired to be in the room at the very least, to watch. But would he be able to contain himself? Mr. Hartley had made it clear that keeping her virtue intact was an absolute must until she graduated, but what about if he claimed her bottom? He did not think it would soil her reputation, and if he married her, there was no reason at all to worry. Pushing all thoughts aside, Theo sat back down on the mattress, his heart racing.

  Gia's hands shook as she poured them each a cup of tea, spilling a little on the tray. "I am so sorry!" she said, quick to apologize for her actions. "I do not know what has come over me."

  "You are nervous," Theo said. He patted the bed for her to sit with him. "Do not worry, I wish only to get to know more about the woman who will become my little Gia."

  She exhaled a soft breath. "Little Gia?"

  "Yes. Do you like that?"

  She remained silent for a few seconds and then slowly smiled, a smile warmer than the sunlight shining through the window. "Yes, Papa. I like that a lot."

  Theo smiled as his heart filled with joy. Her delicate little response was just what he wanted. "Tell your papa a little about yourself."

  "What do you wish to know?"

  "How long have you worked for Mr. Hartley?" He would start with the easier questions. Theo let his tea steep while he took a small pastry and pulled it apart to eat piece by piece. The crust was flaky and warm, buttery as it melted in his mouth.

  "Only a week," Gia answered. "He was incredibly kind to me, seeing as how I needed a job."

  She did not further elaborate, and he was not sure how much he cared to hear the specifics. "What about your parents? Would they not support you?"

  Her eyes cast down at the cup of tea and she reached for the porcelain, never meeting his intense stare. "They are dead."

  "I am so sorry," he said, not wanting to offend her. "Had I known, I never would have asked." Theo did not wish to upset her, and seeing as how she had come to work for Philip such a short time ago, he suspected the timing of her parents' deaths may have been recent. Perhaps bringing her into his world as a little was for the best, to pamper and care for her, remind her that the world did not have to feel so harsh and cold, and that she was not alone. "Tell me about yourself. Do you have any siblings?" He prayed silently that she did not have a sister or brother who had recently passed, as well.

  "I am an only child," Gia replied. "No cousins nearby, either. My parents and I were pretty close, but that feels like such a long time ago. What about you? Have you been married before?"

  Theo smiled. Did he look that much older to her? Yes, he had a few years on her, but it was not uncommon for women to marry a gentleman who was already established and had made a home for himself. "No. I have never been married. I will not lie; I have courted many ladies, but I did not find them satisfying. I am not in need of any woman's dowry, and I seek a woman to provide me with eternal happiness. Is that not what marriage should entail? If one must be bound for life, I wish it to be with someone who shares my passion for the same things."r />
  Her eyes crinkled upwards, as though she was smiling without her lips moving. "What are you passionate about?"

  He took another bite of his croissant and then sipped the steaming hot tea. "I am enthralled with the idea of my wife being little. Not always, of course, there is a time and a place, but I desire to take care of her whenever I can, and want her to please me without question in return."

  Theo could not tell what she thought of the idea. Trying to read her proved difficult, and the door creaked open without warning or so much as a knock. A woman in a dull gray dress with dark black hair and brown eyes entered.

  "Little Gia, it is time for you to get dressed. Your examination with Mr. Colt will be soon. Mr. Elliott, you may wait outside until we are done if you would like to accompany us to visit the school's doctor."

  "Doctor?" Gia asked. "I am not sick."

  Theo pushed himself off the mattress. "I will wait outside." Had no one informed her of the examination to ensure that her virtue was still intact? They were still getting to know one another. He did not wish to spoil the good moments with her remembering that he had had her strapped down for a look at her most intimate area. Perhaps it was not so awful as the word 'examination' made it sound. They all needed to be certain that she was healthy, and not knowing how her parents had recently perished, he did not want anything to happen to his little Gia.

  Chapter VIII

  Giana watched quietly as her papa left the room and the door was shut behind him.

  Nanny Vivian stalked across to the armoire and retrieved a dress similar to the gowns the littles had worn when Giana had been a nanny. She knew the routine and yet, being on the other side of it still felt foreign to her. Nanny Vivian placed the red and black checkered dress upon the mattress.

  "Turn around."

  Giana turned around to allow her nanny to loosen the ties on the back of the faded blue dress that reached her toes. She was no longer a nanny and, as such, did not need the clothes for one. She had no intention of giving her new nanny a hard time, as Teresa had done to her, because she knew Vivian, and though they had not had the opportunity to be close, she had still been kind to her. Relieved it had not been Nanny Beth to stomp into her room unannounced, she was beginning to enjoy the attention and relaxed. What was the worst that would happen as a little? She knew the girls had no cares, everything was taken care of, and they were showered with attention.

  "Arms up," Vivian said, and Gia lifted her arms and let her nanny remove the dress, leaving her standing with her bloomers on and the key to the hall nestled securely around her neck. Her nanny dutifully removed the metal chain and key, bringing it carefully up over her charge's head, so as not to tangle it in the young woman's hair. Vivian then slid the chain around her own neck, burying it deep under her gown for safekeeping. Wordlessly, Nanny Vivian dropped the dress to the floor and bent down, her fingers brushing over Gia's hips, sliding the bloomers down past her thighs and to the floor. "Step out of the undergarments. Littles have an entirely different wardrobe, as you well know."

  Gia did know that the clothes were different, and though she had admired the dresses on the littles, she was unsure how she herself would look in one. Did it matter? The decision had been made, and there was no taking it back. She had signed the documents agreeing to become 'little Gia' for her papa Theo.

  Nanny Vivian retrieved a pair of bloomers and, one leg at a time, slid them up little Gia's thighs until they rested around her waist. Reaching for the dress on the bed, she loosened the bodice. "Hands up." Her nanny guided her arms into the dress first, then her head, before pulling it down to just past her thighs.

  The dress was short, and her bloomers almost showed. If she bent forward, everyone would get a good look at her bum. She would have to remember to sit like a lady at all times.

  "Climb onto the bed, little Gia. I need to retrieve your stockings and shoes. Everything should be here in your size. Headmaster Philip had it all delivered late last night."

  Gia climbed atop the mattress, her feet dangling from the bed. A moment later, Nanny Vivian brought a set of white stockings and black shoes to her. She pulled up a chair to sit down and took the girl's foot onto her lap, starting with her left leg. Slowly, Nanny Vivian guided the white stocking up Gia's leg to her thigh, and repeated the gesture with the second stocking.

  "What time is the appointment with the doctor?" Gia's voice hitched slightly, her nerves unsettled at the unknown. There were some aspects she was comfortable with, especially those in which she had been an active participant from a different perspective. She knew what bath time would be like, as well as bed time. What she had not been privy to were doctor's visits, as well as time with the girls' papas.

  "As soon as we get dressed, Dr. Colt will be ready to see you."

  Little Gia nodded, and as her nanny finished sliding the shiny black shoes on Gia's feet, she reached for her hand, helping her off the mattress and leading her out into the hallway.

  "I must say, you are the first little to not give me any trouble with getting dressed on her first day. I am pleased. Your papa will be, as well." Nanny Vivian relinquished her hold on Gia's hand, passing her to her papa. "I will lead the way to the doctor's office."

  At the mere mention and acknowledgement of what was to come, little Gia's hands began to tremble. She had never lain with a man, so far as she could remember, but it did not discount the scandal that had forced her out onto the streets, and which she had lost her family over.

  Surely they could not discover such things from their examination? Was it a test that was verbal or physical? She suspected there would be some intimate parts that she would prefer to skip, but how exactly could one tell that she had not lost her purity?

  Her hands shook and as she clutched her papa's hand, he must have felt the jitters she was feeling. As she trembled, the air in the hall felt cold and stale, uncomfortable to her. Nanny Vivian opened the door on the right and led them into the small room.

  "The doctor will be with you shortly." She shut the door behind them, leaving the two of them alone.

  The room smelled strange, and Giana scrunched her nose as the odor tickled her senses. The stark white walls and examination table looked less than inviting. Her eyes roamed over the black leather bag perched upon the wooden desk. She untangled her hand from her papa's and approached the leather bag, curious to peek inside.

  "Little Gia," her papa warned. "You should not snoop through others' belongings. It is impolite."

  "I am not snooping. Only looking," she said. "I did not touch anything." She had not let her fingers walk through his bag, but she had intended to, had Theo not raised his voice to stop her. Was he not curious, too, about what contents the doctor kept in his leather satchel? The smell of fresh leather reminded her of home. Her father had owned a set of brown leather gloves that had offered the same wonderful aroma. It brought back memories, both good and bad, of her time with her parents. Worried that her papa might ask what troubled her, Giana pushed the more recent, sad memories aside.

  The door creaked as it opened and in walked a plump, crooked-nosed, gray-haired gentleman with whom Gia was unfamiliar. He must have been the doctor the littles were all sent to visit. He wore a stethoscope around his neck, an instrument she had become familiar with growing up. Giana had visited the doctor as a child because of an infection in her lungs. Eventually the illness had passed and left her with no side effects, but it had been an unpleasant experience all round. This man did not seem interested in procuring leeches, at least she had not seen any from the quick glimpse in his leather bag.

  "Hello, little Gia. I am Doctor Colt, the physician for Ashby. I hear you were a nanny for one of the girls before becoming a little yourself?"

  Gia merely nodded, words failing her, surprised that he had known who she was. He carried a file with him, and she suspected it was solely about her. Did it include how Mr. Hartley had found Giana? She did not wish for her papa to discover that she had been a street urchin. Sh
e worried that he might look upon her with disgust, though it would be better to be hurt now, rather than later when she had fallen for him.

  "I think she is perhaps a little nervous," her papa said, defending her. He glanced at her curiously. What was he thinking?

  "There is nothing to be shy or anxious about, child. The exam will be over quickly. We just want to make sure that you are in proper health since you are around other young ladies, and that your virginity is still intact."

  "Yes, sir." He had not explained the specifics of the examination, but she suspected there would be some moments of embarrassment and discomfort.

  "Good." Doctor Colt smiled, seeming pleased with her behavior. "I am going to give you this gown to put on. Leave it open in the back. We will begin as soon as you are dressed. I shall wait outside."

  Doctor Colt left the gray gown of wool on the table beside Gia before stepping out and shutting the door.

  Gia exhaled a soft breath. How bad could it be? She felt her papa's eyes on her. "Would you please turn around?" she asked, wanting her privacy.

  "No," Papa said. "You are my little one, and you do not need privacy. Just as children are to be taken care of, I shall look after and care for you, little Gia. Now just relax, and I will take off your pretty colorful dress and get you into that itchy old thing for the doctor."

  His words brought a smile to her face. The gown did look rather dreadful. Did all the girls have to wear it? Surely they could have come up with another material that did not feel so scratchy. Her fingers ran over the stiff gray wool, and she crinkled her nose with disgust.

  Theo took a seat on the stool and reached for her shoes, working the shiny black soles off first.

  She watched him pay her special attention. No one had ever helped her dress, except for just a few minutes prior when Nanny Vivian had put her into a gown, but that had been different. It had felt methodical, as though it were a chore. With her papa, the way he was watching her, Gia felt her heart thump loudly in her chest.


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