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The Nanny

Page 12

by Alta Hensley

  Philip nodded. "Give her a coat to cover up that dress, and keep her warm. I am sure with that, you will both be fine. There should be one in the armoire that fits her."

  "Yes, of course." Theo reached for Gia's hand and found that she did not flinch or pull back. He wanted the chance to talk to her outside, where there was fresh air, and no ears listening in on their conversation. Perhaps in silence, and outdoors, she would reveal to him whatever it was that she was hiding.

  "Thank you," Gia said, her voice barely above a whisper as he opened the door to her nursery.

  Theo stalked into the room and strode right for the armoire, opening it to reveal a dark green coat that would cover her all the way down to the shoes that she wore. He helped her into the coat, her arms first and then he buttoned up the material to make certain that she would be warm outside. "You may want to pull up the hood," he said. "It was chilly this morning when I rode in."

  She flipped the hood up, letting it fall over her face, hiding her features. Theo led her from the nursery to wait outside while he retrieved his coat and hat from the dining hall. Taking her hand, he led her down the steps and outside.

  The air remained cool but without the wind, it was not too brutal or uncomfortable. He wanted to hold her hand but she buried her bare fingers into the pockets of her coat. Theo did not blame her for preferring to keep warm over his companionship at the moment. She was keeping him company, and he hoped to get her to open up about what she had meant about being a street urchin. It was evident to him that she had struggled recently, but he could not fathom the specifics, other than the fact that her parents had recently passed away. Perhaps that had left her without money or a dowry, forcing her to take the job as nanny or become a street urchin. Could that be the tale that Nanny Beth had shared without thought?

  "It is nice out here. I'd forgotten what the cold felt like," Gia said.

  Theo nudged her gently as they walked along the stone path that led from the chateau around the back of the building, to where the garden was situated. "I know it may be difficult to speak about, losing your parents, but I wish to know what made you become a nanny."

  Her eyes focused on the ground as she walked, the hood from her coat covering any hint of her eyes, as it was oversized to shield her from the wind. "I did not have much of a choice."

  "There is always a choice," Theo said. He was giving Gia a chance to explain herself, but she did not seem willing to take it. The silence surrounded them as they walked until they approached a bench. He sat down and waited for her to join him.

  With a sigh, she sat beside him, glancing toward him with the hood still hiding her eyes. "I get the feeling that Mr. Hartley chooses young women who would go unnoticed when they disappear into his littles' school," she said at length.

  He took in her words and tried to make sense of them. "Do you mean that he chooses street urchins for the position of nanny?" Theo found it difficult to believe that Philip would entrust the care of his littles to women with no proper education or experience.

  "Yes, it is possible."

  "Though highly unlikely," Theo said. "You are not honestly telling me that you were a street urchin?"

  Silence surrounded them as they sat on the bench. The wind whipped, forcing Theo to secure the hat atop his head with his hand.

  "I may have been poor for a short time, but street urchin is a horrid term to use," Gia said. "My parents… after their deaths, nothing was left for me. There were debts I had not known existed and I was forced out of my home. I applied to Mr. Hartley to be a governess at his finishing school, but he suggested I would be better received as a nanny. I had no reason to question any position he offered to me. I needed a warm bed and a hot meal. The job came with living arrangements. Who was I to turn it down?"

  His shoulders relaxed as he slumped forward and stood. Of course she had not been a street urchin, but the teasing because of her recent status had probably been too much to bear and made the words feel true, even though they were not. "Come," he said and reached for her hand, leading her back toward the front doors to the school.

  "Where are we going?" she asked.

  "Your honesty will be rewarded." Theo had every intention of praising her for being honest, showing her that truth was important and he was pleased with her admission. He guided her back into the building that they had left unlocked. Securing the door on the first floor, he loosened the buttons on his coat and walked up the back stairwell, knocking until Nanny Vivian opened the door for them.

  "What were you doing with her outside?" Vivian asked, glancing Gia over from head to toe.

  "We had a long talk. Your services will not be required for the rest of this evening. I will personally be caring for my little Gia until she goes down for bed."

  Nanny Vivian's eyes narrowed. "Does Mr. Hartley know about this arrangement?"

  "He gave me permission to take little Gia outdoors and to put her to bed." It was the in-between that had not been discussed.

  "I do not think she should be put to bed at this hour, but if you wish to be responsible for her care and well-being, I do not see why that can't be done," Nanny Vivian said. "I suggest you mind your manners, little Gia, or your papa has permission to use his hand or the paddle to remind you and your bottom who is in charge."

  "Yes, Nanny Vivian," Gia said, her voice soft as she stared down at the ground.

  Her nanny pushed the hood back and away from Gia's face. "Look at me," Vivian said. Gia's head tilted up as she met the woman's stern brown eyes. "I want a good report tomorrow from your papa, or your bottom will face additional punishment."

  "Yes, Nanny Vivian."

  Theo continued down the corridor and opened the door to the nursery. "I know it is still much too early for bed, but I thought we might spend some time together, just the two of us."

  "I would like that very much," Gia said.

  He removed his hat and coat, leaving his things on the nearby chair in which he had sat before, while he'd watched her fall asleep. Then he strode with large steps across the room, breaking the distance between them as he undid the buttons of her coat and slid the material off her shoulders, placing it back into the armoire for safe keeping.

  She stood, unwavering, and not moving an inch from where he had removed her coat. "You can sit down, Gia. Make yourself comfortable, this is your nursery."

  "I do not wish to disappoint you, Papa."

  "You could never do that, so long as you are honest." He came up to stand in front of her, his thumb drawing under her cheek, raising her eyes to meet his. Staring into her beautiful warm chocolate gaze, he could see such sadness, and longing mixed with fear. What frightened her? "That is all I ask of you. Always be honest."

  "I am," she whispered, her voice trembling. She cleared her throat and offered a faint smile. "Will you read to me, Papa?"

  "If you would like me to read to you, little Gia, I would be happy to do so." He did not dare admit that he had hoped to undress his little one and take comfort in her warm embrace, curled and tangled around her, their bodies exploring one another. Theo recognized he could not take her virginity, but he could think of many ways to indulge his fantasies. Were they not hers, as well? Did she not feel the pull of warmth and emotion, the tug of her body wanting to merge with his? "Fetch a book," he said, letting her choose a story while he took off his shoes and stretched out upon the mattress.

  She picked up Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and carried it back to the bed with her. "Can we read this story?"

  The book was so thick and fat, there was little chance they would get through the entire contents in one day. "We may read the first chapter, but I do not think we will have time for all of the book today. I promise that we will read a little each night." It was his understanding that littles lived at the chateau for a minimum of two years, most were residents for three, and sometimes even four if they needed additional discipline and structure.

  Gia climbed onto the bed and curled into her papa's embrace. With
her hand resting on his chest, could she feel his steady heartbeat? The rhythm quickened as her body nestled against him, her head resting on the crook of his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her, keeping her close, sheltering her from the world as best he could.

  He did not know when it happened. Little Gia had fallen asleep while he'd read two chapters; the first had only just scratched the surface, making him hungry to find out what awaited them in the story.

  "Gia, sweetie, it is time to wake up." If she napped now, she would not be tired at bedtime. His hand gently caressed her arm, coaxing her softly from slumber as she stirred against him.

  The warmth of her body, and the movements of her leg sliding between his, felt tantalizing against his clothed groin. His cock throbbed in protest, begging for release. She had not teased him on purpose, yet it did not matter. He felt his heart quicken and sweat bead on his forehead. They had over an hour before he was to feed her dinner. More than sixty minutes with her alone, to enjoy her body, if she let him.

  Her eyes lazily opened and her cheeks were red and warm from being pressed against him as she slept.

  "I'm sorry I fell asleep," Gia said, sitting up and wiping the sleep from her eyes.

  "It is not your fault that you were tired." He did not blame her for the exhausting day she had experienced. If he had been on the receiving side of what she had been through, he most certainly would have slept through dinner, and possibly until morning. "Lie back on the bed," he said, giving her instructions. "I want to reward you for your honesty, as I promised." Just knowing what he had planned made his cock twitch. This was for her pleasure, his would come later, after dinner.

  He did not bother to remove or even loosen the ties on her dress. He lifted the hem of her gown and shifted on the mattress, crawling up her thighs.

  "What are you going to do?" she asked, her voice soft and filled with trepidation.

  "I am going to taste your sweet nectar and let your body experience pure bliss," Theo said. His breath tickled over her bloomers as he nuzzled and smelled her musky scent through the fabric.

  Gia did not object. Was her heart thumping as wildly as his pulse?

  The pads of his fingers reached her waist and he gently guided the cotton material past her hips and down her legs, kissing her thighs… her creamy, pale skin along the way.

  She moaned and shifted, seeming restless as his breath tickled a path back up toward the mound of smooth, freshly shaven, soft skin. His fingers separated her folds and he heard her sharp intake of breath as his own mouth hovered, teasing but not yet giving in to what she wanted.

  "This is a reward, for your honesty and bravery in telling me the truth." He ran his tongue over her sweet folds and up to her pearl, swirling and teasing the tiny gem as it swelled from its hood. His fingers felt her wetness and slid one, then two, slowly inside her entrance. Her bottom had been plugged, and Theo saw no reason to remove the implement right now. Gia's muscles would latch onto the glass plug and surely intensify the orgasm he intended to give her.

  Her head dipped back, and her fingers trailed over the mattress until he took her hand and placed it onto his head. Theo wanted to feel her touch, to discover what she craved, and know when she was close. Yes, he could feel the first spasm as her insides clenched onto his digits but he wanted to feel her all around him.

  His cock throbbed, wanting desperately to be released and satisfied as he indulged her for being honest. He did not care that it had taken a proper sitting down and discussion outside to get her to speak the truth. All that mattered was that she was his, and she was truthful. Those were the two things he needed most of all.

  Her hands tugged at his hair. It was the small gestures, the simple movements that he studied and felt, taking her cues, knowing what she liked and what she loved. Theo wanted her to love him and to experience what no one had ever been able to give her—until that stupid doctor had done so.

  Theo did not dare admit he resented Doctor Colt, but the emotions did run pretty close. The mere fact that the man had been allowed to touch his little Gia and bring her to orgasm in front of him, was both stimulating and heartbreaking, all at once. The only man permitted to touch his little Gia ought to be himself. Theo understood that the doctor had merely been performing the required exam for his own benefit, but it did not matter; jealousy had raged inside him and he had not been able to let it go, until now.

  Her insides tensed around his digits and wetness seeped onto his tongue as her gasps became moans and her body trembled below his touch. He did not want the moment to be over so soon and yet it was; she was gasping for breath, trembling in his arms, pulsating around his fingers. He reveled in the feeling that she had come, solely for him. This moment, this delicious and precious moment, did not have to be shared with anyone else.

  Slowly, he withdrew his fingers and placed one last kiss over the soft lips of her quim as he retreated, lying back on the mattress, his own heart thumping as though it might explode from his chest.

  A faint smile curved her lips. "That was wonderful, Papa."

  "I am glad you enjoyed our little time together. After dinner, we will share additional companionship that I might enjoy."

  She smiled shyly. "That sounds wonderful as well, Papa."

  Chapter XIV

  Gia did not know what her papa had meant by 'sharing companionship time' together. She had given him no reason to worry as her lie had seemed to slip past him all too easily. Though she cared greatly for Theo and had not wished to lie to him, it had been too difficult to confess the truth: Gia's parents were very much alive, and she had been disgraced and forced to leave her home.

  He would never have to know her secret, there was no reason for him to discover the truth. As far as he knew, her parents were deceased, so he would have no need to meet her father and ask his permission to marry their daughter.

  She had not told Mr. Hartley of her family, so the secret was safe so long as she could bury it deep within herself. Gia felt terrible about lying to Theo. Her papa was a nice man, a gentleman who had given her a better life and wanted to make her happy. He had proven that to her, and yet she still felt compelled to hide the truth, afraid of what it would mean for her, were it to be revealed. Surely if he knew of the scandal that had disgraced her family and her name, he would want to get as far from her as possible.

  Guilt found its way into her heart as he had been most kind to her, reading her a story, pleasuring her in ways she had not thought imaginable. Every time he reminded her that he was doing those things to reward her for being honest, it tore her up on the inside, breaking her heart just a little bit more. When would it shatter? She could not let Theo know the truth, and yet she was worried that he would discover it on his own. Gia knew that keeping a secret so big would potentially result in causing her great pain, but confessing the truth proved to be that much harder. She did the only thing she could think of: win his love. Perhaps if he discovered the truth later, it would prove easier. He would be unable to push her away or toss away what they had shared as though it were rubbish. Gia trusted only in herself, and would not speak of the street urchin story ever again.

  "I want you to put your bloomers back on while I bring us a tray for dinner," Papa said, giving her strict instructions.

  She nodded and sat up in bed, watching as he left the room. Gia climbed off the mattress and gathered her cotton bloomers from the floor, taking them with her to the chamber pot. She had been holding her bladder all day, not wishing to relieve herself in front of either her nanny or her papa.

  As she finished her business, the door to the nursery opened and she stood quickly, wiping herself dry before sliding her bloomers back up her legs.

  "Little Gia?" Papa said.

  "Coming!" She shoved the chamber pot beside the porcelain tub and headed back into the nursery.

  "What were you doing?" His eyes narrowed as he watched her intently. Did he not trust her? She had given him no reason to worry, Gia was being extra careful to quell
his fears.

  "I had to use the chamber pot," she said, pointing behind her. "My bloomers are back on." She lifted the hem of her dress for him to see the white cotton material he had grown so familiar with just moments earlier.

  "Yes, I see that. It is not proper for you to lift your dress like that, little Gia."

  "I am sorry." She hung her head and diverted her eyes from his sharp gaze. She did not wish to disappoint her papa.

  "All is forgiven. We shall sit and enjoy dinner." Papa brought the tray of delicious food to the bed.

  Gia cleared the nightstand, making room for the tray, ensuring it would not spill onto the mattress. "Everything smells delicious," she said, smiling as she sat back down on the edge of the bed.

  The room had once smelled strange; of powder and spice, but now the pleasant aromas of dinner wafted through the air. Her stomach gurgled at the sight of mashed potatoes, and her mouth watered when she saw beef fairly swimming in gravy.

  "You will eat your vegetables first," Papa said, taking his knife and fork, dicing up the carrots and green beans into small, bite-sized pieces.

  "I can do that, so you can eat too," Gia offered.

  "I am sure you are more than capable of doing so as Miss Giana Hayes; however, as my little Gia, you will allow me do such things for you, including cutting up your food and feeding it to you."

  He had not fed her before. Was it because she was now dressed as a little? "You did not find it necessary to do so before," Gia said. She did not intend to sound rude or abrasive, but she did not understand what had changed.

  He continued to cut up her meal, including the beef, into small pieces appropriate for a young child to chew without choking on. At least he had not mashed her beef into a puree that was no longer recognizable, like the potatoes. It still irritated her. She enjoyed being little in many respects, but he did have to realize that she was still an adult. Acting like a little one did not physically make her little.

  "Before, little Gia, you were dressed as a nanny. I did not, therefore, find it appropriate until after your exam, when the paperwork had been finalized and you were mine. There is no reason to get upset, love. I am only doing this for you, so that you may be doted on and cared for. Do you not like being little?"


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