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The Embers of Phoenix (The Inferno Pack Book 1)

Page 15

by AJ Blackburn

  “Mm hmm,” I answer with just sounds because there’s no way words are going to come out. Ryder’s finger dips inside and I almost cum right then, but he pulls back out to lazily circle my clit again. “Please.” Yeah okay, I’m willing to beg. My legs are shaking, and I can’t hold on much longer, the teasing is killing me. My response from them both is a chuckle. Seriously. Frustrated, I pull my hands from behind Ryder’s neck, but before I can get them anywhere both males stop.

  “What did Ryder tell you not to do, sweetheart?” Elliott raises a brow at me, I begrudgingly put my hands back.

  “Move them again and they will be tied.” Ryder’s tone just turns me on even more. Then his hand starts to move again, I close my eyes and my head rocks back as my hips buck. Then a second hand joins his, Elliott spears two fingers deep in me and curves them as he starts to push them hard and faster. Ryder rubs my clit and I’m swept under as an orgasm rips through me. I’m still shuddering as I feel myself being moved.

  I’m pinned between them still, this time I’m straddling Elliott as I look into his golden eyes, my breath catching in my lungs at the heat, need, and adoration that shines back at me. I shudder as I feel the warmth from Ryder’s powerfully toned body behind me, holding me against him, the dips and valleys of his muscles pressing against my back makes my pussy clench around nothing, desperate to be filled. Ryder’s hand snakes around my neck and turns my head to the side, his mouth comes down roughly onto mine, his tongue forcing its way in to play with my own. Elliott’s mouth latching on to a nipple has me bucking my hips as his fingers drive into me again, spreading me wide, apprehension suddenly gripping me tight. Ryder’s voice comes from just behind my shoulder while Elliott’s fingers slowly dip in and out of my slick channel.

  “Just relax, baby. We won’t hurt you, just trust us.” And I realise I do trust them more than I can possibly say. Damn, I don’t just trust them, I fucking love the bastards, but I’m keeping that to myself just now.

  Ryder’s fingers slip into my pussy alongside Elliott’s, the sensation of having both of my mates fingers stretching me has an unexpected orgasm ripping through me. I grip onto Elliott’s arms, my nails biting hard into his toned biceps, my forehead resting on his shoulder as my muscles contract and release through my entire body. I pull my head back to look at him as they both pull their fingers from my dripping pussy. His hands move to grip my hips and I tense up. My tension is lost though as he pulls me down slowly, and his huge cock spreads me wide, and fuck if it isn’t amazing. His eyes never leave mine as he pushes all the way in and groans in ecstasy. Slowly, Elliott pumps in and out of me, he reaches a hand around the back of my neck and pulls my mouth to his. Ryder grips onto my hips and starts to push me down harder onto Elliott’s cock.

  “Do you like his cock in you, Phoenix?”

  “Yes,” I pant out.

  “Do you want mine in you too?”

  “Yes,” I answer him.

  “Good girl.” He then slowly slides a finger into my ass, I grit my teeth at the intrusion and the slight pain it causes. The sting soon turns to pleasure. I moan for more, desperate for release and I’m rewarded with another finger and a wave of pleasure powers through me. Then Ryder’s fingers are gone, and something much, much larger is replacing them. Oh shit. I didn’t think about this when I said yes to his cock too, I was caught up in the moment. I tense up, panic gripping me in her talons.

  “Relax, sweetheart, we have you.” Elliott has stilled under me, waiting, but his hands run up and down my sides, soothing me. I take a deep breath and try to relax. Ryder pushing all the way in has me hissing through my teeth, and I feel anything but relaxed.

  I’ve never in my life felt so... Full? Stuffed? Stretched? All three? But when they start moving again; in and out, out and in, moving in perfect rhythm with each other, I forget all about the burning butt pain as exquisite pleasure and happiness thrums through my entire body. What feels like far too soon all three of us are coming together.

  Collapsing on top of Elliott panting, I ride out my high. He runs his fingers softly up and down my spine, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I must look like some kind of limp noodle, I’m sure of it. I hear Ryder leave the room and come back to clean me up. Then he’s sliding back into bed and I’m locked back between them both. Snuggled and safe, albeit a little sore, but this is the good kind of sore. I never want this night to end. But I do know one thing for sure, we are going to need a bigger bed.

  Before falling asleep I look down at my side, two very different yet prominent black wolf prints adorned my side. They are so beautiful and I can instantly tell which is Ryder and which is Elliott from their designs. But below theirs are two faint silver outlines of pawprints. They aren’t bold enough to make out a design or to tell who they belong to. Could that mean I have two other mates? Maybe they belong to Ryder and Elliott and I’m just overthinking things. Or maybe I’m just too tired and I’m now seeing things?

  Two weeks after getting Phoenix back home to pack territory and no one would think anything had happened, that’s if you look just at the surface. Look a little longer at those of us involved and you can see the scars, those healing on the surface and those much deeper. Dane had held a pack meeting and told them every detail about the hunters and alchemists, but the biggest and hardest part to take in and digest was about Jordan. Every one of us had trusted him. I’d not been a pack member for as long as others and I’d trusted him too, not only that, I had considered him a friend. He had been around my mate for years, he could have snuffed her life out at any time, and two weeks ago he nearly succeeded in killing our sister. How had I never seen his true colours? I’ve been beating myself up about it ever since.

  The scars that are still healing on Phoenix gave us all the confirmation of how wrong we had been to trust him. Our Beta, Josh, was healing well also. After the fight he had to be persuaded to go to the pack healer, Joanna. However, after spending a few days with her he didn’t seem to mind being there.

  Gossip spreads well in any pack, but our trainee healer, Rain, told me herself, so I knew the truth of it. She always manages to bump into me. I know why she does it, her flirty smile and near touches, that I always manage to avoid, only ever happen when Ember isn’t around. I have zero interest in her. Hell, I have no interest in anyone other than my beautiful mate. Rain is playing a dangerous game though. To me she’s harmless, but Ember would go savage on her if she found out she was trying to lure me away. Thinking about my savage, crazy, beautiful mate makes me smile to myself.

  Surprisingly, most of the pack has accepted that Phoenix has more than one mate. Her mother, Edith, is over the moon, far more than Dane is. I know those cold stares he keeps giving Ryder and Elliott, they are all too familiar to me, I remember being in their shoes. They are tough enough to take them though. I’m also sure that’s why Dane does it, making sure they are good enough for his baby girl. I couldn’t help myself for digging at them about it though.

  I’m finally no longer outnumbered, which is fucking spectacular. It’s great having male company, and they’re both a good laugh. We always pull pranks on the girls, and we always end up paying for them. Separately, they are savage, together I’m pretty sure they could rule hell by the way they dole out punishments. Elliott is still healing from his tormented time in the cells and Phoenix has an awful lot to do with that. When watching them interact he’s so different with her than with anyone else. He’s soft, caring, and tender, not at all what I expected from my first impression of him. He is very stoic, blunt, and comes across as rude with other members of the pack outside of the five of us. His behaviour works exactly how he wants it to, no one comes near him. I often see Phoenix growling at females who even look in the direction of her mates, it’s comical. For a girl who has never had feelings for other males, she certainly isn’t letting these two go anywhere. Just another thing for me to tease her about.

  Elliott also doesn’t get drunk easily, as we found out a few nights ago. My beautiful
Ember had decided we needed a family bonding night, so we invited Phoenix, Ryder, and Elliott round for a massive pork roast with all the trimmings. Delicious. Then someone, maybe it was Ember or maybe Phoenix, possibly both, had decided that playing drinking games was the way to go. It had been great, right until the point I was holding Ember’s hair out of the way while she was sick, which in turn made me sick, then Phoenix started heaving while Ryder stumbled over to help her. Thank fuck we had moved outside for the drinking games. Yet Elliott just looked on laughing at all of us. He was a machine that was for sure, that or he was just really good at drinking games and never lost.

  Looking over at my little wolf now, I’m glad I don’t share her with anyone else in this world. Ember is everything; she is power, fire, wit, and sarcasm, but she is also faith, healing, and kindness. She is my perfect missing piece, making me whole when I didn’t even know I was incomplete. Right from the moment I saw her fall out of that tree across the bonfire I knew she was mine and I have never wanted another person in this world, she truly is my soul. I just hope I have proved it to her, I tried to everyday.

  “Hunter?” Ryder’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts and back to reality.


  “We are going for a run, are you coming?” He replies to my noise.

  Looking back around the clearing I notice that Phoenix, Elliott, Ryder, and even Ember had started to stand up and strip. Mentally giving myself a shake awake, I stand up too.

  You okay, baby? Embers sweet lyrical voice sounds in my mind. My mouth automatically kicks up into me signature grin at her.

  I am, little wolf. I was just imagining what I’m going to be doing to you later. I give her a wink.

  Kiss my ass, you goof, she jokes back.

  I was planning on biting it to be honest. The thought of that sends blood right to where it is not needed right now, and the minx knows it. Strolling up to me, her big brown eyes look up at me pleading. Only I know she isn’t pleading; the little minx is teasing me. Trailing her fingers down my chest lightly, my cock twitches.

  “Catch me first, big boy.” Then she’s a beautiful red wolf fleeing from me.

  “Witch,” I breath out, before my paws hit the pine needles on the ground and I’m a streak of grey running through the Scottish pines after her. I have a feeling the hunters and alchemists won’t give up so easily, but for now we have these moments. And as five sets of paws pound the soft earth as we chase, nip and splash in the river, all the bad in the world seems very far away.

  I had blissfully fallen asleep, wrapped around my mate after filling her, thinking that hopefully one day that seed will produce a mini Ember, that would make me one happy man. Lying here absently playing with Ember’s soft luscious hair, listening to the rhythm of our hearts beating in time, and her cute little noises as she sleeps, I couldn’t think of being anywhere else in the world with another person. I love her with every fibre of my being.

  Then something starts tugging at me to get up. Nagging over and over, it isn’t a gut feeling that something bad is happening or about to happen, and I’m so comfortable, I don’t want to disturb my beautiful mate. The feeling is persistent though, like tinnitus noise; strange and unexplainable, but constantly there and annoying all the same. I carefully untangle myself and tuck Ember back in before she fusses, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. Making my way to the front door, I open it and close it softly behind me. Stepping off the porch I look around the yard and into the woods surrounding our cabin. Nothing or no one is around, but the feeling is still pulling at me.

  Deciding that Ember will be okay, I wander into the forest to have a look further into the woods, just in case the hunters have come for a sneaky visit. Each step I take tugs me closer into a mentally numbing haze. No. I stop walking and turn in a circle, I want to go back, but my feet start moving again. Ember, though? I must go back to Ember. My mental war is going on as I continue to move, it’s like my muscles no longer want to obey my own mind.

  My internal war is ending as I come to a stop, but which side won? Looking around me, it’s pitch black, but with my wolf eyesight I can see perfectly. A strange stillness is enveloping me, and my memories are becoming harder to recall.

  How have I ended up in a clearing in the forest?

  Why have I left?

  What have I left?

  Who have I Left?

  I should be panicking now, but I don’t know what for. Shaking my head trying to clear the fog. Ember…why have I left my mate in bed on her own? Turning around, I go to make my way back to…where? I shake my head again. What the fuck! If someone has spiked me with something stupid, I’m going to go all kinds of crazy on them, and by someone, I mean a certain white female wolf, Ph…Phoenix? But who is Phoenix? I desperately try to recall where I know her from.

  Noise to my right makes me stop and look quickly to the trees. Another male wolf emerges. Tall, black hair, stubble to match, and green eyes.

  I recognise him. Ryder, I’m sure it’s him, maybe he will know the white wolf I can barely remember. He looks at me with the same dumbfounded look I’m sure is on my face though. Strange. Just then a wave of nausea ripples through me, another strong pull, this one is seriously painful.

  Shift. Shift. Shift. It seems to echo and bounce around in my skull. Like a bone deep command, stronger than any Alpha’s command I’ve ever been given. My paws hit the soft forest floor soundlessly, and I look up at the black wolf who now stands across from me.

  The full winter's moon in the dark night sky, shines down on two wolves; one grey, one black, as they pad through the forest together. Away from pack territory. Away from everyone they know. Away from everything they know. Pulled towards the unknown.

  The End


  Thank you Emma Luna who four months ago told me I could do it, and now I’ve proven to myself that I can, no matter how many meltdowns it took. Also for your epic editing!

  Thank you to my two friends Scarlett AKA Sloth and Emma B AKA Screamer, who I have bugged and bugged over and over again making sure I am on the right track, you hoes rock!

  Kat Blak well let's just say you dirty beast! I'm glad I found someone just as smutty as me!

  Thank you Kyra Fox for teaching me the starter ropes of instagram I can’t wait to learn even more! Thank you for sending me many voice messages explaining things in simple terms, for my very computer illiterate brain, don’t ever stop sending them, thank you for my epic release graphics!

  To my family who didn’t know I was writing this until it was done, can I just say you made me this way... oops.

  And a massive thanks to you, the reader, I am so happy to have shared my story with you. I hope you join me for the rest of the adventure to meet the rest of my boys of course... wink wink.

  About the Author

  AJ Blackburn, also known as Amanda, is a newbie author who has grand plans to release books in several different genres; including anything from paranormal shifters, to mythical gods, to horror, and contemporary. All her books feature a romantic element, whether it’s a standard MF relationship or a RH. Amanda is a big fan of ‘why choose?’.

  Amanda lives on a farm in Wales and although she’s antisocial she is never alone as she is a crazy owner of 19 horses, 9 dogs, several new kittens, and various other animals that find shelter on her farm. Being on a horse is, and always has been, her happy place. It’s a time when she relaxes and dreams up all the stories that she is just itching to write. She also loves to steal her nieces whenever she can in the hope of turning them into horse girls too.

  When Amanda is not cleaning up after all her animals or writing, she loves to read and fall into the worlds that other authors have created. She is extremely clumsy and can regularly be seen with some form of injury, most recently a fractured wrist. She has a love/hate relationship with cake; she loves to eat it and she hates when she runs out. She also is the queen of all things smut and is the first person you should go to if you are looking
for a dirty gif or joke. Amanda also has an unhealthy obsession with Klaus from the Originals…but who doesn’t love a bad boy vampire.

  Amanda is extremely grateful that you have taken a chance on a newbie author and thanks each and everyone of her readers. All of her writing is for you and she hopes you love it and keep reading!





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