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Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!)

Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  After reading the names of the participants who’d be on the dais, he found his eyes wandering back to the woman who’d captured the full attention of his sex-starved body. “Dayum,” he breathed in awe. Her dark hair was the color of a lonely night – and if he wasn’t mistaken, there might be a streak of electric blue on one side. His eyes followed the sensual curve of her back all the way down to a tight red mini-skirt encasing a sexy behind that just begged to be spanked. God above! He could’ve bounced quarters off the firm globes, or done a whole host of other sinful things that even now were flying through his brain unbidden. The woman was a smokeshow to be certain, but it was what she wore on her feet that left him speechless. How often had he imagined a Darlena of his own wearing those same sexy boots as she wrapped her long legs around his waist? Countless times.

  Don’t be a pussy, Abbott; he heard Destry in his head. This is your chance, go for it. Sidling up to the irresistible female, he placed his mouth very close to her hair, getting an intriguing hint of warm vanilla sugar. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to the Falcon’s Lair before he notices you’ve left?” he whispered just loud enough for the object of his lust to hear and understand.

  At first, the words didn’t register over the hum of the crowd. When they did, Alivia took a moment to think of what she’d just heard before slowly turning to see a face so handsome she almost forgot to breathe.

  She’d commissioned a costume house to make these boots special for this event. Even though she’d been wandering around for over an hour, no one had noticed – until now. Violet always said she looked unapproachable, and maybe she did. None of that mattered at the moment, the fact that this man noticed made the expensive effort totally worthwhile.

  “I…uhhh...” The inability to form a proper sentence was not a common occurrence for Alivia. There was something about this guy that sent tingles all over her body, and she was fighting to regain control. “Are you sure you’re in the right room? Shouldn’t you be over at the Supernatural booth?”

  Saxon grinned. “You know, I never get used to the comparison.” He’d worn his glasses almost as a disguise. They served him well today, and he could look his fill at this gorgeous woman’s fabulous rack without getting his face slapped.

  “Well, you look just like him.”


  Alivia reached out and lifted the glasses from his face. Part of her hoped he’d resist, just so they could struggle a bit. God, this guy was setting her on fire! Maybe her need to get laid was far more severe than she’d first realized.

  “I think I’m taller and buffer than Dean, to be honest.”

  Alivia looked him over. She’d met the actor at a convention once, and this man was obviously taller, plus the way his shirt sleeves hugged his bulging biceps, she tended to agree with his assessment. “I like your shirt,” she said, trying to keep her jaw off the floor so he wouldn’t know how he was affecting her.

  When she saw the little dimples of his smile, Alivia felt weak in her knees. She would have fanned herself, but she’d already stumbled over her words and basically salivated over his muscles, a girl had to maintain some self-respect.

  Like the guys he’d noticed earlier, Saxon puffed his chest out a little farther. “Thanks. I know everyone hates the Graystone Dragons, but I for one kinda think they are misunderstood.”

  “How so?” Alivia folded her arms at her waist and cocked one hip, listening intently.

  Saxon went off on his spiel about how they were just doing what they had to do to survive after their world was taken over by Lord Draken. When Ryker’s Strike 4 released nearly a year ago, he’d played it religiously, even losing out on a lucrative security contract because of his marathon gaming sessions. He’d tried to talk to members of the Equalizers about the game, but Kyle was the only one who’d seemed to listen, and Saxon figured that was just because the Thunderbird was a good politician. Everyone else just called Saxon a nerd and hurled geek jokes his way. But this girl was listening and appeared to be into what he was saying.

  “I can’t say I totally agree with your theory, Mister…”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Saxon.” He offered his hand for a shake.

  “Mr. Saxon.” Alivia took it, accepting his greeting. “Nice to meet you.”

  “My first name is Saxon. Not Mr. Saxon.”


  “Nice to meet you, Olivia. Beautiful name, O…livia.” Neither released their grip on the other’s hand. The moment was electric, and the skin-on-skin felt incredible. “Looks like the line is moving,” Saxon said when the people in front of his new friend, Olivia, began to ease forward.

  “Thanks.” She almost repeated her name to correct the emphasis on the O instead of the A. Ah-livia. The unusual spelling of her name was something she was used to explaining, but she decided it was no big deal tonight.

  When Olivia turned to check out the distance they still had to wait before getting through the door, Saxon was powerless to keep his eyes from moving directly to her ass again. When she swiveled back around, he knew she was aware he was devouring her with hooded eyes. Saxon met her gaze and made no bones about what he’d been doing. There was a fire in his eyes that he couldn’t have extinguished if he tried.

  Alivia was ultra-aware of his heated stare. Careful, Alivia. Don’t be too obvious; she lectured herself. “Shall we go in?”

  “After you.”

  Whether he was being a gentleman or not, Alivia enjoyed walking in front of the man she now knew as Saxon. She wondered if this could be her opportunity for a hot, romantic tryst. God, she hoped he didn’t ruin it by asking her last name, or volunteering his. First names and only first names, that would be ideal. Once she’d entertained the idea, the possibility drove her crazy. She felt a heat begin to grow between her thighs as she took a seat near the back with the intriguing man. Dangling one leg over her knee, Alivia showed off the boots she wore. They were knee high with four-inch heels, laced up the sides with peek-a-boo cutouts. Typically, she strived to be reserved and a bit aloof, but this man was doing something unexpected to her sense of propriety. Ripples of awareness ran over her body and each time she met his gaze, Alivia felt like he was fucking her with his eyes. She loved it.

  Saxon was utterly captivated by Olivia, just being near her turned him on. She looked at him with the most gorgeous hazel eyes he’d ever seen. They were wideset with golden rays around the center, like a pagan sun. The first thing he’d noticed was the heart shape of her beautiful ass, but now, Saxon found himself drowning in her eyes, unable to fully catch his breath. He couldn’t help but smile, and when Olivia smiled back at him, he felt like he was on top of the world.

  Alivia had been anticipating this event for months, but once the discussion began, she found none of it held her interest. The room might well have been empty as far as she was concerned.

  Saxon was totally distracted. He’d planned on asking the panel questions, but now he couldn’t remember even one. They sat at the back of the room talking about the video games they enjoyed and just smiling at each other. He was glad for a familiar subject to discuss so he wouldn’t have to think. As long as they kept the topic on gaming, Saxon was good. He would’ve rather told her how much he wanted to nibble on that plump lower lip of hers, but that seemed a little forward to say to a woman he’d just met.

  Alivia was waging a war of her own. Just the sight of his chiseled jaw and days’ worth of stubble made her breasts ache, the nipples throbbing. Every ounce of her femininity was aroused, and she found it hard to sit still in her seat. Hooking up with a random guy wasn’t something Alivia ever considered, but Saxon seemed different. Unless she was completely misreading the man, he was nice – not to mention gorgeous and sexy. His air of confidence appealed to her, and more importantly, this paragon of virtue understood all her gaming references.

  In other words, the man was perfect.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I love all the Ryker’s Strike games, but…”

When she put her hand on his forearm, Saxon’s heart thudded in his chest, “But…what?”

  She gave him a shrug and a smile. “I must confess, I’m completely obsessed with Saxon’s Conquest.”

  Saxon’s mouth went dry. “Really?” He coughed.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Of course. Sorry. Carry on. You were saying?”

  He didn’t want to be a douchebag and tell her he was the creator of the game. The spotlight wasn’t something he craved or sought out. Still, hearing Olivia express her love of his baby went straight to his head – both of them.

  “I’m hooked on the game. Oh! Ha!” Alivia laughed out loud. “Saxon! That’s your name. It just hit me.” She covered her mouth, worried that she sounded like a fool.

  “I actually play the game. I go by…” He started to tell her about Jak, but she placed her hand on his forearm again and his mind went blank.

  “No, let’s wait. A lady never gives out her avatar name on the first date.”

  Saxon would’ve loved to ask her if this was a date, but he was too focused on how good it felt for her to touch him.

  The heat passing between them was unmistakable. Alivia felt like something momentous was within reach and if she didn’t reach out and grasp it with both hands, she’d miss it. “Should we get out of here?” The words flowed quickly from her lips before she could change her mind.

  Saxon didn’t even hesitate. “Oh, hell yeah.”

  They left ballroom B side by side and were almost out of the building when Alivia suggested they go to a bar just up the road. “They make the best margaritas there,” she told him, her voice shaking a bit with nerves. She couldn’t believe she’d made the first move.

  “Sounds great.” Saxon wasn’t really a margarita guy, but he would’ve drunk diesel fuel out of an old hat if it meant spending more time with this woman.

  Over the next hour, they ate burgers, laughed at one another’s jokes, and talked about all the games and movies they enjoyed, keeping the conversation light. Alivia snapped a selfie of them at one point, just so she could remember this wild night actually happened. There was still no exchange of names, every time he seemed about to share more, she steered the conversation to more neutral ground. Why? She didn’t really know. Maybe, this seemed just too good to be true, and she needed to keep it in the realm of make-believe. “Did you see the girl dressed up as Talon from Soul Caliber III?” Alivia asked after the first margarita began to warm her blood. “I’m so jealous of her sword.”

  “I liked it; she went to a lot of trouble and expense.” He reached over and touched her hand, loving the satin of her skin. “I think your boots were the best costume I saw though. Sexy as fuckin’ hell, Olivia.”

  Alivia smiled at his compliment, brushing her hair from her face. She was doing all she could to keep from jumping over the table and onto his lap. A blush rose in her cheeks, and they exchanged an intense, heated stare. Before she could change her mind, she decided to do something totally out of her comfort zone. Lifting her left leg, she placed it on his thigh, the toe of her boot grazing the intriguing bulge of his manhood. “I love them. They make me feel…bold.”

  Saxon jerked in a breath, and his cock instantly inflated to full capacity in his jeans. “Yea, they’re doing something to me too.”

  Alivia licked her lips, glancing out the window of the bar. “Warm night, isn’t it?” There was a hotel right across the street, but she hesitated to mention it. She’d made the first move, and now the ball was in his court.

  Saxon followed her gaze. Surveying an area and taking stock of his position was part of his military training. Tonight, he was mindful of more than his surroundings; he was acutely aware of the amazing woman who’d placed her foot in his lap and given him a look hot enough to ignite the unlit candle in the middle of their table. “Scorching,” he murmured. Taking a deep breath, he threw caution to the wind. “Far be it for me to be out of line…”

  He leaned in so close, his breath on Alivia’s cheek caused her to shiver. “I tend to cut in line when I get the chance.”

  “Impatient, huh?” Saxon grinned. “Well, me too. This is probably too soon, but I think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met in my life and I must confess I’m having some very naughty, although, extremely pleasant thoughts about you.”

  By the time he finished speaking, his voice had dropped to a low growl in her ear. Any qualms Alivia felt about her suggestion they leave the convention together were gone; she wanted exactly what she hoped he was about to suggest. “Oh, yeah? Why don’t you tell me about those naughty thoughts?” she purred, her face close to his.

  He placed a soft palm on her cheek and nudged her head to the side, so she was looking out the window once more, right at the front door of the hotel across the street. “I’d rather show you, Olivia.”


  I’d rather show you, Alivia.

  With her heart racing, she looked him straight in the eye. “I’ll settle the bill.”

  Saxon was up and off his seat before she was done speaking. Tossing a couple of bills on the table, he took her by the arm. “My treat. Let’s go.”

  He readjusted the erection in his jeans as they moved out the door and across the street. “Be right back,” she whispered as he checked them in. After a quick visit to the restroom, she rejoined him at the front desk a few moments later. Standing beside Saxon, she glanced around like a person who’d just done something illegal and expected a legion of police cars to pull up at any moment. She blew out a puff of air that caused her bangs to jump. Feeling flushed, she lifted the hem of her top and fanned it out to allow the cool air to touch her hot skin.

  The front desk clerk handed Saxon a room key, and he immediately turned to take Alivia by the hand. He almost swallowed his tongue when he saw the intriguing sliver of exposed skin above the waistband of her skirt. “God, let’s go while I can still walk.”

  They moved quickly toward the elevator and waited for what felt like an eternity, Alivia fidgeting on the spot while Saxon stared at the numbers above the elevator door, trying to will it down with his mind.

  “Fuck this.” He yanked her by the hand, heading through the exit to the stairwell.

  Alivia went willingly, almost dropping her purse. “What floor?”

  “Fifth,” Saxon growled, pulling her up the stairs behind him. When they reached the third-floor landing, he stopped and turned on her. “I can’t wait.”

  Pushing her against the white concrete wall, Saxon planted a kiss on Alivia’s lips that stole the remaining breath from her body. There was zero hesitation on his part, just a long, expert draw of her lips with his. Her hands came up to his chest to push him away, but when her fingertips touched the hard muscles, her knees went weak, and she clutched the material of his shirt for support. There were no preliminaries with this kiss – it hit the ground running. With lips parted and tongues dueling, he framed her face with his big hands and tilted it up, so he could deepen the kiss. Awe exploded behind her eyes, and she quivered as frissons of anticipation rose on her skin. Saxon groaned, his tongue making love to hers. She answered the hungry sound he made with one of her own. When her head fell back, he followed, as if he couldn’t abide the thought of stopping. This felt so different, for the first time, she dreaded the end of a kiss.

  Feeling the beautiful woman turn to jello in his arms, Saxon pulled back from the lip lock. “Look at me, baby. Focus.”

  Alivia’s hands slipped up to his shoulders, her chest heaving, pressing against Saxon’s hard pecs. Her nipples were aching, and she could barely catch her breath, her lips felt naked without his covering them. Ignoring his request for her to focus, she blindly moved her mouth to his, instigating another impossibly deep, intense kiss.

  A chorus of laughter from behind the third-floor door broke their connection, and this time, it was Olivia who led the way. Saxon’s eyes burned a hole in her delectable derriere as she raced up the stairs.

  “Hurry the hell up,�
�� he teased, smacking the sweet curve of her ass. “This is what caught my eye as we stood in line, you know.”

  “Yea, I know.” She glanced back with a smile. “I noticed where your eyes strayed. I could feel their touch.”

  “You’re going to feel more than my eyes, Olivia. Just as soon…” His words died away as they reached the right floor and hurried to find the room.

  Alivia moved impatiently back and forth on her feet as Saxon fumbled with the keycard, the throb in her clit was becoming impossible to ignore. The card was being extremely uncooperative, and Alivia realized this was her way out.

  She could just walk away.

  After all, this whole situation was so unlike her, meeting a hot guy and just hooking up with him.

  Did she want to do this?

  Glancing at the man beside her, she had to admit Saxon was insanely gorgeous and they had hit it off. She wasn’t entirely out of control, she’d had the foresight to buy condoms in the restroom downstairs, so she wasn’t acting completely irresponsible.

  “Oh my god,” Alivia huffed. Watching Saxon push the keycard in and out of its slot several times was doing nothing to alleviate the ache between her thighs. “Give me that thing, let me try.”

  She took the key, and the door opened on her first attempt.

  Saxon was on her the moment they entered the room. “I guess you have the touch, beautiful.” Taking her by the forearm, he spun her around and clashed their lips together. He squeezed and groaned through their kiss at the divine feeling of finally getting that tight butt of hers in his grip.

  As he pulled her up on tiptoe, the kiss grew deeper, and Alivia felt the hard-on in his jeans press against her mound. “Are you sure about this?” Alivia asked, easing back from the kiss. She felt like she’d manipulated the situation somewhat.


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