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Saxon's Conquest (Hell Yeah!)

Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  “Nothing scared me. My wife is giving birth to my child, and I can’t stand seeing her in pain. She almost died of a brain tumor not long ago,” Jet stated flatly, which shut down Titus and Micah.

  “I’m sorry, Jet. We didn’t intend to tease,” Saxon apologized for them all. “Some people just have no class...Micah.” He said Micah’s name, but he looked straight at Titus. “Jet is the bravest of us all. I’d trust him with my life a thousand times over.”

  Micah flipped him off, but Titus managed to look remorseful. “Hey, I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I was just joking around.”

  Kyle noted Saxon’s reticence around Titus but didn’t draw attention to it. As he joined the group, he made an attempt to soothe over the rough waters between the two. “All this excitement reminds me of that time in flight school. Remember, Titus?”

  “Which time?”

  “You know, the night we went down to a biker bar to play pool and pick up chicks. When those Air Force fellas kept pushing us?”

  “Oh!” Titus laughed. “Yes, I remember, they didn’t appreciate your skills at the pool table.”

  “Imbeciles.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “Anyway, we’d had a few beers, and I was embarrassing Titus at the pool table. He was a couple shots behind me, as usual, but – somehow, he started to catch up. Since it couldn’t be that his technique was improving…” Titus rolled his eyes. “I realized my alcohol intake might be interfering with my game. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but when I get under the influence, my perception of the world gets very keen. Suddenly, I noticed some Air Force brats at the bar were looking at us the wrong way.”

  “Sounds like you were a drunk bully that night, Kyle,” Destry added mildly.

  “Nope. Just hold your horses, and let me finish,” Kyle went on, “They were staring at us with their smug Air Force faces. You know how they can be, a whole branch of officers with no soldiers.”

  “Some of your best buddies in the service were Air Force, Kyle.”

  “Not now, Tyson, I’m telling a story.” Kyle waved him off. “Now, where was I? Oh yeah. So, I marched up to those bozos, and I let them know if they didn’t self-administer a personality adjustment post-haste, I was going to administer it myself. Then, those five self-righteous rascals threw their beer in my face and started to pound on me. Good thing there were five of them to keep me occupied, or I might’ve really hurt one with my pool cue and my right cross.”

  “I think there were only three of them, Kyle,” Titus interjected.

  Kyle ignored Titus too. “All five of these guys attacked me at once. I managed to handle four of them, but the fifth fella got a jump on me. Somehow, he got behind me and cracked a beer mug over the back of my head, and I went down. At that moment, like a streak of light, this manly bastard,” he muttered as he placed his hand on Titus’ shoulder, “swooped in out of nowhere and started smacking some asses.”

  Micah formulated a joke at the ass-smacking line, but Kyle didn’t slow down enough to allow him time to slip it in.

  “You should’ve seen Titus hold his own. He really evened the fight out for me. If I hadn’t been as drunk as I was, I could’ve handled them, but you know how it goes. Regardless, he was so fast and so skilled at self-defense, within minutes those troublemakers were all laid out and apologizing. No doubt about it, I would’ve been in serious trouble without him that night. Titus,” he paused and looked right at Saxon, “is someone you definitely want on your side.”

  Titus blushed a little bit, appreciating the compliment. “That’s a nice story, Kyle, but I feel like you embellished a few parts. I wasn’t losing at pool…”

  Saxon certainly caught Kyle’s not-so-subtle hint, but he refused to accept or acknowledge it. Averting his gaze, he could certainly remember a time when Titus wasn’t on his side.

  As the hubbub went on around them, Tyson slid up to Micah and whispered in his ear, “How’s your super-top-secret mission to take on the Jaguar by yourself going, Lone Ranger?”

  Micah’s usual jovial demeanor crashed. Taking Tyson by the shoulder, he led him quickly down the hall for more privacy. “Marisol had no right to tell you anything. I spoke to her in confidence.”

  “Sure, she did. She’s my girlfriend, after all. Isn’t that what you said? Doesn’t Madison tell you everything?” When Micah grew livid and snarled his lip, Tyson just snarled back. “She let me know you approached her for more information. The Jaguar is a pretty sensitive topic in our household, considering he killed her folks, and tried to take out all of us to boot.”

  “She still had no right to tell you my business!”

  “I guess she felt the need to reach out. Maybe she thought you were trying to do something stupid and wanted us to stop you. Marisol said she told you everything she knew, and then you just took off, like you do when you’ve got your mind set on doing something stupid.”

  Micah looked at the floor for a moment; his mind wrapped up in an angry knot. “Fuck! None of you were supposed to know about this.”

  “Why, man? Why is this so important to you? Why do you feel like you have to do it by yourself? And why did you think any of us would let you?”

  Micah ground his face into the palm of his hand. “It’s complicated.”

  Tyson wrapped an arm around him. “Micah, I know we all want to put the Jaguar away. This whole situation sucks. What he’s doing to innocent women is horrible. Nauseating. We’re a team. When one is threatened, we’re all threatened. What one of us can do, the Equalizers as a team can do a helluva lot better. Look at me.” Tyson grabbed Micah’s face and forced him to make eye contact. “You do not have to do this alone. That’s what this team is for. We’ve got this.”

  Micah jerked his head from Tyson’s grasp but nodded. “I know you’re right. You’re absolutely right. I’ll tell you what I know once I get my mind wrapped around it.”

  “You’d better.” Tyson leaned back and relaxed. “There’s a baby due any second now, and that’s what we need to focus on. Put on a happy face. Jet may take one look at your sour puss and pass out again.”

  “Guys!” Hannah called from down the hall. “It’s time! Get Jet in here!”

  Tyson and Micah joined Saxon and the others, and they moved down the hall together. The guys were quiet and breathless. Reverently, they made a half moon around the birthing room door and parted, so Jet could pass through. He took a massive breath and entered.

  “Oh, man, this is intense.” Saxon leaned on the wall, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie.

  “Fatherhood, there’s nothing like it,” Kyle whispered. “You guys just wait. Jet’s in for the time of his life.”

  All the men stood around expectantly, and after what felt like an eternity, Jet opened the door with a small bundle of perfection in his arms. “Boys, I’d like you to meet my son. Right now, he’s the most wonderful little boy in the whole world, but he’s going to grow up big and strong enough to kick the ass of anyone who messes with him. His name is Axel Foster.”

  “Well, look at him.” Micah reached out to touch the inch-long index finger that Axel was holding aloft in the air. “I can see some resemblance to you, Jet, not much though. Thank God, I think he favors Sami the most.”

  “He’s great, Jet.” Saxon admired the tiny child. “You did good.”

  “Look at the proud father,” Tyson quipped. “I didn’t know Jet could smile. I think his face is going to crack under the strain.”

  For long minutes, the guys gave Jet awkward hugs and heartfelt congratulations. After they became more comfortable with the idea, they gently fought over who got to hold the baby. It didn’t take long for little Axel Foster to successfully steal all their hearts.

  Once the celebration died down and everyone was primed to leave, Destry beckoned the men to come with him. “I need to talk to all of you for just a second.” Jet was consumed with his family, but the rest of men followed him into an unoccupied patient room.

  “We need to go over something qu
ick before everyone goes their separate ways. The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced Mindy’s death and the death of the girl in East Texas could be connected.”

  “Why do you say that?” Micah asked. “They were in different areas of the state, and the crimes didn’t follow the same pattern. One was killed in a carjacking, most likely. The other woman was murdered during a robbery.”

  “Yes, but they were both strangled, and Victoria just told me the woman who was killed over near the Texas/Louisiana border was a Miss Texas contestant also.”

  “Wow, that is strange,” Saxon commented with a frown. “Quite a coincidence.”

  “I don’t believe in coincidence,” Tyson stated flatly, a disturbed look on his face.

  “The media is going to be all over this if they haven’t already begun sniffing around. We need to assess the situation properly and see what can be done before this situation blows up. I don’t want to step on any toes, especially the new police chief.” He folded his arms and chewed on his lower lip. “I’ve got some thinking to do. Let me turn over a few stones and pull a few strings. I’ll be in touch with you all soon.”

  The team agreed. Once again, their differences were laid aside, and it was all business between them. After saying their farewells to Jet and Sami, they each went their separate ways to wait for the call they all knew was coming.


  The call came sooner than expected. Saxon hadn’t been back in Pflugerville but a half hour when Kyle phoned and asked him to come to the Governor’s mansion. He didn’t say so, but Saxon was grateful for the interruption. He’d never vacillated about something so much in his life. His finger had been lifted to press Send on the email he’d composed to Alivia earlier when, once again, he’d been saved by the proverbial bell.

  As he headed south on the interstate, ready to take the downtown exit, Saxon admitted to himself what a mistake sending that email would’ve been. Alivia couldn’t have been clearer. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him. He didn’t know why she felt that way; maybe they were too much alike for a relationship to work. The old adage of opposites attracting certainly didn’t apply to them.

  Remembering the email he’d composed, Saxon cringed.

  Alivia. I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter what you think, I didn’t dip on you. I really left my card. I need to talk to you. There’s too much heat between us to let this incredible fire die. Give me a chance. Please?

  He pushed a puff of air out between his lips. Saxon Abbott had never been reduced to begging for a woman’s attention before, and he didn’t intend to start now.

  No matter how perfect she was for him.

  When he drove through the gate of the Governor’s mansion, he stopped in the driveway, and one of the employees came to take his ride. The admiring glance the man gave the red muscle car made Saxon smile. “Treat her gently.”

  “Yes, sir!” the man exclaimed as he caught the keys.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” Micah quipped.

  “Wolfe. How are you? Still chasing shadows?”

  “Well, to tell you the truth…” He started to speak when the mansion door opened, and Kyle’s ancient butler met them with a smile.

  “Well, if it isn’t two of the Avengers here to see Iron Man.”

  “Yes, we are, Jeeves.” Micah addressed him with familiar recognition. “Or should I call you Jarvis today?”

  “Suit yourself, Master Wolfe, the Governor awaits. Follow me.”

  Saxon watched Micah’s face as he resisted the urge to mimic the ancient butler’s forward-leaning, snail’s pace gait, as he’d done several times before. He wondered if his friend would ever grow up.

  “Did seeing Axel come into the world give Madison any ideas?”

  “I enjoy having Madison to myself. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for kids.”

  Something about Micah’s snarky attitude irritated Saxon. “I’m sure she feels the same way. Dealing with one immature human is probably enough for her.”

  Micah cut a hard glance at Saxon. “Watch it, Abbott. You’re treading on thin ice.”

  Memories of their past conflicts came to both their minds. “I hope to God you don’t take Kyle’s place, Micah. We’ll be up shit creek without a paddle.”

  “I feel the same way, Geek-boy.”

  Saxon flipped the hood of his jacket off his head. The term geek didn’t bother him. The word nerd didn’t bother him. He was just as much a man as Micah, his body just as ripped, if not more so. He couldn’t say he was smarter than the Wolfe, their areas of expertise just didn’t overlap to any great extent. “Sticks and stones, Mr. Bodice-ripper.”

  Saxon’s attempt to insult him about his erotic romance writing struck Micah as funny. “Oh, now, you’re just jealous. If you possessed more of my way with women, Alivia Hart wouldn’t have kicked you to the curb.”

  Saxon was about to respond when Kyle appeared next to them. “All right you two, that’s enough. We’ve got something serious to contend with.”

  “Ah, there you are, Sir.” Jeeves stopped and opened a pair of double-wide doors to admit them into a conference room. “You’re a slippery one, Governor.”

  “I’ve been working on my evasion tactics.” He led his teammates inside and gestured for them to take a seat. “Bring us some coffee and some donuts.”

  “Ms. Hannah will not approve of you spoiling your dinner.”

  Kyle pinned Jeeves with a stare. “Miss Hannah won’t find out. Will she?”

  “Not from me, Sir.” He teetered off down the hall, his voice still audible. “Not from me.”

  “All right, guys, let me lay it out for you.” Kyle spread out some papers. “Evidence was found that leads us to believe Destry was right; these two murders were committed by the same perpetrator.”

  “What’s that?” Micah asked with heightened curiosity.

  “The first time the car was searched, this little item was missed. An officer found it taped underneath the front passenger seat.” Kyle laid a plastic bag on the table. “Inside this bag is a piece of parchment with one word written on it, or we think it’s a word.”

  Saxon pulled the bag closer and read the letters out loud. “P-A-S-S-I-A.”

  “What does that mean, Brainiac?” Micah asked, leaning in to look closer.

  “It’s the name of a Tuscan red wine,” Saxon said slowly, with a lot of uncertainty in his voice. “I don’t get it. Could it be a reference to blood?”

  “I don’t know.” Kyle shrugged his big shoulders. “Now, look at this.” He pulled another plastic bag from a folder. “This was found in Mona Arlo’s apartment, taped under her dining table. Same paper. Also written in blood. The blood on both clues is being tested. We’ll have the results soon.”

  This time Micah read the letters. “B-A-R-H-A. Isn’t that the name of that elephant in the kid’s books?”

  Saxon rolled his eyes. “No, that’s Babar.” He shook his head. “Barha is Sanskrit for a peacock’s feather or a Nepalese pancake, but I don’t think…”

  “We might be missing something,” Kyle mused. “Considering this link, though, whatever it might be, we’ve come to a decision. I’ve talked to Chief Banks, and we both agree this is an emergency. We talked about calling in the Rangers, but I think this job requires a little more finesse. We’ve agreed to set up a joint task force to go undercover. The Equalizers will all be involved at some point, but I want you to mastermind it, Micah. Saxon’s talents will be invaluable. Since Jet is preoccupied with Sami and the baby, bring in Titus if you need muscle. Put some thought into this and tell me how you want to approach it.”

  Saxon didn’t like the idea of working with Titus at all, and he was about to say so when Micah came up with another suggestion that he disliked just as much.

  “Kyle, I think we need to bring in a woman. The Miss Texas Pageant is key. Destry’s Victoria will certainly be an asset and can open doors for us, but she’s too high profile. We need someone who can get closer
to the pageants inner workings in some capacity. I don’t have it all worked out in my head, yet. But I’d like your permission to pursue this line of thinking.”

  “Whatever you think, Micah.” Kyle spread both hands as if encompassing the idea. “You’re in charge. Just solve this mystery, and do it before all hell breaks loose.”

  “Who do you have in mind? Marisol? Madison? I know you plan on keeping her with you.”

  Micah grinned. “Oh, I’ll keep Madison close, but I’m thinking someone with a little more crime-solving experience.” He avoided looking at Saxon. This was just too good. Serendipitous, even. “Like A. G. Hart.”

  “No, Micah.” Saxon sat up straight, frowning at his supposed friend. “Don’t do this.”

  Kyle intervened, unaware of the undercurrents between the two men. “I know Alivia, and you’re right. She’s done this before; she’ll be perfect for the job. Plus, she can be a real help to you, Saxon. Alivia is a computer whiz. You two put a plan together and get back to me, and I’ll make sure Alivia is onboard.”

  * * *

  Once Saxon arrived at home, he tried to wind down, drink a beer, and watch some television. Nothing worked to settle his mind. The investigation would begin tomorrow, and the conflict over who would lead the Equalizers still loomed over their heads. Unable to sit still, he decided to work off some nervous energy. First, he did a few things around the house, like take out the garbage, and do a load of laundry. Second, he went to the garage and lifted weights for a good hour. Wet with sweat and muscles bulging, he realized he wouldn’t really rest until he dealt with one beautiful, but unresolved issue.


  The idea of his beautiful nemesis being involved in the investigation had thrown him for a loop. Even if she agreed to Kyle’s proposal, he had no idea how this would work. Before they met on common ground tomorrow, he wanted to meet on his turf tonight. Bounding up the stairs to the second floor, he headed for the media room. “I’ll show her.” Saxon booted up the computer and then loaded the game, his game. “I won’t be made a fool of in the world I created.” He just hoped she’d returned. He couldn’t challenge her to a contest if Alyx Paine no longer existed.


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