by Tim Green
will die.”
“You will not die and die if you eat of the fruit of the tree,” hissed that sly deceptive serpent, “for God knows that on the day that you eat of the fruit of the tree your eyes will be opened to your natural senses and you will become like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food she became tempted with the lust of the flesh. When the woman noticed that it was pleasing to her eye she was tempted with the lust of the eyes. When she realized that it was desirable to give her wisdom she was enticed with the pride of life. So she took the fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband and he also ate it. They had fallen from grace. We angels saw how God the Fathers heart was broken that day. He cursed the serpent, “You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.” He altered the order of things upon the earth by cursing the dust of the ground. He instructed the man, “You are now dust and you will return to dust since from dust you were created.” To the woman he restructured her body to grieve with pain during child birth.
The dust shouted out loudly creating an eternal echo from the Garden of Eden. Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Death caused the body to die and return to the dust and death caused the glowing glory to fade in his inner spirit man, leading him into a dusty wilderness of separation away from his God. The man died and died on that day. His fallen carnal nature of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life caused the dust to stick to him. It was the beginning of a journey upon an old dusty road by being a slave to their carnal nature, obeying its lusts. As they obeyed their carnal nature the dust clung itself to them causing the devourer of dust to devour them. As long as men shook the dust and walked in righteousness before God the serpent could not devour them as they were no longer carnal. While they were friends with the kingdom of the world governed by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, they became enemies of God. As long as the dust clung their serpent enemy would devour them.
Those scribes and Pharisees all heard what space and time had to say through the dust of the ground. They were the dust of the ground according to Abraham’s seed and they knew it. The dust of the Law of Moses reminding them that they are dust clung to them and they knew it. Being convicted by their own conscience they went away one by one from old to young abandoning their mission of stoning a guilty harlot. The dust of the ground and the stones of the law spoke loudly to them of their fallen nature.
Jesus was left alone still kneeling in the middle of that old dusty road that was the voice of the Law of sin and death. He rose to his feet shaking off the dust. Standing all alone before him was a filthy woman covered with the dust of the ages that space and time had accumulated and tightly clung to her. “Woman, where are your accusers. Where are those who condemn you?” asked Jesus softly. She replied, “There is no one my Lord.” Then said Jesus unto her, “Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more.” As she began to walk away centuries of sticky dust began to fall off her and that hard dusty crust around her heart began to break. The Son had set her free and she was free indeed. They dust no longer clung to her soul and the stones of the accusation of the Law of mosses brought condemnation. Adam had caused the principle of the old dusty road to enter into the world while the Law of Moses had made it stick like a thick crust around their souls.
It was then that I realized that it was the dust of the ground that was mankind’s accuser. It was the dust of the law of sin and death that brought them under condemnation. God did not send his only begotten son into the world to condemn the world, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes on him should not perish but have life, life. She had become free because of the word that the Messiah had spoken to her. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus had set her free from the law of sin and death. However that ancient serpent dragon made it his business to accuse the brethren. If he could keep them on that old dust road of the law of sin and death he could cause the dust to stick. Condemnation becomes a filthy habit when the dust of man’s carnal nature and the dust of the law sticks. We angels know that the secret is to shake off the dust.
The master was on a mission to rid them of the dust that so easily clings to the depraved heart of mankind. He had a road of his own to pave, a road of pure refined gold with precious jewels embedded therein. But first he had to take care of that old dusty road with its accuser once and for all. The curse of the power of the dust of the ground had to be broken and only shed blood could break it.
The Upper Room. #24
Before the feast of Passover had begun, Jesus knew that His hour had come and that He should depart out of this world to be with His Father in heaven. Having loved his own disciples that were with him in the world, those who had faithfully followed Him, He expressed His unfailing love towards them. We angels knew how much the God of heaven loved His human creature upon the earth. He loved them with an everlasting love. His heart of hearts was continually filled with compassion and tenderness towards them. As their master and teacher Jesus was going to surprise them and shock them to the core. Their master was once again going to allow the divine nature of His heavenly Father to flow out of Him. He was going to act and behave in exactly the way His Father in heaven would act and behave if He were there in person.
We angels call this type of behaviour an expression of the divine nature. We angels are often called upon to mimic God himself. We are to say and do exactly what God Himself would do if He were there in person. It is protocol for us to speak word for word what God Almighty has commanded us to speak. Not only do we have to speak it word for word but we have to say it in the exact tone of voice, the way God delivered it to us. We also have to mimic His every facial expression and every hand jester. I Gabriel as god’s messenger often felt like a puppet on a string and God himself as the puppeteer. I spoke and behaved exactly the way He would have done if He Himself was there in person. Sometimes I often wondered why He just didn’t go down to the earth and do the job Himself.
Those twelve disciples were about to have a lesson from God Himself. It would be a lesson in humility that they would never forget. Several days earlier Michael and I had entered into the Temple courts with the Messiah. He had his Fathers divine will and nature to express. I had seen the anger of God burn in the past when men had failed to obey Him. On that day God Himself entered into his holy Temple, the exact replica of the original in heaven with one purpose in mind. He was going to cleanse it and purge it to make it look exactly like the original in heaven, pure and clean. The passion of being a jealous God fuelled the fiery flames of the Messiahs heart. His desire to have his chosen people serve no other gods before Him overshadowed His compassion. He refused to allow them to serve the god of money. We angels all know that one cannot serve both God and money. They will serve the one and hate the other. Jesus knew as well as the Father of Glory that if they served money they would be unable to serve Him.
Michael and I had never seen God Almighty give mankind such a thrashing. Jesus had become fuelled with anger when he saw how they had turned His Fathers house into a den of thieves. Michael and I were commanded to accompany him into his Fathers earthly house. It was our responsibility not to allow anything from the invisible spiritual realm to manifest itself in the natural realm. We were to remain invisible and deal with the demonic in the realm of the spirit while Jesus watched their dark deeds from a distance.
Michael and I had twelve legions of angelic hosts at our disposal. Our mission was to pacify the souls of those who were selling and exchanging money in the temple courts. Jesus had come into Jerusalem riding on the foal of a donkey to inspect the temple. It was His duty as the High Priest Heaven, after the ancient order of Melchizedek to ensure that the pattern upon the earth remained as a perfect replica according to its counterpart in heaven. While Caiaphas was the High Priest in the earthly temple at that time, Jesus was the eternal High Priest of heavens temple. It has always be
en the desire of Almighty God to duplicate heaven upon the earth as an exact replica.
Michael and I watched as He delicately entwined the strands of leather, forming them into a brutal whip. The earthly replica did not comply with the original in heaven and therefore needed readjusting. The will and kingdom of God was going to be established upon the earth according to heavens design. He watched them from a distance as they bought and sold in the temple area. They had created a money making scheme of their own invented directly out of the pit of hell. The priest would inspect the animal sacrifices of the people and deliberately find fault with them.
They would judge the first-born animals harshly finding them to be with spot and blemish. They would then confiscate the condemned animal that needed to be without blemishes in order to comply with the original blue print of heaven. They would then offer the purchase of an animal without spot and blemish from the temple. They would then sell their animals for their invented temple