by Tim Green
money at a higher currency. Their exchange rates were ridiculously high. They would then take the spotless animals that they had condemned and resell them the next day to new worshippers.
I walked beside God the Son on his left while Michael as heaven warrior walked at His right hand side. My heart raced when I saw the first blow of the whip land a powerful blow upon a wicked back. The strong arm of God the carpenter came down violently, allowing the whip to purge with its fury. The house of God was out of order and needed rearranging. Jesus overturned the four legged tables of the money changers and the seats of those who dealt with the doves and the animals. Angelic hosts were immediately dispatched to suffocate their hearts and minds with conviction giving them a Godly conscience. They knew that they were dealing treacherously with their fellow men and deserved every blow upon their unrighteous backs.
We angels never close our eyes to go into our rest or sleep mode when we are still angry. We never let the sun go down upon our wrath. Jesus was angry with them but he didn’t sin against his Father in heaven. When it was over it was over. He never carried the anger with him for a second longer than what he had to. Michael and I always say be angry, express it and then get over it. Don’t take your anger to bed with you and reawaken it again the next day. Bury your anger and put it to sleep before you go to sleep. That’s what we angels do. The young carpenter from Nazareth emptied the temple courts of its filth. He stood boldly in the temple courts, with the whip still tightly clenched in his holy hand. He had cleaned his Fathers house by expressing His Fathers divine nature.
Tonight He was going to express the divine nature of His Father in a different way, towards all those who obeyed Him. Michael and I watched as Jesus quietly entered the upper room. What I loved most about Jesus was his ability to silence a crowd. Those proud self centred disciples were so busy comparing notes about how to become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. They thought that if you could drive out demons by the finger of God, then you were qualified as being great in the kingdom of God.
They thought that if you could heal the sick and raise the dead back to life in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then you were the greatest in heavens kingdom. I Gabriel, the Archangel of the God of fire, wind and rain knew exactly how to become the greatest in God’s invisible kingdom. I noticed that Jesus was extremely calm as he reclined at the table. He had a table of His own to prepare for them in the presence of their enemies. It was a table of Gods hand of fellowship and the highest form of friendship. It was a night of learning Gods lessons that would arrest their innermost heart of hearts. God was about to extend his hand of fellowship towards them and apprehend them as his closest friends. They were about to learn how to become the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Their feet carried ancient dust that forbade them to exercise dominion over the devil, their invisible enemy. Therefore Jesus had to prepare their feet to tread down Satan under their feet by washing the dust away. The devil would devour them like a roaring lion as long as the dust of the carnal nature exercised its dominion over them by clinging to their feet. They were all together in the upper room and as usual were debating about who among them was the greatest. Jesus already knew that Satan, that ancient serpent, had entered into the heart of Judas Iscariot, to betray Him.
As Jesus sat down his disciples became aware of his divine presence. The upper room became silent as Jesus took the bread, and began to give thanks to his Father in heaven. Jesus always expressed the divine nature of his Father in heaven and allowed his very character to flow out of him. “Blessed be the God of heaven and earth who gives us bread from the ground,” prayed Jesus. As soon as the ancient prayer ended the disciples quickly organized themselves. They found their places and reclined at the table, joining Jesus in the celebration of the ancient Passover meal.
Then He prophetically began to break the bread with his hands. Suddenly I began to put the pieces of the Old Testament puzzle together. I had spent hundreds of hours writing in the record books of heaven. I had spent years meditating and memorizing passages to try and understand their hidden meanings. God had mystically hidden himself in symbols, types and shadows over the ages as he interacted with men upon the earth. He mysteriously hid the original blue print of heaven as a duplicate upon the earth in the form of types, shadows and symbols. I could remember the day when the first Passover meal was eaten. It was a meal so sacred that God commanded Moses to make it law as an annual event. It became mandatory once it was written down as a law for the children of Israel. Michael and I put the pieces of the puzzle together once we saw the manifestation of the original appear upon the earth. However we were weak when it came to predicting future events. We had become maestros at linking the type, shadow and symbol to the original only after the original had appeared.
Michael whispered into my ear, “Are you seeing what I am seeing.” I replied confidently, “I can see it. But I’m not sure if I’m interpreting it correctly.” We had seen an ancient shadow manifest itself and become a living reality before our eyes. Two thousand years earlier, Michael and I had stood on the banks of the River Nile as the Hebrews hastily ate the first ever Passover meal.
After breaking the unleavened bread He gave it to his disciple saying, “Take, eat for this in my body.” Then he took the cup, gave thanks to his Father in heaven, “Blessed are you Lord God of the universe that gives us fruit from the vine.” Then he offered it to them, saying, “This is the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” His disciples had no idea at the time that the bread that was broken before them, the bread that they were eating was Christ’s body that would be broken for them on the cross. Nor did they realize at that time that the wine was his blood that would be shed upon the cross for them. We angels, like his disciples had no idea at the time that Jesus the Christ was getting ready to die.
Days earlier He had rode into Jerusalem of the foal of a donkey, just as the prophets had predicted centuries earlier. He had been heralded by the multitudes as their promised King as they waved palm branches and lay their garments on the pathway before him. Yet now as the King he was going to show them a more excellent way. It was the way of greatness, the way of unfailing love, the way of a humble servant. I often wondered if those disciples ever paid attention to any of the words spoken to them by the Messiah. Not only did I hear him say that He, the Son of man had come into the world not to be served but to serve. I recorded it in the eternal books of heaven, word for word. I also recalled Him saying that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven would be the servant of all. What could they not understand about being a servant?
Jesus arose from where he was sitting during the supper and laying aside his garments; he took up a towel, and wrapped it tightly around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin. Those disciples became curious at the masters outrageous behaviour. It was servants who washed their master’s feet and not masters who washed servant’s feet. At least those arrogant disciples knew that they were the servants while Jesus was the master. So Jesus began to wash their feet one by one and wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around his waist. Jesus knew that it was not robbery to be equal with his God and Father yet had humbled himself, taking on the form of a servant. He came to Simon Peter who said unto him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet? Jesus answered and said unto him, “You do not realize what I am doing for you, but you will understand.”
“No,” said Peter boldly unto him, “You will never wash my feet.” Jesus calmly answered him, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” “Then Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “wash not only my feet, but also my hands and my head as well.” Jesus answered him, “A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet as his whole body is still clean. And you are already clean because of the words I have spoken unto you, though not every one of you is clean.” Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him and that’s why he said to his disciples that not all of them were clean.
So when he had finished washing th
eir feet, he put on his outer garment again, and sat down at his place and said unto them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me, Teacher, and, Lord: and rightly so for that is who I am. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, a servant is not greater than his lord; neither one that is sent greater than he that sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.”
In spite of Judas being unclean, Jesus washed his feet in the same manner as he had washed all his disciples’ feet. Jesus had washed the ancient dust of the law of sin and death from their natural feet when he took up the basin and the towel. Yet in the realm of the spirit he was ensuring that their spiritual feet would never gather the dust of the Law of Moses and that they would find favour in ever city they entered into to preach the gospel. No matter where they went they would