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Unforgettable Christmas - Gifts of Love (The Unforgettables Book 3)

Page 8

by Mimi Barbour

  Time passed slowly and her stomach let her know it hadn’t fully healed. Pain radiated from her chest to her lower tummy, the same symptoms that had made her rush more than once to the nearest bathroom. Finally, dehydrated from fluids and emotion, she collapsed in the chair once again.

  A movement to her right caught her attention. From a distance she watched a man approached, carrying a bundle wrapped in brown over his shoulder. The package hid his face.

  Her heartbeats picked up and almost choked her. There was something in the way he moved that made her bolt upright. Once he got closer, she could see the fuzzy blanket looked to be sheltering the form of a child. The man seen through the glassed-in walls could be Jesse. The sob caught in her throat while a prayer formed in her heart. Please….

  As he approached the entrance to her area, the man swung the child to his other side, and smiled directly at her. Now Belle was sure.

  Sometime later, she swore her scream of joy must have blown out everyone’s eardrums, but Jesse defused her of that worry. He said that even though her mouth had been open, she hadn’t actually uttered a sound.

  Chapter Twenty

  Back in Kim’s apartment with Yaya still sleeping, snuggled up on her lap, Belle couldn’t believe the amount of time that had passed from when they’d left the apartment earlier to now.

  She glanced around at the warmth of the room; the twinkling Christmas ornaments and the cats who’d somehow sensed her turmoil and were now resting on the floor near her feet. Being spoiled, Sam the pup whined and begged to be picked up by Jesse who’d just entered from the kitchen.

  “Jesse, honestly, it seems like days have gone by since this morning. I mean nightmarish days where I couldn’t let my mind wander because it wanted to take me to horrors where I knew I shouldn’t go.”

  Jesse stroked Layla’s hair one more time as he lowered the mug of hot chocolate and a platter of chicken salad in front of Belle. “Let me take her so you can put something in your stomach and get rid of the chills. I promise to pass her back as soon as you finish eating.”

  “No, I can do both. It’ll be days before I can let her out of my arms.”

  “Not such a good idea, Belle. I don’t think Jack scared her, not really. But you would if you start acting strange. He seemed to have handled her quite well if the shape he was in is any indication. When we arrived, he looked like a soldier should, all spruced up in his uniform, hair cut short and shoes shiny.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that animal. I wish you’d have told me he’d taken her at the police station so I could charge him with kidnapping. How could he have done such a thing?”

  “I didn’t tell you on purpose. And I gave the information to Officer Todd under duress. Even then, I only passed on my friend Phil’s number so they’d have to deal through the Army with him as Jack’s advocate.”

  “Why?” Belle had finally set Layla down on the sofa next to her so that the child’s head lay on her knee. She picked up her plate of food to nibble. “You were the one who wanted to take Jack apart when he attacked me the other night. Now you’re standing up for him? I don’t understand.”

  “Belle, you’re angry at what he did and I don’t blame you. But the man is desperately sick and needs a lot of help. If he’d have come home with cancer, I have no doubt you’d have been nursing him. Well, PTSD is just another form of a debilitating sickness. Fortunately, Phil understands these men and with help might be able to get Jack back to where you’ll be able to recognize him as Terry’s brother, the man you used to care about.”

  Belle stared at Jesse and let the emotions rampage inside her at his words. Hate had built up for the individual who had taken Yaya, hate and an incredible desire to hurt the animal.

  When she’d learned the truth, the hate had faded only to be replaced by an all-consuming, fierce anger. An anger that made her want to lash out, to hurt back.

  Listening to Jesse’s words while caressing her baby’s unruly golden curls, Belle stopped to think about what he’d just said. She glanced down at the flushed baby cheeks of the child who had stolen her heart from the first moment they’d met in the delivery room.

  Long eyelashes, surprisingly quite dark, fanned against the tiny wrinkles of pudginess. Overwhelming love whooshed around the same place where Belle’s devotion existed.

  The nurse, called in by the police earlier, had assured Belle that Yaya would wake up in the morning totally refreshed. The deep sleep, though not normal wouldn’t harm her in any way. Still, Belle begrudged that Yaya had had to go through the trauma at all. And not hearing her speak more than a mumble, added to her worry.

  On the other hand, Jack hadn’t hurt Yaya, or at least, she didn’t think so. If that were true, maybe she could forgive him eventually. For her husband Terry’s sake, a man who loved his brother and was loved back, she had to at least try.

  Jesse softly whistled to get her attention. Her mind had wandered and she hadn’t spoken since Jesse had sensitively defended Jack’s actions. “I’m glad he’ll get the help he needs, Jesse. I have to admit to feeling badly because I couldn’t help him myself and he is family. Guilt has eaten away at me for months but the Celiac got there first and I hardly had the strength to care for myself and Yaya. I guess I couldn’t cope with two sicknesses at the same time.”

  “No one could expect you to. But now Jack’s in a good place where they understand what he’s gone through. They’ll be able to help him make the adjustments he needs to get healthy. There’s a range of medications that they’ll introduce him to which will most likely work to give him back his life.”

  “Aw Jesse, you’re forcing me to remember that I used to love him before he frightened me, before he threatened me. That he’s still the same man hidden inside his broken mind.”

  “He is, Belle.”

  “You want me to forgive him.”

  “Not so much!” Jesse stroked the sleeping pup sprawled over his lap. “I want you to forgive yourself.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Jesse woke to the delightful sound of Layla’s chatter, rolled over in his warm but empty bed, and soaked in the child’s delight at being with her mom.

  Since he’d purposely left his door ajar the night before in case Layla awoke frightened from her experience, he overheard their conversation.

  “Mama, while I waited for you to come and get me at Uncle Jack’s he colored pictures with me and made me a peanut butter sandwich. Then when I got tired, he wead me lots of stowies. Uncle Jack’s a nice man, isn’t he?”

  “I guess he is. Though, he should never have taken you away from mommy because it scared me when I couldn’t find you. Layla Foster, look at me. You must never leave me again without asking me first. Do you understand?”

  Jesse pictured Layla’s big eyes working her mother and knew Belle would melt from the child’s endearing habit.

  “Yes, Mama. Even if Jack tells me we have to buy you a supwise pwesent, I pwomise I won’t go away.”

  Now Jesse imagined a big puddle of mommy-madness melting off Belle. Sure enough, when he heard her chuckle he knew she’d twisted up inside the same way he felt his own innards reacting to Layla’s words. Little monkey knew just how to play them both.

  Not wanting to stay away from his girls any longer than he needed to, Jesse started to throw the covers back and stopped dead. His girls? He fell back on the bed. Where the hell had that come from?

  Uncomfortable ideas escalated. Visions of a built-in family—wife, child.

  Oh oh, time to clear his head, which he soon found wasn’t easy. All through showering and getting dressed, he contemplated where his subconscious had taken him and the more he revisited it the happier he began to feel.

  No doubt about it. Layla had crept into his heart, made a warm little nest there and never ‘as in forever’ could he imagine evicting her. Thinking about that little cherub lightened his outlook on everything he considered important.

  Belle was a different matter. Every time he contempla
ted romance, his mind jumped to the past. He veered away from letting sentiments, other than pure lust, get anywhere near him.

  Being a healthy male, he’d certainly hooked up with women from time to time to satisfy his needs. However, other than Mari, no one had ever gotten past those inner barricades.

  Was it time to lower those walls? Did he want to? Nerves attacked his stomach, almost bending him in half. Was he crazy to think of taking another chance? Before he even realized what he was doing, he found himself striding back and forth across his room while fantasies of a life as a husband and a father grabbed hold.

  Once they got out of hand, he stopped in front of the wall mirror.

  Just let things evolve naturally. Stop being a jackass about the future and live for today.

  Okay, got it. He’d go out there and enjoy the company.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “After breakfast, we’ll gather our stuff and move back into our apartment.” Belle made the announcement while Jesse was teasing Yaya about sliding in the non-existent snow. She watched his eyes narrow and come close to glaring his reaction.

  “You’re moving back to the other apartment? Why, Belle? Kim has Christmas all set up here and it’s only a few days away. Stay.”

  Yaya did her imitation of a spoiled little girl by wailing. “I don’t wanna go home. I wanna stay with Jesse.” Even her lip got in to the act as it began to quiver all the while her eyes filled.

  Belle slowly put down her cereal spoon, looked from Jesse to Layla and then glanced at her fingers as they rubbed at a milk-spill on the table.

  “Layla, honey, this is not our home.” Stopping her fidgeting, she reached for her little girl’s hand and was shocked when it was pulled back. “We live two doors down the hall, baby. Now that… ahhh certain matters have been settled, there’s no reason for us to be away anymore.”

  “Couldn’t you just stay one more day while Layla and I start to train Sam? Then I hoped we could go together to the mall. Figured while I looked after Layla, you could have time to do your shopping.”

  Jesse sent a mental message to Belle with a wink to accompany it. The baby doll! She still had to buy Yaya what she asked Santa for or she’d think she wasn’t a good little girl. And that wasn’t at all the truth.

  With Belle sick for so many months, her munchkin had been an angel, trying to help her as much as possible. She’d gone way past what a normal three-year-old could be expected to handle. Many days, she’d dressed herself and even got her own breakfast and lunch under Belle’s supervision.

  “Mama, I’ll be so good. I pwomise I’ll stay with Jesse and hold his hand all the time.” Now she had Yaya’s pleading eyes to try and resist.

  And Jesse’s voice wouldn’t stop tempting. “After, we could go to the doggy Christmas movie at the Cineplex that I know Layla would enjoy, and then—”

  “Oh mommy, please! Can’t we please stay with Jesse?”

  Belle hardened her heart to the pleading. “We have to get back to our own place, Layla. I still need to decorate our tree and the living room for the holiday.”

  Jesse broke in, thinking fast. “Look, why don’t you and Layla stay here with Kim’s decorations all around? If I’m bothering you, I’ll hang out at your place or I can get a room at the hotel down the street. Kim wouldn’t mind. After all, as long as the herd gets fed and Sam has his walks, she’ll be happy.”

  “Jesse, I couldn’t think of putting you out of your home.” Oh God! Did he realize how tempting his suggestions were? Or how much she longed to stay with him and never leave?”

  Tension in the room built until a little girl couldn’t take the pressure anymore. Bursting into tears, Yaya settled the issue by flinging herself toward Jesse. He lifted her from her seat and cradled her against his chest. Over her head, his gentle eyes implored Belle to give in, change her mind and throw her heart into a paradise full of delicious torment.

  “Fine. We’ll stay for one more day.”

  “Yay!! Layla and Jesse yelling their satisfaction together broke into laughter and Jesse wiped away Layla’s tears.

  Belle stood to get their attention. “Just so you both understand. Today, I’ll do my shopping and get what we need for Christmas, and tomorrow we move back home. Is that a deal, Yaya? You have to promise me there’ll be no more arguments or tears?” Belle raised her eyes and noticed the wary look in Jesse’s. “Both of you need to promise.”

  Layla answered first. “Okay, Mommy.”

  Jesse took his time and finally her pointed finger gained his reply. He wore a cheeky grin when he finally spoke.

  “I pwomise!”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  When they finally returned to the apartment, Belle held Layla in her arms while Jesse carried the rest of the parcels.

  She imagined anyone looking would think they were a happy family. And that’s exactly how they’d spent their wonderful day, just like many of the other contented parents with excited children.

  Carrying a sleeping Layla to her bed, Belle knew the smile she’d worn all day was still plastered over her face and firmly lodged in her heart.

  Jesse had gone out of his way to make their time together so wonderful that she knew the memory was forever firmly lodged. He’d handled Yaya with such finesse and tenderness that her baby absolutely glowed from all his attention. Most likely, she herself suffered the same pleasant ailment.

  In the mall, she’d managed to sneak away and now had a beautifully wrapped present for Layla for Christmas morning that she slid under the ruffled bed skirt. Not only would her daughter get the baby doll, but Jesse had found a delightful doll set with bottles, diapers, fancy clothes and even a carriage.

  Her little girl would be in heaven and the thought lifted Belle so high she felt as if she floated a foot off the floor. Pajamas left under the pillow were soon slipped on to a half-awake grumbler.

  “Is she sleeping?” Jesse appeared in the doorway. He’d obviously combed his hair and changed into a clean greenish shirt that exploded the grey in his eyes to appear like emeralds, enticing, appealing.

  “The little monkey is still fighting, but she’s had it for today. I’ll just settle her down and be with you in a minute.”

  Layla scuttled around her mom’s blocking body and held her hand out to Jesse. “I want a goodnight kiss, Jesse. Please?”

  He moved closer and Belle got a whiff of his spicy cologne. The fresh scent had her drooling. He leaned over so Yaya’s reaching arms could encircle his neck. His first kiss landed on her cheek and another followed for her forehead.

  “You smell good, Jesse.”

  Belle had to admit her daughter had good taste.

  “Thanks, Precious. Happy dreams.”

  Belle watched Jesse walk from the room, his swaying hips a pure joy to watch. Bloody hell, the man moved like a model would if advertising sex. And by taking into consideration other women’s trailing stares from earlier in the day, Belle had been completely aware that many of the other discriminating females in the mall had felt equally shaken.

  Before joining him, she decided that if he freshened up then she would also. Not to impress him—that was dead in the water after he’d called her by another woman’s name. But they could still be friends.

  With that thought in mind, she showered, fixed her hair and changed her clothes right down to her underwear. “Whatever!” she whispered the word in the mirror before she joined him in the other room.

  “I wanted to thank you again, Jesse, for being so good to Yaya today, in fact, to both of us. It turned into a day we’ll never forget.”

  Jesse passed her a glass of white wine and sat on the sofa across from her. “Trust me, I enjoyed myself as well.”

  Sam, happy to have his people home again, attacked Jesse’s hem on his jeans and began to pull and growl ferociously. Laughing, Jesse picked him up. “Come ’ere you little pest.” He laid him on his knees and tickled the ecstatic puppy’s tummy all the while Sam tried chomping on his knuckles. Surprisin
gly, a chewy treat appeared from Jess’s pocket and Sam, now wreathed in doggy delight, gnawed happily.

  He looked at her and smiled crookedly. “Did you hide Layla’s present?”

  “I tucked it under the bed. She’ll never think to look there.”

  “Maybe not, but if this little monster sees it, he’ll be attacking and tearing it to pieces.”

  Belle laughed. “I never thought about Sam. I’ll hide it in the closet then. What made you think of Sam as a destroyer? Come on, I saw you glare at him just now.”

  “I guess it was the expensive pair of earphones I used to own but are now all teeth marks and dried slobber.”

  Belle was tickled. “He got you too?”

  Jesse put his wine glass down and leaned toward her. “Spill. What did he wreck of yours?”

  She couldn’t stop the redness that flooded her cheeks. Taking a sip gave her time to wonder if she should mention the panties she’d found on the floor that the little beggar had stolen from her backpack. From now on the zipper would be closed all the way.

  “You’re blushing. The devil must have gotten into your personal things.”

  “Yep! And that’s all I want to say on this subject. It’ll teach me to zip up my belongings.”

  Laughing, Jesse stood and wandered over to the entertainment center and turned on some music. With only the Christmas lights on, the room had a sensuous glow. Add the soft music and Belle began to feel tension building inside. What’s he up to?

  Jesse picked up the bottle, topped his own glass and approached hers. “More?”

  “Sure.” By now her body’s trembling made speaking difficult. Sipping more wine to try and lighten up, Belle watched him move. Not a good idea if she wanted to remain cool.

  “Have you talked to Kim today?” A change of subject seemed appropriate for someone whose insides were flying around like seagulls en mass taking off in the airstreams.


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