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Unforgettable Christmas - Gifts of Love (The Unforgettables Book 3)

Page 47

by Mimi Barbour

  “Can’t we do that now? I don’t want to look at silly dresses. I hate shopping. It’s for girls.”

  “How do you know that? Some men like shopping too. Look around. See all the men entering the store? Can’t be a bad thing, right?”

  He twisted in his seat, watching as several men entered. “Okay. Let’s go. Maybe I can find my new daddy inside.”

  Brooke gasped. “Your what? What have you been telling this boy?”

  “Nothing. This is his idea, believe me.”

  “Santa said he couldn’t bring me a new daddy for Christmas, but he didn’t say I couldn’t find one myself. You can shop, and I’ll shop too.” He pointed his finger. “How about that one right there?”

  Cindy turned her head. “It looks like he has a family, honey. He’s with that lady and boy around your age.”

  Tears sprang into his eyes. “What about Brad? He’s nice. I like him.”

  “He’s our real estate agent, hon. And a friend. Can’t we keep him as a friend? I don’t think he wants a family right now. He’s working real hard and doesn’t have time.”

  Brooke glanced at her. “He said that?”

  “Pretty much.”


  Cindy shrugged. “Maybe I’ll do a little window shopping myself.”

  “Good idea. Go Cindy,” Brooke said with a pleased grin.

  “Why don’t you take Tyler to the children’s department and find him a suitable suit. One on sale,” she said firmly. “He’ll outgrow it in no time. And then meet me in the ladies department in an hour or so. I’ll find something suitable. I promise.”

  “Okay. Sounds like a plan.” She grabbed Tyler’s hand. “Come on, big man. Let’s buy you a proper suit.”

  “Not an itchy one. Mom promised.”

  “Definitely not. It’ll be soft as a kitten’s fur.”

  He grinned. “A black and white one?”

  “I’m sure we can find something just like that.”

  “Thanks, Brooke. Look for me among the regular clothes. I believe it’s the fifth floor.”

  Brooke rolled her eyes. “Live a little. It’s my money.”

  “Exactly. But I don’t have anywhere special to wear a beautiful gown, so why go to all that expense for nothing?”

  “Maybe you’ll meet one of Adam’s friends at the wedding and you’ll both fall madly in love. He might suggest taking you on a premier cruise line for a two week Mediterranean honeymoon, and then you’ll regret not having that one very special dress.”

  Cindy laughed. “In that case, I’ll buy my own. Several, in fact.”

  She was still chuckling when she took the elevator to the fifth floor, to search for the perfect dress to witness her dear sister’s fairytale wedding.

  One of them deserved to have all their dreams come true—and it was Brooke’s turn.

  Cindy could wait for a second chance at love, after all, she’d had it once. They had a beautiful marriage, a perfect, healthy son, and a loving home. She still felt David’s loss deeply, and ached for all the years that had been stolen from them. And yet, she trusted that some day she’d find that happiness again.

  When you had love in your heart—how could you not?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Brad entered the Plaza from Fifth Street. He weaved his way through the people along the promenade, in a sudden rush to see Cindy, and of course, Tyler. They had spoken briefly twenty minutes ago, and he knew she would be waiting by the railing overlooking the ice rink.

  Must have been a hundred or so people all gathered around, but even at a distance of fifty feet, he found her in the crowd. Cindy stood next to a tall, attractive redhead, who must be her sister, but who—in his eyes—paled in comparison. They were huddled together, probably for warmth, while Tyler hopped up and down, trying to see the rink.

  The three of them were at the far end of the Plaza which offered the best view of the Prometheus and the enormous, beautifully decorated and well-lit tree.

  He rushed up to them, feeling a little foolish by the eagerness that leapt in his chest. Had Cindy’s sister and son not been with her, he might have swept her into his arms and planted a big one on those berry red, luscious lips.

  He knew it wasn’t smart to mix sex and business, or to get emotionally involved with a client. But he’d had a long afternoon to hang around her house and meander from room to room. There’d been no serious buyers, only neighbors and people starting their search. As he’d walked them through the place, he’d discovered a little more about this woman each and every time.

  There were family photos in every room, and little knickknacks from various trips that she and her husband had taken together. Her whole life had been laid out in front of him—her beautiful, happy, smiling face, the love and pride in her husband’s eyes. Photos of Tyler from infancy to kindergarten—every wonderful moment of her and her son’s life caught on camera.

  Then the pictures stopped. He could imagine her devastation—her loss, and the more he thought about how strong she must have been to keep herself together and raise her fine boy, the deeper she crept under his skin. Maybe this feeling wouldn’t last, but his heart had cracked open and she’d gotten in. He felt as though he’d fallen in love with her this very afternoon.

  He wanted to be the one to make her world whole. She deserved love, and a good man to hold her tight. And with every hour that passed, he grew more certain that he wanted to be that man.

  “Hey,” he said, trying to appear casual, as though he hadn’t been thinking about her all day. “Did you have a good afternoon?”

  Cindy nodded, and smiled. “You found us. I didn’t realize how busy this place was when I suggested it.” She pulled her sister forward. “Brad, I want you to meet Brooke. She won’t be able to join us for dinner, since she’s meeting her fiancé in an hour, but she’d like to stay for a drink.”

  “Great. It’s nice to meet you, Brooke.”

  “Likewise,” she said, giving him a quick once-over, then a smile of approval. “Looks like my sister’s in good hands.”

  “I hope so,” he answered, then glanced down at Tyler. “Hi, kiddo. Did you have a fun day?”

  He nodded, and his face lit up with a smile. “I liked Macy’s best. The window had all these cool things. What did you call it, Mom?”

  “Interactive,” she told him.

  “Yeah, that’s what it was. You could do all this stuff and make things happen. So cool. You should have seen it! Hey, maybe we could go back there.”

  Brad laughed. “One thing at a time.” He glanced down at their bags. “I see you got some shopping done. You found a dress?” he asked Cindy.

  “Yes, and it’s perfect.” She looked at her sister. “Brooke is having a black and white theme, so my dress is very simple and elegant. A black gown with a low V neckline and a draped back. It’s silky and light, and flows to the ground.”

  “It looks amazing on her,” Brooke said. “And we have a little black suit for Ty, with a cute Tuxedo shirt.”

  “Sounds spiffy,” he said, and winked at Tyler. “You’ve got an important role at this wedding, I hear. You’re the ring bearer, aren’t you?”

  “What’s a ring bear?”

  “Not bear, but bear-er. It means you hold the ring until the groom needs it.”

  “I can do that.”

  “You should come,” Brooke said, glancing from Brad to Cindy, and back again. “We have an extra seat at Cindy’s table.”

  He raised a brow and looked at Cindy, who flushed prettily. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure Brad has somewhere to go on New Year’s Eve. A party, or a big night on the town.”

  “Of course, I spoke too soon,” Brooke said, and gave Brad another long look. “No one as good looking as this man here is going to spend the night alone.”

  “Exactly,” Cindy said, and her face went crimson. “Besides, doesn’t Adam have a friend for me to meet?”

  Brad cleared his throat. “As it just so happens, I’m free that nig

  “You’re free!” Brooke’s eyes glittered and she clapped her hands. “That’s wonderful. Then please come to my wedding. It’s at four in the afternoon and is right here in Manhattan at Saint James church. That’s on Madison. It’s a small wedding and will take place in the Chapel, not the main parish.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll put that on my calendar. Is it black tie?”

  “A suit will do, but if you have a tux, you won’t be the only one wearing it, I’m sure. And you’d look devilishly handsome.”

  “Are you flirting with him?” Cindy snapped, with a sharp look at her sister.

  “No. I’m being polite.” Brooke grinned. “So why don’t I find us a table and hold the bags, while you three go out on the ice.”

  “Skating,” Tyler said, jumping up and down in excitement. “Let’s go, Mommy.”

  “I think I’d prefer to sit this one out myself,” Cindy said. “Tyler, would you mind if it was just you and Brad?”

  “Oh, come on,” Brad urged. “I’ve been waiting for this all day.”

  “I’m a lousy skater, and Tyler doesn’t need any assistance,” she added with a touch of pride.

  Brad could see he needed reinforcements, and glanced down at Tyler. “We still need your mother though, don’t we?”

  Tyler nodded. “I can help you, Mom.”

  She shot Brad a hard look, and released an audible sigh. “This was your idea, remember?”

  “I remember, but I thought it would be nice for the three of us.”

  Brooke gave Cindy a not-so-gentle push. “Off you go. You’ll have a blast, especially since you’ve got someone to hold onto.” She smiled at Brad, and Brad smiled back.

  “Why don’t you go instead?” Cindy said peevishly, adding, “Since you seem to like him so much.”

  Brad couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face. He linked an arm around Cindy’s shoulder, and whispered in her ear. “You wouldn’t be a tad jealous, now would you?”

  “Of course not.” She shrugged his arm off. “Come on, Tyler. Let’s do this. Auntie Brooke will wait with the bags.”

  Brooke had the packages in her hands. “I’ll find a table inside.”

  “It’s going to take us at least an hour,” Cindy told her sister. “We’ll have to get in line for tickets and skates, and have a half hour on the ice. What about Adam?”

  “I’ll call him and see if he can meet us here. If not, I’ll let him know I’ll be late.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” Brad said. “See if Adam can join us for dinner. I’d like to meet him since I’ll be attending the wedding.”

  He felt a sharp nudge in his side, and looked at Cindy with surprise. “Ouch. What was that for?”

  “What?” she asked, all innocent like.

  “Nothing. Let’s go, Ty. I think your mom is getting frisky.”

  “What’s frisky?” he asked.

  “Means she wants some action—too much standing around.” He put his hand behind her back and guided her toward the stairs leading down one level. “We’ll catch up with you, Brooke, as soon as we can.”

  “Take your time. Have fun. I’ll have a glass of wine without you.”

  As soon as they were out of hearing, Cindy hissed, “Well, you two sure got on friendly terms awfully darn fast.”

  “Is that a problem?” His arm snaked around her waist as they walked along. “She’s terrific. I like her.”

  “Of course you do. Everyone does.”

  “I like you too. Even when you’re snapping at me.” He grinned. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”

  “Are you mad, Mommy? Why? Are you mad at Aunt Brooke ‘cuz she paid for your dress?”

  “No, I’m not mad at her, and it was very generous that she took care of it—although I wish she hadn’t.”

  “Then why are you mad?”

  “If I’m mad it’s because Brad’s coming to the wedding. I thought it might be a good opportunity to meet people,” she said, giving Brad a peevish look.

  “Like what kind of people?” her son wanted to know.

  Brad slipped his hand in hers, and brought the mitten gloves to his lips. “Yeah, what kind of people? I’d like to meet them too.”

  Her eyes threw daggers at him. “You are a workaholic, remember? Why aren’t you working that evening as well?”

  “Even someone as driven as me can take a night off and do something incredibly romantic once in awhile. Like go ice-skating with a beautiful mom and her son.”

  She glanced up at him and he saw the unexpected mist of tears. He hoped he wasn’t the cause of them, and wanted to slowly turn things around. He was thirty-five and couldn’t remain single forever. Baby steps was what he needed. He’d like to take tonight and let this be the beginning of something he hadn’t had in darn near ten years.

  A relationship.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The line for tickets didn’t take as long as Cindy had expected, and now minutes away from the rink, nerves kicked in. She hadn’t skated in years, and would probably make a total idiot of herself on the ice.

  Brad helped Tyler on with his skates as she struggled with her own laces, and they stood patiently waiting for her to get off the wooden seat.

  "You two go. I'll be just a minute," she said, waving them off.

  "You're sure?" Brad glanced at her. "You're not going to chicken out on me, are you?"

  "No. I wouldn't do that." She waited until they'd left, and then put her hands on her knees, sucking in deep breaths. "Buck up," she told herself.

  She could see Brad and Tyler on the ice, and knew she couldn't back down now. Gingerly, she picked her way toward the rink, finding it difficult to walk on the wooden planks.

  Her legs were wobbly as she skated toward them. Tyler saw her and lunged forward, tripping on the slippery ice. Brad scooped him up before he fell and placed him back down, then held out his hand for her.

  Cindy reached them, but she refused his hand. “I’m going to take a few turns on my own. Try to get a feel for this again. It’s been awhile.”

  She didn't want to spoil this hour together, and if Brad knew how terrified she was, it would be all over. Tyler wouldn't get his fun. She couldn't do that to him—not when he'd looked forward to this all day.

  Her teeth were chattering and it wasn't from the cold. "I'll be fine in a minute."

  “No problem. Tyler and I will do all right on our own. Won’t we, buddy?”

  Her son nodded. “Watch me, Mommy. Watch me!”

  He took off and Cindy held her breath in fear. There were so many kids about, and the place was crowded with tourists—skaters who could barely stand up. “Brad, go after him, won’t you?” Without answering, he took off, and skated alongside Tyler, keeping one eye on him and for trouble ahead.

  After a few shaky turns around the rink, Cindy found her rhythm and a touch of confidence. She skated toward them, slipping her hand through Brad’s arm. “Can I join the two of you? Or is this a man thing?”

  His arm squeezed her hand, letting her know that she was welcomed. “I think we can let a woman skate with us. What do you say, Ty?”

  Someone swept past them so fast, that Tyler, who’d turned to see his mom, lost his balance. He tripped over his feet, taking both Brad and her down. The three of them toppled over each other, and she landed two feet from Tyler, half sprawled on top of Brad. His leg and butt were under her, cushioning her fall.

  Her head shot up. “You okay, Ty?”

  “Ice is cold,” he said, his lips trembling. “But I’m okay.”

  One of the officials skated over and helped him up, and offered her a hand. She was pulled up, almost before she wanted to be. “Thank you,” she said, and brushed herself off. Once the official knew no one was hurt, he skated away.

  Brad flipped himself over and their eyes connected. Warmth spread from inside her chest, heating her from her toes to her cheeks.

  His eyes were fastened on her face as he rose, and his arms swept aroun
d her waist. Before she knew what was happening his mouth came down on hers.

  It was a quick kiss, but she felt it zing right through her, lighting up dead, forgotten areas inside, and making her long for more.

  “Mommy, mommy...can we go now?” Tyler pulled at her jacket. “Nuf skating. I’m cold.” His lips were chattering, and there was crushed ice on his cheek. “I like the hockey rink better.”

  She bent down and brushed the ice away, and kissed his cold cheek. “You were a very brave boy, and I’m so proud of you.” She took his hand. “Let’s go find Aunt Brooke and get something warm to eat and drink.”

  Brad grabbed Tyler’s other hand. “I’m all for that.” Over Tyler’s head, their eyes met again. He winked. “I’m up for anything.”

  She really wished he’d stop with the sexual innuendoes. They were making her giddy with excitement, and she was already having enough trouble keeping her own needs in check. How easy it would be to let her feelings get swept away by this man. She was emotionally vulnerable, and it scared her to be that way.

  Once they had their skates off, the three of them cleaned up the best they could, then went to find Brooke. She spotted them immediately and waved them over.

  “I’m glad you got here when you did,” she told them. “Adam called, and he can’t meet us because he made a reservation at The Capital Grille. He’s already there waiting on me.” She stood up. “We’ll get together another night soon.”

  She kissed Tyler’s cheek. “You were awesome out there. I watched you skate, and take that big fall, but you never stopped grinning. I was so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Auntie Brooke.” His little chest swelled. “I was really awesome.”

  Cindy gave her sister a kiss. “Thanks for everything. The dress, the wonderful day. Pushing me to skate.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You two have fun, you hear?” She smiled at Brad. “Take care of my sister.”

  “I plan to.” He grinned back, and they both watched her leave.

  Brad stretched out his arms, landing one on the back of Cindy’s chair. Within a minute she felt Brad’s knee rub up against hers.


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