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Unforgettable Christmas - Gifts of Love (The Unforgettables Book 3)

Page 89

by Mimi Barbour

  “Thanks. You really saved my ass.” She met his eyes and smiled, revealing two dimples below the painted red circles on her cheeks. Her eyes sparkled, the most gorgeous green eyes he’d ever seen, like those fancy crystals.

  The kids all laughed at her use of profanity. Alarmed, she swiveled toward them and blushed, her natural red painful against the paleness of her skin.

  “Shit. I mean, sorry. Don’t say that either.” She closed her eyes, blue glitter on her lashes. “Do I need to put a quarter in a jar somewhere?”

  Riley averted his face to hide his laughter and then walked around the trolley that he recognized now as the lunch cart.

  “You’ve already been to the office?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes. I was directed here. To a storage room? I thought I’d be seeing the kids, but the receptionist said there was a mix up on the schedule. These are cookies for the pageant.”

  His well-behaved group of ten year olds suddenly went rabid as they realized they were close to sugar. “Coookies! Cookies. Cookies.” Mitch organized a chant at the front of the stage, his small fist pumping.

  Riley flushed.

  “Nice kids,” she said with a smirk. “Should I give them some cookies? I have an extra box in the van.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he countered with real horror.

  She took the handle of the trolley and started walking backward again. “You mind showing me where the storage room is? Then I’ll get out of your hair and you can get back to practice. Sounds like they need it.”

  Not offended, Riley gave her points for being honest. “Let me help,” he said, going to the opposite side of the trolley. She was pretty, he decided. Great eyes, nice curves. The top button on her velvet costume looked ready to bust. Was it wrong to hope the candy cane broke?

  She had red hair, snow-white skin and great—he forced his gaze upward to her cute nose, but he was drawn like hell to her rack.

  “You bake all these?” Lame question, Mr. McSorley, he scolded himself. Smooth he was not.

  “My parents.”

  “Where are they? North Pole?” He winked.

  She tossed her head, the elf ear dangling from a single fleshy strand. “That was awful,” she said. “Better stick to,” she paused, a tiny frown hovering between her red brows. “What do you do, anyway?”

  “I’m Mr. McSorley. Riley.” He straightened his tie. “I teach fourth grade and music.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to see the kids jumping up and down to a pop song that definitely wasn’t part of the pageant. “Do you go home and drink a lot?”

  “No.” Caught off guard, he chuckled. “Maybe I should start.”

  “Headache.” She tugged the cart backward, slow and steady. “I’d be addicted to Excedrin if I had to teach kids music.”

  “You get used to it.” In a rare epiphany Riley McSorley knew that he had to see this woman again. She stirred his curiosity. Challenged his apathetic acceptance of going with the flow. “What’s your name?”

  “Sorry. I’m just helping out for the holiday at the bakery. I usually keep my one-on-one interactions to a minimum. Socially awkward,” she shrugged and her breasts pushed against the velvet. “Teagan Becker.”

  He yanked his eyes up. “You seem…” He was about to say normal, but she was missing an elf ear and would know he was lying. “Interesting.”

  Teagan burst out laughing, tossed her head back and damn if the candy cane didn’t bust—showing off the best cleavage this side of the trolley. He about choked in surprise at the gorgeous ivory expanse of flesh. Not a single freckle to mar her perfect skin. Twin globes encased in cherry red lace and silver paper tucked in the center...

  “Hello!” She snapped her fingers, amused rather than pissed, thank God. “I knew it was a stretch when I put this on, but the last time I wore it was six years ago. Believe what you will, but this is not my usual attire.”

  “Are you coming to the pageant?” Riley processed the tickets snuggled between her breasts. He recognized the silvery paper from pushing sales for the past month. All of a sudden he could breathe. His brain cleared and he put his hands on the trolley. He would see her again and didn’t have to break any school rules by asking the bakery elf girl for a date.

  “The principal said that my parents always come.” Teagan screwed up her cute little nose. “But I would rather stick a pencil in my eye.”

  You can find Holiday by the Sea on Kindle at


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  About Traci Hall

  With an impressive bibliography in an array of genres, USA Today bestselling author Traci Hall has garnered a notable fan base. She pens stories guaranteed to touch the heart while transporting the reader to another time and place. Her belief in happily ever after shines through, whether it's a romantic glimpse into history or a love affair for today.


  Find out more about Traci Hall and her books at:


  Other Books by Traci Hall

  Contemporary Romance Novels

  Ambrosia by the Sea

  Karma by the Sea

  Puppy Love by the Sea

  Masquerade by the Sea

  Holiday by the Sea

  Festival by the Sea novella

  Dancing by the Sea

  Forever by the SeaBlue

  Christmas by the Sea novella

  Returning Home by the Sea

  Blossoms by the Sea

  Billionaire by the Sea novella

  Santa Baby by the Sea—available only in the Unforgettable Christmas boxed set for a limited time

  Short Contemporary Romance

  Always a BridesmaidWith This Ring

  Christmas With Niagara

  Book Two – The Niagara Series

  Susan Jean Ricci

  Best-selling and Award Winning Author

  Copyright © 2017 Susan J Ricci

  Book Description

  Ready to indulge in your next love fix? Want to read more about Jace and Niagara’s thrilling first kiss when a heavenly intervention spins stardust into their hearts?

  From the highly acclaimed, five-star tale Falling For Niagara, come join the rapture of Jace and Niagara’s return, as their cherished love story expands with new and exciting pleasures. Presenting the eagerly awaited sequel Christmas With Niagara.

  When a special needs stranger suddenly appears on their doorstep and inserts himself into their lives, Niagara must decide if his presence will doom her and Jace’s relationship, or enrich it.

  Stay tuned as these beloved characters embark on their way to happiness, in spite of unordinary odds. Share their triumphs, tribulations, and embrace the power of what loving relationships are destined to be.


  Dedicated to my Labrador Retriever Emma

  Her Presence in my Life

  Has Always Been a Pure Joy

  Grateful thanks to the awesome Jolea Minnick for providing the gift of her formatting skills. To the skilled and talented Lynn Lamb who created this wonderful cover and is a joy to work with. To my mother Jean Krampert and my ve
ry first fan – her belief in me set me on the writing path in the first place.

  Loving thanks to my wonderful children – Stacey, Jenny, and Nick for your love and support when I needed it most.

  And last, but never least, huge hugs to my loving husband Joe, a patient and talented man who never wavers when it comes to brainstorming ideas, editing, giving me a boost (or boot), whenever one is needed, but most of all, for loving me. Without him, none of my books would exist, nor would I.

  SueB loves you.

  Praise and Awards

  Bestselling and Award Winning Author

  Outstanding “Woman’s Fiction” The 2016 IAN Book of the Year awards.

  Global EBooks Awards: Second Place for Novella 2016

  The Reader’s Favorite: Third Place for Humor 2015

  Global EBooks Awards: Third Place for Romance & Erotica 2015

  Finalist in the Independent Author Network Contest for Outstanding First Novel 2015

  Semi-finalist in The Kindle Book Reviews 2013, Best Indie Book Awards.

  “Author Susan Jean Ricci is gifted at writing deftly and sketching out the basics needed for a complete story without adding too much "fluff" to fatten up a story unnecessarily.”~ Tracy Slowiak for Readers’ Favorite

  “Jace and Niagara are marvelous characters, both strong and independent, and the reader can't help but hope that they both somehow let down their respective guards and get past their awkward and somewhat prickly first encounter. Ricci's plot is contemplative and powerful, and her writing is smooth and flowing. Falling for Niagara is an intriguing and enjoyable short story, and it's highly recommended.”~ Jack Magnus for Reader’s Favorite

  “This romance by Susan Jean Ricci is outstanding! I'm not usually a reader of romances, but this engaging story kept my attention. The setting is Niagara Falls and the main characters are Jace and Niagara. Jace does fall for Niagara, but does she fall for him? The story flows so smoothly. It's beautifully written, it's captivating and I hungered for more. I would highly recommend it!”~ Vic Tomlinson

  Chapter One

  A Day in the Life

  Jace DeMatteo whistled as he wrapped prosciutto and sliced provolone around thin asparagus stalks, like he was tucking tiny, fragile infants into receiving blankets. He gently placed each on a tray, drizzled them with a smidgeon of olive oil, and then set his masterpiece aside to bake.

  A bottle of vodka chilled in the freezer, ready for their Friday night martini. Niagara liked hers dirty, with three olives, while he preferred four.

  He smiled, recalling the first time he even considered drinking a martini, the night they’d met at the Top of the Falls restaurant. What a wussy he’d been at the time, and not just about the topic of cocktails.

  The asparagus appetizer was one of Niagara’s favorites and he couldn’t wait for her to arrive. He rinsed his hands and dried them with a dishtowel, while his feet danced side to side to one of his favorite oldies songs playing on the XM radio. Trim hips swayed in time to the beat with a panache he’d been proud to conquer.

  Ever since Niagara had taught Jace’s clumsy ass how to groove to music, dancing had become one of his favorite pastimes. He never got enough of it, any more than he could resist Niagara’s kisses.

  Jace impatiently checked his watch, noting she wouldn’t be finished with her half of the job for another hour. The graphics she created for his computer software were amazing, and he was positive the company wouldn’t have such enormous sales and the following it currently enjoyed, if not for her special gifts with advertising.

  He opened a bottle of chardonnay, poured himself a small glass, and retreated to his office.

  Booting up his desktop, Jace looked over the news of the day, while the music continued in the background. His foot unconsciously tapped beneath the desk until he grew bored with the headlines. He carefully typed in the password to his business website – correction – his and Niagara’s business website.

  Instead of looking at the end of the week profits, he leaned his chin on one hand and sighed with gratitude. That heaven had shown him had such favor six short months before remained a mystery, but one he didn’t try to solve.

  On the day destiny changed his life for the better, he’d been standing on the observation deck at Niagara Falls, grieving, alone, and wondering what the hell possessed him to visit there in the first place. It was then he’d spotted her through his binoculars, as she held onto the rails at the bow of a tour boat.

  The stranger’s breathtaking beauty had fascinated him. He’d gazed with longing as her long, raven hair streamed behind her at the whimsies of the wind, until the boat had sailed out of sight.

  A rainbow had suddenly flared against the clear blue sky, surprising the bejesus out of him. The sky remained a clear, azure blue, and he’d prayed it was a sign of better days to come.

  Their chance meeting later that night at dinner had opened the door to a wondrous future and, since then, the couple had formed a loving bond deeper than either of them had ever imagined.

  He shook his head in disbelief, even now, that this wonderful creature had become such an integral part his life. He chuckled out loud, too. Thank the good Lord he’d inherited his dad’s penchant for cooking, and his abilities as well. As his stepmom often said, “There’s something about having your own sexy chef slog away in the kitchen to steam up a marriage and make things broil.”

  Not that Jace considered either himself or his father sexy, but if their women thought so, far be it from him to correct them.

  He smiled, remembering Niagara’s startling announcement, right after they first began dating. “I hope, for your sake, you plan on eating plenty of take out, if we’re to succeed as a couple,” she’d said archly.

  “Why would I plan on that?” he wondered, his brow lined with confusion.

  She’d flipped her hair over a shapely shoulder like the content of her statement didn’t matter, but then offered him a weak smile. “I can’t find my way around a kitchen, even if you draw me a map and pave the way with diamonds. I keep my lingerie in the drawers, and the oven’s never been used.”

  “That’s not such a deal breaker,” he’d drawled. “One of the only talents I possess, besides being a computer geek extraordinaire, is that I’m a decent cook.”

  She’d pointed at him with a hardy laugh. “Sold to the woman with the good luck to have a potential mate, whose talents exceed hers in the kitchen.”

  “Cooking for you will be my utmost pleasure,” he replied with his hand over his heart.

  “Truthfully, I’m ecstatic to know this about you. I get so sick of Chinese or pizza as a regular diet.”

  Then, he’d hugged her to him and kissed her soundly, noting with male satisfaction her delicate purrs of surrender.

  “It’ll cost you, though,” he’d whispered against her mouth before he took her any further.

  “Anything, my darling,” she’d promised.

  “Be my dance instructor. Teach me how to stop making an ass out of myself when we go out.”


  From that day on, whenever they were together for the evening, he took care of keeping them fed, and she taught him to move like a night fever type of guy.

  The sound of the front door closing pulled Jace from his reverie. Niagara was home, and with her arrival they’d start the weekend festivities.

  He quickly shut down his Mac and strode to the living room, where the love of his life was shedding her jacket.

  “Wow, it’s getting chilly outside,” she remarked as she rubbed her hands together.

  Jace opened his arms. “Then, come here and let me warm you up.”

  “With pleasure,” she replied as she stepped into his embrace.

  He drew her head upon his shoulder, and then rubbed her back. He began with her shoulders and worked his way down, until his hands pressed against her backside, urging her closer.

  “That feels so good,” she murmured, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist, thus succu
mbing to his advances.

  “I can feel your heat right through our clothes,” she whispered against his neck, as her hands stroked his buttocks.

  “Then, maybe we should get rid of them,” he replied.

  “Now, there’s a thought,” she agreed.

  Jace pulled the pins from her raven tresses, freeing them from the tidy bun she wore when she went to the office, and rubbed her scalp until her hair was static with electricity. “I’d say our weekend is off to an arousing good start,” he said softly.

  Niagara took a thick strand of hair and slowly wound it around his neck, until the hair was back in her hand. Giving him a gentle tug with it, she asked, “Shall we adjourn to a more comfy part of the house?”

  Jace turned her around in his arms and gave her rear a gentle squeeze with both hands. “Ladies first,” he replied.


  When the passion that never ceased to amaze them was satisfied, Niagara ran her fingers through her lover’s curly black hair and gave his head a thorough massage.

  “Ah, that’s so nice,” he whispered. “What a warm welcome to the weekend.”

  “Yes, and a nice homecoming, for sure, but it’s way past suppertime. A girl’s got to eat. What did you make me for dinner?”


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