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Unforgettable Christmas - Gifts of Love (The Unforgettables Book 3)

Page 95

by Mimi Barbour

  “Goddam it, man, why would you do such a stupid thing? That rig is insured to the gills, and…”

  “Hush, Jay. Get ahold of yourself,” intervened Cindy, a firm hand on his arm. “Leave the guy alone, he’s had enough troubles for one day.”

  “Yeah,” agreed her stepson.

  Niagara suddenly remembered the two men in the waiting room. “Just stop it, you guys. Cody and Axelrod are here, and I think Axelrod would like to see Jace.”

  “How come?” Jace asked.

  “Because Cody was good enough to fetch your cell from the rig, so I could call your parents. Then they wanted to hang around to see how your test results came out. Is it okay if they come in and see you?”

  Jace sighed with relief. He knew there would be no more hollering from his father, with other people in the room. “Sure, why not?” he replied.

  As Niagara left to go tell the guys they could visit with Jace for a few minutes, she heard Cindy ask, “Who are Cody and Axelrod?”

  Chapter Nine

  Thanksgiving Treasures

  Two days before Thanksgiving, Jace decided to try a new recipe from a food magazine he’d subscribed to, after his release from the hospital.

  Aside from a weeklong headache, he’d suffered no other repercussions.

  Jace even assured Niagara, much to her relief, that their future trips would be restricted to cars or airlines, whenever they decided to travel again.

  Jay had driven the rig to be repaired and winterized where he’d purchased, with a heartfelt apology to his son for his behavior at the hospital, before he’d departed.

  As father embraced son with words only they were privy to, Niagara had looked on, happy tears in her eyes that their relationship seemed better than ever.

  The latest issue was bookmarked to a seafood dish that smelled absolutely scrumptious as Jace worked, and boosted his appetite. He sautéed salmon, shallots, and peapods in olive oil and butter in one pan, and put it aside. Then he made a crab meat stuffing to top off the salmon, and prepared the fixings for a Hollandaise sauce, which he’d cook a bit later.

  When Niagara arrived home, she paused in the foyer to absorb the scent of her man’s latest creation, and smiled with anticipation.

  Damn, but she was lucky. Her man was the epitome of every woman’s desire, both in the kitchen and elsewhere, she thought with naughty desire. Bedtime couldn’t come soon enough.

  Jace gave his love a quick kiss when she entered the kitchen. “I can’t leave the sauce alone, or else it’ll curdle. Do you mind setting the table and pouring the chardonnay?” he asked.

  “Not at all, my darling. I heard from Cody today about Thanksgiving and we can chat about it while we eat, okay?”

  He nodded as he whisked the Hollandaise, and she opened the wine.

  After the table was set and the wine poured, Jace shouted, “Voila! Have a seat, my love, and behold my culinary gift to you.”

  He served up their plates and they each took a bite, savoring the deliciousness of the Salmon Oscar.

  Niagara closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure. “Oh, my Lord, I sure hope you make this again sometime, Jace. This is absolutely fabulous.”

  Jace sent her a grateful smile and sipped his wine. “So, what’s the good word about Turkey Day,” he asked.

  “Cody and Axelrod are coming, of course. Cody said he’d bring my brother’s favorite yam dish and his drink of the day.”

  “Which is?”

  “Orangeade. I’ve never heard of it, have you?”

  “Nope. One less thing to worry about, I guess.”

  Niagara fidgeted. “Axelrod has never brought up our name snafu, during the past three visits we’ve had. Do you think he forgot about it?”

  “Nah, a guy like your brother doesn’t forget a fart.”

  Niagara snorted her wine. “Jesus, Jace, watch your language,” she choked.

  Jace got up and patted her back. “Sorry about that, my love, but I couldn’t resist. Let’s finish our dinner. Thank God we got our shopping done last weekend, the stores will be mobbed tomorrow, last minute shoppers and all that.”

  Niagara raised her glass to him. “Here’s to the most patient, loving and wonderful cook in the world. In case I forget to tell you on Thursday, here’s to the best Thanksgiving ever.”

  Chapter Ten

  Snow Angels

  While Jace put the finishing touches on the glaze he’d prepared for the Christmas ham,

  Niagara finished with the vacuum and stored it in the closet.

  She stepped in front of the huge Douglas fir they’d cut down at a tree farm earlier in the month and sighed with delight.

  “This is, without exception, the most beautiful Christmas tree I’ve ever seen,” she shared.

  Jace nodded in agreement. “That was just a plain old tree, until you decorated it, my love. You’ve turned it into a Christmas tree for the record books. We’ll have to take pictures of it later, when the family gets here, don’t you think?”

  She smiled and then, parting the curtains, peered out the window.

  “Oh, gosh, Hon, it’s snowing. I can’t remember a Christmas Eve when we’ve actually had snow,” she said in awe.

  Jace joined her at the window and slipped his arm around his beloved’s shoulders. “It sure looks beautiful, especially with our Christmas lights all over the house. Looks like a ginger bread centerpiece,” he said, nuzzling her neck.

  “Sure does,” she whispered as she gave him a sweet kiss.

  “I’m so glad we were able to get to Allentown the day after Thanksgiving and retrieve your mother’s decorations, and the photo albums. I’m looking forward to looking at them.”

  “So am I, “ she replied softly. “Her hairpiece and veil are still so beautiful, as good as new. Maybe someday…”

  Jace smothered a grin and changed topics.

  “I’ve set aside the glaze and the ham’s ready for the oven. The antipasto salad’s in the fridge, and the asparagus with prosciutto appetizer is all set to bake, too. I’d say we’re pretty good about now.”

  Then, a mischievous gleam entered his dark brown eyes. “Let’s go take a walk in the snow. The family won’t be here for another two hours, and we have plenty of time to have some fun. What do you say?”

  Niagara sent him a joyful smile. “I’ll go grab our coats and hats, be right back,” she cried, hurrying to the closet.

  Dressed in their winter garb, they walked arm in arm down the sidewalk. The light, fluffy snow was only sticking to the grass, but Niagara was glad she wore warm boots anyway.

  Jace suddenly scooped up a handful of snow. “Hey, Niagara, look what I found.”

  She looked in his direction, the question on her lips forgotten, as he blew the snow off his hand.

  Niagara received a face full of snow, an unanticipated reward for answering his summons.

  Laughing, she wiped the wet from her nose. Bending over and intent on returning the favor, Jace gently tackled her from behind.

  “What are you doing, you crazy person?” she squealed, as they rolled onto their backs in the snow.

  The nearby streetlight made the flakes glisten on Niagara’s eyelashes and, when she looked over at Jace, his heart swelled with love.

  Jay flapped his arms across the snow like he was flying on the ground, and gazed at the heavens.

  Niagara giggled at his antics. “What are you doing?”

  “Making snow angels, of course. Doing so brings good luck for the New Year. You should try it, too. Just to be on the safe side.”

  She shot him a dubious glance, but the concept sounded like fun, and she joined in.

  Together they made more snow angels until the grass showed through the snow. They laughed like children, until the chill began to seep through their coats.

  “Jace, I’m getting cold. We should get up, and …”

  “Wait a minute. Here, take this,” he said, placing a tiny box on her mitten.

  Niagara sat up in the snow and stare
d at the box, her wet rear end forgotten.

  “What is this?” she quavered.

  Jace got to his knees and crawled the short distance to his love. Taking the box from her, he pulled off her mitten and flipped open the box with his thumb.

  Niagara gasped. Snow fell onto the diamond solitaire engagement ring, making it sparkle like fiery ice, as Jace placed his other hand over his heart.

  “Would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? I promise to cherish you and honor you, above all others, until death do us part.”

  She threw back her head and screamed, “Yes!”

  Her yell echoed throughout the silent neighborhood, as Jace slipped the ring onto the appropriate finger, and then helped her to stand.

  A few shouts of “Congratulations, and Merry Christmas, you two,” were heard from a few of their closest neighbors. Niagara and her new fiancée giggled, and then strolled into the house.

  Niagara couldn’t stop admiring her ring, while Jace hung up their wet coats in the laundry room.

  Jace rubbed his arms. “How about taking a hot shower before the family gets here? I don’t know about you, but I’m chilled to the bone.”

  “Oh, I’ll take a shower with you, all right,” she purred. “I don’t know what you have in mind for an encore, but if it’s anything like your proposal, I’m all for it.”



  Complimenting Jace’s Christmas Eve dinner delights, his stepmom Cindy brought her renowned pepperoni bread.

  She kicked off her wet dress shoes in the foyer and slipped into a dry pair of sneakers, with little Santa Claus heads embroidered on the toes.

  “Merry Christmas, my loves,” she said cheerfully, and then hurried to the kitchen to store the bread in the oven warmer.

  “Merry Christmas, Cindy,” Jace and Niagara replied in unison.

  Her husband Jay kicked the snow from his boots, mimed them both a kiss, and then following his wife, toted a large pan of lasagna inside and put it on the stove to stay hot. He went back outside and returned with a huge bag of presents.

  Her future father-in-law whispered something to Niagara, and she smiled.

  That the DeMatteo’s had been thoughtful enough to bring a gift for Axelrod warmed her heart.

  Jace’s brother and sister, along with their spouses and children arrived next bringing gaily-wrapped packages they placed under the tree.

  Axelrod was present as well, Niagara’s honored guest. She couldn’t wait to introduce him to Jace’s family as her long lost brother, newly found.

  Jace and his parents took care of serving their guests. Dinner was loud, but

  an abundance of shared love flowed around those at the table.

  When Jace tapped his spoon against his wine glass when the meal was finished, the noise settled down some, as the family waited expectantly to hear what was on his mind.

  “Niagara and I have some wonderful news,” he began. “Darling, will you please stand?”

  Niagara blushed, but did as he bid. Axelrod who was seated on her right stood, too.

  “I’m going to skip the fun details of how my proposal came about, but Niagara has agreed to become my wife!”

  A chorus of ‘Congratulations’ and ‘Hoorays’ were heard from all, until Cindy interrupted. “Hey, quiet down, people, and let’s get to the nitty-gritty. Show us your ring, Honey!”

  Niagara held up her left hand. The stone sparkled like a gazillion fireflies beneath the chandelier, amidst the compliments, until she had to sit down, or melt from her happiness.

  Jay walked over to his future daughter-in-law. “Many blessings, my dear. On behalf of our family, it’s my pleasure to welcome you and your brother into the fold.” He kissed her on the cheek, and then said to the group, “Dessert anyone?”


  Axelrod had smiled when he opened the gift Niagara had chosen for him – a new smart phone, downloaded with his favorite songs, the selection a tip from his caregiver Cody. Although he mingled with her and Jace’s guests, he continued to wear the ear buds that were included with the phone.

  He nodded a lot, Niagara noted, not sure if it was because of the music, or that he was simply being agreeable with the conversations directed his way.

  She had so much to be grateful for.

  Niagara worried such a big gathering might disturb Axelrod, as he wasn’t used to being around strangers in such close quarters. She held her brother’s hand all night, and never let go.

  Axelrod smiled often, that Christmas Eve. He even made eye contact several times with Cindy, and complimented on her choice of perfume.

  “Jace’s step mother smells like pure vanilla,” he told her. “Like Christmas cookies baking in the oven.”

  Cindy placed a warm palm on his cheek. Niagara expected him to pull away from the contact, but, to her surprise, he allowed her future mother-in-law the touch.

  Later, after the family had departed, Niagara found her brother sitting quietly on the bed in the guest room.

  He still wore a smile.

  Niagara gently lowered herself onto the bed beside him, not wanting to disturb his quiet serenity.

  “Did you have a nice Christmas Eve, Axelrod?” she asked him.

  Her brother nodded a dozen times, but they were the slow nods of a contented man.

  “What was it you liked best about tonight?” she queried softly.

  He fidgeted a bit and sent her a sidelong glance.

  Then, he put his arm abound his half sister’s shoulders and gave her a quick squeeze, before folding his hands once more.

  “I, Axelrod, also known as Ax, liked having a family again,” he shared. “Most of all, I liked Christmas with Niagara.”



  Thank you for reading CHRISTMAS WITH NIAGARA. We’re very proud of the books chosen to be a part of this boxed set.

  CHRISTMAS WITH NIAGARA was fun to write, and I hope you enjoyed the story.

  If you’d like to discover more about Jace and Niagara’s beginning, may I suggest you read an excerpt, after the following information:

  Falling For Niagara:

  Anyway, I would also like to ask you a favor. Please take a few minutes and leave an honest review for the collection on Amazon. Authors enjoy hearing that readers like their stories, and hopefully, others will read your words and choose to buy the set because of your sentiment.

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  Falling For Niagara


  Susan Jean Ricci

  Chapter One

  If good looks meant power, the man standing on the Niagara Falls observation deck would rule the world.

  A leftie when it came to work or writing, he cradled a pair of binoculars in his right hand with equal ease. The other carefully held the hood of the waterproof slicker he wore over his thick, black hair, blocking the mist from the falls.

  Has any male ego permitted a messy mane to mar their handsomeness, if only unconsciously?

  Although he’d been told from childhood he was gorgeous, his looks mattered little to him. Science and computers interested him much more, so he remained a modest man in spite of the flatteries.

  A sad expression etched his features, and try as he might, there was no disguising it.

  Still, he presented a striking picture. Eyes the color of dark chocolate were brightly enhanced by the noon time sun. Women of every age who happened to walk by him were diverted from the beauty of the falls enough to give him a thorough once over.

  Some even wondered what secrets were hidden within the dark depths of his eyes.

  His face wasn’t the only attractive aspect of him, since he had a body to die for. The man’s spectacular biceps were apparent, even through the rain gear. When the breeze
lifted the flimsy material aloft, his jeans also flaunted a trim behind and muscular thighs.

  Although it was late autumn, the air was warm, and birds that should have been long gone south still trilled though the air with their sweet songs.

  He held up the binoculars and perused the pool at the bottom of the falls. The churning water at their base drowned out the sounds of the touring boats ferrying effortlessly though the water.

  The scene proved to be tranquil, and for a moment, he almost felt peace.

  A lady passenger on one of the larger boats suddenly snagged his attention.

  Even from the distance he noted her regal bearing. Long hair the color of a raven’s wing was blowing in the breeze, as she stood holding onto the rails of the ship's bow.

  Quite the Titanic movie moment, he chuckled.

  She was amazing.

  Fascinated by the stranger’s breathtaking beauty, he continued to stare at her through the binoculars, until the boat was out of sight.

  He wondered if there was a chance in hell he’d get to meet her, and then cursed his own foolishness.

  How was he to go about such a feat, when she was a passenger on a touring boat, and he stood upon a visitor’s deck, far above the churning pool of the falls?

  How completely odd her personage could stir his blood to boiling simply by gazing upon her sweet face.

  Although he didn’t know a thing about her, he wanted to know much more.

  When a rainbow suddenly flared against the clear blue sky, the startled man almost dropped his binoculars over the railing. He’d never seen such a kaleidoscope of colors that rich, and he didn’t know whether to question its origin, or rejoice with its pleasure.


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