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Raven-Mocking (Book 3 in the Twilight Court Series)

Page 9

by Amy Sumida

  I saw Raye first, he angled his way through the crowd of extinguishers and fairies, clearing a path for his father which led straight to me. Then Raza stood in front of me; dressed in a human-made suit. It was dove gray with a sage shirt beneath, open at the collar. The color of the shirt brought out the angled swatches of crimson in his sable shoulder-length hair; one stripe at his right temple and one just below his right ear. He was a big man, bigger even than Conri (whom I've always thought of as linebacker large), and he was markedly muscled, straining at his suit in places. The suit itself enhanced the blue tones in his midnight skin. Midnight as in pure black, as black as his hair, as black as his heart if the rumors were true. His eyes gleamed gold; pirate dubloons set above dramatically ridged cheekbones.

  His whole face was dramatic, more predator than human or even sidhe. Once you knew that Lord Raza was part dragon-djinn, it all became clear because that was what his face resembled; a dragon. His brow bone was slightly ridged and angled up into his hair while angling down in the center towards his long nose. It made his eyes appear deep set and intense, always on the hunt. His mouth was wide and hungry, adding to his predator presence, and his elegant hands were tipped in dangerous looking tar-colored talons.

  But the most sinister aspect of his appearance was the pair of leathery wings lifting from his thick shoulders and rising above him in a display of male dominance that brooked no defiance. Those wings clearly said ; Try it and I'll kill you slowly then eat you for dinner. In case you didn't get the message on first glance of those wings, all you had to do was look closer at the claw tipped joints to understand that you were a step below this guy on the food chain.

  “Lord Raza,” I had to clear my throat before I could go on. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to support my son,” his voice vibrated into my chest and I shivered a little.

  Cat whined and backed away. Generally speaking, when a puka was afraid enough to whine, you should probably run.

  “Now, little one, you know I won't hurt you,” Raza peered down at Cat and held his hand out to her.

  She went forward carefully and he placed his hand gently on her head, using his talons to give her a good scratch. She sighed and relaxed.

  “Great, he's conquered Cat now too,” Tiernan huffed.

  My glare jumped between Raza and Tiernan, unsure whether I was more annoyed at Raza calling Cat little or of Tiernan implying that I'd been conquered.

  “Count Tiernan,” Raza stood and smiled at Tiernan.

  “Relax, everyone,” I finally realized that the humans in the room were still on high alert. “This is Raye's father, he's an unseelie nobleman and he's not here to do anyone harm.”

  “Raye?” Raza lifted a brow, making him appear even more wicked. “You call my son, Raye?”

  “He said it was okay,” I gulped, suddenly nervous.

  “It's fine,” Raza laughed. “As long as he's okay with it,” he glanced back at Raye and they shared a secret smile.

  “Alright,” I get over anxiety really fast when someone teases me. “What's so funny?”

  “His name means hanging maw,” Raza explained. “You've sliced it in half to simply mean hanging... if that,” he frowned back at his son in question.

  “It ends up just being nonsense,” Raye shrugged. “But I'm okay with nonsensical nicknames from beautiful women.”

  Tiernan stepped forward with a narrow-eyed look and Raza lifted his hand to stop him, “Count Tiernan, you have nothing to fear in regard to my son and the Princess.” Tiernan started to settle back when Raza added. “I've already made it clear that my interest supersedes his.”

  “Whoa now,” I held up my hands when Tiernan started to rush forward, a look of murderous rage on his face.

  Then twilight arrived and the tingling rush of it had me gasping and swaying forward. Two pairs of hands shot out to steady me and the magic that had been filling me sparked between all of us. The men inhaled sharply but held firm to me as I closed my eyes and breathed through the lure of it, the bubbling urge to set the magic free and let it do what it will. I had learned to control it months ago but it still took conscious effort and my unsettling attraction to Raza had weakened my focus.

  Which wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't touched me. My magic liked Tiernan, it always had, and we spent many a pleasurable twilight wrapped around each other enjoying that fact. But the addition of Raza had amped it up to fan girl fascination. It was practically screaming inside me, jumping up and down like a rock star had just entered the room. I wrestled down the urge to metaphorically throw my panties on Raza's stage and after a few tense minutes, finally got the crazy magic under control.

  “Lord Raza,” I opened my eyes the men released me. “Did you come here to help Raye or start a fight? Because if it's the latter, I'll kick your ass myself and send you packing back to Fairy, got it?” I lifted my hand and let my magic trail across my fingertips.

  “Not yet but I now I definitely intend to have it,” Raza's pupils had dilated so that there was only a thin rim of gold around them. Before either I or Tiernan could say anything, he went on. “Now tell me in great detail what is happening in reference to my son and these murders.”

  I sighed deep and looked to Tiernan for help. I don't know what was worse; Raza as an aggressive suitor or Raza as the concerned parent. Either way, this was going to require some delicate handling. Sweet Danu, whose bright idea was it to notify Raza? Yep, go ahead and call me Simple Seren.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Why had they seated me next to him? How had I wound up here? Why was he having this effect on me? What was Tiernan thinking? Oh Goddess help me. These were the thoughts running through my mind as I sat between Raza and Tiernan at the Tulsa Council's meeting table. Raza was sitting in Teagan's seat at the head of the table. He'd simply walked in and sat down there. No one seemed inclined to ask him to move. Especially after Raye took up a post behind his father like some kind of thug bodyguard. Not that Raza would even need a guard.

  Instead, Teagan had nodded his head graciously and held out the chair beside Raza for me. He had then gone across the table and taken the seat on Raza's left. Tiernan had sat on my right stiffly and Cat had taken a seat on the floor between us. The atmosphere was tense, practically sparking, and even Murdock kept his mouth shut.

  “So you think my son is a murderer and a criminal,” Raza said conversationally.

  “No, we don't,” I leaned forward to address him. “I believe Raye is innocent and that's why I'm trying to help exonerate him and the other raven mockers. These are my fairies, Lord Raza, and I will defend them. You don't need to be here.”

  “Princess Seren,” Raza took a deep breath, like he was trying to control his anger. “If you think that I'm the type of father who would sit by and do nothing as my son's life hangs in the balance, you have sorely misjudged me.”

  “I don't think that,” I sighed. “I don't think anyone here thinks that but if you think,” I hardened my voice and his eyes narrowed on me, “that I am the type of leader who allows my people to be falsely accused and sentenced for crimes they did not commit, then you have sorely misjudged me.”

  “My apologies,” he whispered as his expression changed to one of fascination. “I know you're trying to be the best ruler you can be but I cannot remain in Fairy when my son clearly needs me here. He is my blood, my only child, and I would sooner slice my own throat than ignore a threat against him.”

  “There's no threat here. Your son is safe with me,” I laid my hand over the clenched fist of Raza's which was set on the table between us.

  His bluster was obviously hiding his fear for Raye and it was completely understandable, especially now that I knew Raye was his only child. Raza must have been panicking inside, knowing that we had the right to judge his son and if we found him guilty, we could kill him legally. For such a powerful man, feeling helpless must have been maddening.

  So I had responded to his fear, as I would have to any paren
t's, by reaching out to comfort him. In retrospect, it was so stupid. I should never have touched him. If for no other reason than he was a volatile being. But I wasn't truly afraid of Raza. I had moments of stomach clenching terror around him but it was an instinctive reaction to what he was, not who he was. Like how Cat had reacted to him; she sensed the beast inside but then the man had reached out and reassured her. That was how I felt around Raza too; instinctively afraid while consciously knowing that I had nothing to fear.

  Turns out, I was wrong. I did have something to fear from Raza but it wasn't the possibility of physical harm. It was something far worse. When I laid my hand over his, his fist twitched and then slowly released; his fingers spreading flat and then rolling in a sensuous slide to place his palm flat against mine. Long fingers curled up around my hand, talons going even further over the back until they just dimpled my skin. One twitch and he'd draw blood.

  But I knew that wasn't his intention and I had a feeling that Raza never did anything he didn't intend to do. So it was with clear purpose that he slid my hand closer to him, pulling me along with it, until I was within whispering distance. I could smell his scent; sweet and smoky, like apple cider warmed over an open fire. His eyes caught the light, flashing gold, and his lips pushed together, as if in invitation, while he considered me.

  “I told you to be careful who you give that compassion to, Princess,” his words seemed to fall from his lips onto my skin.

  “And I still don't believe that compassion should be given carefully or with reserve; everyone can use some kindness. Especially those who don't seem to deserve it,” I leaned away, pulling my hand from his grasp, and he instantly flicked his fingers open so he wouldn't cut me. “Don't try to intimidate me into becoming my grandmother. It will never happen.”

  “Well thank the blessed Goddess for that,” Raza smiled and it transformed his face into something gentle and sweet.

  “How's Balloch?” I asked Raza as I sat back and took Tiernan's hand. I needed him to ground me and remind me what I had to lose if I continued to let Raza enchant me.

  “You remember his name,” Raza's smile softened further. “My friend is well, completely recovered from his time in Seelie. Thank you for asking.”

  “Lord Raza,” Councilman Teagan interrupted bravely. “I want to assure you that we are doing our utmost best to discover the truth of this situation. We have just tonight sent out Ambassador Seren, Count Tiernan, and two of my most trusted extinguishers, one of them my own daughter, to investigate a murder which we believe is connected to the case.”

  “What did you discover?” Raza looked back to me and I saw Raye's intense gaze settle on me as well.

  “We discovered the possibility that we have missed an evolutionary leap among humanity,” Tiernan answered for me and the entire table gave various sounds of surprise.

  “Do go on,” Raza transferred his focus to Tiernan.

  “Impossible!” Murdock burst out. “There's no way we could miss a new breed of human.”

  “Be silent!” Raza rumbled out and the echoes of his shout vibrated through the table. “You have all missed quite a lot in my opinion. Count Tiernan, please continue.”

  “This is pure theory at the moment,” Tiernan shook his head. “We went to investigate the corpse of a man who appeared to be killed by a shaman. The shaman had set a trap for raven mockers, believing that they were behind several attacks. The trap included sharpened poles set at each corner of the intended victim's home and when the murderer appeared, he was struck by one of these poles. The corpse we viewed was definitely killed with the same kind of weapon,” Tiernan placed the evidence bag with its sharpened stick in it, on the table. “We found this at the morgue. But the truly fascinating evidence was that the corpse was purely human but had remnants of magic lingering around it. A dark green aura.”

  “A human with magic,” Raza mused.

  “We both witnessed the aura,” Extinguisher Sloane waved to indicate him and Kate. They had been brought into the meeting to give their reports.

  “I'm sorry,” Teagan frowned. “How does an aura prove magic use?”

  “It doesn't entirely,” I took over. “It's possible that there is another explanation for the remnant but honestly, Councilman, I can't think of one. After death, a fairy's magic can linger, especially healing magic. Tiernan believes, judging from the color, that this was a type of healing magic.”

  “An altered healing magic,” Tiernan added. “The darkness could be a strain of death magic. This combination could potentially be used to take life from one person and give it to another.”

  “Is it possible that this was just a spell cast upon this man?” Teagan asked.

  “No,” Raza waved a deadly hand. “Magic applied by another would flee a dying body. What Count Tiernan has described is evidence of an innate ability. This human must have been born with magic.”

  “A witch,” Councilman Sullivan whispered. “A real witch, not just psychic talents but actual magic.”

  “It's not so surprising,” Tiernan mused. “Fairies have been living among humans for thousands of years. Some of us have even bred with them,” Tiernan cast me a gentle look. “Some kind of transference was bound to take place.”

  “And my people are deeply rooted within the Cherokee,” Raye added. “The magic doesn't surprise me as much as the fact that I didn't notice it.”

  “You were focused on your own people,” Raza waved his hand, as if to negate any responsibility his son might feel. “This was not for you to find but for the Extinguishers or the Wild Hunt. Those are the ones who should have noticed magical humans.”

  “Witches,” Sullivan said again. “They're witches. I'm not trying to be rude, it's just that we need to give them a distinctive title that separates them from us and our abilities. Magical humans just doesn't have the same ring to it.”

  “Witches is more succinct,” I nodded. “Okay, so it looks like there may be real witches living among the humans. That is a possibility, but there was one other piece of evidence we discovered.”

  “What's that, Ambassador?” Teagan prompted.

  “The man wore a tattoo on his chest with this symbol,” I motioned Extinguisher Kate forward and she showed her father the picture of the tattoo that she'd taken on her phone. “A circle with two feathers inside it. It may be nothing but I think it's most likely some kind of signal, announcing this man's affiliation to others like him.”

  “Like that Death Eater's snake tattoo,” Sullivan nodded and then looked around guiltily. “Sorry, I'm a Harry Potter fan.”

  “Evidently not enough of one if you think the dark mark was a tattoo,” I gave him a wink. “But if it were a tattoo, then yes, it would be exactly like that. Let's be clear though, this is all theory, conjecture really at this point, as Tiernan said.”

  “Then let's get some hard evidence, shall we?” Raza smiled at me and I had to swallow past the dry lump in my throat.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “So are you going to tell me that my jealousy is irrational now?” Tiernan growled as we closed the bedroom door. Raye and Raza had been given rooms in the guest house with us, aggravating Tiernan even more.

  “No, you have every right to be angry,” I sighed.

  “I do?” He instantly lost his steam, flopping down on the end of the bed to gape at me.

  “I'm attracted to him,” I held my hands out and shrugged. “I'm not going to lie to you; I think he's sexy.”

  “You do?” Tiernan's face was falling fast.

  “But there's a big difference between being attracted to someone and acting on that attraction,” I sat down beside him and took his hand. “I love you and as far as I know, we have a monogamous relationship.”

  “We do,” Tiernan twisted towards me and squeezed my hand. “And I want to remain so.”

  “I want that too,” I nodded and he closed his eyes in relief. “I can't help having a physical reaction to someone but I can make a conscious decision to not take
things further.”

  “Thank you,” he sighed.

  “I wish you would have known that without me having to say it,” I laid a hand to his cheek and kissed him.

  “I did know,” he leaned back to look at me. “I did. But when I saw the way you both... Seren, it's obvious how much you want each other. That does something to a man's ego and rationality goes right out the window.”

  “I get it,” I slid my hand onto his thigh and rubbed at his tense muscles. “I'm sorry I had such a huge response to him. I didn't expect it and it was hard for me to control. I would have felt horribly betrayed if I'd seen you react like that to another woman and I'm so sorry to make you feel that way. I don't want to be with Raza, I want to be with you.”

  “Are you sure?” He started to smile. “Is it the claws? Because I can grow my nails out.”

  “Shut up,” I laughed.

  “Or is it those damn wings again?” He growled as he tossed me back onto the bed. He followed, laying his body over me. “I don't need wings to fly.”

  He started kissing me, his hands sliding beneath my back and kneading at my flesh. His mouth was demanding, a harsh testament to his fading anger, but it was kind of thrilling. I tore at his clothes and he did the same with mine, freeing us of anything that could separate our skin. When he finally pressed against me, solid curves against my softer ones, I sighed in satisfaction.

  Then he was biting at my neck, pushing apart my hips with his own, so he could slide into me with a deep-throated growl. I gave a gasp as we started to levitate off the bed, Tiernan thrusting harder and harder as we rose. My hands clenched around him and I rolled us, taking me to the top. He looked up in surprise and I leaned down to whisper.


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