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Hard & Deep: A Football Romance

Page 15

by Krista Lakes

  This may or may not be the smartest move, she thought. I might fall for him even harder by getting this close to him. But God help me, because I don't care right now. This is all I want.

  Elsie brought her hands down to the front of his shirt, gently pressing against his muscular pecks. His firm muscles tightened beneath her hands, making her want him so badly that her legs trembled with anticipation. The kissing became more passionate by the second, like an upward roller coaster. Their tongues continued their sensual dance. There was an eagerness in their kiss, one that hadn't been there previously. It made it very clear to Elsie that he wanted this just as badly as she did.

  Oliver's strong hands moved up her thighs. He placed them onto her hips, holding her firmly against him. His touch felt amazing. It was strong and sexual. Elsie slowly broke the kiss. She was practically panting.

  She gazed at Oliver, noticing that his eyes had dilated and his breathing had quickened. They only looked at each other for a brief moment, before leaning in and resuming their kiss. It was like neither of them could get enough of each other. It was desperate and passionate, and Elsie began to ache with a kind of desire she hadn't experienced before.

  Her hands drifted to the buttons of his plaid shirt. She undid the top one, letting her fingers slide underneath the cloth and to his bare skin. She could feel his breathing and his heart beat quicken. Elsie continued moving her hands downward, unbuttoning Ollie's shirt a little at a time, until his entire front was exposed. Then she broke their kiss, letting her gaze move down his torso.

  His ripped chest and washboard abs flexed with his breathing. Every muscle was accentuated. The word 'perfection' wouldn't have done him any justice. Elsie touched him, letting her fingers trace over the lines of his stomach. Ollie kept his eyes locked onto her and his hands firmly on her hips.

  “Can I tell you something?” Ollie asked, in a whisper. “I wanted you from the first moment I saw you in those green scrubs. I didn't say anything, but it's how I felt.”

  Elsie gently bit her bottom lip before responding. “I wanted you then, too.”

  Oliver reached forward and grabbed the bottom of Elsie's sweater. He lifted it upward and Elsie raised her arms in the air, letting him take it off completely. As soon as it was off, Ollie's eyes refocused on her and his jaw dropped.

  “God, you're beautiful,” he whispered, as he leaned forward and brought his lips to her neck.

  Elsie dipped her head back, pressing her chest toward him. Oliver kissed the outside of her neck, just below her ear. Then he inched downward, dragging his lips on her sensitive skin, all the way to her collarbone. Ollie's touch sent goose bumps popping up all over her arms.

  He let out a low growl, moving his face to her cleavage. He kissed the top of her breasts and fondled them over her bra at the same time. Elsie drew in a slow breath and pressed her chest toward him. She wanted him as close as possible. She needed to feel him.

  “Yes,” she mouthed, though no actual noise came out.

  While he continued to kiss her cleavage, Elsie reached back and unclasped her bra. It fell loosely off of her shoulders. She shimmied it the rest of the way, letting it fall down onto Oliver's lap. Oliver growled in approval and then immediately brought his lips over one of her nipples. As soon as he did, a shudder of pleasure burst through Elsie's body. She ran her hands through Oliver's hair and pulled his face against her. The sensation increased, taking her breath away.

  Ollie clearly knew how to pleasure a woman. He was delicate with his tongue as he flicked it against her firm nipple. Then he'd gently bite on it, slowly dragging away until it fell out of his mouth. Then he'd lick it again, soothing the pleasurable pain he'd just created.

  Without even realizing it, Elsie had begun to buck her hips forward. Now, though, it wasn't just Ollie's jeans that she could feel between her thighs. His cock had grown hard and she noticed it as she moved her body over his lap.

  As if she wasn't already turned on enough, the feel of his manhood intensified things. Her body tingled with anticipation. She craved him now, aching to have him deep inside of her.

  Oliver slowly pulled his face away from her chest, creating a wet kissing noise. He moved to her other breast and began giving it equal attention. Elsie was writhing on top of him, moving her body in a way that intensified the friction against her jeans. She felt so naughty, so bad. It was a side of her that she didn't get to express very often.

  “I want you so bad,” Ollie said, pulling away from her breasts. “I need you right now.”

  Elsie nodded in agreement. “Then take me.”

  The side of his mouth curled up into a smirk and his pupils dilated. With his hands on her hips, he lifted her off of him and set her back down on the couch. Elsie giggled, surprised by how strong he was. She'd seen him lift some pretty significant weight in the gym, but was still shocked at how easily he could move her. It was as though she weighed less than a feather.

  She watched as Oliver stood up from the couch. He faced her with his shirt open. Her eyes moved from his chest, downward along his abs, all the way until they landed on the bulge that was protruding from the front of his jeans. His erection was thick and firm, looking like it was about to rip through the denim.

  Oliver let his shirt fall off of his shoulders, where it landed on the floor behind him. Then he placed his hands onto the couch cushion on either side of Elsie, hovering over her. Their lips grazed, but he quickly brought his face down, kissing the side of her neck. She leaned her head back and placed her hands over his shoulders. His muscles flexed under her fingers as he held himself over her. Those muscles, which she'd once massaged. The same muscles that had been turning her on for months. Now she could finally touch them guilt-free.

  He kissed between her breasts as he moved his face downward, making his way past her belly button and to the waist of her jeans. When he got there, he undid the silver button that held them together. As soon as it popped open, Ollie pulled her zipper down.

  With his fingers in the waist of her jeans, Oliver gently tugged them downward. She helped him shimmy them off by bringing her legs together and lifting them into the air. He tossed her jeans to the side, then looked her up and down, shaking his head in awe. She watched as his breathing quickened and the expression of lust on his face intensified. Underneath her panties, a desperate throbbing had come to live, creating a heat that radiated outward. It was a fire that could only be extinguished by Ollie.

  “Take your pants off, too,” Elsie said, with a smirk. She was surprised to find herself being so assertive, but something about the moment just brought it out of her.

  “Anything for you, Doc.” Ollie smiled, as he slipped off his jeans.

  As soon as he kicked them away, Elsie's jaw dropped and a burst of passion filled her. Wearing only his boxer briefs, she could now see the outline of his cock as it pressed against the thin material.

  He's big, she thought. He's big and gorgeous and sweet and perfect in every way. If I'm dreaming right now, then I don't want to wake up. At least not until this is over. Please don't be a dream.

  Oliver dropped to his knees in front of the couch and lifted up Elsie's legs so that they could rest over his shoulders. The position put his face directly in front of her most sensitive area. It caused her hands to tremble with anticipation. She'd already learned just how skilled he was with the use of his tongue, and the thought of him doing that down there caused her to bite her lip.

  He looked up toward her, then licked his lips as he pulled her panties off. He tossed them to the side then immediately brought his face to the inside of Elsie's leg, just below her knee. He gently bit the skin, then kissed it, making his way upward. She reached forward and gripped his hair, urging him closer. She wanted his touch.

  But he didn't change his pace. He just slowly kissed a straight line down from her knee. Elsie's heart beat rapidly in her chest, pounding her ear drums. Her entire body tingled as he neared. He hadn't even touched her pussy yet and she already felt li
ke she could climax.

  “Please,” she whispered, her words drowned in desperation. “Ollie, please. Stop teasing me.”

  He let out a soft chuckle, as he eased his way forward. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Elsie, he got to the top of her thigh. He kissed the crease and then moved his face over, bringing his tongue to her. As soon as he did, her world exploded in ecstasy. With her fingers still intertwined in his hair, she squeezed her hands into fists. Ollie let out a deep moan as she pulled his tongue into her. The vibration from his throat traveled through his lips and into her flesh, making the pleasure intensify.

  Ellie was panting now. The tingling in her body radiated outward, all the way to her fingertips. Each lap of Ollie's tongue sent another wave of bliss into her, and each wave built on the last one until it all came to one glorious climax. She shuddered, biting her bottom lip. Her legs clamped over Ollie's ears. She arched her back, pressing her chest in the air. Then she drew in a quick breath, holding it as a powerful orgasm pumped through her.

  Oliver kept pace, using his tongue in the most miraculous of ways. He continued until Elsie finally released her breath and relaxed her back. The climax had passed, but it had done nothing to slow the lust pumping through her veins.

  “That was amazing,” she whispered, in a daze.

  In that moment, she had no worries at all. Nothing else in her life that usually ate at her mind was present. All she could feel and think about was the pleasure that lingered in her, even after Ollie pulled away and slowly stood up in front of her. Her eyes focused and she watched as he slipped his thumbs into the elastic waist strap of his underwear.

  Oliver peeled his boxer briefs off quickly. Elsie's jaw dropped at the same speed. He was as hard as could be. And big. He slowly stroked himself as he took a step forward. He seemed eager to enter her, but paused before doing so.

  “We should use a condom,” he said.

  Elsie reached over, pulling one out of her purse. “Here.” She tossed it to him and he slipped it on. As he did that, Elsie laid down on the couch, bringing her head to the red velvet pillow at the end. Oliver crawled over the top of her, placing his hands above her shoulders. She watched him breath, admiring the muscles in his arms as they flickered with the tiniest of his movements.

  Ollie gently clenched his jaw. Then he slowly bucked his hips forward, sliding between her thighs.

  “Yes,” she groaned, gripping her fingers into his shoulders.

  Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he entered her completely. Pleasure overwhelmed her, drowning her in ecstasy. With her legs wrapped around his waist, Ollie began to thrust his body. He started slowly, easing in and out, almost teasing Elsie with his pace. Then his movements quickened.

  Elsie lifted her head, watching as he made love to her. His abs flexed with each thrust and the muscles in his arms continue to ripple as he held himself above her. Wave after wave of sensation penetrated her. Her body exploded in pleasure, making it difficult not to moan. She bit her bottom lip, once again closing her eyes and leaning her head back. Her hands stayed on Ollie, though. Her fingers drifted over his body, up and down his back, and then across his shoulders.

  When Elsie finally opened her eyes and focused, she saw that Ollie's skin was covered in a light layer of glimmering sweat. His hair had fallen down over his forehead, nearly covering his blue eyes. He was breathing harder and nearly every one of his thrusts was accompanied by an animalistic grunt.

  “My turn,” she said, bringing her hand to Ollie's chin and lifting his gaze. “Sit back.”

  He did as she asked. He sat back, bringing his feet to the floor and his arms over the back of the couch. Elsie crawled over him, straddling his lap. Hovering above him, she moved her hips side to side, letting his crown float just below her, teasing him.

  “You just love torturing me, don't you?” he asked, with a playful smirk.

  Elsie shrugged. “I've just gotten used to it.”

  She eased her weight down, but only a little ways. Then she brought her body back up, taking away the pleasure from Ollie.

  “You're killing me,” he groaned, bringing his hands up to fondle her chest.

  Elsie enjoyed being in control and teasing Oliver. It made her feel powerful and desired, but at the same time, she was also teasing herself and she couldn't take it for much longer. She needed him back inside. She almost felt empty without him.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  Ollie leaned forward and brought his lips to hers. As soon as they touched, Elsie brought her weight down over his lap, wrapping herself over his cock once again. The pleasure was back instantly. Her jaw dropped and she broke their kiss with a moan. With her hands gripping Oliver's shoulders, she began to ride him.

  Ollie's eyes were half open and his lips were parted. The look of utter bliss was written all over his face. His expression mirrored how Elsie felt. It was perfect pleasure. It wasn't just the fact that she was having sex. It was that she was having sex with someone she really cared about and was truly attracted to. That fact alone multiplied every sensation in her body, making the moment that much more intense.

  Elsie leaned forward, bringing her chest toward Ollie's face as she rode him. He began to pleasure her breasts with his mouth, gently biting and licking her nipples. The combination of that, and having him inside of her, caused the waves of ecstasy to increase in intensity. She moved faster, riding him harder and harder. Each drop of her weight caused another pulse of sensation to enter her and each pulse sent her closer to orgasm. Within a few seconds, she was climaxing again.

  She clenched around him as she rode the final wave of ecstasy. A moan escaped her lips and her fingers dug into Ollie's arms. When the pleasure passed, her legs were trembling. She began to slow down, but then changed her mind as Oliver whispered, “I'm coming.”

  “Yes,” she responded, her body coming alive at his words. “Come for me.”

  Keeping pace, Elsie rode Oliver's cock as hard as she could. She watched as his face contorted. His lips curled into a pleasurable grimace and he closed his eyes. The flesh of his cheeks turned red and he brought his hands to her thighs, squeezing them firmly. He let out an animal sounding grunt, followed by a quick exhale. She stayed straddled over him until he finally opened his eyes, looking dazed and content.

  “You're incredible,” he said, between heavy breaths.

  She leaned in and gave him a kiss. “You are, too.”

  Elsie slowly crawled next to Ollie on the couch. He put his arm around her, holding her close. The two of them relaxed for a while. The movie that had been on in the background continued playing, but neither of them were paying it any attention. Especially Elsie. Her hands and legs were still shaking.

  That was absolutely amazing, she thought. A week ago, he was my patient. Now he's my lover, at least for the night. It's crazy how fast life can change.

  Oliver kissed the top of her head as he stroked her shoulder. His touch was soothing and she found her eyelids getting heavy.

  “Are you falling asleep on me, beautiful?” Ollie asked, causing Elsie to look up.

  “Just resting my eyes,” she said, with a smile.

  “Come on, let's go to bed,” he said.

  Oliver stood up from the couch and took Elsie's hand. She followed him to the bedroom, where they crawled under the covers. She snuggled up next to him, resting her head onto his naked chest. The sound and cadence of his breathing quickly lulled her into a deep sleep. She felt so safe next to him and slept better than she had in years.

  Chapter 17


  Oliver sat in the back of the taxi. Two suitcases were next to him, stuffed with all of the clothes he'd brought with him to Iowa. In addition, he'd also packed a few mementos. One of which was the ticket stub from the fair. He wanted something to remember that very special day by. It was the first and last date with the best woman on the planet.

  “I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?” Oliver said to the driver, ope
ning the rear door.

  “No problem,” the cabby responded. “I'll wait right here.”


  Ollie stepped out of the car and sighed as he looked at the building in front of him. The 'open' sign on the front window of the physical therapy office was lit up and inside, he saw Elsie behind the counter. Her head was down and it looked like she was either on the computer or doing paperwork.

  “I guess this is it,” he whispered to himself as he approached the door. His feet moved like lead.

  His mind and heart had been a whirl of emotions for the past week. He and Elsie had been able to spend a lot of time together, which was amazing, but it didn't come without its consequences. Because of it, he'd grown substantially closer to her. The girl had stolen his heart. She was all he could think about.

  Day and night, Elsie was on his mind. She was the most amazing woman he'd ever met, both physically and emotionally. He knew he'd never meet another girl like her. But regardless, it was time for him to go home. His team, his coach, his contracts, and all of the fans of the Bandits were counting on him to be there for training. It was a tough decision, but he didn't have much choice.

  Oliver pulled on the door handle, causing a little electronic bell to ring. Elsie looked up from her desk and smiled as soon as she saw him. Her smile faded almost immediately, though, when she looked past Ollie to see the taxi cab waiting outside.

  “Hey,” she said, standing up from her desk. She ran a hand over her hair, smoothing her ponytail.

  She was wearing her lime green scrubs, Oliver's favorite.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he said, with a sigh. “Come here.”

  Elsie walked into his open arms and he held her close. He kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her rose shampoo. It made his heart ache. The smell was surprisingly nostalgic, bringing back a wave of memories and emotions from the previous few months. When Elsie pulled away, he saw tears in her eyes.


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