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Hard & Deep: A Football Romance

Page 19

by Krista Lakes

  Elsie shrugged. “I like them both. But I'll never forget the John Deere date. That was strangely romantic. That was the night when I knew for sure that there was something special about you, something different.”

  “I really missed you, Elsie.” Ollie set his fork down and reached across the table to take her hands once again. “You were all I could think about since I left. When I should have been rehearsing game plays in my mind, all I could see was you.”

  “You should have called me,” she said, frowning slightly.

  “I would have,” he admitted. “I know that I wouldn't have been able to help myself if much more time had passed.”

  “Next time, don't hesitate.” Elsie squeezed his hands.

  “I won't, I promise,” Ollie assured her.

  They went back to eating and finished their plates quickly. It seemed that both of them were eager to finish. Oliver was especially having a hard time being patient. He couldn't wait to be alone with her again.

  “Are you all done?” Elsie asked, looking toward his plate.

  Ollie nodded. “Yeah, I'm full.”

  “What do you say we get out of here?” she asked, her words like music to Oliver's ears. Her eyes dilated slightly as she gazed at him from across the table. It was the same look she'd given him right before they made love at her apartment after their first date.

  “I'd say that's a great idea.” Ollie held his hand up, waiving the waiter over. “Check, please.”

  “Of course, sir,” the waiter said. “I'll be right back with that.”

  “Please hurry,” Oliver said. “We don't want to leave this beautiful woman waiting.”

  The waiter raised his eyebrows. “I can't blame you, sir. I'll be back in a flash.”

  The way that Oliver and Elsie were staring at each other was intense and filled with lust. It was as though they were tearing off each others clothes using only their eyes. He couldn't wait to get her to his bed to do it for real, because as good as she looked in that dress, he knew that she looked even better wearing nothing at all.

  Chapter 21


  Oliver walked next to Elsie as the two made their way down the hallway to her hotel room. He'd offered to drive them to his place, but she had insisted on going to her hotel instead. She said it was closer than his house and she didn't want to wait any longer than she had to. Of course, Oliver wasn't about to complain. Just watching her walk in that tight black dress of hers made him ache to have her once again. The way her butt moved underneath the thin material was almost too much for him to handle. He couldn't wait to get that dress off of her.

  Elsie unlocked the door with her room key and they stepped inside. As soon as the door closed behind them, Ollie spun her around to face him. Their lips collided, sending a spark of electricity into the air that should have lit the place up like the Fourth of July. He stepped forward, pressing her against the wall in the entry way. She let out a soft moan and Oliver felt her hands drift up his back. He pulled away, just long enough to see the desire in her eyes before resuming the kiss.

  The soft smell of her perfume floated up to his nostrils and he breathed it in without breaking the kiss. The scent turned him on even more and he let out a soft growl as he pressed his body into hers. It had only been a week since they'd made love, but it might as well have been a year. The way he craved her in that moment was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before.

  There was a fire inside of him that scorched him from the core, radiating outward. It was a deep desire. The kind of desperate ache that could only be experienced between two couples that truly loved each other. This wasn't just physical for Oliver. No, not with Elsie. This was the culmination of all that he felt for her, both emotionally and spiritually.

  “God, I missed you,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  Elsie was breathing heavily as she licked her lips. Her hair was a bit messy now, but it looked sexy as hell.

  “I missed you, too,” she whispered, between breaths. “Now get over here.”

  She reached forward and grabbed his tie, jerking him back toward her. They kissed again, this time with even more aggression and fire than before. Their tongues slipped in and out of each others mouths, as their moans of passion became louder. Ollie slowly pulled away, then brought his lips to the outside of her neck. She leaned her head back against the wall and he could hear her breathing as he moved his lips down to the top of her bare shoulder.

  “Oliver,” she whispered. “Take me to the bed.”

  Oliver didn't hesitate. He picked her up with one arm and put her over his shoulder. She let out a playful giggle as he carried her with ease to the bed and laid her down on her back. Elsie grabbed his tie once again and gently pulled him over the top of her.

  “I'm glad you're with me right now,” she whispered. “Flying out here was the best decision I've made in a long time.”

  “I couldn't agree more,” Ollie said, before leaning in to resume kissing her neck.

  She let out a soft groan as soon as his lips touched her skin. He could feel her warmth as it radiated against the growing bulge in the front of his slacks as she wrapped her legs around his waist, causing her dress to slide up a bit.

  Oliver slowly pulled away. He gazed at Elsie and watched as she gently bit her bottom lip. She looked so innocent and vulnerable as she laid there, waiting for him to make his next move. He brought his hands to her legs, and drifted his fingers all the way up until they landed on her panties. Elsie moaned approvingly, as she helped Oliver pull them off completely.

  He held the black lace panties in the air, like some kind of trophy, then tossed them to the other side of the bed. Her dress was still bunched up at her waist and with her underwear now off, it was clear that she was wet with desire, aching with the same desperation that filled Oliver.

  “Don't ever leave,” Ollie said, staring at her in wonder.

  Elsie laughed, spreading her legs just a bit in an effort to tease Oliver.

  “Oh yeah?” she asked. “Why's that?”

  “You know why,” he said, unable to take his eyes off of her. “You're perfect.”

  Ollie crawled off of the bed and removed his suit coat. He quickly loosened his tie, tossing it onto the comforter next to Elsie before eagerly taking of his white dress shirt. By the time he looked back up, Elsie was holding the tie in her hands and there was a playful smirk on her face.

  “I could think of a few things to do with this,” she said. “Why don't you lay down on your back with your hands up?”

  The implication was obvious. Elsie wanted to tie up Oliver and tease him. Dominate him. In other words, he wanted to torture him, but in the best of ways. He wasn't about to say 'no' to that.

  “Should I get undressed the rest of the way?” he asked.

  Elsie shook her head and grinned. “No. I'll take care of that.”

  Ollie crawled back onto the bed, now wearing only his slacks. He did as Elsie asked and laid on his back, placing his head onto a pillow. He brought his hands up, feeling the cold metal of the wrought iron headboard. Elsie straddled over his lap and wrapped his blue tie around his wrists.

  “You're so bad,” he whispered. “I had no idea.”

  Elsie smirked. “I just like having a little fun once in a while.”

  She pulled on the knot, clinching his wrists firmly together, then attached the tie to the headboard. Oliver had his hands above his head and unable to move them. He gently pulled downward, but it was clear that she'd done a good job with the knot.

  “Jesus, Elsie,” he said, with a chuckle. “I didn't know you had been in Boy Scouts. You really know how to tie a knot.”

  Elsie leaned forward and gave Ollie a quick peck on the lips. She didn't respond to his joke, instead, she placed her hands onto his bare chest and began to slowly move her hips back and forth over the front of his slacks. He could feel her warmth, as she pressed her weight down on top of him, and because she wasn't wearing any panties, he could feel just about eve

  “Oh, my God,” he whispered, as he watched her move over the top of him.

  She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes, quickening her movements. The friction against his cock sent waves of pleasure through him. He got so hard that his shaft throbbed, desperately wanting to be released from the confines of his slacks.

  Elsie opened her eyes. She was breathing harder now. Her nipples had grown firm and pressed out against her dress. She looked so hot that Ollie could hardly stand it. He wanted to reach forward and touch her, but as soon as he tried, he was reminded that he and the headboard had become one. He couldn't move an inch.

  “Just relax,” Elsie said, as she leaned forward and kissed his chest.

  “I want you so bad right now, though,” Ollie said, as he pictured himself sliding inside of her.

  She sat back up and Oliver watched as she reached her hands behind her back. She pulled down on the zipper of her dress, causing the front of it to fall a bit. The top of her breasts were released, but still not enough for him to see her completely.

  “Please take it off,” Ollie begged, wishing so badly he could just pull the dress down for her.

  Elsie crawled off of the bed and faced him. He watched her intently. The slowness of her movements increased the sexual tension and he felt like he was about to explode. He enjoyed it, though. It made the moment intense and interesting.

  I'm going to make love to her like she's never felt before, he thought. Just as soon as she unties me.

  Elsie breathed in through her teeth, creating a hissing noise. Then she slipped her fingers into the top of the dress and gently pulled it down. Her naked breasts were revealed, and her nipples grew even harder as they hit the cool air of the room. Ollie was practically drooling now.

  “You're killing me,” he said, shaking his head. He checked the restraints again, wanting nothing more than to have her in his hands.

  She just giggled as she shimmed the dress the rest of the way off. It slid down her smooth skin, all the way to the floor, rendering her completely naked. Ollie looked her up and down. She was perfect from head to toe.

  “Please, come here and get me undressed,” he said, breathing hard. His blood was pounding through his veins with a primal urge that he could barely control.

  Elsie made her way back onto the bed and straddled over Ollie's lap once again. She positioned herself just below the bulge in the front of his pants. Then she undid his belt and tugged his slacks down, taking his boxers with them. His dick, fully erect, popped straight up as she pulled his pants all the way down to his ankles. Ollie kicked them the rest of the way off.

  “I kind of like having you like this,” she said, looking him over. “I can do whatever I want.”

  “You can do whatever you want whether I'm tied up or not,” Ollie replied, with a wink.

  “I like that you say that.” Elsie resumed her position, straddling over his lap. His cock stood tall, pressed against the lower part of her belly. She reached down and began to slowly stroke his shaft. Ollie pressed his head back into the pillow and let out a low moan, as pleasure filled him. She had the perfect grip. Not too firm and not too weak. She moved slowly and steadily, sending waves of pleasure into Ollie's body.

  Oliver closed his eyes, just enjoying the pleasure. The sensation changed. Something wet and warm wrapped around his tip. He opened his eyes, to see that Elsie had gone down on him. He was in her mouth and she was bobbing her head down onto him.

  “Oh, God yes,” he whispered, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as Elsie worked her tongue in the most miraculous of ways.

  Ollie found himself bucking his hips upward, wishing for her to allow him deeper into her mouth. But she pulled away and looked him in the eye, wagging a finger.

  “No, you have to be a good boy,” she said, with a smirk.

  “I don't want to be good,” he said, tugging on his restraints.

  “Doctor's orders,” she replied.

  “I thought you hated when I called you 'Doc',” Ollie said, chuckling.

  Elsie shook her head and grinned. “Maybe I do. Maybe I don't.”

  She took his shaft in her hand and once again began to stroke it. All thought about her nickname flew out of his head and was replaced with pleasurable need.

  “Elsie, please, get on me,” he pleaded. “I'm going to explode.”

  Elsie smiled at his words, then glanced to the side of the bed where her luggage was. “Hold on. I need to get something.”

  Ollie watched as she hopped off of the bed. She dug a condom out of her bag and opened it up. “I came prepared.”

  “That's what I love about you,” he joked. “You're always thinking.”

  Elsie slipped the condom onto Oliver's cock, then brought her legs over him once again. This time, she held her body so that her opening was just over his tip. She dropped her weight down, just a little. He let out a groan, as she filled his body with deep sensation.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked, pressing her weight down a little more.

  Oliver could only nod. The synapses in his brain were only focused on one thing: the pleasure. He couldn't even formulate a sentence in that moment. Elsie slowly dropped her hips down until he was all the way inside. Ollie groaned, as ecstasy pumped through him.

  Elsie began riding him, causing her breasts to bounce in cadence with her movements. He wanted to touch her so bad. He wanted to lean forward to lick and bite on those perfect nipples of hers. Tugging on his restraints only made them tighter, though, and it seemed he was going to have to get used to ignoring his desires. At least for the time being.

  Elsie moved perfectly. Her eyes were closed and by the moans she made, it was clear to Oliver that she was enjoying herself. She arched her back slightly, pressing her chest into the air. She quickened her pace, letting out a soft squeal with each drop of her weight.

  After a while, she slowed down and opened her eyes. She leaned forward, giving Oliver a quick kiss on the lips. “Do you like it?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “God yes.”

  “Good,” she said.

  As soon as she spoke, she stood up. He was about to beg her not to, but before he could, Elsie turned around and straddled him once again. She was now facing away from him and he had the perfect view of her backside. He shook his head in awe. She was so amazing to look at.

  Instantly, the pleasure was back. Her movements were slow and precise, like a sensual dance. She held her hands above her head, bucking her hips back and forth over his shaft. Her movement brought friction to his sensitive tip, filling him from head to toe with waves of bliss. The combination of that, plus the amazing view in front of him, was enough to make him climax.

  “I could come right now,” he grunted.

  Elsie slowed down to a stop, then looked back over her shoulder. “Not yet.”

  She then crawled off of him and spun around. She reached above his head, undoing the restraints that had been keeping him attached to the headboard.

  “Your turn,” she whispered, with a playful grin.

  Oliver sat up and the two of them kissed. His hands, now free to roam, danced along the outside of her thighs and along her back. A thin layer of sweat covered her smooth skin, making it so that his fingers slid over it with ease. When he broke the kiss, he immediately laid Elsie onto her back. He put her hands above her head and tied her up in the same way she had done to him. She didn't resist at all. She seemed eager.

  “I like this side of you,” Ollie said, as he finished tying the knot. “Was it the nice dinner that did it? Because I'd like to make this an every day occurrence.”

  Elsie chuckled. “Maybe it was the suit you were wearing tonight. I don't know. It just turned me on.”

  Oliver kissed her as soon as she finished speaking. He dragged his lips down the front of her neck. His hands drifted to her firm breasts, where he fondled them gently. When his mouth got to her cleavage, he brought it over one of her nipples. As soon as he made contact, Elsie gaspe
d and the sensitive nub grew hard in his mouth.

  “Yes...” she whispered.

  He pleasured her with his tongue, lapping it quickly around her nipple before moving to her other breast to give it equal attention. Elsie wrapped her legs around Oliver's waist and gently pulled his hips toward her. As soon as his tip pressed into her sex, he bucked forward, sliding between her thighs. Her heat surrounded him and the sensation was back.

  Something surfaced inside of him. It was a combination of lust and love, an expression of sexual tension that he'd been keeping inside since he'd left Iowa. It was powerful and out of his control. Like a carnal need to give her all of the sexual energy he could muster. He lifted his face away from her chest and began to pound his body against hers.

  Elsie cried out in pleasure with each thrust. She was writhing underneath him. A blissful smile was frozen on her face and her eyes were half-closed. It looked like she was in heaven. And she wasn't the only one. Oliver's body began to tingle with ecstasy. It was only a few minutes before he felt himself rising quickly to orgasm.

  He pressed deep inside of her as his balls clenched, releasing everything he had all at once. It felt incredible. It was the most intense orgasm Ollie had experienced in years. He held himself in that position for a few moments, as the world came back into focus for him. Then he took a few exhausted breaths and gazed up at Elsie. She was smirking back at him, gently biting her bottom lip.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  Oliver leaned in and they kissed. Without breaking the kiss, he brought his hands up and undid the knot that had held her in restraint. Elsie immediately wrapped her arms around Ollie's back. The two of them made out with passion, still breathing hard from the sex.

  Oliver crawled up next to her and Elsie laid her head on his chest. She began drawing imaginary circles over his pecks with her index finger.

  Neither of them said anything for a while. It wasn't for lack of things to say. It was just that, the moment was so perfect as it was. The two of them, laying there in each others arms after the amazing sex, was all that they needed right then.


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