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Hard & Deep: A Football Romance

Page 40

by Krista Lakes

  “What does John Tice have to do with you being at Gordon's?” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair while his eyes closed. “Why would you do this me?”

  "Gordon has been spying on us and giving the information to John Tice." She put her hand on his knee, hating the way he flinched at her touch. “I went to find out why. Nothing more. I wasn't with him.”

  “You weren't?” Relief flooded his features, though it was quickly replaced by shock. “But, John Tice? What does Gordon have to do with him?”

  “I don't know,” Tracy replied. “All I found out was that Tice hired him. That pretentious fuck has been watching our every move and relaying it back to Tice. There's something going on and I don't like it.”

  Mr. Hayes looked genuinely shocked by her accusations. He turned away slowly and roared the engine to life. He shifted into drive and guided the car out of the hotel’s parking lot, his brows furrowed as he considered her words. She let him think.

  Finally, he asked, "Why? Why would Tice use Gordon? What does he want?"

  "I don’t know. I don’t think that even Gordon did,” Tracy replied. She put her hand back on Mr. Hayes' leg and let out a silent sigh of relief when he didn't pull away again. “Gordon didn’t plan on becoming a part of all this. He was just a tool."

  "Tool or not, Tice is a dangerous man.” Mr. Hayes shifted the car into a higher gear, his hands light on the steering wheel as he drove. “He has a lot of power and money. Influence. This information is concerning.”

  What could she possibly say to that? She sighed and looked out the window. Everything seemed like a blur, a giant smudge.

  “I want to tell you exactly what happened up there,” she said after a moment. “I want you to know everything.”

  Mr. Hayes glanced over at her, the streetlamps catching his eyes. “Okay.”

  She proceeded to tell him how Gordon offered her a drink at his place, and how she had gone with him to find out his secret. She told him just how she tied Gordon up. She told him where Gordon touched her and what she had allowed, hating the way his jaw tightened. But she told him all of it. The phone number, the slap- all of it. She didn't want there to be any secrets.

  They rode in silence for the fifteen minutes it took to get back to the Hayes estate after that. By then, it was almost four in the morning and all the inside lights were dark. Tracy had to feel her way through the foyer and up the stairs. The whole way, Mr. Hayes stayed close behind her with his hand placed lovingly on the small of her back.

  Once inside the massive bedroom, Tracy kicked her shoes off blindly into the darkness. Mr. Hayes went into the bathroom and flicked on a small light, flooding the room with a soft, yellow glow. He watched her carefully as she stripped off her dress and cast it aside almost angrily.

  "So how did you find out about him?" he asked. His face was masked in shadow.

  Tracy froze. She couldn’t tell him about her dreams, about the visions of Gordon's crescent-shaped scar that broke everything wide open. And, yet, she hadn’t considered what she would say when confronted.

  "I'm not really sure," she said honestly. "There just was something that wasn’t right, so I went and found out what. Something about him recently was off. I just had a feeling I couldn't trust him."

  Mr. Hayes raised his eyebrows.

  “Plus, he started hitting on me. Asking me to come to his place without you. I couldn't let that stand,” she added. “I'm yours and I want to stay that way.”

  Mr. Hayes seemed to reluctantly accept her answer. Tracy walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He whispered to her, "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah," she said breathlessly. “Scared. Concerned. But, okay.”

  Mr. Hayes pushed her toward the bed, planting gentle kisses against the side of her neck. The mounting tension of the night immediately took her over, creating an all new hunger for him that she never knew existed.

  Tracy immediately wrapped her legs around him, pressing her body against him with an eager groan. He felt right against her, like no one else ever had. She felt like a missing piece of herself was in place when he was with her.

  "I love you," he sighed onto her neck.

  "I love you, too," she said. The words came easily and without her even realizing that she had said them. Yet, she meant it. Truly and completely.

  He paused for only a moment before kissing her gently.

  "Now, why don’t you make love to me?" she asked, peering up at him. He laughed a knowing chuckle and threw her onto the bed. She flipped over and pulled her knees up under her, elevating her round ass to him. Mr. Hayes to yank her panties down, then slapped her ass with a loud pop.

  Tracy sucked the air through her teeth and wiggled her rear at him, begging for more. After everything that she had been through, the shocking sting was the only thing that could bring her back down to earth.

  Mr. Hayes spanked her again, this time hard enough to make her yelp. Her body instinctively lurched forward and fell back toward him, where she was met by another brutal whip.

  He continued his assault, beating each side in turn until two bright red circles were left behind. When he was satisfied with his work, he wedged his hands between Tracy’s thighs and pushed them apart.

  "Mr. Hayes," she cried out. Every fiber of her being vibrated with unfulfilled need. “I want you now!”

  He pulled back, frantically fumbling with his belt and pants. Tracy rolled onto her back and looked up at him, watching his every move. She looked on as he stripped off every article of clothing in a manner of seconds. Even then, she wished she could help him move faster.

  There was a hungry desperation there that Tracy could easily recognize. It matched her own.

  She pushed herself up with her hands behind her and kissed him, their greedy tongues exploring each other like it was their very first time. Mr. Hayes grabbed her waist and pulled her towards him.

  Tracy spread her legs, letting him sink into her in one easy movement.

  "Fuck yes," she gasped and arched her back toward him.

  The way that he filled her would never get old.

  His girth pushed her tingling walls open wide, massaging every nerve ending with precision. Tracy watched on as he stood there, pounding into her, thrusting her body up and down with his powerful movements.

  Mr. Hayes put his thumb on her clit, massaging the pink flesh surrounding it. Tracy threw her head back and cried out his name. He knew exactly how to please her.


  She couldn’t even finish her sentence. Instead, she gasped and closed her eyes as the tight grip of release took over her body. Deep inside, the walls of her pussy contracted around Mr. Hayes’ shaft in hard, commanding pulses. Both of them could feel it.

  Mr. Hayes dipped both hands beneath her bra, pushing it up to expose her bouncing breasts. For a minute he just watched, but the lure of her sexy curves drew his mouth in.

  His tongue explored every ridge and bump of her nipples, one after the other. The sensation made Tracy shiver with joy.

  His thrusts grew more insistent as his tongue explored her skin. Every inch of her body was on fire with desire and the need to be filled by him. She didn't want him to slow. She wanted him hard and fast. Her hips pumped with his, coaxing him ever higher. Her body craved to feel his release, and with every thrust she felt him grow until she knew he was going to explode.

  He pumped his orgasm into her a few last times before falling by her side with a sigh of pure exhaustion. Tracy wrapped her arm around his shoulders, forcing him to rest his head on her naked, glistening chest. In that moment, she felt like she could stay there with him forever. She let herself have the moment. She needed a release after the events of the day and night. For a moment, she considered simply rolling over and falling into a blissful sleep.

  Unfortunately, there was still some business to attend to.

  Without much of a break, Mr. Hayes got up and grabbed his pants from the floor next to him. He took his phone o
ut of the pocket and unlocked it.

  "What was the number Baxter gave you?”

  He dialed as she spoke, looked over to her and pushing the green ‘call’ button. Even though it was pressed to his ear, Tracy could hear it ringing. Though she wasn’t even the one making the call, it felt like her stomach had leapt up into her throat and was trying to choke her.

  Someone on the other end answered. From there on, Tracy couldn’t make out anything that he said. She listened as Mr. Hayes negotiated, but it was difficult to understand when she could only hear one half of the conversation.

  "No, you listen to me you son of…" Mr. Hayes paused and huffed air through his nostrils, listening carefully to whatever John Tice had to say. To Tracy, it felt like a lifetime before the garbled voice fell silent.

  She tried to listen, tried to stay awake to hear what was going to happen. There was enough adrenaline in her system that she felt like she should be able to keep her eyes open for months, yet the bed was just so damn comfortable her eyes kept sliding shut.

  "Fine, but I’m expecting some serious fucking answers from you, John. And you’d better be alone,” Mr. Hayes said loudly, startling her from the light sleep she didn't even realize she had drifted into.

  She rubbed her eyes as Mr. Hayes hung up and put down the phone, falling back onto the pillows and turning so that he and Tracy faced each other.

  "He wants to meet,” he said. “He didn't even try to deny Baxter. This carefully constructed web of his is going to unravel. I'm not going to stand for this."

  Tracy, so full of emotions that she could barely manage an intelligent answer, clenched her fist into a tight ball. She wanted to hit something. Or cry. Possibly both.

  "When I see that little…" she growled.

  "No," Mr. Hayes cut her off. "I can’t let you go with me. I'm meeting him alone. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you."

  "You can’t trust a man like him." She reached for Mr. Hayes, pulling him closer to her. “I wouldn't if I were him.”

  "You're probably right,” Mr. Hayes agreed, wrapping his arms protectively around her. “But you are my world now and I won’t let you be around him again. We’ve seen what he can do, how far his reach can go. I won't risk you."

  His protectiveness warmed Tracy inside. It had been a long time since someone cared so deeply about her.

  “I don't care,” Tracy replied stubbornly.

  "Promise that you won’t go.” He tightened his arms around her, but was obviously waiting for her to say she wouldn't.

  "I won’t," she said. It was a lie, of course, and the guilt immediately hit her like a brick wall.

  "Because if you…" Mr. Hayes started, but Tracy reached up and rested her index finger across his lips. She didn’t know if she would be able to lie to him if he asked again. Once was enough for her to have to live with.

  "Mr. Hayes," she said softly. "You can shut up now."

  He smirked at her playfully-snide comment and let her settle back into his arms. The pillows enveloped them in softness and darkness. There were, in the end, no more words that needed to be said in that moment. The feeling of electricity between them was enough.

  In spite of the uncertainties in their past, both of them knew what they wanted for the future and, as they lay there with their sticky bodies entangled with one another, each one silently resolved to do whatever it took to make it work.

  Chapter 24

  After a few restless hours of sleep, they both got up. In the living room, Paul Hayes stood by a large window, watching the dawn slowly creep over the horizon and share her light.

  Tracy sat on the edge of a pure white sofa, also looking out at the spectacular display. Between the two of them, there was a nervous silence that weighed them both down. Tracy hunched forward, her elbows resting on her knees and her hands dangling listlessly in front of her. Mr. Hayes, was hunched as if the shoulders of his jacket had been lined with concrete.

  Neither wanted to discuss the true potential of his upcoming meeting with John Tice. The fact that Tice had insisted on meeting in a warehouse on the edge of town certainly didn’t help matters. The whole thing gave Tracy a bad feeling. The pit of her stomach rolled and shouted warning.

  Tracy opened her mouth to speak, but she closed it when no words came to her.

  What have I done to this man? What have I started? She looked him over from head to toe and sighed as an unwelcome rush of guilt gripped her stomach. If I hadn’t come along, maybe he wouldn’t have been caught up in any of this. And what did I do? I used him to get what I wanted and look where that's put us.

  "I’m sorry," she mumbled. It was all her fault.

  Mr. Hayes turned to face her. "What?"

  She sat up straighter and looked at him with tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. Even if she couldn’t articulate every transgression, Tracy needed to get it off of her chest.

  "For everything," she swiped away a few drops on her cheeks. "I’m sorry for all of it."

  He immediately walked over to her and pulled her up onto her feet.

  "This isn’t your fault, Tracy,” he said, his voice low and comforting. “John Tice and I have known each other longer than I can even remember. If anything, the fault lies with him. You just happened to be here to witness it."

  She let her body sink into his as his muscular arms wrapped around her. Right away, she was enveloped in a warm pocket of air, punctuated by the subtle scent of his cologne. There, in his arms, she felt safe.

  The reality of the situation, however, didn’t let them truly enjoy it. Tracy felt, with every second that marched them closer to their fate, like she was going to vomit. She could feel the acid burn of it in the very back of her throat and no amount of water would make it go away.

  "I have to go now."

  He let go of her, leaned in for one last, passionate kiss and started toward the door. Tracy watched him go and, before she could open her mouth to call him back again, he disappeared into the night.

  Only twenty minutes later, Mr. Hayes took his luxury town car and rolled slowly down a winding, gravel driveway to John Tice’s warehouse. The narrow road was lined with trees, making it almost impossible to see around the multiple bends and turns.

  When he reached the end, he turned the car around in case a quick escape was necessary.

  A wise precaution, Tracy thought, making sure that her own car didn't give her away. Despite her promise to Mr. Hayes, there was no way in hell she was letting him go to this meeting alone.

  Mr. Hayes climbed out of the car and walked across the parking lot. It was empty, save for one of the Tice family’s many vehicles: a black SUV with windows as dark as the night sky. Dawn still lingered on the edges of the day, not quite ready to commit fully. The sky was still traced with pink and oranges that would have been beautiful had the situation been different. Tracy carefully followed behind.

  He pushed through the front door, which opened on a cavernous expanse of empty space. Near the back, a single light illuminated a long, cherry wood desk. Behind it, John Tice’s familiar face was waiting to greet him. Tracy could see it all through the crack in the door. She had made sure it didn't shut fully behind Mr. Hayes so she could see what was going on inside. Very carefully, she tucked herself behind an air conditioning unit, making sure that she could see what was going on inside but that she remained hidden.

  Tice didn’t even bother getting up from his high-backed chair.

  "Nice to see you again, Paul." John Tice's calm voice echoed through the empty warehouse.

  "Save your bullshit pleasantries." Mr. Hayes slammed his hands down on the table, rattling the various knick-knacks that lined its edge. "Why have you been watching us?"

  “Did you bring your whore? Or did you come alone as I asked?” John asked in a pleasant tone. It made Tracy's blood cold.

  “I did as you asked. I'm here alone.”

  “Good. Then we can do business like reasonable men.” Tice paused and eyed Mr. Haye
s in a reserved manner. "I’m going to need you to sell that restaurant to me, effective immediately."

  "Give me one good reason." Mr. Hayes stood back, looking completely calm and in control.

  John raised his right eyebrow and continued, "Don’t try and act like a big-shot with me, Paul. You’re dancing with the big boys now and I’m not so sure that you realize just what you’re getting yourself and that bitch girlfriend of yours, into."

  "Enlighten me," Mr. Hayes said through gritted teeth.

  "Ha," John laughed. "I don’t have the time, or the inclination to tell you a damn thing. But I will tell you this: most of the officials within fifty miles of here are sitting happy right under my thumb. You... can’t... touch me," he said slowly.

  "I don’t care if you ate bagels with the fucking Pope this morning. You’re not getting that restaurant, no matter who you think is on your side. Not everybody is a corrupt windbag like you, John. You can’t have them all up your sleeve."

  The old man looked as if Hayes’ comment actually hurt his feelings.

  "Now, Paul," he said. "I didn’t think that I would have to remind you about everything that I've done for you and your company."

  John leaned back in his chair and it squealed loudly beneath him. The abrasive sound echoed through the nearly-empty warehouse. Mr. Hayes didn't say a word, instead just waiting for Tice to do all the talking.

  "Well, I feel like you need to be reminded of something... maybe how to pick your battles?" Tice said after a moment.

  Mr. Hayes spread his fingers out over the cold wood. "What are you implying, sir?"

  The last word dripped with disdain.

  John Tice finally rose up from his chair and leaned onto the desk, mimicking Mr. Hayes’ position.

  "I’m not implying anything,” the older man answered. “I’m telling you that you and your pauper girlfriend are going to move the restaurant and hand over the deed to that building."

  Outside, Tracy frowned. Why did Tice want that building? He couldn't possibly want the restaurant- it had to be the building. But, even that didn't make much sense. It was a great piece of real estate, but nothing worth this much effort.


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