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Ryder: (A Gritty Bad Boy MC Romance) (The Lost Breed MC Book 1)

Page 83

by Ali Parker

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said. "You'll still be on crutches for at least two more weeks."

  "I know, but my mobility is much better, now that I'm not in a sling or dealing with that awkward boot. And since I don't have to teach, I won't be doing much walking anyway. If I head home now, I might be able to finish the first draft of my dissertation this term."

  "I thought things were going well here." Was that hurt in his voice?

  "They were. They are. But..." She wasn't sure how to tell him that it felt different now since Evetta had shown up on the scene.

  Brice frowned. "Exactly when are you planning on going back?"

  "This afternoon."

  The sooner, the better, she thought. Janna didn't want to be anywhere near the vicinity if Evetta returned, and especially if Brice gave his ex the second chance she wanted.

  "Give it one more day," he replied, his voice softer. "If you still want to go home tomorrow, I'll take you. But...not yet, okay?"

  "Okay." It would give her time to pack anyway.

  * * *

  Brice was in his office, staring blankly at the wood-paneled walls. His thoughts were chaos, a swirling mass of fear, frustration, and confusion. His brooding was interrupted by the buzzing of his cell phone.


  "It's Tony. I've got the information that you wanted."

  As his assistant rattled off the data he needed, Brice smiled for the first time since he'd heard the knock at his front door earlier.

  Chapter 24

  The dawn's light made its way through the sheer curtains, falling across the bed and Janna's face. Her eyes were already open as she'd been awake for hours. When she'd finally fallen asleep, she'd been plagued by nightmares, ones in which she spent her life alone, in a tiny, cluttered apartment, her only friends being the stray cats she took in. But even the crystallization of her biggest fear, ending up alone, wasn't the worst of the night terrors. The worst was the images of Brice and Evetta, together, getting married, having children, smiling wide and equally perfect smiles.

  Janna sat up, deciding to abandon her attempts at resting. She looked around, catching sight of her bags and frowning. She's spent most of the evening packing, and now all she had to do was gather up her things. They were a symbol of the end of the most serious relationship she'd ever had, tidy and silent.

  Janna stood and hobbled over to her closet, pulling out her robe and twining it around herself before she picked up her crutches. She intended to take a shower, but before she entered the bathroom, she stopped off at the studio. Her unfinished painting sat on the easel before the backdrop of the swirling ocean. Clouds painted the sky an iron gray, while the sea swelled outside the windows. A perfect metaphor for her mood.

  She decided then not to take the canvas or the supplies Brice had provided. They would only remind her of what she was losing. Janna sighed as she made her way into the bathroom. Painting would probably always remind her of him, now. Yet another hobby she'd give up, yet another part of her life that was incomplete.

  * * *

  Brice woke up from a deep slumber, surprised at how peaceful his sleep had been. He rose, stretching, and padded to the bathroom to relieve himself. Then a shower, and it would be time to make breakfast. He bathed and dressed quickly, a thin current of tension running through him. Today would be challenging, but if it all worked out according to plan, the results would be worth it.

  He headed for the stairs but decided on a short detour. He'd check on Janna, see if she needed anything before he prepared breakfast. It had hurt, watching her emotions yesterday. As ever, she was ready to bolt, to think the least of him, to give up before she could be hurt. It seemed indicative of a larger pattern, the constant changing of careers and hobbies, never quite settling down. If she always kept moving, she could never get trapped in something that didn't turn out the way she wanted it to. Brice wondered what it would take to settle her.

  He knocked softly at her door, and then harder when she didn't answer. Finally, he opened the door and discovered her bed empty. Moving on to the bathroom, he found she wasn't there either. Nor in the studio. She must have already gone downstairs.

  Brice frowned, wondering why she was up so early. Usually, he was cooking breakfast before she even made it into the bathroom. He headed downstairs and wandered around, looking for her. He finally found her on the back porch, eating a bowl of cereal and staring out over the ocean.

  "Good morning," he said, sitting down beside her. "Can I make you anything? Some bacon? A cup of coffee?"

  "Got one." She raised her mug so he could see it. "I'm fine, thanks."

  Brice fought to keep his expression neutral. Yep, she was getting ready to bolt, he could tell. And as if right on cue she spoke.

  "I think I'd like to leave early if that's alright with you. It'll be nice to get back and unpacked before this evening."

  Brice took a deep breath, not sure where to begin.

  "Janna--" He stopped speaking at the sound of the doorbell. The timing couldn't be better. He rose, heading around the side of the porch and shouting, "Come around back."

  Footsteps echoed loudly against the wooden porch, and Brice noticed that Janna swallowed heavily, her face a brittle mask. With a deep breath, he prepared himself to confront his ex.

  * * *

  Janna watched in horror as the perfect specimen of femininity rounded the corner and approached, stopping to give Brice a light hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  "Oh," she said, her surprise evident when she noticed Janna sitting behind him. "Your guest is still here?"

  "I was just leaving," Janna mumbled, and Brice gave her an annoyed stare.

  "You stay put," he ordered, taking her aback.

  Fine, Your Royal Highness, she thought. I'll just sit here and watch it all go down, my heart falling to pieces inside my chest while you throw me over.

  "I'm sorry, is this a bad time?" Evetta's voice seemed to lose its confidence. "Brice, could I speak to you alone?"


  Janna's jaw dropped. The evil bastard was going to do it now, in front of her. Well, he's nothing if not efficient, she thought. Break it off with one girl and get back together with another, all at the same time. Why not?

  "Brice," Evetta began, her voice soft and cajoling. "I hope you've had some time to think about what I said yesterday--"

  "I have," he said, cutting her off. "I've also had time to find some much needed answers."

  Evetta smiled, interpreting his statement favorably. "Good. I'm glad."

  "I wouldn't be," he said, and Janna watched in awe as Evetta's sweet smile transformed into an unattractive scowl. Brice continued, "I know what your angle is, why you've returned after all these years to milk me again."

  "I don't know what you mean." She placed a trembling hand on his arm.

  Janna's fists clenched into tight balls at the touch.

  "Oh yes, you do. I know that Jason Phillips has recently been indicted for embezzlement, Mrs. Phillips and that all of his assets have been frozen."

  Evetta gasped but quickly recovered. "I...I told you about Jason. I told you it's over."

  "But you failed to mention that you'd married him."

  Janna couldn't believe the drama that was unfolding before her eyes. She bit her lip, thinking that this display rivaled any of the daytime soap operas. Hell, it might even be verging on telenovela territory.

  "I didn't want to," Evetta said, tears filling her eyes. "He...he threatened me, and I...I didn't think you'd ever forgive I...I... But it's over; I told you that."

  "I don't think it is over, Mrs. Phillips--"

  "Don't call me that!" Evetta almost growled.

  "--but even if it is," Brice continued unfazed, "that doesn't mean it matters. What makes you think I would ever trust you again?"

  Evetta grabbed his other arm and pulled him close. "Brice, I told you, I never wanted to hurt you, never wanted to say or do those terrible things. I even gave you back the ring, so you could se
e how serious I was. How much you meant to me."

  "Oh yes, the ring." Brice pulled a small box out of his pocket and took from it a large diamond ring.

  Janna almost swooned at the size of the rock on the platinum band. Jesus, she'd given that back?

  "Very clever of you to return it. That's what you'd call the long con, right? Give up something of value now, in the hopes of getting an even greater reward in the future."

  "The only reward I want is you," she sobbed, and the words tore into Janna's chest like claws.

  "Is that right?" Brice's voice was low, heavy.

  "Yes." Evetta laid her head on his chest and put her arms around him. "Remember how good it was? It can be that way again. Better."

  It felt like the top of Janna's skull blew out the back of her head as she watched the most attractive woman in the world run her perfectly manicured fingers down the handsome millionaire's chest. It was so intimate, so seductive. So sickening.

  Brice grabbed those hands and stepped backward, turning them so that her palms faced upward.

  "Take it," he said, putting the ring in her outstretched hands.

  Janna leaned back, sudden tears tumbling from her eyes. This was it. He was taking her back. She realized then that she would probably never love anyone the way she did Brice, and the thought felt a lot like dying.

  "Oh Brice," Evetta whispered, marvel in her voice. "Why...why are you giving this back? Does that want'll take me back?"

  Brice laughed, and Janna's eyes snapped open. "It means you can probably sell it to make some money for Jason's legal fees. Or get a new start for yourself."


  "Get out, Evetta."

  Janna couldn't believe what she was hearing. She also couldn't believe the change that came over the other woman. Her dark eyes narrowed to slits, and her fists tightened, one hand clutching the ring, and the other hand striking out to hit Brice in the chest.

  "You bastard!" she hissed. "You're so goddamned superior. But don't worry, all that superiority will bite you on the ass every time you try to find love. No one will fit your high ideals, not and fuck you the way you need it. The way I could!"

  "I've already found love, and it's a million times better than the sham of a relationship we had."

  Janna's gasp was echoed by Evetta. "Oh, is that right? And I suppose she's the one you're talking about." Evetta's clawed hand pointed in Janna's direction. "I saw your adorable little article in the paper. You called her your girlfriend. But when I asked her yesterday, that's not what she said."

  "Leave Janna out of this," Brice said, jumping into action. He grabbed the woman's arm and began walking around the porch, dragging her with him. "I told you to get out, and I meant it!"

  Janna couldn't help herself, she picked up her crutches and followed, unable to tear her eyes away from the drama in front of her.

  Brice pulled Evetta around to the front and walked her down the steps. The whole way the woman screeched at him, raining curses down upon him. "She'll never satisfy you. Or maybe you don't satisfy her. Either way, your relationship is doomed!"

  "You're not the first person to say that," he said, reminding Janna that his cousin had threatened the same thing. "But I'm not afraid to prove you all wrong." With that he released her, and she stumbled toward a low, bright red sports car.

  "You'll regret this!" she howled as she threw herself into the car and sped away.

  "The only thing I regret is ever meeting you," Janna heard Brice mumble to himself. Then he turned and caught sight of her on the porch. He launched himself up the steps and ran to her, pulling her into his arms, making her drop her crutches.

  Chapter 25

  Janna pulled away, staring up into his burning green eyes.

  "Janna, sweetheart," he said softly, brushing away her tears with his thumbs while he cupped her face. "Don't cry."

  Janna looked down, and he pulled her tight into his chest. "I'm so confused..." she whispered.

  "I know, and I'm sorry. Just hear me out, and whatever you say after that, I'll respect your wishes."

  Brice bent down and picked her up, carrying her into the house, leaving her crutches abandoned on the front porch. He bypassed the sitting room and carried her upstairs, all the way into her room, and set her on the bed. Instead of sitting on the bed next to her, Brice knelt, putting his hands around her waist and positioning himself between her knees.

  "Janna, from the first moment I saw you, I wanted you." His voice was low, earnest, and his green eyes revealed the truth in his words. "You're such an intoxicating mix of intelligence, charm, and irreverence, that I think I fell in love with you that first night."

  Janna gasped, the tears continuing to fall down her flushed cheeks. Brice leaned in and kissed them away, and each touch of his lips sent a fiery sensation through her.

  "I know you think I'm a spoiled rich guy, and maybe I was, but ever since I've met you, I've been trying to prove you wrong. Yeah, I made a few mistakes, but I hope that in the end, I've shown you that I'm not some narcissistic playboy who thinks other people are toys. I'm a man, with feelings, with a heart. A heart that you've stolen."

  He moved in closer, pulling her into a tight hug, his breath hot on her ear as he whispered the words to her. "I have something to say, and this time you aren't going to stop me. I love you, Janna."

  She pulled back, wanting to see his face.

  "I love you," he repeated, then captured her lips. The kiss was soft, teasing as if he realized that she could flee at any moment. But she didn't want to, not this time. She was ready to take a risk, to give him a chance. A second chance. Still, the doubts wouldn't let her surrender quietly.

  "But...what if I'm not enough for you? I don't fit into your world; you know that already."

  "You are my world. End of story. And you are enough; you're more than enough. If you never want to go to another charity fundraiser, if you never want to stand in front of the paparazzi again, then I'll make sure you don't. But I think you'll realize that not only are you enough; you're better. Money doesn't make someone a good person; it just makes them wealthy. But you're rich in another way. You're rich in beauty, in knowledge, in wit--"

  "And virtue?" she said sardonically.

  "Yes, virtue too," he replied, smiling before his face became serious once again. "Please, Janna. I know I've made mistakes, but I promise, if you let me try again, I'll prove to you that I'm the right man for you."

  "You already have," she said, "I just needed to convince myself."

  She pulled his head in and kissed him, not restraining herself as he had. She licked at his lips until he opened them, then drove her tongue inside his mouth. Brice groaned and held her tighter, her desire igniting his own.

  "I love you," she whispered against his lips, and he moaned and bit gently at her bottom lip before stealing another passionate kiss.

  "I love you, too. I didn't know if I could love again, but you made me realize that what I felt that first time wasn't even close to love."

  "I'm your second chance, too," she said with a soft smile.

  "Yes, my second chance at love. But this time, it's a love that will last a lifetime."

  "A lifetime of second chances," she murmured as he kissed his way down her neck.

  "I've missed this." He pulled her dress over her head and began unfastening her bra. "You don't know how badly I've wanted you, how hard it was to hold you and touch you, but not make love to you. It's been torture."

  "It hasn't been easy on me, either," she chuckled, and he smiled, revealing that sexy dimple. She leaned in and licked it, causing him to growl and ravish her mouth again.

  Brice stood, picking Janna up and moving her onto the bed before removing his clothing and joining her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her again until she was breathless and needing him.

  "Oh, Brice," she whispered, as he kissed his way down to her breasts.

  "You're so beautiful." He bent to take a nipple into his hot mout

  "Jesus!" She'd missed this, missed the passion, the power of his lovemaking.

  His hands smoothed over her skin, tracing small circles down her belly, then across her thighs, moving inward. Janna held her breath until he touched her there. It was like coming home.

  "I love you," he said, staring into her eyes. She couldn't look away. Then he entered her, and she closed her eyes in bliss.

  His lovemaking started gentle, like the rocking of the ocean waves, until Janna felt like she would expire, drowning in the soft feelings. Then his restraint broke, and it became wild, a storm-tossed sea that had Janna climaxing again and again. At last, he called out her name and came inside her. They floated into the clouds, and Janna thought she might have fainted.

  The next thing she remembered was being pulled against Brice's chest, his lips kissing her awake.

  "Never leave me," he whispered, and she nodded without hesitation.

  They drifted, not speaking, content to breathe with one another. Just as Janna was sliding into sleep, Brice spoke.

  "We forgot again."

  "Forgot?" she murmured lazily.

  "The condom."

  "Oh," she said, waking up slightly. What a way to ruin a romantic mood.

  "It will probably be okay," she said, grateful again for her IUD.

  "It would even be okay if it weren't," he replied.

  "What?" She sat up, confused.

  Brice sat up beside her, pulling her tight against him. "I love you," he said, kissing her brow, then he bent down to the nightstand, pulling out a drawer that was so flush with the surface that she'd never even noticed. He handed her a small box, and she exhaled heavily.

  "Open it," he said softly.

  She did. And she let out a cry.

  "Marry me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have babies, grow old together," he said, gently taking the box from her hand and pulling the ring from it. Discarding the box, he picked up her left hand and slipped the ring on it. It was a beautiful white-gold ring with a huge emerald winking up at her. My favorite color, she thought.


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