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Three Bears

Page 9

by A. Nybo

  “C’mon, Dan,” said Luke as he tore one off a strip of condoms. Ripping the foil open, he rolled it down over my cock. “Time to mount up,” he grinned as he rolled over to face away from me.

  Although he eased off, Josh continued to gently rub my back and sides as I took my time entering Luke. When I finally breached him, the snug heat almost undid me, and I had to push Josh’s hand from my butt to keep from a premature end. His devilish chuckle was nothing short of a promise of things to come.

  Rolling Luke onto his stomach and lifting up, he came up with me to rest on his hands and knees. We worked to get comfortable with each other. When he kept backing up onto me, I pushed him down and rolled us back to our sides to allow Josh greater access. Needing no more convincing, he was ready to go and used his fingers to ensure I was as ready as I could be before positioning himself. He eased his way forward and was soon buried deep in me. The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Oh God….

  Josh was inside me!

  It took me a while to get used to the thrill of having Josh in me, and then a while more to get used to fucking and being fucked. Moving in this position was difficult and uncomfortable. There were legs and arms to fit into spaces that weren’t always that accommodating. I wasn’t really enjoying it all that much, but Josh moved a little, and when he pegged my prostate, I think my ass tried to swallow him whole. When I moved back to get more, something between the three of us gelled, and suddenly we had a rhythm happening.

  And then things started to go crazy.

  Whether a chain reaction was set off, whether I had become a conduit between Luke and Josh, or something else, I don’t know, but the hand I had wrapped around Luke’s cock mirrored the buildup of sensations occurring within me. Josh bit my shoulder, my hand squeezed tighter, Luke shoved back hard onto me at the same time Josh thrust forward.

  My nerves were scorched from the overwhelming sensations. I tried to tell them to stop, but all that came out was a kind of wrecked cry that both of them seemed to interpret as faster, harder. Despite speeding up, they managed to maintain the exact same rhythm.

  I was sure my brain was about to spurt out my ears, but I was about to learn things could get more intense, because Luke cried out and when his muscles rhythmically constricted around my cock and Josh pounded into me, it was sensory overload. My body jerked and convulsed in the throes of ecstasy, as sheet lightning obliterated my mind.

  I drifted in blackness until little pinpricks of light became visible. I now understood what it meant to see stars—not the halo of stars spinning around some cartoon character’s head, but beautiful, shimmery speckles of light.

  Then came the gradual awareness of Luke and Josh talking. One of them stroked along one of my eyebrows, “You okay, Baby Bear?” It was Luke asking, but I was sure it was Josh tracing lines on my face.

  A weird, weary giggle escaped me. Baby Bear?

  A soft kiss landed on my cheek from Josh’s side.

  For the first time in my life, I emotionally understood the meaning of la petite mort—the little death—because that was exactly what I had just experienced. That altered state of consciousness that students of the mind spoke of, where I had been unaware of my surroundings. Perhaps that place I had been was from the loss of life energy.

  I was now in a peaceful state where I could hear and feel everything around me, but I was incapable of interacting with my surroundings; I didn’t try because I didn’t want to shed this beautiful sense of being.

  “La petite mort,” I finally tried to explain.

  “Jeezus,” Luke said, “did we fuck him foreign?”

  “Just French. We should try for Spanish next time.”

  “Don’t think I’ve ever been involved in that kind of crazy foreign shit before.”

  Josh and Luke kept joking at my expense as awareness continued to creep up on me. Someone was holding my hand, and I began stroking my thumb over fingers. Then there was a kiss to my shoulder, this time from Luke’s side. As I ascended, there was a cocoon of emotion surrounding me, pressing snugly against me from my two lovers. It was like drifting in water that was such perfect warmth, it couldn’t be felt by the senses but was tangible nonetheless.

  “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced,” said Luke.

  “Fuck hot.” My mumble bordered on incoherency. “That was bliss.”

  They both laughed. “Hmm,” Josh hummed, seesaw fashion. “We might have to replicate it later to see who’s right.”

  I opened my eyes and blinked against the light. They were both lying on their sides facing me as I lay on my back between them. I remembered my dream where we had a threesome. “The first time in my life a dream comes true, and it happens in bed. Is that weird?” Closing my eyes again I turned with my back to Josh and pressed in against him.

  I could feel him silently laughing. “Not for you.” He kissed my shoulder.

  If I’d had the energy, I think I would have had an emotional orgasm as he slid a protective arm around me and, pulling me in, kissed my nape. I reached out for Luke, and he linked his fingers with mine.

  I WOKE up alone with blankets tucked around me. My nerve endings felt like I’d suffered mild electrocution, and my mind was hazy. The weird thing, though, was it made me feel pleasantly satisfied. For another ten minutes, I nestled down into the blankets, basking in the morning-after glow.

  The sound of spoons clinking against bowls in the kitchen caused my stomach to complain about its empty state, but I went and showered first. Afterward I poured a bowl of cereal and joined the others, who had moved out onto the deck to breakfast in the sunshine.

  “How you feeling this morning?” Josh asked.

  I couldn’t keep the grin from my face. “Kind of fabulous.”

  Luke laughed. “Man, you were out of it last night. I want me some of that!”

  “I wasn’t so out of it that I didn’t hear what you called me.”

  “What did I call you?”

  “Baby Bear. What the fuck is that about?”

  Luke and Josh looked at each other and laughed.

  “You said it,” accused Josh, “so you can explain it.”

  Luke began explaining “Operation Three Bears” to me, but Josh interjected every now and then to add a detail he couldn’t let pass.

  “You bastards!” I said once they’d finished. “You planned all that and didn’t let on? Why didn’t you say that’s what you wanted?”

  “Because you had to be the one to decide,” said Luke.

  “There was no way we were going to push you into anything you didn’t want. And since you didn’t know what you wanted, we just put it out there that it was a possibility. You did the rest,” said Josh.

  I considered that for a while and realized they were right to do what they did, despite it putting me through the wringer. The responsibility was mine to shoulder, and now that I had, I couldn’t be happier.

  Silence had fallen between us, but it was tense, and I tried to put my finger on what was wrong. When Luke cleared his throat and Josh began to speak, I realized Luke was prodding him on. “Luke and I have been talking,” he began.

  When he didn’t go on, my anxiety ramped up. I sensed everything was about to come crashing down around my head. “And?”

  “We don’t want you to go.”

  That came as a surprise. “Where was I supposed to be going?”


  “That’s not for months yet.”

  “Just over five weeks actually,” Josh said.

  “Really?” The first week had dragged by, but clearly the past month or so had flown.

  “So? Will you stay?”

  “Yes.” The word popped out of my mouth without me even thinking about it—which was lucky. It seemed there were some things I could easily make a decision on—even when they were life altering.

  “Woo-hoo!” Luke hooted.

  “Are you moving in?” I asked him.

  He smiled but it carried a
hint of sadness. “I might see how it pans out first. You two have a lot of history, and I don’t want to end up on the outer.” I made to speak, but he stopped me. “I know it wouldn’t be deliberate, and I have absolutely no intentions of giving up on us, but… I dunno. This is suddenly moving really fast.”

  “I think it would be better if the three of us started off together,” I suggested.

  “I’m with Dan,” said Josh. “I get that it’s a bit different for you, and you’re right, it is moving fast. But doesn’t it just feel… like it’s meant to be?”

  I turned to Josh. “You believe in fate?”

  He studied me for a moment, and when I went to speak, he jumped in. “No, no, no. Don’t sidetrack us. We can have the fate conversation some other time. Right now we have to convince Luke he needs to move in with us.”




  I LOVED that feeling of sitting on my board as the swell rose and fell beneath me. As we waited for sets to come through at Baby Bear, Dan and Josh kept me entertained with their argument about how to tell who was a better guitarist. Personally I went on who I preferred to listen to, but Josh and Dan had to get all scientific about it and plot out variables such as speed, accuracy, and the most important aspect according to them, the silences.

  The most entertaining part of the argument for me was watching Dan’s eyebrows. Since the three of us had moved in together, his eyebrows weren’t quite as wild and erratic in their movements, and I loved that, between us, Josh and I had managed to tame them to a state of relative calm.

  We had also reaped the benefits of those intense emotions of his. Unlike when Josh had said it to me during some of our alone time, the first time Dan told me he loved me, I nearly cried with sheer joy. I don’t know why I had been so emotionally overwhelmed. Perhaps it was because he took me by complete surprise as I was doing nothing more exciting than tinkering with the lawn mower. It hadn’t been a heat-of-the-moment thing. Whatever it was, the dude really knew how to hit me in the feels.

  I don’t think any of us had realized how happy such an arrangement could make us. Things hadn’t been all love and sunshine. At times Dan could be moody, and I had seen a bit of a temper on Josh, although mostly he just got pissed off at Dan and me behaving like teenagers. But those emotionally heavy times were rare, and having two of us to carry the mood of the other made it far easier. Mostly we had fun. What more could we ask for?

  “Shit!” yelped Dan.

  Something brushed against my foot, and I nearly fell off my board with fright. But then Josh started laughing, and I saw a dorsal fin surface. Not a shark. A dolphin. A pod of dolphins!

  “Woo-hoo-hoo!” Josh sang out as dolphins surfed the wave that went through.

  Life was good!

  A. NYBO has tried conventional methods (a psych degree and a GC in Forensic Mental Health) but far prefers the less conventional, such as the occasional barbecue in the rain, four-hundred-kilometer drives at 1:00 a.m. for chocolate, and multiple emergency naps in any given twenty-four-hour period. Favorite things to do include that which can be seen (e.g. reading, writing, drawing, walking the dogs, traveling) and that which can’t, such as dreaming (both awake and asleep).

  Western Australian born, she has been spotted on the other side of the planet several times—usually by mosquitoes. She’s also discovered Amazonian mosquitoes love her just as much as they do in her home state.

  By A. Nybo

  Three Bears


  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Three Bears

  © 2018 A. Nybo.

  Cover Art

  © 2018 Alexandria Corza.

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-64080-784-6

  Digital eBook published October 2018

  v. 1.0

  Printed in the United States of America




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