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Deadly Design

Page 2

by Brandy L Rivers

  Then again, Erik’s focus was half of what drew her in.

  Every time Erik’s deep black eyes locked on her, the world fell away. He brought her peace, even when the voices started in on him. Monique seemed to be the only one to comfort him when he got like that. Erik would get still whenever the spirits surrounded him. He’d glance in different directions as if listening. And he’d start to relax anytime she slipped her hand into his bigger one.

  The last week had been surreal. Erik snuck into her room every night and held her hand. He’d stay, talking into the early morning hours before sneaking back into his own room. She didn’t want the bubble to burst when her parents were home again.

  Sometime over the last two weeks, she realized he was more than a friend. She had fallen for the boy who always helped her see the light in everything.

  It was both new and scary, these strange feelings taking over her head. She couldn’t go two seconds without thinking about him. Tyra sat down in front of Monique and smiled. “You okay? You seem lost in thought.”

  She nodded. “I’m fine. Thinking about my parents.”

  Karl sat down next to her. “Your mother will be out tomorrow if I have my way. Your father will be out by the month’s end. We’ve almost caught up to Benicio LaPorsche. As soon as we have him in custody, we can prove it was his magic that caused the deaths. Armand will be free.”

  Monique nodded. She didn’t understand why it took so much to clear a man who couldn’t perform the spells that killed those people. None of it made sense.

  Erik placed his hand on her arm.

  Karl smiled over Monique’s shoulder at his son. “I need to work tonight. Be good for Tyra.”

  “Like these two are ever anything but?” Erik’s mother laughed, sweeping her pale hair over her shoulder and pushing Karl toward the door. “Go on. Erik and Monique have homework to do.”

  Karl patted Monique’s shoulder, squeezed his son’s arm, and took a kiss from his wife before leaving.

  Tyra nodded to the stairs. “Go ahead and go upstairs. I expect you’ll get more homework done that way.

  Monique smiled, relieved. “Thank you, Mrs. Mortale.”

  “Tyra,” she stated. “We aren’t formal. You know that.”

  And she did. Monique hopped up and gave her a hug. In ways, Tyra was the mother she’d always wanted. Her own was too high-strung and prone to freaking out over the tiniest thing. Her anxiety was often through the roof. Especially the last year.

  Erik’s presence followed close behind. Tingles traveled over her skin as he drew closer. She wanted to stop and let him collide into her, feel him against her body. His arms would go around her waist and he’d place his chin on her shoulder.

  She smiled as she opened his bedroom door. She could have gone to the guestroom, but being alone was the last thing she wanted.

  “You aren’t getting tired of me yet?” Erik asked softly.

  She turned, finding him an inch from her, and smiled up into his dark eyes. “Never. And no, never thought I’d admit it, but it’s the truth.” She backed toward his bed and flopped down with a smirk.

  He lay down beside her, staring up at the ceiling. “Still believe me when I tell you they won’t hold your father forever?”

  “Trying to. Don’t want to think about that, though.” She was tired of worrying, so she turned her head. “Could you help me with Social Studies? I keep falling asleep in class.”

  He chuckled. “I could stop spending so much time with you at night.”

  She shook her head. “I like it when you do.”

  “Go get your books. I’ll see what I can do.”

  * * * *

  Hours later, after much studying and fluttery feelings, Monique sat Indian-style across from Erik. He leaned closer, his lips hovering an inch from hers.

  “Monique?” Vivian called, stomping up the stairs.

  Monique’s eyes widened as she stared into Erik’s. His lids slowly closed as he took a slow breath and leaned back.

  His heart dropped into the pit of his stomach as she turned to face the door.

  Erik was seconds from kissing her. He was positive she wanted the same. The door opened and he looked up to find Vivian rushing to Monique and enveloping her in a tight embrace.

  Monique patted her mother’s back. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

  “I shouldn’t have done what I did. Karl is doing everything in his power to help Robert McCallister and Elizandra Delacroix to free your father. They’re so close, and I nearly ruined the case with my outburst.”

  “You were doing what you thought was right,” Monique answered.

  “Yes, well, it was foolish. I knew better. I should have held my tongue and let the enforcers do their job.”

  Vivian looked over Monique’s shoulder. “Thank you for keeping Monique safe and sane. I understand you spent many hours listening to her when she felt lost.”

  “We’ve always been good friends, Mrs. DeSandre. In fact, I was just helping her with Social Studies.”

  “Thank you for not shunning us.”

  Erik lifted a single shoulder. “I’m no more a mage than either of you.”

  “No, but you can pass.”

  Obviously not. Mythra’s Academy sent him home after only a month. He didn’t bother mentioning that fact. Instead, he smiled. “I’m glad you’re free, Vivian. Good night, Monique. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “On our way to school?”

  “If you still want to walk with me.”

  She looked up at her mother. “Please. He’s really helping me with my grades.”

  “Sure. Come on. I have a surprise for you.”

  Monique turned to him with a sheepish smile. “Good night, Erik.”

  “Good night.” He watched her go, then fell back on his bed.

  Cassandra appeared and moved toward the bed. “She’s going home now?”

  Erik nodded.

  “I liked it better over here. Your mother is sweet.”

  “You can come visit,” Erik whispered. “But please keep an eye on Monique. I know Vivian is having a hard time with her husband in custody.”

  “You won’t mind me here?”

  “Of course not.” He smiled. “And if Monique needs someone, let me know. I can always go over there.”

  “Okay.” She ducked her head and disappeared.

  * * * *

  Monique followed her mother home. Once inside, Mom turned to her, a scowl darkening her features. “I know that boy helped you through a difficult time, but he’s not your type.”

  Rolling her eyes, Monique looked away. Erik was everything. “He’s not that different. The mages kicked him out of their academy.” Or so he said, but she’d watched him cast so many mage spells that if she hadn’t known about the ghosts, she would believe that’s all he was.

  “His father is a mage.”

  “So? His mother is a witch, like you.”

  “Not like me,” Vivian pointed out. “She went against everything casters stand for by marrying a Silver Council enforcer.”

  Monique shook her head. “The Silver Council was created to protect us from another witch hunt. Granted there are a few bad mages, but there are men like Karl Mortale, Robert McCallister, and women like Elizandra Delacroix, who want all casters to be seen as equal.”

  “Unfortunately, we don’t live in a world where fair often happens. If it did, they would have never taken your father to a cell for a crime he could never commit.”

  “And why would a mage necessarily know that?”

  “That’s their job!” She pointed up the stairs. “Go to your room!”

  Anger bubbled up, nearly overflowing. “Mother, Erik didn’t do anything. He’s been helping me with my schoolwork. He’s not even interested. He probably has a girlfriend his age.” The lie rolled easily from her tongue.

  “I can only hope,” Mother snapped and stormed up the stairs to her room. She sla
mmed the door shut.

  Sighing, Monique went to her room and shut the door. Whatever surprise her mother had was forgotten.

  She flopped on the bed and wondered about the things she’d left over at Erik’s. Didn’t matter. If they were walking to school, she could grab them in the morning.

  Maybe things would be better once Dad came home.

  The window slid open and Monique shoved her hair back to find Erik climbing through. He held his finger to his mouth and whispered the silencing spell.

  His sly smile lifted her spirits. He dropped her backpack on the floor and crossed the room. “Thought you could use your books.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t feel like studying.”

  “What do you feel like?”

  “Like staying with your family forever.” Or just him. A smile pulled at her lips. Then she rolled her eyes and sat up. “She’s lost her mind. I hope my father comes home soon. Maybe then she’ll relax.”

  “Whatever you need from me, you have it. Don’t want you to go crazy with her.”

  She patted the bed. “Sit with me for a while.”

  He sat beside her, and she lay back, staring at the ceiling. He stretched out and took her hand. “Going to miss staying with you until you fall asleep.”

  “My mother would kill you if she caught you.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, she probably would.” Turning his head, he captured her gaze. “Sorry. I wish I could make it all better.”

  “Me too.” She shrugged. “I was hoping they’d wait to let her out when they release my dad.”

  “Me too.” He sighed.

  “Aren’t your parents going to wonder what you’re doing?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Dad told me I should come see you while I was packing up your backpack. He laughed and told me to tell you you’re always welcome at our place.”

  “Wish I could say the same about you here, but my mother…” She closed her eyes. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re welcome.”

  “Thank you. Though I should go. Cassandra says your mother’s coming.”

  He hurried through the window and ducked out of sight in time for the door to open.

  Her mother’s eyes narrowed. “Why so quiet?”


  “Not worried?”

  “A tad, but Dad will be coming home before long. You’re home. My grades are better. I know being locked up was horrible, but it’s over now.”

  “Yeah.” She sat down on the bed beside her. “And you were right. Erik isn’t the problem.” She sighed. “Not even his father. If it weren’t for Karl, I’d still be locked up.”

  “He considers you a friend.”

  She nodded. “I’m very lucky they took you in without question. I need to thank them.”

  “Call them. But I’m tired. I’m going to sleep early.”

  Her mother leaned over to kiss her head. “Sweet dreams. I missed you.”

  “Missed you too.”

  Her mother shut the door behind her.

  * * * *

  Vivian snuck into Monique’s room late in the night. Kjell had instructed her to crush angelica and barberry root and mix it with wax to form a candle.

  Taking a deep breath, she waved her hand over her daughter’s head and murmured a spell to keep her asleep before sitting beside her. She lit the candle and held her free hand under to catch any wax as she chanted the protection spell Kjell helped her memorize.

  Her godmother promised this spell would protect Monique for as long as Vivian lived. That her daughter would be free from oppressive bonds and evil.

  She hoped Kjell knew what she was talking about. She never wanted her daughter to be torn apart by the mistakes of the man in her life.

  Armand was everything to Vivian, but he was foolish to believe mages would ever accept him as equal. If only she had found another man to fall for, she wouldn’t be worrying about her husband rotting away in the Silver Council’s cells.

  Once the spell was cast, she bent down to press a kiss to her daughter’s head.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning Erik walked over to Monique’s. He found an expensive red car parked in front of her house. Cassandra bounced down the stairs. “Her dad’s home. He looks…different.” Her face scrunched.

  “What do you mean, different?”

  She shrugged.

  Erik marched up the stairs and knocked on the door.

  Vivian answered the door. Her hair was a mess, her eyes red, and her face puffy. “Come in. She’ll be right down.” She managed a smile before heading into the dining room.

  He stepped inside and shut the door. In the dining room he found a woman with colorful streaked hair and a blond man in a suit. He recognized the mages as Elizandra Delacroix and Robert McCallister from his father’s stories.

  Draecyn Montgomery was the magister, and Robert was his lieutenant. Wherever Robert went, Elizandra went with him. Though, according to his father, Elizandra was the most powerful of the two. She didn’t look happy, though she was clearly worried about Armand.

  Armand wore a haunted expression. His face was gaunt. He’d lost weight. He had to wonder what had happened to him while locked away.

  Armand stood and walked over. “Erik, it’s good to see you.” His voice had a hollow quality that hadn’t been there before. “I understand you kept my angel sane.”

  “Did my best, sir.”

  “No, sir. Armand. You know that. You’re practically family.”

  Vivian rolled her eyes.

  Robert looked up and smiled. “You’re Karl’s boy, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He crossed the room. Amusement danced through Elizandra’s eyes as she watched the scene.

  Robert took his hand with a smile. “Pleasure to meet you. Draecyn has told me much about you.” He leaned down to whisper, “Please ask your father to keep an eye on Mr. DeSandre. I want him to heal faster, but he’s refusing to let a highly skilled healer help him.”

  Erik nodded.

  Robert stood straight. “Unfortunately, before Draecyn stepped in, Armand wasn’t treated as he should have been.”

  “Is he all right now?” Erik asked, wondering what the hell had happened.

  “He will be. We’ll be keeping an eye on the place to ensure no one hassles the DeSandres.”

  Monique hurried down the stairs. She looked lost and had obviously been crying.

  Erik’s heart twisted into knots. “Good morning, Monique.”

  “Morning,” she answered, then nodded at Robert. Ignoring her mother, she ducked past her and hugged her father.

  Armand’s face lit up as he wrapped his arms around her back. “Missed you, angel.”

  Monique leaned back and tucked a handkerchief into his jacket pocket. “Missed you too, Daddy. See you this afternoon.”

  “Can hardly wait,” he answered.

  Monique joined Erik at the door and pulled him outside.

  Erik nodded to his house. “Can we make a quick stop? I need to tell my father something.”

  Her head tipped as she studied him. “Sure.”

  He ran inside to relay the message.

  * * * *

  Monique stood on the porch, watching her house. She could see her parents still talking to the other two mages. Neither of them acted as if there was anything wrong with enchanters. In fact, they seemed offended that Armand was returned to his family less than healthy.

  She’d cried when she saw her father. At first she thought he was a ghost. He hadn’t shaved, his clothes were filthy, and he looked so…hollow.

  He hugged her, and she knew it was him. His magic always wrapped around her like a blanket, comforting her. She wanted to wipe away the whole ordeal as he cried against her shoulder.

  “What happened?” she whispered.

  “Never mind that, angel. I pray you’ll never learn.”

  Her mother came in some time later to t
ell her it was time to get ready for school. Her father left the room and she went to work on enchanting a handkerchief to revitalize him. She infused the spell with her love and gave it to him before dragging Erik out the door.

  Erik hurried down the porch steps and turned toward school. He sucked in a breath and looked over. “My father has us covered. We aren’t going to school. You need a chance to get your mind off everything, and school won’t help.”

  Her mouth popped open and she whispered, “I can’t skip school!”

  “Sure you can. And it’s not skipping if it’s excused.”

  “How is it excused?” she demanded in hushed tones.

  “Dad has us covered. Trust him. You’re shaken up, and rightfully so.”

  “I’d rather be home with my dad, taking care of him. Mom won’t hear of it.”

  He pulled her down a trail and into the woods. “What do you want to do? Dad’s picking us up at the other side of the path. We’ll go wherever you want. So what’s our destination?”

  “Can’t. Mom’s convinced I have to go to school. She said no to me staying home.”

  Erik shook his head, a laugh on his lips. “You aren’t staying home, and you aren’t going to school. What’s your next choice?”

  His easy nature calmed her nerves. She decided on her favorite place to go. “Pike Place Market.”

  “Design ideas?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. Mom wants me to do something other than design. She thinks I’ll wind up like my father.” She rolled her eyes. “Told her you would always protect me.”

  “I will,” he promised softly as they stepped onto the street.

  Erik’s father sat in his Impala on the side of the road. Erik opened the back door and motioned her to scoot inside.

  Monique did, and he took the seat beside her.

  Karl turned toward Monique. “Where are we going?”

  “Pike Place,” she answered.

  “Sounds good. I’ll pick you up early enough you will be home the same time you would be from school.”

  Warmth infused her. “Thank you.”

  He nodded. “And when I get back, I’m going over to see if I can help Armand.”


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