Deadly Design
Page 6
Forty-two years earlier…
Things were better with Monique’s mother. She still watched Erik like a hawk when he was around. Yet, she stopped trying to convince Monique to choose someone else.
Monique thrived in her father’s shop. She had her own clients and shared a good number of her father’s. They worked side by side in his studio.
Graduation was coming soon and Erik would have saved up for his big plans. He needed to buy an engagement ring, marry Monique, and move to wherever in the world she wanted to open up her own shop. He could be an enforcer in any area he chose. At least that was what Robert and Elizandra had told him. Both mages and a few others had already vouched for him over pure mages. Something he never expected.
Part of him wanted to settle back into Edenton where he could do the most good, and wasn’t looked at like a total freak by most of the residents. That way the Council would have someone there who wasn’t a mage, and the people would feel more comfortable talking to.
Though, most of the time, mages didn’t know he wasn’t, until someone pointed out he was something Other. He sighed and paced the apartment. It was one of his rare days off and all he wanted to do was gather Monique in his arms and beg her to take a vacation anywhere with him.
Within a week he’d be an enforcer. As soon as it was official, they could truly start life.
And yet, something nagged at him. He couldn’t figure out what.
Then Robert popped into the room, translocated a foot before him, with Erik’s father.
“Dad?” Erik asked. He’d been busy working cases in Seattle last he heard.
“Where is Monique?” Dad asked.
“Working at the shop.”
Robert started talking at a million miles an hour. “You need to take her far away from here, somewhere hidden. Until we can clear her. I want you to stay with her so you can keep her out of the wrong mage’s hands.”
“What on earth are you talking about?”
“We have an issue with another mage trying to pull the same stunt they did on Armand years before. You remember that, don’t you?”
“Of course I do. But where do you suggest we go?”
Robert pulled in a breath. “There’s an expansive mansion in Scotland that you can stay in. No one will look for you there.”
Erik’s mouth fell open. His father had told him about Draecyn’s hideout once before. He always had the sense that the magister seemed out of place next to the other mages.
“And how do we get there?”
“I’ll take you. You’ll have to miss a bit of training, but we hope to clear this up quickly. And if I need to, I can bring you back and forth every day. But Monique needs to remain out of sight. First we have to go get her and take her before anyone can find her.”
“Who are they sending?”
Dad answered, “Tarek Lessair.” The bastard was known for being shady. He’d briefly been an enforcer, but after what had happened with Armand DeSandre, he’d been demoted to an investigator who shouldn’t be making arrests.
“Shit. Let’s go,” Erik answered.
“You okay with this?” Father asked.
“Of course. If I can keep her safe, I will. Even if we run for the rest of our lives.”
Something in Father’s eyes stopped Erik. “What did Mom see?”
“Don’t worry about that,” he answered.
Robert took Erik’s arm and brought him to the studio, without Karl. That worried Erik, but he was willing to do anything to protect Monique.
Monique smiled when she saw Erik, but that dropped clean off her face when she noticed who was with him. “What’s going on?” she demanded.
“You’re about to be accused of a murder I know you didn’t commit. With your father in Switzerland, you’re the one they want to take in,” Robert explained. “So you’re going to stay in Scotland with Erik until we can clear your name.”
“But my clients?” she snapped.
“I admire your work ethic, but you have two choices,” Robert explained. “If you stay, you wind up staying in a Silver Council cell for something I know you haven’t done. Or you take a spontaneous holiday with Erik. He’ll keep you safe until we can resolve the case.”
She sucked in a breath and let it out. “Let me guess. Darien LaPorsche is the one accusing me?” Monique asked.
“That’s who we suspect is killing mages. Now, are you willing to go? You’ll have full run of the place. Draecyn has even ensured that you have materials you might need to work on clothes, and there is someone there you can trust who will get anything else you need. What do you say?”
She looked at Erik. “You want to go with me?”
He moved to her, taking her hands. “Do you even have to ask? I’ll always be with you, Monique.”
Turning back to Robert, she took a slow breath. “All—all right. I’ll go.”
Erik took a breath of relief. Robert crossed the room. “Sorry to hurry you, but we don’t have much time. Someone will be here to scour the place momentarily. Preston is on his way with a couple other enforcers. We suspect Tarek will attempt to plant evidence. We’re hoping to catch him in the act.”
Monique blinked slowly. “They’re trying to say I killed someone with an enchantment?” She snorted. “That’s not how my magic works.”
Robert nodded. “I know that. But enough mages may think it’s possible, and not enough understand what you do and how. It makes for a dangerous combination when someone accuses you of a crime. They want the easiest explanation, and for them, that’s someone who isn’t a mage.”
Before Monique could ask the next question, they were in a beautiful mansion. “What the hell?”
Erik smiled. “Robert can translocate whoever he touches to anywhere in the world. We’re already in the mansion. No travel time, no mages to catch us.”
“This is Draecyn’s mansion?”
Robert nodded. “He doesn’t share the same elitist views about non mage casters. Relax. He’s in the States. He may drop by, but I’ll keep you posted no matter what happens.”
“And what if you can’t prove it wasn’t me?” Monique asked.
“We will. Have faith. The curse worked into the clothing isn’t an enchanter spell but there are enough mages who don’t understand the intricacies of curses and enchantments.”
Monique closed her eyes. “Thank you.”
Erik knew there were curses she could work, but nothing that would kill a person. However, like Armand’s case, the mage working the spells didn’t actually understand how they worked.
Erik pulled her into his arms. “I’m right here with you. Robert will get to the bottom of it, and we’ll go back.”
“Erik is right. It’s only a matter of time to clear your name.” With that Robert left.
Monique stepped back and walked away. She slumped into a chair, a defeated look on her face.
He knelt before her, pushing her legs apart to scoot closer and capture her face. “What can I do?”
She blinked before focusing on Erik. “I don’t know. I have no clue what to do. And aren’t you going to get in trouble for disappearing with me?”
He shook his head. “Robert wouldn’t have sent me if he expected a problem. Besides, Draecyn cleared us to be in this house. The magister of the Silver Council is on your side too.” He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. “My Dad is helping with the case. He came to the apartment, but didn’t come to the shop. Probably to ensure I didn’t get directly involved in the case. I think he’s worried what I would do if I got my hands on the person framing you.”
A tear slid down her cheek and a frantic note entered her voice. “What if they can’t clear my name? What if—”
He kissed her, wanting to take away the fear.
* * * *
Monique fell into Erik’s kiss, until reality seeped back in and she pushed him back. “Why us? We aren’t the only enchanters.”
“You’re the best.
No one makes clothes like you do. Of course someone wants to destroy your credibility. Only the one framing you is an absolute moron. They’ll catch them.”
“That makes me feel worse.”
He shrugged. “It shouldn’t. Robert can prove who is behind the crime and everything will go back to normal.”
“What do you know about the case?”
“Not much, regretfully, but they came to get me so I could convince you to come with me. The people who count are on your side. And this time, they got to you before the wrong ones did.”
Monique sighed. “Benicio LaPorsche was executed. At the time his nephew was working for him. He’s shown up at our shows spewing hate enough times he’s been banned from attending anything with our name on it.”
“Darien LaPorsche.”
Erik nodded. “Makes sense. I didn’t pay much attention to your father’s case. I was more concerned with you. But here’s an interesting tidbit. Bianca didn’t give up on me until she wound up with Darien.”
“I don’t like that woman.”
“I never touched her.”
Monique grinned. “I never doubted you, but she’s still a bitch.”
“She hasn’t hassled us in years now.”
She rolled her eyes. “Doesn’t mean she’s leaving you alone at the Council.”
“Thankfully, she’s too busy with Darien now.”
Her lips quirked. “She really does annoy you, doesn’t she?”
He nodded. “She should have given up the moment I told her I was in love with you.”
She smiled. “Can’t say I blame her. You are amazing, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”
He grinned. “No one will ever tear me away from you.”
She fell back in the chair. “My parents come back tomorrow morning. I wonder if it’s too late to call them, have them cancel their travel plans.”
“My guess, you won’t reach them. And Robert will contact us, but I don’t know who to call to get in direct contact with him at this very moment. We’re clear across the world.”
He nodded to the desk where a phone sat. “Can’t hurt to try.”
Monique scooted past Erik and walked across the room. She dialed and held her breath, hoping like hell she could reach them in time.
The phone rang and rang. She gave up and dropped into the seat. “My mother is going to freak. God, can you call and leave a message to have one of the mages tell them at the airport or something?”
“I’ll call everyone I trust to deliver the message. Most likely Robert, but there are a few others who would try if he can’t.”
“Please. Mom—she’ll go ballistic when she finds out I’m missing. I’m sure someone will paint the worst possible picture.”
“I’ll call.” He took the phone from her with a smile. “Relax. I’m on this.”
Chapter 8
Armand knew something was wrong the moment he stepped off the plane and found Robert McCallister, Elizandra Delacroix, and Preston Emrys waiting for them.
Vivian paled. “Where is my baby?”
“Safe,” Robert promised.
Relief flooded Armand.
Vivian shook her head. “Tell me where.”
“Another country, where no mage will find her until we clear her name.”
“Clear her name?” Vivian all but shouted, her hands clenched into fists, her knuckles white. “Why does anyone need to clear her name?”
Elizandra stepped in front of Vivian and caught her shoulders. “I need you to calm down. She is safe, and she will not be prosecuted. The only person who knows where to find her took her and Erik there to stay well out of sight until we can prove who is framing her.”
Armand nodded. “I suggest you check into Darien LaPorsche. He’s the nephew of Benicio LaPorsche. He took over the family business because he was the only one with any talent.”
“Thank you,” Robert replied, but he wore a knowing expression. “I could take you somewhere out of the spotlight, or directly to your home. Which would you prefer?”
“Home,” Vivian said immediately.
“Home,” Armand echoed.
“Follow me,” Elizandra stated, turning to walk down the hall. She led them through the halls and down a hidden corridor meant for employees.
As soon as the group was out of sight of any other living soul, Robert touched Armand and Vivian.
Next thing he knew, his knees buckled as his stomach tied itself in knots.
Vivian collapsed beside him, taking his face in her hands. “What did you do to him?” she demanded, glaring up at Robert.
Armand gripped her chin. “Happens every time someone translocates me from one place to another. Portals do the same thing. Don’t worry, Dollface. I’m perfectly all right.”
“What are you talking about? You look as if you’ll be sick.”
“My stomach is already settling.”
Robert cleared his throat. “I apologize, Vivian. It’s best if you stay out of sight until this is over. We are working on the case. And you being back when Monique has supposedly disappeared will be suspicious. Please stay here. And don’t answer the doors.”
“And why should I believe you?” she snarled at him.
“I cleared Armand before. I know for a fact your daughter did not curse the victims. Only one of them owned anything she or Armand created. We almost have the proof we need to stop this from ever happening again. Please, Mrs. DeSandre. Trust me when I say that I will not let anything happen to your family. It’s why I sent Erik with Monique, to protect her on the off chance someone found her before we can.”
“You have forty-eight hours before I seek my own answers,” she hissed.
“Vivian,” Robert warned, “that could be very detrimental to the case. Remember last time you publicly protested? Please, stay here. Let us do this. The process will go faster without your interference.”
Robert touched Elizandra, and they were gone.
Armand stood and caught Vivian’s shoulders. “Trust them. Please. Robert is not the enemy. Neither are Preston or Elizandra. And for the love of all that’s magic, don’t blame Erik either.”
She sighed. “I don’t trust the mages to clear our daughter.”
“They will. And even if they didn’t, they know the truth and they would keep her safe. Just like Draecyn ensured my safety the moment he learned about the problem.”
“But I almost lost you then.”
“You didn’t, love. You haven’t lost Monique, and you won’t.”
* * * *
Monique held the phone clutched to her ear. She’d been calling nonstop for an hour. She had no clue what the hell time zone she was in or what time it was back home, but finally her father answered.
“Hello?” His tone was cautious.
“Dad! I miss you. I’m sorry. I tried to get word to you before you got home. It all happened so fast, without warning.”
“I’m so happy to hear your voice,” he answered.
Then her mother came on the line. “Monique? Oh, thank goodness, where are you?”
“Not important. I’m safe, and not in the States. Please, don’t do anything rash. Just let the Council take care of everything. Please.” But her mother was rarely rational.
“And if they can’t?” Exactly what she’d asked the day before. Only Erik had convinced her everything would be fine. As long as her mother didn’t screw everything up.
“They will. Please, stay out of sight. Don’t talk to anyone.”
“Fine, fine. I want to see you home, with us.”
There was an old request she hadn’t heard in years.
Monique sighed. “My home is with Erik. Whether or not you like it, that’s where I belong. I love him.”
Mother sighed. “I mean in New York. I know you won’t come home.” A heavy sigh filled the line. “And Erik is with you?”
“Yes, he is. If anything happ
ens, he will protect me, but there isn’t a city near us, and Robert took us in a way that ensured no one saw us.”
“He did the same at the airport, and your father nearly got sick.”
Monique giggled. “I’ve heard that Preston, one of the mages he often works with, has an issue every time Robert translocates him.”
“Fine, I’ll drop it. You can’t blame me for worrying about you and your father.”
“Of course not. I was worried about you too.”
“It was a long plane ride, and we’re finally home. I need a nap.”
“Don’t interfere this time. I promise I’m safe.”
“Goodbye, Monique. Be careful.”
“I will. Wish I were there with you.” She hung up before her mother could say something else. She almost called back to speak to her father but knew he could check on her if he wanted.
Erik’s arms wrapped around her from behind. “You okay, love?”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”
“You’re safe. Your parents are safe. What’s there to worry about?” Erik asked.
She sighed. “I’m lucky I have you and your connections. I don’t know what I would have done if Robert hadn’t brought us here.”
“He would have brought you anyway.”
“I can hope.” She turned in his arms. “Did you have any ideas of how to catch Darien?”
“I don’t have enough details. Maybe if we can get Robert back here to fill us in, we can help them find this guy.”
He took the phone and called. Robert answered after several rings. “This is McCallister.”
“Hey, would you be interested in coming out so we can discuss what’s going on with the case? Maybe the information you’ve gathered can spark some idea in Monique, maybe even me.”
“We’ll be there. I’m bringing Elizandra, Preston, and Tremaine Gallagher. We won’t be long.”
He hung up and smiled. “Should be a few minutes before he comes. He’s bringing the mages he trusts.”
“Elizandra, Preston, and a man named Tremaine Gallagher. He’s their mentor. I’ve only met him a few times, but he is one of the few who advocates for Other casters.”