Deadly Design

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Deadly Design Page 24

by Brandy L Rivers

  The bitch attempted to tear the fabric from her arm.

  “You’ll never best me,” Monique answered.

  Bianca attempted to dive into her body and was cast away.

  “You’ve stood in my way too long, Monique.”

  The spirit reached out, her nails growing as they slashed across Monique’s face.

  Monique pressed her hand against her bleeding cheek as dozens of spirits surrounded her and lifted her off the ground, carrying her toward Nigel.

  Erik threw his hands out and the spirits went flying all directions. She landed on her back, the wind knocked out of her.

  Nigel was swept forward in a burst of shadows and scooped Monique into his arms.

  Bianca shrieked. “The cloth tied to her arm, remove it!”

  Nigel didn’t hesitate as he tore the fabric from her arm, hurting her.

  She let out a startled scream.

  Monique shouted, “Bianca is helping him!”

  The spirit entered Nigel as he slammed his mouth over Monique’s. A rush of cold air blew into her mouth, down to her lungs, and spread out.

  Bianca’s cruel laugh echoed in her head as she forced Monique’s tongue into Nigel’s mouth. He clutched her to his body, and Bianca wound around Nigel as he kissed her—Bianca—she didn’t know what this meant.

  Erik’s voice rose above everything, chanting something she couldn’t understand.

  The foreign spirit pulled at the confines of her skin while Nigel poured magic into her.

  * * * *

  Erik channeled every ounce of magic he could into tearing Bianca out of Monique’s body.

  Robert appeared beside him. “Does that break the enchantments?”

  Erik shot him a glare. “No, but she doesn’t have her cloth. Bianca Bitshi has taken over her body.”

  “She’s possessed?”

  “She’s trying to fight it.” He ran a hand over his face as a desperate idea entered his head.

  “Now what?” Robert asked.

  Erik started thinking out loud.

  “Nigel’s bonded to Bianca. It doesn’t help that she was the same dark mage who inspired Monique’s enchantment. She was jealous of Monique’s relationship to Nigel and targeted her because he still shops in her store.”

  “Now what?”

  “Let me think.” Erik drew a slow breath and pushed the anger aside.

  “We don’t have much time.”

  “Fuck it. It’s the only way. I need you to clear the mages. Leave Consuela and Declan.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Shit, Robert, at least pull them beyond the edge of the cemetery. I’m about to do something I swore I never would attempt and I don’t need the mages in my way.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Probably put a target on my back. Just do it. Erect a barrier to keep everyone out.”

  “We’ve got you covered.” There was a pop, signaling Robert disappearing. He closed his eyes and reached out with his senses. He’d never tried anything like this, but he was getting Monique back before that monster fused that bitch’s spirit to her body, or Bianca attempted to drain someone, severing Monique’s magic.

  The mages would riot the second they saw what he planned to do. Exactly what they wanted to prevent humans from seeing.

  Consuela would probably cheer. He expected to call forth a dozen or so corpses. Whichever were closest and hadn’t already been destroyed.

  Robert reappeared beside him. “I have a feeling I know where you’re going with this. Want one of my shields?”

  Erik shook his head. “They won’t touch me. Go and try to convince them this is for the best.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Go. It’s going to be hard enough to keep them from targeting Monique, but at least while Bianca is in her body, she’ll be safe.”

  “I could take her away.”

  “No. Trust me. This needs to happen.”

  Robert disappeared.

  Erik pulled a knife from his pocket and sliced it across both palms, dripping blood in the ground as he chanted the words he used as seldom as possible.

  The ground shook. A deep rumbling increased. He closed his eyes, focusing his energy through the burial grounds. He squeezed harder, letting the blood drip into the dirt, and chanted louder.

  He shifted his feet to keep standing as moans and grunts echoed through the cemetery in a morbid symphony.

  Nigel’s spell rose in volume. Erik looked up to find a sea of corpses closing in on the other necromancer. No matter what spell Nigel threw at the dead, they kept going for him.

  Erik spun around. The dead passed him as if he were a boulder in the middle of a river. He was unmoved, the corpses flowing toward their destination.

  He turned back to Nigel but couldn’t see him through the horde.

  * * * *

  Nigel tried to pull Monique closer, grinning at Bianca, who stared back through the enchanter’s eyes. Fear drowned out any emotion from either woman as she stared beyond him.

  The ground shifted. Moaning and groaning erupted through the night. Nigel looked toward Erik. Terror poured through him and he screamed a spell, calling to all the dead he could reach. Spirits rose up over the corpses but promptly fled. He’d never seen anything like the horror before him.

  He couldn’t feel a single empty corpse in miles. Erik had raised the whole graveyard, possibly more. The nearest corpses were still filling in, their bodies mending, reforming as the moved toward him, their steps becoming more fluid, as if they were truly coming back to life.

  Desperate, Nigel threw up a shield, but the dead marched through it, grabbing handfuls of cloth and tearing his skin. Pain radiated from every pore as he was torn apart by greedy hands as Monique/Bianca was jostled away from him. He tried to reach for her, but his arm was yanked back, out of the socket.

  “Kjell, save me!” he screamed.

  Kjell appeared before him but stumbled forward as the dead pulled at her hair and tore at her body. He watched as one of her arms was yanked off and thrown behind a corpse.

  A fully formed, pink finger pressed into his eyeballs, pain splitting his head as every joint popped and wet tearing joined the moans and groans with his screams.

  * * * *

  Erik made his way through the crowd, hurrying toward Monique, who stumbled his way.

  Smoke flew past Erik. His vision expanded throughout the whole cemetery, looking through the eyes of the dead he controlled. His power grew. He heard a woman’s scream as blood splattered, and an arm was flung into the sky.

  Monique was pushed into his arms, and he whispered the spell to drive Bianca out of her body. The spirit was shoved out as Monique fell forward, into his arms, a cry escaping her lips as he held her tight.

  A ball of smoke blew through the corpses a dozen feet away, then erupted into fire where the woman had been. He assumed it was Kjell but couldn’t get a good look through all the corpses.

  The woman screamed, the sound echoing over the corpses.

  Flames rose up and spread through several corpses before a flash went up and the flames and smoke were sucked into a ball that shot out of the graveyard.

  Monique turned in his arms to watch.

  He saw Nigel’s soul and several others rise up over the arms reaching for the newly broken bodies. Erik shouted a spell, banishing the dead souls that lingered, in case Kjell had another Deathcaller in the wings.

  When the spirits were gone, Erik whispered a final spell to send every corpse back into their final resting place.

  They turned, walked back to their graves, and decomposed within seconds as the ground took them back and covered the graves. The grass regrew.

  In moments, the cemetery appeared untouched except for the bloody mess of what had been Nigel Shade.

  He collapsed to his knees and closed his eyes.

  Monique dropped before him, capturing his face in her hands. Before he opened
his eyes, her lips were on his.

  He pulled her tight and hugged her close. Her heart beat in a steady rhythm, calming his frazzled nerves.

  Robert broke the silence. “That was impressive.”

  Erik leaned back, looking up at Robert. “Impressive? I just killed several people with a horde of zombies. I’ve never even heard of anyone reanimating several hundred, let alone an entire graveyard.”

  “Now you have,” Robert offered with an amused smile.

  Shaking his head, Erik asked, “Now what?”

  “Convince the vampires they need to go back to what they were doing before Nigel took over.”


  Robert touched him, and they were in front of Consuela and Declan. In a perfect circle were thirty or forty vampires of every stage of life.

  Erik pushed himself to a stand. “Nigel Shade is dead and gone. You are no longer bound to the monster.”

  “You’re the monster,” one hissed.

  “Perhaps, but you’re still here, and we’re releasing you, as long as you leave everyone who came here alone.”

  “And if we came by choice?” the stupid one asked.

  “Make better decisions in the future. If I can command that many empty corpses, what do you think I could do with you?”

  Stupid cowered.

  Consuela laughed and broke the spell.

  The vampires swept away into different corners of the map.

  “How much shit am I in?” Erik asked.

  Robert shook his head. “You did exactly what we needed.”

  “You needed the whole cemetery raised?” Erik balked

  “You may have gone a bit overboard, but I think you proved a very important lesson to Kjell.”

  “If the Dark Templar don’t come for me.”

  Robert smirked. “I’ve already delivered proof Kjell Emmalyn is not only alive, but running the Dark Templar. Also that she put a well-known necromancer up to destroying the barrier between humans and Others.”

  “They aren’t going to let me live if you submit what I just did in the report.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t worry. The other mages were too busy fighting off other mages, mostly dark, and in custody back in South Carolina. The dead you raised here and the surrounding cemeteries are put to rest—”

  “Surrounding cemeteries?” Erik asked.

  “Don’t worry, no humans were near any of them, thankfully. They didn’t go for anyone, but all seemed to be heading here.”

  “Fucking hell,” Erik muttered.

  “No one knows but Preston, me, and Monique. I think it’s safe to say everything is fine.”

  “Very fine,” Monique answered, a smile on her lips.

  Preston walked back with a woman’s arm. “Kjell lost an arm. And I left her with a few burns.”

  Monique spun around. “So it’s not over?”

  Preston snorted. “If she lives, I doubt she tries this plan again. I can’t track her. I only know she went to some other plane.”

  Erik held Monique tight and tried to calm his racing heart. Things were different now.

  If Kjell lived and word spread to the wrong people, he was dead no matter what Robert said.

  Robert patted him on the back. “I’ll take you home now. I’ll get your car home. Leave the keys on the counter. Celebrate. After that, I would.”

  “Yeah, sounds good,” Monique answered.

  He closed his eyes and nodded.

  Screams echoed in his head. Nigel’s, Kjell’s, whoever else died that night.

  Then they were in silence in Monique’s home.

  “Thank you,” Monique said.

  Erik nodded. “Yeah. Tomorrow, I’ll be by to figure out the official report.”

  “Good, because we aren’t giving them the whole truth. Not for this.”

  Erik wanted to make a joke, but after everything he’d been through of late, he didn’t. “Good night. Hopefully I didn’t leave too much of a mess.”

  “We’ll deal with Nigel’s leftovers. The grounds are pristine, other than Nigel and the dark mages that were hiding when we arrived.”

  “How do you know they were dark?”

  “Preston says so. He can sense their essence after death.”

  He nodded, not knowing what else to say.

  Robert dipped his head and disappeared.

  “You saved me,” Monique stated.

  “Couldn’t let that bitch ruin you.” He smiled sadly.

  Chapter 37

  Consuela took a slow breath and let it out. She’d never felt so much power as when Erik took control of the dead. Even the vampires turned toward him as if they were ready to carry out his will. They straight up ignored her when he raised the entire cemetery.

  “Never even heard of something like that,” Declan said. He shook his head and turned to Consuela. “Have you?”

  “Only in myth. Few hundred at most. That was…” She shook her head, no words to finish the thought.

  “And you won’t repeat a word of it,” Preston warned. “Erik won’t let the power go to his head. Though I imagine this will fuck with him for a while. Hopefully not too long.”

  She smiled. “Maybe I can help with that. Give him a new perspective.”

  Robert appeared. “On what?” he asked.

  “On why he isn’t a monster.” Consuela looked around. “What he did scared even me. But I understand that side of things better than he does. Maybe more so now.” She glanced at Declan and blushed.

  His brow arched. His head tipped. “You ready for home?”

  “The car at least,” Consuela said. “If you don’t mind a drive.”

  “Not at all.”

  Robert took them back. “Should I expect to see you around more often?”

  Consuela nodded. “I think so. I like it here. More interesting than home. And sometimes the past is best left where it lies. Though there’s something I need to deal with before moving.”

  Robert offered his hand and they shook. He grinned. “Good luck and thank you for the help.”


  Robert left, and Declan turned to Consuela. “What do you have to take care of?”

  She sighed. “My brother should be put to rest. I’ve tormented him long enough.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She drew a slow breath and let it out. “He tormented my early years. The spirits of my house wanted to protect me. They chased him out of my room, down the hall, and he fell down the stairs. And now, Erik’s pointed out he may have been possessed before his death, meaning he may not have been in control at the time of his death.”

  “What did he do?” Declan asked softly.

  “He tried to take my innocence.” She closed her eyes. “No matter how much I fought, it wasn’t enough. He kept coming for me. Since his death, I force him to serve me. Punish him when he disobeys. And he might not have been in control.”

  He tipped her face up, and she opened her eyes. “We all make mistakes. Do what you must. I’ll be here, waiting to learn more about my beautiful Deathcaller.”

  “You will?” she whispered.

  He placed a soft kiss to her lips. Energy danced through her. “I will. And tonight, I’ll stay until I have to leave for dawn.”

  “Death won’t bother me. There are shutters. Stay, if you choose.”

  He took a slow breath. “I’ll stay, but tonight I want to learn more about you. I’m not ready to take the next step.”

  “I only request your presence. Nothing more. Not even a kiss if you aren’t willing.”

  Declan smiled. “Drive, Consuela.”

  * * * *

  Preston stepped into Robert’s office and sank into a chair. “Did you have any idea Erik could do that?”

  Robert shook his head. “Not like that. I knew he’d raise some. I expected dozens, maybe a hundred. Not the whole damned cemetery.”

  Preston chuckled. “You cur

  Robert rolled his eyes. “I’m only human. I never expected what he did.”

  “Think we can keep the Council from learning what he did?”

  Robert nodded. “There were five other mages associated with Tarek at the graveyard, on the grounds. They’re dead. Kjell isn’t going to pull that move again. Let’s hope it was the last of her crew.”

  “I doubt it’s that simple. Though Old Lady Murdock seems convinced this isn’t the last we’ll see of her.”

  “Of course not. There’s something bigger going on. And once again, we’re just pawns. It’s getting old.”

  “Think Erik will stick around?”

  Robert leaned forward, placing his arms on the desk. “I have a feeling he’s going to ask for that transfer. I have a case in New York only he can handle. I’m going to send him, tell him to take some time and figure out what he really wants.”

  “What do you think he wants?”

  “Not to be a monster. He was shaken. He hasn’t processed anything, but give him time. He raised forty thousand or so corpses and tore apart half a dozen people. That’s not his typical mode. I say we let Monique fight for Erik. Let her pull his head out and get him to come back.”

  “What if she chooses to move out there with him?”

  “Then we let him go. Right now he’s scared of his abilities. Monique can reach him. I have a feeling she’s the key to getting him to accept his place in the Silver Council. She finally gets it.”

  “About time. Though I don’t blame her. I spent years worrying about telling you what I really am. There was always the chance you would reject me.”

  “Never. You’re my oldest friend, Preston. Let’s see if we can give them the nudge they need to make it work.”

  Preston chuckled. “Ever think we’d be playing matchmaker?”

  “We aren’t, technically. Just helping them resolve their issues.”

  “Maybe he’ll be smart and not bail.”

  “Doubtful. You saw what he did.”

  “Yeah, and I’m impressed. That shit is the stuff of legend.”

  Robert shook his head. “That’s not how he’s going to see it. He’s worried about how the Council will take it. I have a feeling when he comes to do the report tomorrow, he’s going to make a case for leaving.”


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