Deadly Design

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Deadly Design Page 25

by Brandy L Rivers

  “And this case?”

  He smiled. “Fitting Monique manages to fix their issues in the same place she walked away. Maybe it will mean more.”

  “Thought you didn’t want to get involved.”

  He half laughed. “We’re involved either way. May as well help a friend out when he’s too blind to see the truth.”

  “Good point.”

  * * * *

  Monique pulled Erik toward her room. She smiled as she took his trembling hands. “Shower first?” she asked, hoping it would wash away any trepidation he might have.

  “Tonight wasn’t supposed to go that way.”

  Her smile crumbled. “I’m fine,” she promised.

  “I’m not sure how safe it is to be with me after tonight. What I did…” He looked away and closed his eyes. “Shouldn’t have done that.”

  “What? Defend the woman you love? Squash the bad guys? What’s wrong with what you did?”

  “The whole damned cemetery came to life. Because of me Nigel and several other people were ripped apart.”

  “You’ve killed in the line of duty. This is no different. And he was going to make being Other a living hell. He would have made it so we were constantly looking over our shoulders, wondering what was coming next.”

  “Maybe. But now someone has to have seen what I did. What I’m capable of. The Dark Templar will come for me. They’ll kill me like they have so many others over the years.”

  “I don’t think that will be an issue,” Monique murmured.

  “How can you say that?”

  “I have a feeling we’re going to have a long, happy life. Like your parents.”

  He sighed. “I wish I believed that, but I don’t think it’s that simple. You don’t understand the Dark Templar.”

  “Stop. We’ll figure it out.” She leaned up to kiss him.

  He resisted for a moment, then fell into it, shifting his fingers through her hair. She pulled him into the bathroom for a long shower, where she washed him clean and pulled him back to bed with her.

  * * * *

  This was goodbye. He couldn’t put Monique in danger like that again. Because of him, that asshole sent a crazy dark mage into her body. If the bitch had tried to drain anyone’s magic, she would have stripped Monique of her own magic. The thought of Monique withering away and dying gutted him.

  He needed to feel their love once more before he left, never to look back. He didn’t want her hurt, didn’t want her found. Living without her was hell, but it was better than losing her because of his own abilities.

  He climbed over her, kissing her lips as he caressed down her neck, over her collarbone, and placed his hand over her beating heart. The rhythm matched his own.

  Erik looked into her eyes, memorizing her face, the love staring back. An ache started in his chest. For her, he would walk away to keep her safe.

  He slid into her. She pulled his face down, capturing his lips. Erik poured every ounce of love into her, hoping to brand the memory into her heart.

  Years of chasing her, trying to gain her trust. Now he was walking away to save her from himself.

  She rolled him to his back, climbing over him and rising up. Monique stared down at him, her hands on his chest as she rocked over him.

  Her eyes glittered, magic dancing over her body. He felt her essence twist through him as she made love to him. He flipped her over, rising above her, kissing a path down her neck, across her chest, and placing a kiss over her heart before taking a detour to lick and suck at one sensitive nipple.

  She writhed beneath him, wrapping her hand around the back of his neck. He nipped and went to the other side as she flipped him to his back, taking his hands as leverage as she took their pace harder.

  He loved the back and forth, the way she wanted to give as much as she took. Then release caught him off guard as her walls started to ripple around him. She cried his name as hers left his tongue.

  Monique collapsed on top of him, and he turned on his side, bringing her with him as he pulled her into his embrace.

  Their hearts beat as one, their breath in the same rapid pattern. They were always meant for each other. And once again, fate was tearing them apart.

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead and held her closer. “I love you, Monique. Always have. I’ll never stop.”

  “Love you, Erik.” She pressed a kiss over his heart and snuggled closer.

  Chapter 38

  Erik had snuck out early that morning. Guilt traveled through him, but he needed her safe and he only knew one way to guarantee that.

  He took a slow breath and knocked on Robert’s door.

  Tremaine answered with an arched brow. “Wasn’t expecting you until later.”

  Erik gave a tight smile. “Can I talk to Robert?”

  “Sure, come in.” He stepped out of the way. “He’s in the kitchen.” Tremaine started up the stairs, shaking his head.

  Walking through the house, he found Robert sitting at the table with Preston. Erik sucked in a breath and stated, “I need that transfer.”

  Robert watched him a moment before saying anything. “How about I send you on a case in New York, and you can make your final decision after you finish?”

  “I’m not going to change my mind,” Erik stated.

  Preston shrugged. “Then what does it hurt to wait to tell us?”

  “Doesn’t, I suppose. Look, I need Monique safe. She won’t be with me.”

  “No one survived who saw what you did, save for the people who don’t have a problem with it.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Kjell Emmalyn may still be out there, and I can’t have her targeting Monique because of what I did.”

  Robert picked up a folder. “Someone’s bringing back ghouls in New York. So far only Others have come across them, but that won’t stay the case. I need you to find them and put the ghouls down, find out who is doing this.”

  “And the transfer?” Erik asked.

  “If you still want it, New York needs a new DSF trainer. They can always use your help on cases. So, I’m sending you back to your apartment.”

  “Okay. When can I leave?”

  “I’m assuming you want to go before Monique realizes you’re gone.”

  “Yes, I can buy what I need there.”

  Robert stood. “You’re sure about this?”

  He nodded. “It’s for the best.”

  * * * *

  Monique woke with a start. Erik was gone. Just freaking gone. She felt him nowhere near. Like he’d snapped out of existence.

  She shot out of bed and found a note on the dresser.

  Picking it up, she sank onto the bed to read…

  Dear Monique,

  Lord knows I love you, but I can’t watch what will happen when the wrong people take notice of my abilities and come for me.

  What I did last night puts me on their radar. You being by my side puts you in their sights. I can’t have that. You’re everything, and knowing you could be in danger for what I am, I have to walk away.

  Don’t look for me. Live your life. I know you’re capable of finding love again.

  Goodbye, my love,

  Your Raven

  Tears burned her eyes as she tore the note apart. After everything, he was going to leave her alone?

  Not a damned chance.

  She flew to her closet and grabbed clothes before going to the shower.

  In no time she was in her car, on her way to Robert’s because she knew without a doubt he’d gone to him first. Anger flowed through her. Living without Erik wasn’t an option anymore. She knew what it was to stumble through life brokenhearted over some stupid notion. She wasn’t letting him make the same damned mistake.

  Liz answered the door with a smirk. “Going after him?”

  “Not letting him go. No matter how stupid he’s being.”

  “Heard he raised every cemetery in Seattle, and then some.”

“Yeah, so fucking what? Erik is mine, and he’s not walking away because he’s scared. He finally has me. He’s stuck.”

  She laughed. “Oh, Robert, you might want to come help Monique out a second.”

  Robert came down the stairs with a smile. “You’re faster than I expected.”

  “Don’t tell me you won’t take me to him.”

  “I will. You’ll have a fight on your hands, but I’ll take you. He’s convinced he’s a monster and someone will come for him after what he did.”

  “Don’t care. We’ll face them together. Besides, I know for a fact my enchantments helped your mages. Several of them have already put in orders for clothing with the same wards I placed on those cloths. Apparently several dark mages killed themselves on it.”

  Robert let out a laugh. “I’m sure if he has a target, you do too. May as well let you two keep each other safe. Right?”

  She smiled. “So take me. I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll make him come home.”

  He held up a finger. “He has a case out in New York. Related to last night. We did find another necromancer who raised several ghouls. Help him with the case. Prove you aren’t scared. I think it will get you farther than not.”

  “I’ll do you one better. Anytime you need my help, I’ll step up. Tell him I’m his partner this time. I’ll explain I’m fully committed.”

  Robert nodded. “That’s more than I’d hoped for. I know how you feel about mages.”

  “Not all. I thought I proved that last night. I’ve come to realize that not everything is as cut and dry as I used to believe. Take me to Erik. Ignore his arguments and leave me there. I’ll make him see.”

  * * * *

  Erik sat on the bed, his phone in hand as he waited for his parents to answer.

  Mom was the one to pick up the phone. “Where are you?”

  He sighed. “New York. On a case. Look, I’m not coming back to Edenton. Too much happened last night. It’s not safe for me to be anywhere near anyone I care about.”

  “That’s utter bull, and you know it,” Mother stated. “Listen to me, Erik. Whatever happened isn’t nearly as bad as you think.”

  He snorted. “I raised an entire cemetery, Mom. Lake View Cemetery. Do you have any idea how many graves there are?”

  Mother sputtered for a moment. “Doesn’t matter,” she finally said. “You aren’t a monster.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “What happened that was so bad?”

  “They tore Nigel Shade and several other people apart.”

  “Anyone who wasn’t doing the wrong thing?”

  “No.” Erik pinched the bridge of his nose “That’s hardly the point. I destroyed human life with a horde of corpses.”

  “Wasn’t that the goal?”

  “I thought I’d raise a couple dozen. That’s it. No one raises the dead like that.”

  “You do.” She half laughed. “Look, it’s not something you should do for no reason, but I’m sure you were working an important case. Which tells me you were in the right. Stop feeling guilty for having a gift. You saved people, right?”

  “Possibly all Others. They were trying to make it so humans started a witch hunt when they realized what we could do.”

  “And you prevented that from happening. So take that as a win.”

  “If they come for me, they’ll take Monique. I’m away, working on a case. I’m staying out here. I can’t be trusted with her safety.”

  “That’s bull and you know it.”

  Erik’s father came on the phone. “She’s right, you know? Your mother is a very smart woman. And you shouldn’t run from what you are. You never have before. Why now?”

  “The leader of the Dark Templar knows what I did. She knows what I’m capable of.”

  “Ah, a mage who disappeared. Figures. She’s dark. Not even a true mage anymore. I’m willing to bet she’s scared now. None of the myths are anywhere near as impressive as what you’ve accomplished.”

  Erik groaned. “I still have a case in New York. I plan to stay when it’s over. They’re looking for someone to train the new DSF members. That is if Robert doesn’t come to his senses and drags me to a cell.”

  “Robert’s a good man. He won’t. Now, if you had sent a horde of dead to slaughter all of Seattle, that would have been different. You didn’t. You used them to stop the wrong people from ruining what the Council is about.”

  Banging jolted Erik out of his thoughts.

  “I can’t talk about this right now. Someone’s at the door. Probably the partner Robert promised me for the case.”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  * * * *

  Monique was losing patience. She knocked on the door after Robert left her in front of their old apartment.

  The door opened and Erik’s jaw dropped.

  She pushed him back and stepped inside. “Don’t look at me that way. I have every right to be pissed that you chickened out and left me in bed with that bullshit note. I’m in this with you, whether you like it or not. In fact, I’m your partner. You can call Robert. I don’t want to hear a damned word. If you’re in hot shit, so am I.”

  “How do you figure?” he snapped back.

  She slammed the door shut and locked it. Spinning around, she pegged him with a glare. “Old Lady Murdock took the mages to handle whatever was going on in South Carolina. There were dark mages, and they killed themselves.”


  “Yeah. I have a bunch of orders with that enchantment on it. Which means they know I can do it. If you’re in trouble, so am I. So let’s get this case done so we can go home. Your house, mine, whatever. But you aren’t walking away from me. I won’t allow it.”

  A laugh bubbled out of Erik. “You won’t?”

  She shook her head, stalking toward him, and shoved his chest.

  He caught her wrists and pulled her against his body before his mouth crashed over hers. Erik took possession, the heat building as he caressed down her sides, gripped her ass, and hauled her up.

  Monique wrapped around him, kissing him deeper until she was dizzy.

  He pinned her against the wall. “You aren’t worried about what could happen?”

  She shook her head. “Only worried about you leaving me again. I won’t let you go through what I did when I walked away. Losing you again will kill me. So we’ll stand against whoever comes our way.”

  His lips pressed against hers. “I love you, Monique. More than anything in this world. If this is truly what you want, I won’t walk away.”

  “Then why did you?” she whispered, staring into his eyes.

  “Thought when you figured out what was coming, you would leave.”

  “No. I told you, I’m fighting for you no matter what.”

  He carried her back to the room. “So, no transfer?”

  “Let’s make our home in Edenton. We like it there, don’t we?”

  He smiled. “Doesn’t matter to me. Though my parents may be upset if we don’t go back.”

  She grinned. “Then we go back home as soon as we finish this case.”

  Chapter 39

  Two weeks later…

  Monique moved around the kitchen, making sure everything was ready. She didn’t understand why Erik insisted on having her father and his parents over. Her father just flew into town and his parents were picking him up.

  Weird, but their families had always been close—except her mother. She wanted to forget about the way her mother pushed Erik and her apart. History, ancient history.

  She was a nervous wreck. Her father loved Erik. His parents thought of her as part of the family. And yet, she worried they wouldn’t be thrilled with them moving in together.

  Then again, they lived together for years when they were both still in their teens and through their twenties.

  Erik chose to move in with Monique. She had a workroom, and the system for storing clothes. She could wo
rk there or anywhere. And he said there really wasn’t anything he held dear but her.

  Smiling, she took a slow breath and closed her eyes.

  Her father and his parents would be ecstatic.

  For the moment she was worried about Erik, who was at Headquarters finishing up his last class for the current term of the DSF. In a few more months, he’d be training another. And until then, he was working cases. Hopefully not many, or at the very least nothing that took him away for long periods.

  The bell rang as she set the last of the food out and she hurried to answer the door. Tyra Mortale stood there with a smile and engulfed her in a hug. “It’s so good to see you. Everything has been so crazy since we got back I haven’t had a chance to visit the shop.”

  Monique laughed. “We just got back from New York a couple days ago. I haven’t even been in. Portia is running everything until things calm down.” She took Tyra’s hand and pulled her inside.

  Karl pulled her into an embrace. “So good to see you happy again.”

  “Thanks to Erik.”

  Dad walked up the steps with a bright smile. “We’re all finally in the same place. It feels like it’s been forever.”

  Erik pulled into the drive and hurried up the steps. “Hey, so good to have you all here.” He winked at Monique and patted her father on the back. His mom and dad both hugged him at the same time.

  “Come in, come in,” Monique said.

  Erik pulled Monique into the center of the room and swallowed hard. He dropped to one knee. “I meant to do this after they made me an enforcer the first time but everything spiraled out of control.”

  “Erik, I didn’t know.” She blinked back tears.

  “Marry me? Be mine forever?”

  “Always was, always will be.” She pulled him back up, and he caught her around the waist, lifting her up.

  “Love you, Mon.”

  She caught his face before he could kiss her. She had her own announcement. “We’re having a baby.”


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