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Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)

Page 7

by Lindsay Paige

  “Damnit, Carson Lee. I knew you couldn’t keep it in your pants.”

  “What makes you think I didn’t?”

  “I wasn’t born last night. I know damn well you don’t have that much self control.”

  “Will it make you feel better if I told you that it was a random chick I met at the bar and not one of the models?”

  “No, it doesn’t. What will make me feel better is that you’re prepared for today. I hope your little fun last night doesn’t make you tired through this shoot today. We have a long day.”

  “I know. I got all the emails about today. But I won’t be tired, so don’t worry.”

  Kinley wasn’t lying about the long day either. If I had known all she was worried about was me messing up her job, I could have had sex sooner! I can easily make the two not collide. To be cautious, maybe I’ll stay away from the models and find some chick in a bar. I really don’t want to mess with her project and future promotion. I don’t think I’m that much of a jerk.

  I change so many times that I’m pretty sure I want to walk around naked for the rest of my life. Clothes, clothes, and more clothes. When we break for lunch, I take a second to call Elliott. He’s still working on those rooms for me, and I haven’t talked to him since I’ve been here. It takes him an annoyingly long time to answer.

  “Elliott, how’s it going?” I ask, hearing all the commotion in the background.

  “Good. I’ve got everything ordered, and we are finishing up the floors. How’s Utah?”

  “Just fine. It’ll be done by the time I get back?”

  “As long as nothing is on backorder, then yes.” If his tone is any indication, he doesn’t like my question. Tough shit. He’s getting paid for it to be done when I want it done.

  “Good. If anything does change, I expect a phone call.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Without another word, I hang up. Backorder. One word I despise. I hope to God he’s done when this trip is over. At least, there weren’t any jokes this time. I still have a few minutes, so I call Gracie’s mom, Darcie, to check in.

  “Hey, Carson,” she answers. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thanks. How are you and Gracie doing?” I glance around to double check that no one is paying attention to me.

  “I’m doing okay, but it’s not Gracie’s best day. She’s taking a morning nap right now.”

  I hate hearing when she’s not having a good day. “When she’s feeling better, tell her she can call me if she wants. I’m pretty busy, but I could take a moment to talk to her.”

  “Thanks, Carson. And thank you for the bandana you sent her. She loves it. She’s wearing it right now, actually.”

  I smile. “I thought she might like that. Is there anything either of you need?”

  “No, no. We’re fine.”

  “You know I’ll help with whatever, so just let me know, okay?” I see Kinley approaching me, probably to yell that break’s over. “I have to go. Keep me posted on Gracie, please.”

  “Of course, I will.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Cassie, I’m tired. Let’s just finish this in the morning.” I shut my laptop and push it away.

  “Let’s hit the bar for a drink,” she suggests.

  “You know what, I think that’s a great idea.” I stand up and look in the mirror. My top is a little low cut, but I don’t mind it. My ass looks fabulous in these jeans too.

  We hit the bar, and it isn’t very crowded. Cassie order two shots and two drinks.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Ha, the Kinley Wright I know can hold her liquor.” She giggles.

  “Well, I don’t like to toot my horn, but you know I can out drink you.” I throw the shot back and take a gulp of the drink.

  “Now this is a Kinley I would like to know.” Carson’s voice is close to my ear.

  “Shit,” I mumble. “Go away, Carson.”

  “No, Carson should stay. Show him the real Kinley.” Cassie giggles again.

  “Yeah, listen to your best friend. Plus, do you really want to send me away? To go find a poor girl that’ll sleep with me?” He somewhat pouts his lips.

  “You sound pathetic right now, you know that, right?”

  “You know what, I think I’m tired.” Cassie slips off the stool and almost runs away. I have a strange feeling I’ve been set up. She’ll hear about this later.

  “Should I go make sure she makes it to her room?” Carson watches her walk away.

  “No, she’s fine. I don’t want to have to drag you out of her bed in the morning.”

  “I was being completely sincere. I’m not trying to sleep with her.” He stares at me, and I can tell he’s telling the truth.

  “Oh, well, um, I’m sure she’s fine. She’s a big girl.” I take two more gulps of my drink in front of me, letting the alcohol soothe me.

  “I didn’t take you for a drinker, especially not like how she was talking.”

  “I did a lot in college, but I slowed down when I was married,” I say, playing it off as if it’s not a big deal. “However, after the divorce, I picked it up a bit more.” Why did I say that? Carson Lee doesn’t need to know that about me.

  “Mhm. So does this mean you’re finally relaxing a little with your campaign?” Thankfully, he changes the subject.

  “Maybe, a little. The commercial looks great, shots are coming out awesome, and things are running smoothly. As long as this keeps up, I’ll be happy.” I give him the best fake smile I can muster. Yes, things were going as scheduled, but I’m waiting for the ball to drop and for it all to crash around me.

  “Sure about that? Doesn’t quite seem like it to me.”

  “Well, we still have a lot ahead of us the next few weeks, and I’m trying to stay positive. So, why the hell are you down here bothering me?”

  “You see, there’s a chick that doesn’t want me to get laid, so I have to annoy people instead.” He gives me a sly smirk. “When was the last time you had a one night stand? There’s plenty of options in here for you.”

  Like I would ever tell him the truth, but I do have fun joking around with Carson. “Four months ago, he was sort of cute, but couldn’t use his tongue at all,” I lie.

  “What? Seriously?” Carson’s eyes grow wide with shock and disbelief.

  “No, Carson Lee.” His face relaxes. “I’m lying. I’m not going to tell you anything about my sex life. It’s bad enough I have to cook you dinner soon.”

  “Do you get some sort of thrill out of saying my full name? And dinner won’t be that bad. If it makes you feel better, you can cook it and that’s it. I’d hate to have dinner with someone who would rather be somewhere else.”

  “First, and don’t get a big head about this, Carson Lee seems to go better together, and I like sounding professional. Two, the dinner isn’t that big of a deal. I actually like to cook. My Grammy taught me. So, you’ll get a true southern meal from me.”

  He chuckles. “Your Grammy?”

  “Don’t make fun. She was an amazing woman and would kick your ass before you even knew it.” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “You must get that trait from her then. Do you miss them? Your family?”

  “Yes, my parents and I are close. Even though my mama is a bit overbearing, I know she means well. I’m her only child, and she wants me to have a good life. Are you missing Alabama?”

  He shrugs. “Not really. I can be pretty much anywhere and be happy about it.”

  I saw that look in his eyes before when I was at his home, and he was talking about his family.

  “Carson, I don’t mean to pry, and tell me if I’m overstepping, but have you always been a loner? I mean, I get the feeling you’re not close to your family. You never talk about friends, and you’re never with a girl more than once. Have you alway been like this?”

  “Yeah, but don’t confuse loner or being alone with lonely. That is something I’m not.”

  “I s
ee. Well, I’ll make note of that. And you’ll be lucky to know that you get to see my parents soon. Apparently, we are having our family vacation here this year.”

  “First, why do I have to see them? Second, they are coming all this way just to include you in the vacation? And what the hell do you mean by ‘I see’?”

  “One, I figured that since you made such a scene the last time, you would enjoy an encore. Second, my parents and I always take a vacation together, but this year I used my vacation time for a different trip, so they are coming here. And I don’t mean anything by ‘I see’. It’s an expression.”

  “Mhm. You can keep your parents for yourself this time. I don’t want an encore.”

  “Mama will be disappointed, just so you know,” I tease him while trying to figure out why he’s acting so strangely.

  “Too bad. Life is full of disappointments and I don’t mind being one in this case.” For the first time, I see his face drop.

  “Carson, are you okay? I mean, you seem ‘off’ tonight.”

  “I’m fine.” He smiles, but I can’t tell if it’s real or fake. “Maybe all that alcohol is messing with you.”

  “Maybe. I think I’m tired and need some sleep.” I slide off my bar stool and turn to him. Our faces are close enough that I can smell his minty breath. “But just to let you know, you’re not a disappointment.”

  His gaze drops to my mouth, and for a split second, I think he might kiss me. “I think you’re right and you need some sleep, Kinley.”


  I have three female models in front of me and none of them know what the hell they’re doing. Even Cassie is telling them to pose and move.

  “Stop! Enough!” I yell and walk up to them. “Here’s the deal, you three have about two seconds to get your ass in gear, or I’m shipping you back to your model agencies and telling them how much you suck at your job. Do you want that?” I look at each of them, and they don’t say anything. “Good, now do your job.”

  I storm away from them, rolling my eyes at Cassie. I catch a quick glance at Carson, standing by my makeshift desk, looking at my laptop.

  “Yikes, remind me not to piss you off too much.” He steps back.

  “You always piss me off,” I growl at him.

  “Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

  I don’t say anything. Last night’s conversation is still replaying in my head. Not to mention, I keep thinking about him kissing me. Oh, I need to have a one night stand for real. I think that’s my problem. Lack of sex.

  “I need to change and make sure I’m on time before you send me an email,” he says, close to my ear.

  “Shut up,” I hiss at him. He chuckles, heading over to his portable closet and changing room.

  Finally, all the female models get their act together, and it goes by quickly. Cassie has no problems with Carson. He knows exactly what to do and doesn’t even complain today about it. The day is finally over, and we’re all packing up when Cassie asks if I want to go to dinner with her. I agree, mainly because I’m starving to death.

  I head back to the hotel to unload all my items, and then quickly shower and change. Since we were going out and not staying in the hotel, I decide to dress up a little. I put on my favorite red dress and heels. I tame my blonde curls down and keep my hair straight. I go heavy on the makeup and look at myself in the mirror. My curvy figure never bothered me growing up. I’ve always been shaped like this. I’ve stayed between a size ten-twelve, and I’m healthy looking. I’ve never strived to be ‘model thin’. I like my body.

  I meet Cassie in the lobby, and we grab a cab to the restaurant. Cassie and I have been close to each other since we were in the same pledge class for the sorority. We just clicked and have been best friends ever since then.

  “So, tell me what’s going on with you and Mr. Lee?” she asks over the rim of her wine glass.

  “Ha, nothing, trust me.”

  “I don’t know, Kinley. I mean, I saw you two last night and there’s something there.”

  “The only thing there is a business relationship,” I sort of lie to her. I can’t shake the feeling of the way Carson looks at me. Then again, he sleeps with anything that moves, and I assume he looks at me like a conquest.

  “Fine, whatever, but I think something else is going on.”

  “Well, you’re wrong on this one,” I inform her, looking at my menu.

  Cassie drops the topic, and we spend the evening talking and laughing. Cassie is loving being here and really proud of the pictures that she’s taking. When we finish dinner, I make the suggestion of heading back to the hotel bar for a few drinks, and Cassie agrees.

  “Might as well, since tomorrow is our only day off for the next two weeks.”

  “Hey, at least I gave everyone a day off,” I tell her. I didn’t want to be a slave driver, so I gave everyone at least three days off while we were here.

  The bar is crowded and there are a lot of good looking guys around. Cassie and I find seats at the bar and order a couple of drinks. We’re still chatting when the bartender brings me another one.

  “Sorry, I didn’t order this.” I push it back.

  “That guy did.” He points to a sandy blonde haired man at the end of the bar, who tips his glass at me.

  Well, that’s sweet, I think, and I smile back at him.

  “I know that look. Someone’s getting laid,” Cassie teases me.

  I cut her a look. “No, I’m too busy.”

  “Please, when was the last time you got any?”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s been a few months or so.”

  “Or so?” Cassie questions me.

  “Okay, so maybe it’s closer to a year.”

  “Oh my word, a year?” Cassie shouts, and the people next to us look over.

  “Keep your voice down.”

  “No wonder you’ve been a bitch. Go to that guy right now and ride him like a horse.” She points to the guy at the end of the bar.

  I slap her hand down. “Enough,” I hiss at her. “I’ve been busy, and I’m not a bitch.”

  Cassie stares at me.

  “Okay, I’m not that big of a bitch,” I recant.

  “Kinley, you need to loosen up. I mean, come on. You’re still in your twenties, have fun, and stop being a damn adult all the time.”

  “When was the last time you got anything?” I fire back at her, trying to deflect the truth that she’s telling me.


  “What?” It’s my turn to shout.

  “Yep, I met a guy down here. We had a nice conversation, and then we went back to my room.”

  “Oh my God, you’re like a female Carson Lee.” My eyes widen.

  “Oh please.” Cassie rolls her eyes at me. “I remember everything you did after your divorce, and that’s calling the kettle black.”

  I hang my head. After Elliott and I ended our relationship, I did go wild. A lot wild. However, I’m tamer now, and I don’t do all of that anymore.

  “Hi.” I turn my head to the greeting of the man that sent me the drink.

  “Hi.” I smile politely.

  “I’m Peter.” He sticks his hand out.

  “Kinley.” I gingerly shake his hand.

  “Wow, that’s a thick southern accent.” Peter smiles.

  “I was just leaving.” Cassie jumps from her stool and takes off. I hate when she does that.

  “Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

  “No, it’s fine. Have a seat.”

  The conversation is the normal bar-first-meeting questions. What do you do for a living? Are you married or in a relationship? Are you from here? Where did you go to school?

  Peter is a car salesman for a high end dealer and is here on business. He’s from Illinois, and thankfully not in a relationship. Or so he says. He’s funny, and I do have a good time. However, the whole time, I think about what Cassie said. I’m not old, nor a prude of any type. I still have a little wild streak in me, and tonight I’m
going to be that girl again.


  The sun is bright in my room as I open the door for Peter to leave. Surprisingly, I’m not tired, even though I stayed up almost all night with him. But I’m sore, and thankfully I can rest today. He gives me a sweet kiss and is about to walk out when Carson’s door opens.


  Of all the people I hoped were still asleep, it’s him.

  I have the urge to jerk Peter back into my room and shut the door, but it’s too late. Carson’s brown eyes caught me and that damn smirk appears on his face.

  I’m never going to live this down.

  Luckily, Peter doesn’t seem to notice and continues to walk down the hall. I’m about to slam the door when Carson decides to chimes in.

  “My, my, Kinley Wright, look at you.”

  “Don’t start, Carson Lee.”

  His smile deepens. “I haven’t said anything yet.”

  “I don’t want to hear it.” I go to shut my door but Carson jumps in my room.

  “Get out.” I pull my robe tighter.

  “Nope, this is too much fun.”

  “Carson,” I start but he cuts me off.

  “Did you even catch his name?”

  “Yes,” I growl. “I know his name.”

  “Are you sure? Because you know sometimes guys give fake names.”

  I roll my eyes. “Well, he told me his name is Peter. Are you happy now that you know his name?”

  “Did Peter have a big-”

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Carson Lee.” I point my finger at him, and he grabs his side laughing. “Now, get out.”

  “No way,” he says, still chuckling. “This is way more fun than working out.”

  I push my hand through my hair, frustrated.

  “Come on, Kinley, you rag me all the time about the girls in my bed. This is just a little payback.” His smile still plastered on his face.

  “Well, I guess a little teasing is called for, but now you’re through.” I give him a mean look.

  “Ha, not even close.”


  He cuts me off again. “I’m surprised the room is still entact. I figured to see some broken lamps or at least a broken bed.”


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