Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1) Page 12

by Cassie Hargrove

  “Nothing good.” Colten winks and laughs while Brian groans.

  “Don’t listen to him. We just spent the last hour talking.” He sits down beside me and takes my hand in his.

  “Uh huh.” I say, still suspicious. “And what did you two spend an hour talking about?” Brian smiles radiantly at me.

  “The only thing we have in common beautiful. You.” I can’t help but smile at how happy he seems right now.

  “What about me?” I look between them as Colten takes a seat on the other side of me and my heart starts beating faster.

  Shit. Having them both sitting with me on the bed is a dangerous idea.


  “What are you squealing about?” Bry asks but Colten looks at us both.

  “Again with that shit? You guys really need to figure that out. She didn’t say anything.” I know this time that he’s right. Brian looks at me and I shake my head.

  “We are working on it. I think now that she’s less stressed, we will be able to figure it out, but it will take time. It’s not a common ability to share, especially between an angel and succubus.” He sighs but squeezes my hand.

  “I can see what I can find if you want.” Colten shrugs like he didn’t just offer to do something nice.

  “Who are you and what have you done with Colten Connerton?” I ask him with a raised eyebrow, and he chuckles.

  “Oh, I’m still me baby. I can prove it anytime, anywhere.” He winks at me and I moan.

  “Maybe another time.” I say standing up. “Let’s go over to the sitting area and figure out what you guys were talking about and then I will tell you what I want.” I nod and walk away briskly while their laughter follows me.

  “Awe Harleigh, do you not trust yourself on the bed with us?” Colten teases and Brian laughs.

  Nope not happening. Nope. Nope. Nope.


  I love when she blushes, and the fact that she’s more embarrassed than I’ve ever seen her makes me smile.

  Colten and I did have a talk. He may not be my favourite person, but I figured he should know some things about our girl, like being new to our world and not knowing who or what her father was, etc. I just hope she doesn’t give me shit for telling him.

  “So, my little succubus.” Colten begins and I shoot him a look. “I hear you’re new to this whole thing.” Her head snaps up to look at us sitting on the couch. Yeah, she took the chair and made us sit together. She definitely doesn’t trust herself with us.

  “Umm, yeah.” She says and looks at me, wondering what else I told him if I told him that.

  “Don’t get mad beautiful.” I soothe her. “I just figured I would tell him the basics. Besides, he is a demon. He may be able to help you figure out what some of your abilities are.” She looks between him and I and nods.

  “Yep. Brand new.” She sighs and then looks at him. “You really think you can help me?” She seems excited by the idea.

  I can’t imagine how it feels to not know what you’re capable of and being afraid of the wrong things.

  “I sure can babe.” He winks at her and I roll my eyes, but she’s excited. “But your angel friend over here wants to be there too. Make sure I’m not leading you astray.” She laughs and looks at me, her eyes shining.

  “I think the three of us working together to figure me out is a great idea!” She’s beaming with happiness and in this moment, I’m glad I didn’t deny her and Colten. She deserves to find out everything she can about herself and I can feel the energy between them.

  “Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “I want to be public with this.” She gestures between the three of us and we both nod. I figured as much.

  “Thank fuck baby, cause not touching you and letting everyone know you’re mine too was driving me insane.” He gets up and walks over to her growling before lifting her up and carrying her to the couch to sit between us.

  “Umm there was a reason I was sitting over there you know.” She says and looks at him pointedly, making me laugh.

  “We know.” I say, kissing her neck softly. “But we like you close.”

  “Definitely close.” Colten says and grabs her chin pulling her mouth to his.

  Fuck, seeing her get worked up over the both of us has me hard enough to cut stone. I would give her anything to hear those little sounds she makes.

  “This…is so…not…fair.” She pants out between kisses and we both chuckle before I grab her chin and bring her mouth to mine, my hand twisting in her hair while the other wraps around her curvy waist.

  “Yeah, but it’s hot as fuck.” I groan into her mouth when she tilts her chin to let me deepen the kiss.

  “Most definitely hot.” Colten agrees as he kisses down her neck and squeezes one of her breasts making her moan into me, my dick growing even harder with every sound. Shit.

  “Mmmm” Harleigh sticks her chest out as he plays with her and she pulls back to groan. “You-“ She’s cut off by a scratching at the window and I just groan as a huge smile comes across her face.

  I swear that fucking cat is a pro cockblocker. At least I’m not the only one suffering through it now. I look over to Colten who looks confused as hell that our girl just jumped up and ditched us.

  Time for him to meet the damn thing.



  I don’t like it.

  It was bad enough watching that wanna be emo douche with his hands all over her, but now I have to sit through two of them touching what’s mine? Fuck that.

  Scratching at the window and meowing, I get her attention with ease and I can’t help but feel smug that she just ditched them for me. The smile on her face does things to me that I’m still not sure I appreciate.

  I don’t know why I keep coming back here. I should be watching my father to make sure he doesn’t do anything idiotic. He has more than a few fucking screws loose. I meow a groan.

  I just can’t seem to stay away from her, like I’m drawn to her in some unseen way. Plus, the way she cuddles me in her lap and rubs my head. Just feels so good.

  It’s a cat thing. Fuck you, don’t judge me.

  “Hey there Orion!” She opens the window to let me in and I jump onto the floor with a loud thunk. “I missed you little guy!” She coos at me.

  Look, I’m not one for cooing, but if it makes her pay attention to me and stops them idiots from touching what I want, then I’m all for it. Besides, like I said, the petting feels seriously heavenly.

  She moves to the bed with Brian and that other guy close behind. Once she’s sitting, I jump up and into her lap to make myself right at home as the guys glare at me like I just stole their toy. Joke is on you, dicks.

  As she starts to scratch by my ears, the now familiar purring takes a hold and I give into my baser instincts to rub against her for more friction. Damn, it really does feel good and I try to ignore the bed moving while the other two idiots flop down in front of us.

  “Hey there Orion, still hate me?” Brian jokes like I will someday magically come around to liking him. Not likely asswad. I give a low growl in my throat, battling between my annoyance at their existence and the heaven trying to pull me under by Harleigh’s touch.

  “Orion!” She sounds like she can’t choose between scolding me or laughing. “Be nice. Bry isn’t going anywhere.” I lift my head to look at her and if I could, I would sigh. She’s completely serious. Damnit. I lay my head back on my paws and close my eyes, letting the blissfulness sink back in.

  “Someone want to tell me what’s going on?” Idiot number two pipes up with a chuckle. “I mean, I lost my girl to a fluffball?” I glare at him the best way possible without moving my head. I just want to lay in her lap.

  Someday, I will get rid of these guys, but for now I have to take what I can get. I can’t be with her all the time regardless of how much I want to.

  “This,” Brian says as Harleigh’s attention is solely on me. “is Orion. Harleigh found him wandering around the school yard at the beginning
of the year and I guess…bonded with the thing.” He tries to explain.

  “Bry, he’s not a thing. He’s a cute adorable kitty who needs love and attention that I happen to be willing to give him from time to time. You’re just put out because he doesn’t like you.” She laughs when my purring picks up at her words.

  “So how often should I expect him to take you away from my arms?” Ugh he is clearly only thinking with is dick. “Cause I was pretty happy with where things were headed back there.”

  I don’t even bother to look at him or gauge her reaction. I’m content to let her handle it if she just keeps petting me.

  “He doesn’t show up all that often. He has a family clearly; he just comes to visit once in a while.” She sighs before continuing. I love the sound of her voice. I’ve heard her sing a couple of times while I was watching her, and her voice is angelic. Smooth and beautiful in a way that just mesmerizes you.

  “And I know all too well how content you were to continue that little show.” I decide to look up at her and she’s blushing a deep pink and it is seriously adorable. The second guy reaches out to touch me and I hiss at him making Harleigh and Brian laugh.

  Glad they think it’s funny, but seriously…I hate being touched by anyone that’s not her.

  “Orion. Be nice to Colten. Yeesh, you’re in a grouch today.” She says before setting me down on the bed and moving over towards them. Damnit. I need to be cute.

  Meowwwww. Meowwwwwww. Here’s hoping whining will get her back to me.

  “It’s okay buddy.” She says, flopping onto her stomach so her head is by me again and I toddle towards her, rubbing my head against her face before licking her nose making her giggle and the guys sigh.

  That’s right boys. Get comfy because I’m not leaving anytime soon.



  “Babe, you look fucking delectable.” Colten says as he adjusts himself in his pants and I glare at him.

  “Fucking really Colt?! I haven’t even been awake for an hour yet!” I snap at him. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night because Orion stayed longer than normal, and the guys were whiny little bitches about it.

  Brian snickers off to the side and I turn to him and smile. “You don’t think I look hot today?” I ask him, blinking and acting all innocent. He looks shocked for a second before he smirks.

  “Awe beautiful, you know you’re always attractive to me, and you know I love that sassy spunk when you don’t get enough sleep.” He teases, throwing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close for a kiss. Damn I love this man.

  “I love you.” I sigh as I wrap my arms around his waist.

  “Love you too beautiful.” My heart feels so full and I forget my annoyance and relax into him.

  “Hey, do I not get a good morning kiss?” Colten pouts and I can’t help the giggle that breaks out in me.

  Seriously. Who knew Colten Connerton would pout because he didn’t get a good morning kiss?

  “Awe poor Colt. Do you need some attention too?” I ask as I let go of Brian and walk up to him and he links his hands together at my lower back. We are out in the middle of the walkway between the dorms and school and there are lots of people around.

  I guess now is as good a time as any right? I did say I wanted to be open about our unconventional relationship.

  “Always baby. If it’s from you, always.” He smirks at me and I shake my head unable to hide the grin that his cheesy ass statement brought out. Gripping his shoulders, I lift onto my tippy toes and plant one on him. A nice hard but quick kiss before pulling away and making a run for it.

  “Hey sassy girl get back here!” He chases after me and I laugh, no doubt getting attention, but I don’t even care.

  “Mmm” I say stopping abruptly. “Maybe I can be persuaded.” I tap my finger on my chin and bite my lip looking between the both of them now that they’ve caught up.

  “Persuaded?” Colt asks.

  “Mhm.” I give him a devilish smile.

  I’m going to kick your ass later!

  I sing in my head and Brian doubles over laughing hysterically. Well guess he heard that one. I can’t help but laugh with him as Colt scowls between us.

  “Fucking hell. This shit isn’t cool. What the hell did she say this time?” He asks looking between us.

  “Oh, just that I’m going to kick your ass in training later.” I wink and run off towards the school when he growls and lunges for me. I don’t get far before he wraps his arms around me and starts tickling me to death.

  “Is that right pretty girl?” He’s kissing my neck and stops tickling, his hands squeezing my sides like he owns me and I moan. “We’ll see about that.” He steps back and slaps my ass hard and walks away grinning like a fool.

  “Get to class baby. You don’t want to be late.”

  Bry walks up behind me and wraps me up in a tight hug and I fall back into him with ease.

  “You’re happy.” He says as he trails kisses down my neck.

  “I feel happy.” I say, not certain what he’s getting at. “You’re truly okay with this? You know I don’t love him, right?” I turn in his arms and he rests his forehead on mine.

  “I’m perfectly fine with it. I love you Harleigh Roe. You are my heart and you’ve always got me.” He leans in and kisses me speechless. “You will love him in time if it’s meant to be, and if it’s not, we were happy alone and we will be again.” Damn he always has the perfect words.

  “You always know just what to say don’t you?” I ask him.

  “Not always, but with you I just speak my heart. It hasn’t steered me wrong yet. Can I be honest about something?” I nod and look him in the eyes.

  “Always. Never hide anything from each other, right? Always truthful.” He nods and swallows before continuing.

  “Last night when we were both touching you and kissing you?” My cheeks heat up even thinking about that hot little sandwich they had me in. “It was extremely hot. I didn’t know if I could share you. Actually, if it weren’t for the soul thing, I don’t think I could, but last night felt right. I’m okay with you being with both of us.”

  A tear streaks down my cheek as I sniffle and look up at him.

  “Gah you and your soft angel heart. I love you so fucking much.” He wipes my tears away and smiles.

  “I love you too beautiful. Now let’s get to class so we can kick his ass in training later.” He winks and me, pulling back to grab my hand and I can’t help but laugh.

  Life is good.

  “Come on Harleigh you can do better than that.” Colten taunts me from the middle of the mat while I’m knocked on my ass. Again.

  I’m starting to get frustrated. His big plan is to see what happens when I get angry because apparently, that’s when a lot of demon powers present themselves before they have been reigned in and learned how to control. But I don’t get angry. Not really, at least not the way he is wanting me to.

  “I can’t get angry Colten, not the way you want me to. It’s not in my DNA.” He looks at me thoughtfully for a minute as I stand back up on my feet.

  I do not like the look on his face right now.

  He looks like the devil incarnate wanting to destroy me until I’m nothing.

  Pure evil and all bad boy.

  “You know, I’m pretty good at possessing people babe.” I snort.

  “Yeah? Is that why you can’t possess me?” He gives me a glare.

  “You are the only person I can’t possess babe and you know it. Well aside from angels.” He shoots a small glare at Brian who is smirking in the corner.

  “You can’t possess angels?” I look between them and Bry is the one to answer me.

  “It’s biologically impossible for demons to possess angels just as it is for us to control them. It would tip the scales too much.”

  “The balance between good and evil.” I mutter to myself. Everything comes back to that balance. “Makes sense.”

  “You got it beautiful.” I sm
ile at Brian before Colten coughs to get my attention.

  “As I was saying,” he gives Bry a look I can’t decipher that puts him on edge. “I can possess anyone. I like to play with people.” I shake my head and continue to focus on Brian. He’s stiff and his jaw is ticking.

  “That’s because you’re a douche. What are you getting at?” If it’s setting Bry off like that, someone who never really gets angry, I’m not sure I will be able to handle it.

  “I’m saying, I think I might pay your little bestie a visit and have some fun.”

  Oh hell the fuck no! He goes near anyone I love, and I will castrate the son of a bitch. My entire body is taught with anger as I rush at him until things around us start to shake and move. The ground vibrates under my feet and I stop moving. I’m still furious beyond words and can’t think clearly until Bry places his hands on my cheeks.

  “Breathe Harleigh. I need you to breathe beautiful.” I try my best and the shaking slowly settles. I’m still angry as hell at Colten and try to turn my head to glare at him but Bry doesn’t let go. “That’s it. Keep breathing. Look at me and don’t think of anything else.” I take another breath as he continues. “Think about how much you love me. Feel the love I have for you.”

  I feel a calming energy work through my body as I look into his eyes and everything stops moving. All I can focus on is the warmth spreading throughout my body until I close my eyes and just bask in the calmness, only stiffening when I feel a body behind me.

  “You really think that was a good fucking idea?!” Bry snaps at Colten over my shoulder and I remember why I was so angry but before I have a chance to react, he responds.

  “She needed to get angry and it worked. I did what I had to do to get a reaction.” His hands land on my shoulders and I tense.

  “I didn’t mean it baby, I just needed to make you angry. Apparently, you have some seriously high thresholds for anger.” He says to me and I whirl around on him.


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