Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1)

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Freshman Firsts (Connerton Academy Book 1) Page 13

by Cassie Hargrove

  “Don’t you EVER threaten someone I love again.” I push against his chest hard and he stumbles back.

  “I won’t Harleigh, I promise.” The look of sincerity on his face stops my movements.

  “I know we aren’t close Colten, but when I love, I love fiercely, and I will protect anyone I love to the grave. Understand me?” I have to fight back the tears as emotions flood me.

  “I get you babe, loud and clear and I’m sorry. I just didn’t know any other way to trigger your anger and we need to know what your abilities are.” He walks towards me and wraps his arms around my waist. “You’re years behind everyone here babe.” He looks over my shoulder at Bry.

  “He’s right beautiful. I don’t like the way he did it, but he’s right.” I sigh and lean into Colten as he tightens me into a hug.

  “I am sorry, but can we talk about what happened?” I pull back to look between them.

  “Uh, an earthquake happened.”

  The guys look at each other before Colt looks back at me.

  “No babe, you happened.” I look at him dumbfounded. “Your anger moved everything around you. I almost guarantee no one upstairs or down the hall felt it.”

  “I did that?” They both nod and I swallow the lump in my throat and wrap my arms around myself. “So…what does that mean?”

  Colten grabs one hand away as Bry does with the other so that they are both comforting me. It’s a sweet gesture but I’m kind of freaking the fuck out.

  “If I had to guess, I would say you have the power of telekinesis.” I look at Colt.

  “Wouldn’t that mean things would have moved rather than the ground shaking?” He nods as he talks.

  “Usually I would say yes, but the stuff on the ground and shelves started moving before the ground shook.” He looks confused so I look over to Bry and see the same on his face.

  “What does that mean guys?” Bry sighs and squeezes my hand.

  “It means you’re extremely powerful Harleigh girl. I need to talk to Dad and see if this is something he’s ever seen before.” I nod as he pulls out his phone to call David and Colten pulls me to him.

  “It also means we really need to find out who your father is.” I lean in against him not even wanting to think about that.



  Having Colten helping us to figure out her powers is a help. He knows more about demons and their powers and how to wield them than I ever could. But what happened in the gym today shocked the hell out of both of us. I’m not sure I have ever been around power that strong.

  Harleigh and Colten head back to her room while I stay behind to call Dad. In this moment, I am even more grateful that she has the both of us to support her. She never has to be alone.

  “Brian.” Dad greets me short and to the point.

  “Hey Dad, I need to talk to you about Harleigh.”

  “Alright, give me a second.” I hear him telling people to leave his office and close the door before he speaks again. “What’s going on?”

  That’s a loaded question. I haven’t told him about Colten and Harleigh yet. Not the relationship or training part. I take a deep breath and tell him everything. The relationship, the training and everything that happened in today’s session.

  “There is something I didn’t tell you before.” He says and I am instantly on edge. How can I keep her safe and help her if I don’t know everything?

  “What are you keeping from us?” I try to keep my voice even as the hand not holding the phone curls into a tight fist at my side.

  “You know we don’t know who her father is.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Whoever he is, he is powerful. Harleigh holds more power than anyone we have seen in a very, very long time Brian.”

  “And you didn’t think that was something I should know?!” I snap at him.

  “We don’t want to worry her. She will figure out her powers in her own time, and I know she is a good person. We all know it. That’s why you were chosen to guide her, but this knowledge would have only upset her. It still might.” I groan into the phone. He’s right. She hated knowing her mother was as evil as she was. I have no idea how she would react to something like this.

  “Breathe son.” Dad says down the line. “You can choose whether or not to tell her. She will need to know but be careful how you do it.” That goes without saying.

  There is something else that happened that neither of them is aware of.

  “Something else happened too.” I tell him.


  “I’m what calmed her and stopped everything from happening.”

  “How do you mean?” Dad asks. He probably figures if it was just a boyfriend love thing, I wouldn’t have brought it up.

  “I put my hands on her face and when we made eye contact, all I could think about was wanting to calm her down. To take away her anger and pain and be there for her.”


  “All of a sudden I felt power coming from me. Out of my hands and into her. She calmed immediately after that, like she was at peace with everything. The longer it happened, the more at peace she became.” I breathe out.

  “Sounds like this little exercise also brought out a power of your own son. The power of tranquility and calm.”

  I’ve read about it in the books Dad has. It’s fairly common among angels as we are born to be peaceful unless ordered otherwise, but it’s usually a power for full fledged angels, not half-bloods.

  “Is that even possible?” I ask him.

  “It’s not common in half-bloods, but it’s not entirely impossible. I’m proud of you Brian.”

  The emotions that come up when he says this to me are hard to describe. Pride, happiness and a feeling of finally being accepted are among them.


  I kind of feel like shit for threatening her friend like that but I didn’t know how else to get her angry. Fuck, I get angry so easily I figured it would be a piece of cake. I should have known better.

  In all the times I spent toying with her and watching my friends do the same, I have never once seen her legitimately angry. Even when she kneed me in the nuts, she wasn’t actually angry, just extremely irritated. I knew I would have to hit deep to get a response, but I still feel like an asshole.

  “Babe,” I grab her arm when we step into her room. “I know I fucked up and I’m sorry for hurting you.” When she looks up to me, her eyes are filled with unshed tears and it’s like a kick in the gut and I can’t take it.

  Leaning down, I cup her cheeks in my hands and bend down to kiss her gently. I’ve never been the gentle type, but I know this is what she needs. I can feel it deep in my charcoal burnt soul and I will do anything to make her see just how in this I am with her.

  “Harleigh,” I take a deep breath and wipe away her tears with my thumbs. “you have come to mean more to me than anyone else and it’s kind of fucking with me. I’m not used to caring about anyone outside of myself and my family, but fuck if I’m not all in with you.” She chokes on a cry before pulling the sides of my shirt into her fists and bringing me closer.

  “You’re not screwing with me are you Colt?” She looks at me pleadingly and I know then that I can never let this girl go. I can’t explain it, but I know she is my destiny.

  “Never again baby, I promise.” And I mean every single fucking word.

  She stands on her toes and pulls me flush against her before taking my mouth in a deep kiss that lights a fire inside me and I groan before taking over the kiss. Girl can’t have all the fun after all.

  We don’t get too deep into the kiss before Brian joins us in her room and we make our way over to the couch to sit down.

  “So, what did David say?” Harleigh asks as she sits down between us on the couch.

  “A lot and nothing at all.” He sighs before continuing. “Apparently you are extremely powerful babe. He didn’t want to tell us before because he was worried how you would handle it after learning yo
ur mother was evil.” Harleigh grips my thigh with her hand and reaches over to do the same on Brian’s.

  “So, we still don’t know who my father is, but since they know who my mother was it means most of my powers will come from him?” She asks looking just a bit terrified and I pull her into my lap and Brian moves over, never letting go of her hand.

  “Yeah beautiful, but they still don’t sense any evil in you. They would have told me otherwise. Don’t worry about that alright? You. Are. Good.” He kisses her mouth softly with each word.

  “You’re definitely good babe. I sensed a light about you the moment I laid eyes on you and that hasn’t changed. You are so full of goodness I feel like I should be choking on it.” I nudge her head with mine and she giggles.

  “What are you even talking about Colten?” She keeps giggling and it brings happiness to my heart.

  “I’m talking about how I’ve been drawn to you like my soul is connected to you in some way. How I feel closer to you every second we are together and” I heave out a breath and say the rest of it really fast. “you’re it for me. I feel it deep inside my soul babe.”

  “You mean it?” She wiggles her cute ass on my lap to pull back and look me in the eyes.

  “Yeah babe, one hundred percent.” I sigh and I feel a heat in my cheeks at the admission. Seriously? What in the actual fuck is this woman doing to me?

  Brian lets out a cough and draws both of our attention back to him.

  “You mean you don’t know?” He looks at me with a pointed stare.

  “Know what?” I have no idea what he’s talking about but I can guess it’s some angel babble shit.

  “I had a feeling it was true when Harleigh talked about how she was drawn to you but in a slightly different way than she was to me and then you were freaking the hell out when she got sick. It all makes sense.”

  “Want to fill me in angel, because I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I huff out but squeeze my girl close to me.

  “Sounds like you share a piece of her soul. Dad said it doesn’t happen often, but sometimes souls shatter rather than split in two and you’re drawn to anyone who has the other pieces. Harleigh and I are one and seems like you’re the second.”

  “That happens? How? Aren’t angels in control of souls?” I ask even though I know the answer.

  “I don’t know. Dad doesn’t either.” He shrugs and our girl looks between us and smirks.

  “Guess you’re stuck with me now huh?” She laughs and we both lean in and kiss her. Brian kisses her on the lips and I kiss down her smooth neck.

  “Nowhere else I would rather be babe.” I tell her and Brian nods in agreement.

  We just sit in silence for a while after the evening we had before we end up falling asleep on the couch together.



  Between classes and training with the guys I am starting to feel worn out, so when spring break arrives, I can’t hide my excitement. Colten and Brian have agreed to stay at the school with me so we can work on my powers some more.

  We’ve been focusing on Bry hearing my thoughts as well as figuring out how to control the power of telekinesis. Once I looked back on what happened that day with Colten’s help, I was able to recreate the energy I felt in my body without the anger, but we still have a long way to go. I can currently shake small objects, but I haven’t been able to unleash the full intensity of it since that day.

  The guys think it’s from fear but I’m not sure if that’s the truth. It’s partially fear of the unknown, but I am also worried about unleashing my full potential. It pulls at me every time we test it and it wants to be set free but I stomp it down. I’m afraid of letting my powers flow freely because of the chance it could make me turn away from the good.

  They don’t know that I am purposely holding back and part of me feels guilty for not telling them, but at the same time they will just tell me I’m good and it’s okay and I just don’t know how to explain it to them.

  That’s what brings me to this moment, sitting on my bed and staring at David’s number. I need to talk to someone other than the guys. Someone who won’t let their feelings for me cloud their judgement.

  “Hello.” David answers the phone, his voice gruff and slightly irritated. I don’t even know what time it is where they are, I just chose to call now because the guys haven’t come down here yet.

  “Mr. Renald, it’s Harleigh.”

  “Ah, Ms. Roe. Is everything alright?” He asks. Loaded fucking question.

  “Not really, no.”

  “What’s going on?” He asks me more alert, his voice replacing the irritation for concern.

  “Bry told you about what happened a couple weeks ago in the gym right?” I know he did, but I need to ease into this somehow.

  “Your telekinesis? Yes. What about it?”

  “We train almost every night and the guys are teaching me how to control it, but I am hiding something from them.”

  “Why is that? You need to be open with them and me. What are you hiding?” He sounds upset with me, so I rush to explain.

  “They think I haven’t been able to bring back the intensity of the power since that day, but I feel it fighting to get free I just refuse to let it out.”

  “Do you know the reason why?”

  “Because I’m scared it will overpower me. Change me in a way I don’t want to change.” I say in a small voice.

  David is silent for a moment and if I couldn’t hear his breathing, I would think he had hung up.

  “You’re afraid of what it will do to you.” He reads between the lines.

  “Yes.” I agree with him.

  “And why haven’t you told Brian and Colten this Harleigh?” He asks me point blank and I sniff trying to hold back the tears.

  “Because I’m afraid their feelings will cloud their judgement. I need to know if releasing my full potential will make me change for the worse.” I tell him.

  “Harleigh dear, your powers do not make you good or evil. How you feel inside is what makes you choose. Do you feel evil or bad?” He asks in a soft voice.

  “No, not any more than I did before.” I tell him truthfully.

  “Then you will be alright. If we thought you were evil in any way, Brian wouldn’t have been assigned to you. Believe in yourself Ms. Roe.” He says before continuing. “That being said, I am glad you called. Brian said you are all staying in the dorms over the break?” He asks for confirmation.

  “Yes sir. We want to train and try to figure out what I am capable of.”

  “Good. I will fly down tomorrow and spend a few days there. I want to help you figure out your life force powers but it’s not something you kids should do alone.”


  “You have control over them, that we already know. But you don’t know how to use them, and it is a life skill you should know and will need to know for second year. I have to go. Tell Brian I will see him tomorrow. And Harleigh? Trust the guys and yourself and talk to them about this before I get there.” And he hangs up the phone.

  Trust in myself. Right. I can do that.

  By the time David gets here, I have caught the guys up on everything. They weren’t happy to know I was keeping things from them, but they said they understood why I was doing it.

  “Bry, I’m kind of freaking the fuck out.” I tell him as I pull my sleeves down into my hands as a nervous gesture.

  “Why? What’s wrong beautiful?” He asks looking so concerned.

  “I really love you.”

  “You’re nervous because you love me?” He looks confused.

  “No, it just slipped out when you looked all concerned for me.” He smiles and gives me a quick kiss while we wait for Colten to join us.

  “Well I love you too beautiful. Now, why are you freaking out?”

  “What if I learn how to take and give life force and then I can no longer control it? That’s possible right?” I start pulling on the sleeves harder, my hands sl
ick with nervous sweat.

  “It’s not possible actually.” David cuts in as Colten walks through the door.

  “What’s not possible?” He asks as he walks over to me and plants a hard and fast kiss on me.

  “Harleigh is concerned that once she learns how to take and give life force that she will no longer have control over her power. I told her it’s not possible.” David fills Colt in and he looks at me.

  “Why would you be worried about that babe?” He questions, turning me to face him.

  “Because I don’t want to hurt you guys. I love you.” I say and then scrunch up my nose and Colt laughs. Great.

  “First, that was an interesting way to tell me you love me but just so you know, I love you too.” He kisses me softly before pulling back and I smile wide. My heart does a little happy dance at his confirming he loves me too.

  “Second, there is no way you’re going to hurt us. All that the training today will do is make you aware of how to use the powers you were born with.”

  Before I can respond, David starts speaking again.

  “He’s right Harleigh. You will be aware of it and feel it tugging at you, but you can’t lose control of powers you already have control over.” I nod.

  “Okay. Let’s do this then.” I swallow the lump of fear and emotions in my throat and walk over to him while the guys follow close behind.

  “Alright then. Which of you guys wants to be the first to go?” David asks the guys and Colten is front and centre.

  “You can use your sexy powers on me anytime babe.” He winks at me and I laugh when David rolls his eyes.

  “Fine. Colten lay down. Harleigh, kneel beside him and I will guide you through the exercise.”

  While Colt and I get into position I can’t help but let out a strangled breath and Bry comes up beside me, turning my face to him.

  “I forgot to tell you beautiful. The day that you found your power in the gym, I found one of my own.” He reaches up to cup my cheek with one hand and holds my other while I feel a calming sensation come over me. My anxiety drops away and I just lean into his touch feeling completely at peace.


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