Book Read Free

Giving It to the Biker

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-533-0

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank all of my lovely readers, the Evernight team, and my wonderful editor, Karyn, for being amazing, supportive, and for giving my books a chance.


  Saints and Sinners MC, 1

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Rage took a drink of his beer while watching as Pea mouth-fucked one of the regular bitches who supplied the club with free pussy. The fucker was a married man, and it would only be a matter of time before either Melissa or her sister, Penny, arrived at the club. Melissa had been a regular at the club ever since she married Pea, and with her she’d brought her very beautiful sister. The Gilmore women were both beautiful but were different in personality. Melissa was raw sexuality, and she seemed to accept everything that Pea did. Penny, however, she was so quiet, and Rage could barely get a few words out of her. However, Penny held an inner firecracker who came out whenever her sister appeared to be in pain, which was often.

  Even though Melissa appeared unaffected by Pea’s wandering ways, Penny always came to her defense.

  You can’t get anywhere with her.

  Gritting his teeth, Rage made his way toward the bar where Saint, the president of Saints and Sinners MC, was having a drink while working.

  “You gonna do anything about that?” he asked, nodding toward Pea and the slut.

  “No. It’s not my business.” Saint was going through some paperwork, and at a quick glance Rage saw what appeared to be invoices for mechanical equipment.

  “You still running the shop as our main company?”

  “It keeps the fucking tax man off my back, and our fighting under lock and key. You know me, keep it obvious, and they won’t go looking. Besides, we’re making a killing in bikes right now. Everywhere you go they want bikes.”

  “And sex, don’t forget that.”

  “Yeah, Dirty Deeds is selling out.”

  In the town of Sinners’ Corner, Dirty Deeds was the local sex shop, which was also doing extremely well online. Everything was online now. Rage didn’t care providing he got his cut of the profit.

  “So, what’s bugging you about that?” Saint asked, looking toward Pea.


  “You’re still trying to get into that pussy?”

  Rage was the VP, so he’d told Saint what he wanted, and what he’d been wanting for over three years was Penny, in his bed, her pussy owned by him.

  Giving Saint a look, Rage watched his friend and President laugh. “Damn, you are. I can say Penny is wasted on you.”

  Any other woman, Rage would have carried the woman over his shoulder to his bed, fucked her, and kicked her ass out. The problem that he faced was the fact Penny didn’t belong to the club. Melissa did. He couldn’t just drag a woman to his bed against her will. There was no way he was going down for rape. Not that it would be rape. Penny would kick, scream, and try to claw his eyes out, but in the end he’d make sure that she was begging for his dick.

  “When are you going to get over her?” Saint asked.

  “Penny will be mine.”

  “Man, you can’t even get her to stay in the same room as you, and don’t think I haven’t noticed your distraction at the parties as well. The club women are feeling left out.”

  “Fuck off!” Rage got up off his chair, not liking where this conversation was going. He’d been part of Saints and Sinners MC for fifteen years. At thirty-five years old, he’d gone from prospect to the VP through violence and respect, which was all that the club knew. They dealt in violence, fighting, and sex. The club whores competed for the title of best fuck, and the men fought each other regularly.

  During one of the nights he’d been due to fight, Penny had been at the club, having a drink. He’d seen her at the edge of the fight, and unlike most women, she wasn’t impressed with what she saw.

  He didn’t even know what it was about Penny that had caught his attention. She was just … different. None of the club whores were like her, and she was just perfect.

  No, she wasn’t perfect. She was a challenge. She wouldn’t just bow down to anyone, and he liked that. Penny didn’t screw around with anyone either. She hated Pea for his constant cheating, yet Melissa accepted it.

  The door to the club opened, and as if his thoughts of her had made her materialize, Penny walked through the door with a prospect rushing close behind her. Wayne was one of the better prospects around the club, but it looked like he couldn’t keep Penny out. None of the club members kept Penny out. Rage had made a request at the last church for her to be let into the club at any time, with the boys pretending to hold her back. He wanted to play with her even if he couldn’t touch her.

  “I’m sorry, Prez,” Wayne said.

  Penny wasn’t listening. She looked around the room, finding Pea, and heading straight to him. Sitting down beside Saint, Rage admired her generous curves and the way she filled out her jeans. She had a lovely full ass, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. When he did finally get his hands on her, he was going to fuck her, spank her ass, and take her ass as well. He loved sex and fucking, and every single fantasy he’d built up around her, he was going to play out. It didn’t matter to him that she wasn’t interested yet. He was growing a little tired of the chase, and was going to blast her defenses until she had no choice but to give into him. He was going to take her, fuck her, and enjoy every single second of it.

  “Your girl’s here to cause trouble,” Saint said, looking amused.

  “Wonder what the problem is now.”

  “Melissa’s been on the phone to her. Penny’s here to take Pea back home.” Saint took a sip of his drink. “If she causes real problems for the club, she’s gone.”

  “Pea’s an ass. Whatever happens to him, he’s got coming to himself.”

  “That I agree with.” Saint clinked his glass against Rage’s, and they both turned to the scene that was about to unfold.

  “Seriously, this is what was more important than dinner?” Penny asked, stepping in front of Pea.

  Rage heard Pea moan and shake his head. The club had quieted down to hear the chaos that was about to ensue. The club liked Penny. She was a good woman, and the club respected good women. They also respected her as she fed them most of the time. Penny would often bring food to the club, cakes she’d baked, or pies. He’d walk into the club to find a trail of crumbs, which would piss him off. It was just another reason as to why he wanted to claim Penny for his own. He’d own her baked goodies, and her fine ass.

  “Penny, leave,” Pea said, finally turning his attention to his sister-in-law.

  Tensing in his seat, Rage was ready to hurt the fucker for talking to Penny like that.

  “Leave her,” Saint said. “She won’t like you interfering.”

  Gritting his teeth, Rage sat back, and watched the scene before him play out.

  “No. Melissa’s crying back at home, asshole. Don’t tell her to make your damn favorite, and then not show up. It makes you an

  “I’m busy. Tell her to put it in the microwave.”

  Rage didn’t know why Pea was insistent in pissing Penny off, but he did at every occasion.


  “Yeah. Food can be heated from cold. Pussy can’t.”

  All of the brothers tensed up as Penny exploded. Her trademark growl of frustration was released, and then she grabbed the club whore by her hair, and pulled her off.

  A feminine squeal rent the air and Pea was standing up, shoving his dick back into his pants.

  “He’s married, slut.” Penny shoved the screaming woman to the floor before turning back to Pea. Penny’s look of disgust was clear to detect. “I don’t have a clue why Mel married you, but she did. I will not spend hours on the phone listening to her cry about you. Get moving!” Penny started to push him toward the door.

  Pea wasn’t going to be moved easily.

  “Melissa knows the score. You don’t.”

  “If she knew the score, I wouldn’t have to listen to her sobbing. Whatever you and her have going on is your business, but it becomes mine when I have to listen.” Penny looked around the room, turning her attention to Saint. “You got a problem with this?”

  “No, take him home.” Saint raised his glass in the air.

  Pea pulled out of her hold and glared right back at her. What Rage saw in Pea’s eyes pissed him the fuck off. Pea was thinking about Penny naked, and not only that, he was liking the attention.

  “Not happening.” Standing up, he grabbed Pea’s arm. “Let’s go. Melissa invited me to dinner.”

  “You can’t drive. You’re drunk,” Penny said.

  “You’ll have to bring me back to the club.”


  Several whistles followed them out, and Rage stuck his fingers up.

  Fuck off!


  Penny gripped her steering wheel as she rode toward her sister’s townhouse on the outskirts of Sinners’ Corner. She hated the name of the town where she lived. According to the local town history, it was named that as centuries ago it was believed that followers of the devil moved to the small town where they expelled all of their sins. She thought it was bullshit, but no one listened to her.

  Glancing out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the two big ass bikers in her very small car. He was staring at her, unnerving her with his gaze. John—Rage—Colton always seemed to be staring at her. She didn’t like it. He had a lot more interesting things to look at. The man who created all of her scorn, her sister’s husband Pea, was in the back, moaning about his fun being cut short.

  “Melissa didn’t say anything about you joining the dinner.”

  “She didn’t? Well, I’m invited.”

  He wasn’t invited. No, Rage just liked to annoy her. He got off on it, she was sure of that. The Saints and Sinners MC had been a regular feature in Sinners’ Corner for well over twenty-five years. Melissa’s and her father had worked as a mechanic in their shop before he died of cancer five years ago. Penny recalled being around the club often but more as an outsider. The men were nice and respectful to her, which she liked. She’d seen the way some of the club whores were treated, and she’d hate to be humiliated like them.

  Penny had hated treating that club whore like that by tugging her off Pea’s lap, but one of the old ladies had told her when Pea and Melissa first got married, that it was the only way to deal with club pussy.

  “Show them who’s boss or they’ll walk all over you. They’re traitorous bitches but free pussy for all the club.”

  When Melissa had married Pea three years ago, Penny didn’t imagine for a second she’d be dragging his ass back home. She adored the club, but she’d never marry one. It had been three years since Melissa shocked her that she was getting married to Pea. Out of all of the club members Pea was a big horn dog, and a pain in the ass. Still, he’d shown an interest in Mel, and that was all Penny had needed.

  I’m not this kind of woman.

  She loved staying in her apartment above the sex shop in town, reading a good book. After her father died, her mother hadn’t lasted six months after. Neither she nor Mel had wanted the house as it held too many painful memories, good memories that were hard to ignore with the death of both parents. They had sold the house, splitting the profit equally. Around the same time, Dirty Deeds had an apartment open up above their shop, and Penny had jumped on it. It was a nice place, beautifully kept, and she didn’t even mind that it was a sex shop as it helped with her research. She’d purchased many items at the sex shop, and used them on herself so she’d understand what her heroine would be feeling in her books. Her own sex life had been a bust. After losing her virginity prom night with her boyfriend, she’d had one other partner, and their sex had been … boring. Very boring, dull.

  To escape her boredom with her lack of sex life, she’d turned to her computer. She’d been reading erotic fiction for a long time, and as e-readers were so popular, she’d already gotten the bug. One afternoon after an awful quickie with her boyfriend, Robert, she had sat at her computer and just started writing, only she started writing her fantasy sex. Before she even knew it, a month had come and gone, and her story was complete, with a storyline, and all.

  Not doing anything with it, she left it, and moved onto the next story, then the next. Until she had over ten completed romance stories, and writing became an addiction, a way for her to escape the reality of what was happening.

  One day, Melissa had been staying over and found the stories, reading them. Penny had hated that. The stories belonged to her, and they were her way of dealing with her life. After she broke up with Robert, she kept on writing. She loved it.

  Penny didn’t know what she expected, but it wasn’t for Melissa to encourage her to get them published. After a year of submitting, being rejected, she’d finally been accepted, and was making a decent living out of her writing. She wasn’t wealthy, and her books were never going to make it to the movies, but she was happy with her life.

  “How have you been?” Rage asked.

  Glancing toward him, Penny quickly averted her gaze. She didn’t like staring at him for long periods of time. He unnerved her, and out of all of the club members, Rage was the one who made her nervous. Rage constantly stared at her, and it was the strange look in his eyes that got to her.

  “Fine. You?”


  Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she tried to ignore him.

  “You’ve got to stop pulling me out of the club,” Pea said, leaning forward. His breath fanned across her neck, and she pulled away.

  “You’ve got to stop cheating on my sister. One day it’s going to bite you in the ass.”

  “Bite me,” Pea said.


  “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

  Annoyed, she focused back on the road, and was relieved to see her sister’s house just up the road.

  “Been on any dates lately?”

  “No. Not this week.” She was a serial dater. It was easier for her to go on dates for one night than consider a repeat performance from the same man. Penny didn’t have sex with the men she dated. One night was more than enough.

  “You’ve got to stop dating assholes,” Rage said.

  “What? And start dating men like you and cheater in the back? You’ve got to be kidding.” She snorted, and pulled up outside of her sister’s place.

  Melissa opened the door, and the tears that Penny had seen thirty minutes ago were gone. Her sister looked calm and steady.

  Pea leaned forward. “You know, men only cheat because they like what’s on offer. It’s what the club is about, and your sister knows what’s going on.”

  Turning to her brother-in-law, she glared at him. “You think telling me that my sister knows you’re a cheating ass makes it any better? Do you think it’s going to make me like you any more? You’re an asshole. Get the fuck out of my car.”

  Her usual placid
personality had gone. She was tired of dealing with Pea and her sister’s bullshit. This was one of the reasons she was never getting married. In her books, the man always remained faithful, and she didn’t know how her sister did this all the time with Pea. It would drive her crazy.

  Climbing out of the car, she moved toward Melissa.

  “He was at the club, chasing whores.”

  There was no sadness present on her sister’s face, and Penny hated it. She didn’t get it. Hugging her sister, she walked into her sister’s home going straight toward the kitchen.

  “Rage is here as well?”

  “Apparently, you invited him.”

  “He’s got a thing for you. He has for a long time. You’re just too blind to see it.”

  “Rage doesn’t have a thing for me. He barely talks to me.”

  Melissa stared at her, and Penny swiped a carrot off the plate. “Stop eating, and you’re blind. The books you write, and you can’t even see when a guy is into you.”

  “Fuck off, Mel.” Eating the carrot, she stared at her sister. “How do you do it?”

  “How do I do what?”

  “Cope with Pea screwing around on you.”

  Her sister didn’t even flinch at her words. “It’s our thing.”

  “Okay, I’m confused right now.”

  “I love Pea, and in his own way, he cares about me. He takes care of me, provides me with a nice house, and I don’t have to go out for work.”

  “Is that it?”

  “He cheats, and when I catch him, he feels bad, and he becomes attentive to me. You just don’t see it. I like it, so I don’t see a reason to change.”

  Penny frowned. “Does it even bother you at all that Pea is screwing other women?”

  “No. It doesn’t.”

  Crossing her arms, Penny glared at her sister. “What was with all the damn tears?” When Penny had made it to her sister’s she’d found Melissa standing in the kitchen, crying.


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