Giving It to the Biker

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Giving It to the Biker Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m telling it like it is. You’re the one fighting the truth.”

  “Why am I letting this happen? I don’t like you.”

  He tugged off her jeans, and tore her lace panties until she was naked underneath him. The scent of her cunt wafted up, teasing him. His mouth watered for a taste of her pretty pussy. She wasn’t shaved, but he didn’t mind. He’d handle that in time. Rage doubted she was ready for him to shave the fine hairs off her pussy. He’d give it time¸ and when she was ready, he’d get what he wanted out of her. It wasn’t much. He just wanted to own every single inch of her. He wanted to possess her body, her mind, her heart, and soul.

  “Look at what I found here.” He opened the lips of her sex. The evidence of her arousal glinted up at him. “Your mind may not want me, but your body knows what it wants, and it wants to get fucked really bad.”

  She moaned, arching up against him.

  Running his thumbs down either side of her pussy, he spread her open. He didn’t touch her clit even as she panted, trying to move so that he would.

  “Beg me,” he said.


  “You heard me. Beg me. Beg me to suck this clit, to let you come.”

  “You’re insane.”

  Releasing her body, Rage stood and removed the rest of his clothes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re naked, and, baby, you look so much better than I imagined you would.”

  “You imagined me naked?”

  “Every single day for the past three years.” He kicked his jeans aside and wrapped his fingers around his naked cock. Smearing the pre-cum leaking out of his tip, he worked the natural lubricant across his dick.

  “What are you doing?” she asked again. She licked her lips, and Rage groaned. Soon she’d be on her knees, accepting his dick into her mouth.

  “You don’t want to beg me, that’s fine. You don’t get to feel my tongue on your pussy. Me, I’m going to come looking at the sight before me. Your tits are huge, and they’re real. Think how good they will look covered in my spunk.” He couldn’t wait to rub his seed into her skin, decorate that perfect body with his cum. She’d look so perfect, and she belonged to him. He might even take a picture and send it to Pea. Rage was sure that fucker had a thing for Penny, or at the very least, he wanted to fuck her.

  Rage wasn’t going to share his woman. Penny wouldn’t be a club whore. She’d belong to him in all the ways that counted to the club. She’d get her skin marked with his name, wear his leather cut, and tell the world that she was Rage’s woman.

  “All you have to do is beg.”

  He watched her jaw clench as she glared at him.

  “I’m a good guy. Think how good it will be with my tongue on that swollen clit. Anyone put their mouth on that pretty, wet pussy?”

  She shook her head, and then collapsed to the bed.

  Rage chuckled. “Are you a virgin?”

  “No! I’m not a virgin.”

  “But no man has ever put their mouth on your body.”

  “I’ve never needed it.”

  He snorted. “Beg me, Penny. Let me show you what you’ve been missing out on.” He made a show of licking his lips, and he saw her gaze dropped to his lips.

  “Please, Rage, lick my pussy.”

  Sinking back to his knees, he released his cock at the same time. He opened her thighs wide, sliding his fingers to spread her pussy lips, and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth.

  “Oh, fucking God!” She screamed out as he nibbled onto her clit, sawing it between his teeth.

  Letting her lips go, he slid his fingers down her slit to her entrance. Pressing one finger into her cunt, he felt how tight and hot she was.

  Adding a second finger, he started to pump them in and out of her body. Glancing up, he lathered her clit with his tongue.

  “That’s so good. Wow. Oh my. More, please.” She reached down, gripping his hair and riding his face, pushing her pussy against him.

  Penny tasted amazing. She was fresh, and it was the strangest feeling. He’d known she’d be amazing in his arms, and he wasn’t wrong.

  He worked her to the peak of pleasure, and kept her there.

  “Please, please, please.”

  Rage didn’t give in. Shoving her further up the bed, he settled between her thighs. “Why did you stop?” she asked, pouting.

  “You think I’m going to let you come, and then kick me out.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Well, I’m not giving you the chance to do it.” He slammed his lips down on hers, plundering her mouth with his tongue. She moaned, stroking his tongue with her own, tasting herself. “You’ve got the nicest pussy I’ve ever tasted.”

  “I don’t want to hear about the other women you’ve been with when you’re inside me.”

  “Oh, baby, there aren’t going to be any more women, and I’m not even inside you yet.”

  Grabbing his cock, he aligned the tip to her entrance, staring into her eyes as he started to press forward. Her warm, wet cunt gripped him as he slowly started to enter her.


  He couldn’t pull out even if he wanted to. The feel of her naked heat was just … perfection.

  “Fuck me, Rage. Please.”

  “My name’s John,” he said, thrusting all the way inside her, going as far, and as deep as he could go.

  They both moaned, and Rage pressed his face against her neck, breathing in her scent. He’d spent many hours thinking about the feel of her pussy wrapped around him, and now he no longer had to think about it.

  Pulling out of her heat, he stared at his naked cock that was slick with her cum. Slamming back inside, he watched her tits bounce as he started to pound inside her, fucking her hard so the bed hit the wall with the strength of his thrusts.

  “You’ve got a nice, tight pussy. You’re turned on as well, Penny. Admit it, no man has ever got you this hot before.”

  “Shut up!” She growled the words at the same time as thrusting up to meet his cock.

  He released her body, pulling his cock out of her. He lifted her hips up and held onto her ass as he fucked his tongue into her pussy.

  She screamed out, closing her eyes, and shook in his arms. It was amazing to watch her lose control. He couldn’t wait to have her begging for more. It wouldn’t take long for her to be putty in his hands. No man had ever taken the time with this woman, and he was going to make sure she didn’t want anyone else in her bed.

  “That’s so damn good.”

  Rage stopped, and pressed his cock back inside her, watching her cunt open up, and taking him inside. It really was the best sight he’d ever seen, and he’d watched a lot of porn in his time. He always loved that moment where the guy grabbed his dick, and worked it inside the woman. The best view of a woman was impaled on a nice, stiff cock.

  Slowing down his movements, he teased her clit with his thumb, watching Penny’s battle. She wanted to come, and more than anything, he wanted to give it to her. Rage wasn’t going to give her what she wanted until she admitted the truth to him.


  He was torturing her on purpose, and it wasn’t fair. Penny moaned as he slowly, so slowly, started to tease her clit. Rage had already shown her how amazing his mouth could be, and now he was only holding back on purpose.

  “I will let you come, baby, if you’re honest with me, and tell me what I want to know.”

  “How do I know what you want to know?”

  “Don’t lie to me.” He started to move around in a circle, not touching her clit, and the pleasure only kept building.

  Biting her lip, she stared into his piercing blue eyes that held a wealth of knowledge. He knew what he was doing to her, holding her orgasm back, and leaving her no choice but to admit the truth to him. Suddenly, he pressed his cock against her entrance, and started to slide in. He pulled out, and held still.

  “I’ll make it easy for you, baby. Watch my cock as I slide into this slick pussy.�

  She couldn’t help it. Glancing down at where they were about to be joined, Penny moaned. His cock was rock hard, and glistening with her cream, making it easy for him to slide in and out.

  “You’re the best I ever had. No man has ever done this to me before, made me feel this good.”

  Penny admitted the truth, and was rewarded for it. Rage left her pussy, grabbed her ass, and sucked her clit into his mouth. She watched him run his tongue across her clit, flicking the bud, and then plunging deep into her pussy before repeating the action again, and again.

  The arousal heightened even more, and she cried out as Rage kept up his tongue stroking, plunging her into an orgasm that literally had her screaming at the top of her voice.

  “Rage!” She screamed his name, basking in the pleasure that he was causing on her body.

  Crying out, screaming for more, she closed her eyes, and only when she started to come down from her climax did Rage find her core, and slam back inside. Opening her eyes, she stared up at his blue ones, and lost herself. He pounded inside her.

  He was such a large man that the feel of his cock had her stretched to her limit, almost too much for her. She couldn’t say no.

  Gripping his arms, she thrust up to meet him, and started down between them. His cock constantly appeared slick with her cum.

  “Such a nice tight pussy. I’m going to spend a lot of time inside you, Penny. You’re mine. You belong to me, and I’m not going to stop.”

  He slammed inside her, sinking his fingers into her hair, and taking possession of her mouth. She didn’t care about the taste of her own pussy on his lips. Kissing him back with a passion, she held onto him.

  Rage cried out, and the kick of his cock was so strong that Penny gasped as his cock pumped his cum inside her.

  “You didn’t wear a condom,” she said, realizing she’d never before felt the jerk of a man’s cock or the spill of his seed within her.

  She needed to be angry at him, but she couldn’t find it.

  “I’m clean.”

  “I’m not,” she said.

  He jerked back with a frown, and Penny laughed. “I meant I’m not protected against pregnancy.”

  “We can handle that.”

  Penny didn’t like that. “Get off.”

  Pushing him off her, she stood up, wincing as her muscles tightened on her.

  “What’s the matter, Penny?” he asked.

  Standing beside her bed where they’d just had sex, Penny was at a loss for words.

  I’ve just had sex with Rage.

  I’ve just had sex with a biker.

  “I want you to get out.”

  “That’s not a nice way to treat the father of your future children.”

  “Get out, Rage. I don’t want nor do I need you here.”

  Instead of leaving, he settled down more comfortably on the bed. “I like it here.”

  Growling, she crossed her arms over her breasts. “Get out.”

  “No.” He turned toward her, placing his head in his hand.

  He didn’t even try to cover up his nakedness, which really pissed her off.

  “That is a good look on you,” he said.


  “My cum, leaking down your inner thigh.”

  Looking down at her thighs, she saw he was indeed correct. Growling, she stormed toward her bathroom, turning on the shower, and when the temperature was right, she jumped right in.

  “Stupid woman, stupid man. It’s not fair.” She kept muttering to herself.

  The shower door opened, and she released a squeal.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I thought I’d come and join you in the shower.”

  “I didn’t invite you.”

  “I don’t need an invitation.”

  Before she could stop him, he had her pressed against the shower wall.

  “What are you doing?”

  He took hold of her hands, pressing them above her head. She didn’t like the heavy-handed way he was dealing with her.

  Really? You’re liking it a hell of a lot.

  Stop lying to yourself.

  “I’m going to tell you how it’s going to be.”

  “And how is it going to be?” she asked.

  “It’s going to be pretty simple. You’re going to give me what I want, and in return I’m going to reward you.”

  She laughed, and the sound died on her lips as he pressed his fingers inside her pussy.

  “This pussy, it belongs to me.”

  “It’s mine.”

  “No. It’s mine. The moment you let me inside, you lost the right to claim it as your own.”

  She wanted to hit him, but he had both of her hands locked together underneath one of his. He was just too strong. There was no way she could fight him.

  You don’t want to fight him.

  Biting her lip, she moaned as he took one of her nipples into his mouth. “I knew you’d be like fire in my arms. You’re so fucking beautiful, and so wet.”

  Her body was on fire for him. He’d sparked a flame, and she couldn’t put it out. No man had left her so aroused, so needy. She hated being needy, but she wanted what Rage could give her.

  “You want my dick again, admit it.”

  “Yes,” she said, admitting the truth through clenched teeth. What was the point in fighting the truth? Rage wasn’t lying. She wanted him, begged for him, needed him, and it was like a drug for her.

  No sex had ever been like this, and she wanted more.

  He slid two fingers inside her, quickly followed by a third.

  “This pussy isn’t used to having such a big cock, but don’t worry. I’m going to change that. I’m going to make sure you can’t walk without thinking about me, and how good I am at fucking you.”

  She arched up into his touch, needing him to stroke her clit.

  “You want to come?” he asked.


  How had he worked her up to a second orgasm within minutes of already having her first? It was unbelievable, amazing, and she wanted it again and again.

  “I’m not going to fuck around with you anymore, Penny. I want you, and you now belong to me.”

  Staring into his eyes, she saw he spoke the truth. The moment he kissed her, she’d lost whatever fight they were having. The imaginary line that had been drawn around her, making her untouchable, had been rubbed out. Rage was going to take her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  You want him.

  She’d denied her attraction for him for so long that she’d started to believe she really didn’t have any feelings about him. For the most part, she didn’t. Penny didn’t love him, and she certainly didn’t like him, but she was attracted to him, and that there was her downfall. She was attracted to the rough speaking biker, and she hated herself for it.

  “I’m not going to be yours,” she said.

  “I’m not going to fuck around on you, Penny.”


  He slid his thumb across her clit, building her orgasm once again.

  “I’ll give you every single fantasy that you’ve ever had. There’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

  “You can’t be faithful.”

  “I can, and I have.”

  “What?” He was really confusing her, and his touch wasn’t helping.

  “I’ve not fucked another woman since the moment I decided you belonged to me. You’re not part of the club, and I don’t share. You’re my old lady, Penny.”

  “No.” Being an old lady was a commitment she didn’t want.

  “Yes. You’re going to wear my mark, have my name inked on that pretty skin of yours, and the whole town is going to know I own this body. I’m going to be faithful to you. No women, no sluts, no whores, and you’re not having any men either. This belongs to me. Your orgasms, they belong to me as well. I’m not giving up, and I’m not backing down.”

  He pinched her clit, and before Penny knew what was happening, sh
e was falling once again, only this time, Rage was there holding her after her orgasm, and she truly believed he’d be there for the rest of her life.

  Chapter Four

  Rage sat beside Saint as they waited for the rest of the men to come in for church. He’d spent the whole afternoon inside Penny’s pussy, and he’d come more times than he could count, but he wanted her again. From the moment he first met her, he’d known this would happen. Her body was like a drug, and he adored her.

  For too long he’d been on the sidelines looking in, never allowed to touch. That was not going to happen any longer. She belonged to him in all the ways that mattered to him.

  “You had a good afternoon?” Saint asked.

  “I sure did. The best afternoon I’ve had in years.” He leaned back, smiling.

  “Well, fucking the right woman puts that smile on your face.”

  “It sure does, and believe me when I say that I fucked the right woman.” Just thinking about Penny and the way her pussy wrapped around him, turned him on even more. He wanted inside her, and to fuck her harder once again. It was late, and he doubted she’d enjoy a late night visit from him.

  See her anyway. She’d love it.

  Willy, Shorty, and Fly came in, followed by Zeus, Vanilla, and Bean. Pea came in last, along with a couple of other brothers. They weren’t a full house at the moment as several were being nomads for a couple of months. Saints and Sinners MC was split up, and when the brothers couldn’t stand to be in one place, they took to the roads, joining the nomads. The nomads were a bunch of men who took to the road, never taking a club. When the boys went nomadic, their leather cuts stayed at home, and they didn’t start wars, or fight with other clubs and gangs.

  Liam and Paul, the two prospects, closed the door, guarding it on the outside. Prospects were not allowed in church. Their job was to protect the club, and do as they were told until they were ready.

  “Right, let’s get down to business,” Saint said, sitting at the head of the table.

  “We’ve got a drug run next Friday. We’re passing it straight through our town to the city. Marcel wants it bagged and ready to distribute. We’re meeting him at his club,” Rage said.

  They made a shitload of money on drug runs, but that money wasn’t allowed to be noticed, so most of it tended to be filtered through with the odd grocery trip, a repair, and some of it put away for the old ladies, and expenses to bribe people that needed to be bribed. Most of the time, the cash was placed in the club’s safe where the brothers knew the combination. No one was allowed in the safe without placing in their own pin that was monitored on the computer.


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