Giving It to the Biker

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Giving It to the Biker Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “All in favor of this road trip?” Saint asked.

  Everyone held their hand up voting themselves in for the drug trip.

  “Okay, Willy and Bean, you stay behind with the two prospects. I don’t want anyone thinking we’re alone. The last thing I want to have to deal with is another club trying to take our shit.”

  Willy and Bean didn’t argue. No one argued with the Prez.

  “The Hell’s Wolves MC has been sniffing around a little too long. We may need to pay them a visit, and show them who’s boss,” Fly said.

  Saint knocked his fingers on the table. “I’ll set a meet up with Pipe, make sure he knows to stay well back. We don’t need a war with those fuckers.”

  “It’s going to happen. The Wolves have been trying to poach on our territory for years,” Pea said. “I heard some of their bitches went into Dirty Deeds, trying to lure Sarah and Elena away. They know we own the shop.”

  Dirty Deeds was the sex shop that they owned, and they had Sarah and Elena run it. What people didn’t know was that Elena was Saint’s younger sister, and Sarah was the deputy’s woman. Ralf was once a club member, and if the brothers were to vote, still was, but he wanted a chance with Sarah, so he’d taken the job as a deputy.

  “Elena didn’t tell me about this,” Saint said.

  “She left a message for you to call her back. It happened this afternoon,” Pea said, taking out a piece of paper, throwing it across the table.

  Rage was pissed. He’d been at the shop this afternoon, and he’d been fucking Penny. The apartment was soundproof, which was one of the reasons Rage had loved it.

  “I thought you were out at the shop this afternoon,” Pea said.

  Turning toward the brother, he noticed all focus was now on him. “I was.”

  “Why didn’t you do anything?”

  He turned toward Saint, waiting for his permission to speak. “You may as well tell them. They’ll find out soon enough.”

  The brothers tensed up.

  “I was at the shop today, only I was with Penny.”

  “What the fuck were you doing with Penny?” Pea asked.

  Staring at the brother, Rage was more convinced that Pea wanted Penny for more than just a sister-in-law but for a woman to fuck.

  “I’m claiming Penny as my woman.”

  The brothers gave a few whistles, slapping the table.

  Pea wasn’t happy. “You can’t claim her. She’s not club property, and you can’t claim what you can’t have.”

  Smiling, Rage stared at Pea. “I held off out of respect for you, but I can make her club property, which I have. I’ve claimed Penny as my own, and the reason I didn’t know about bitches paying a visit was because I was balls deep inside Penny, Pea. She’s mine. You want to fight about this, then we’ll fight. I’m happy to do either. Penny’s mine. She belongs to me. She will wear my jacket, bear my name, and wear my ring on her finger. I’m telling you all to back off.”

  “You agreed to this?” Pea asked, looking toward Saint.

  “Yes. Providing Penny wants Rage, I see no problem. He has spoken to me numerous times about his desire to claim Penny, and I made him wait as Penny wasn’t ready.” Saint sat back, looking amused by what was happening.

  “Penny stopped coming around because of you and Mel. Penny’s not club property, as otherwise it wouldn’t have mattered who she was. Any brother could have gone after her. She’s not part of our way of life.”

  “You claiming her is going to make her part of our way of life.”

  “It’s going to happen whether you like it or not.” Rage tensed, waiting. “Anyone else got a problem with me having Penny? Speak now.” He didn’t give a fuck if they did or not. Rage wanted to know now who wanted Penny, and who didn’t.

  “I’m not going to say anything. You’re a lucky bastard,” Willy said. “Her cookies are the fucking best.”

  All of the brothers agreed.

  “Good. Then church is over.” Saint raised the gavel and brought it down with force, signaling the end of church.

  Brothers got up, slapping Rage on the back. They had wanted Penny in the club as she was one hell of a cook, sweet, charming, and she’d won the brothers over in the times that she’d been at the club.

  Pea didn’t slap him on the back nor did he acknowledge him.

  “He’s got a problem with you,” Saint said, standing up.

  “Yeah. He wanted Penny, and it didn’t matter to him that he is married to her sister.”

  Saint paused near the window. He pulled out a cigarette, and sparked up. “You sure about that?”

  “Yes. Tell me why any guy would be that pissed over a guy laying claim to a woman, if he doesn’t want her himself.”

  “Damn, I knew something was going on but not that. It could end up being sticky.”

  “With Melissa?”

  “They’re sisters, and you bringing Penny into the club, it could cause conflict.”

  “I thought about that. Melissa knows.”

  Saint raised his brow. “How do you figure that?”

  “She sends Penny to go and get Pea. He wants her, so he’ll follow her.”

  “Shit, I don’t know who to feel sorry for, Melissa, Penny, or Pea.”

  “Penny doesn’t have a clue,” Rage said.

  “What makes you think that?” Saint took a deep inhale on his cigarette, holding the smoke into his lungs before blowing it out of the window.

  “She didn’t have a clue I wanted her until today. Penny goes around oblivious to pretty much everything. I doubt she knows that Pea has wanted in her pants.”

  “It’s fucked up,” Saint said. “You sure you can handle that?”

  “Pea won’t betray the club. He’s many things, but his loyalty is strong. I bet Penny wouldn’t believe me about Pea wanting her if I told her. She’d laugh it off.”

  “It’s not a laughing matter.”

  “Aware of that.”

  “Damn. I never wanted this kind of complication in my club.”

  “It’s here, and it’s not going away. Pea will get over it. Penny won’t be the first woman he’s wanted to fuck but couldn’t have.”

  “No.” Saint slapped him on the back. “Better you than me.”


  Someone was inside her apartment. Penny rolled off her bed, sliding to the floor, and grabbing the baseball bat she kept on hand. Her parents had told her to always be prepared, and she was. She wasn’t going to be some woman who was taken without putting up a fight. For years she’d been a light sleeper, so even a cat meowing out on the street would distract her.

  Stepping to her door, she heard the intruder was close. Her heart was racing, and she wished she hadn’t left her cell phone beside her laptop. From the moment Rage left her, she’d been sitting at her computer, typing away, and that was for a good few hours. Her story was really taking shape, and the only reason she stopped was because she was so damn tired.

  Come on, Penny, you can do this. He comes in, you swing, and make a run for it.

  Her door opened. Swinging the bat, she made an ear piercing scream.

  The man grunted and grabbed the bat, tugging it out of her hands. She made to run for it, and he wrapped his hand around her waist, stopping her from running.

  She went to bite him, and he threw her to the bed.

  Not one to accept her fate, she dived again, making a run.

  “For fuck’s sake, it’s me, Penny,” Rage said, slamming the bedroom door closed, and switching on the light.

  Her heart was pounding, her stomach was clenched, and she was so damn scared, that she walked up to him, slapping him around the face.

  “You stupid bastard. Do you have any idea how scared I was? Why didn’t you just knock, or, I don’t know, call me on the phone?”

  “You didn’t answer to either knocking or the phone.”

  How? She was a light sleeper.

  “Then do what normal people do, and go away. Come back in the morn—” She stopped ta
lking as he removed his leather jacket and shirt. He stood before her with his chest naked, covered in tattoos, and looking sinfully hot. Any thought left her mind.

  “What were you saying?” he asked.

  His brow was raised, and she just wanted to hit him again.


  “You were telling me to come back in the morning.” Down went his jeans, and his cock sprang free. He was already hard, and raring to go. “In the morning, I can’t do this.” He grabbed her hands, tugging her against his body. His rock hard dick hit her stomach, and even through her ratty old nightshirt, she felt the hot length like a brand. “Well, I could do this in the morning, but then I’d have to leave, and I don’t want you to think I’m here to fuck and forget.”

  “I don’t think anythi—”

  She was stopped when his lips were back on hers, silencing her. He gripped the back of her hair, tugging her head back, and ravishing her lips. She gasped, opening up to him and moaning as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, kissing her deeply.

  “Fuck, you’re so incredibly beautiful, and responsive. Is my pussy all wet for me?”

  “It’s not your pussy.” She tried to protest, but he moved her old shirt out of the way, and she wasn’t wearing any underwear. He found her pussy, and stroked his fingers over her clit before moving down to slide inside her.

  “You’re already wet for me. This pussy knows its master, and I’m going to show it how good it can be.” He removed his fingers, and she watched as he sucked them into his mouth, tasting her. It was hot, and she was going to make a note as that would go so well in her story. “What the fuck is this?” he asked, staring down at her shirt.

  “It’s what I wear for bed.”

  “Not anymore. That’s ugly as shit.”

  He grabbed the neckline, and tore it in half until she had no choice but to stand with it on the floor.

  “That’s so much better.”

  “I don’t like you. You keep tearing my stuff. I’m not made of money. I’ve got to make a living as well.”

  “Speaking of a living, what do you do?” he asked.

  “None of your business.”

  He raised a brow and smiled at her. She watched as she reached down and grabbed his cell phone. “All it takes is one phone call for me to find out what you do. You want me to find out from someone else?”

  Rage started to press buttons, and she caved.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll show you.”

  Glancing down at her body, she growled once again, and went to grab a robe.

  “You don’t need to get a robe for me. I’m happy seeing you naked. In fact, I demand it.” He urged her forward and slapped her ass hard.

  “Hey.” Running her hand over her ass, Penny took him through to the spare bedroom that she’d turned into her office. “This is what I do.” She pointed at the paperback books on the shelf.

  His cock was still rock hard, and she couldn’t believe that he’d not just thrown her to the bed, and had his wicked way with her.

  Her previous boyfriends would have taken what they wanted, broken wind after, and gone to sleep.

  Rage was nothing like those men.

  He turned the paperback over, then flicked through it. “You’re an author?”

  “Yes. Mostly an e-book author, but, erm, some of my books go to paperback if they’re long enough, and sales are good. I think.”

  “You write full-time.”


  “Do you love it?”


  “Oh, look at that, dick, cunt, ass—you’re an erotic writer. That’s pretty big now right? I saw a whole section down in the shop devoted to erotic literature.”

  “It’s not porn.”

  “I didn’t say it was, princess. I have to say, I’m impressed.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You love writing?”

  “I do. I can’t see myself doing anything else.”

  He nodded. “Are all of these books yours?”

  “No. I love many authors.”

  “Does Melissa know what you do?”

  “Yes. Pea does as well.”

  She noticed he tensed up at the mention of Pea’s name.

  “What do you think of Pea?”

  “What’s with all the questions?”

  “You’re not going to answer me?”

  Folding her arms, she stared at the man who she really didn’t think she’d ever have sex with. They hadn’t spoken all that much in the time they’d known each other.

  “I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine,” she said.

  “Fine. What do you think of Pea?”

  “Why do you get to go first?”

  “I asked the first question. What’s the matter? The question too uncomfortable for you?”

  She frowned. “No, it’s not, and that’s three questions. Don’t worry, I will answer all of them for you. Pea’s my brother-in-law. I don’t think anything of him. I hate it when he makes my sister upset with his cheating, but as I learned, Melissa doesn’t care, and neither do I. Why would the question be uncomfortable? He’s Pea.”

  He opened his mouth about to ask another, and she held her hand up.

  “No, I answered all of your questions. It’s time for you to answer one of mine.”

  “Fire away.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “That’s a rather complex question, and one that humans have been trying to figure out for yea—”

  “Not the life question, goofball. I’m on about why are you here, in my apartment.” She rolled her eyes at him. It was strange seeing a playful side to Rage. He was usually serious all the time, and never actually allowed himself the pleasure of having fun, or at least as far as she knew, he didn’t.

  “You think I’d be satisfied with what happened this afternoon?”

  “We didn’t just have sex once. We had it a lot of times.” She’d lost count of the number of orgasms she experienced at his hands, and staring at his rock hard naked body, she wanted it again. It was an addiction she couldn’t stop.

  “You belong to me, Penny. It’s not going to stop with one afternoon, or tonight. This is where I sleep. This is my apartment.”

  “No, it’s mine. I pay rent.”

  She heard him sigh. “I own this apartment. It belongs to me, and when I heard that you were looking for a place to stay, I knew you’d be safe here.”

  “This is your place? But I thought Elena and Sarah—”

  “They work at Dirty Deeds, but Elena is Saint’s sister.”

  “How do I not know that?”

  “It’s not something that either of them announces to the world. Saint is a dangerous man, and he has enemies who’d try and take Elena, hurt her to get to him. Elena is an estranged sister. Her mother took off when Elena was young, and Saint found her again once his mother died.”

  “Wow, that is awful.”

  “They have a strained relationship, but it works for them. I told Elena and Sarah to rent out the apartment to you. I didn’t believe you’d accept the apartment from me.”

  He was right. She wouldn’t have.

  “I think I need to sit down.”

  Why would he leave his apartment for her? Did she even want to know the answer?

  Chapter Five

  “Where are you living now?” Penny asked, staring up at him.

  Rage looked at her face even though he wanted to stare at her lush tits. They were large, and the way she was sitting had them pushed together, and all he could think about was how good they would look swinging in front of his face.

  His cock hadn’t stopped being hard, and if anything, he was more turned on now than ever before. Penny didn’t have a clue that Pea wanted to fuck her, and he was going to have a word with the other brother to find out what was going on there. He didn’t want to fight with Pea, but he’d be happy to in order to find out what he wanted to know. No brother fucked another’s old lady. It was a club rule.

’m at the club.”

  “You were living here before?”


  “You stopped living here because of me?”

  Staring at the books, he couldn’t get over how impressed he was. He saw the pen name on the covers, and made a note to check her out more on the internet. “Yes. You needed a place to stay, and I knew you’d be safe here.”


  “I care about you, Penny.”

  “We’ve not spoken or anything.”

  “You’ve not been ready. Today, you were ready, and I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.” Closing the distance between them, he stood in front of her, crouching down so that he was on eye level. He didn’t want to distract himself with the sight of her lips so close to his dick. “This is going to happen. You can’t deny that you enjoyed it.”

  “I did.” She bit her lip. “I’m yours?”

  “You’re mine, and the club knows it as well. Willy wants some cookies again.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t know if I like you.”

  “Give me a chance. I’m moving back in, and I’m sleeping in that bed beside you. How long have you had a baseball bat beside the bed?”

  “All my life. Mom and Dad always wanted us to be protected, so they told us, me and Melissa, to have something close.”

  “Good to know. I better not piss you off.”

  She laughed, and he wanted her to keep on laughing. “I’m not good at this.”


  “Being a girlfriend.”

  “Then just be Penny, who is my woman.”

  “I think I can do that.” She smiled.

  “I know you can.” Pressing his lips to hers, he slid his tongue into her mouth. “Now, let’s get to bed. I want to fuck you before the night is out.” Helping her to her feet, he pressed her against the wall.

  “This isn’t the bedroom.”

  He lifted her up, braced her weight against his body and the wall. Staring down, he found her entrance, and slid inside her.


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