Giving It to the Biker

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Giving It to the Biker Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Gentlemen, settle this fight in the ring,” Saint said, coming up behind him. “I suggest you both fight with Liam.”

  Rage nodded, and so did Pea. It wasn’t unusual for more than one brother to take on a prospect. They had to be put through their paces.

  “I better go and give my last will and testament to my wife,” Pea said, leaving the clubhouse.

  “Did you know he wanted Penny?” Rage asked.

  “It was hard not to see it. He was always watching her. I wondered for a time if Penny knew, and that was why she stopped coming to the clubhouse.”

  “She doesn’t have a clue. If anything, she sees Pea as more a disappointing brother who she has to drag back home to her sister.”

  “In a strange way, Melissa and Pea’s marriage is solid.”

  “How the fuck do you figure that out?” Rage asked.

  “Neither of them lied about their feelings for each other. They’ve been married for three years, and watch.”

  Rage looked toward Melissa, Penny, and Pea. He wrapped his arms around Melissa, kissing her neck.

  Penny was smiling, and gave the couple a little room.

  “She is oblivious,” Saint said. “That is very interesting.”

  “It certainly is.”

  “Is this going to be a problem? I don’t want to be acting as a referee between my men.”

  “Not going to happen.” Rage would make Penny aware of Pea’s desires before he allowed something to become dangerous between the two brothers. Fucking another brother’s woman broke loyalty within the club. If you couldn’t trust a brother around your woman, you couldn’t trust him at your back. Leaving the club, Rage slapped Saint on the shoulder, and made his way out toward his woman.

  The jacket she wore swallowed her up and made her look so damn adorable. Tonight, he was going to get her to wear nothing but his leather jacket so that when he wore it again, he’d remember being inside her pussy when it was over.

  Penny saw him, and she smiled, captivating him. He was her entire world, and if he held any doubt to how she felt about him, it disappeared.

  “Hey,” he said, grabbing the lapels of the jacket, and tugging her close to him.

  “You’re being heavy-handed.”

  “This morning I read a little in one of your books, and you like men to be heavy-handed.” He’d noticed one of her dedications had been about fantasies, and he just knew the books were a way for Penny to live her fantasy. Rage was determined to bring all of her fantasies to life.

  “What’s happening now?” she asked.

  “Now, you’re going to see me in action, showing how well I can fight for my woman.”

  “You’re bad.”

  He leaned forward, and moving the hair off her neck, he whispered against her ear. “Not as bad as I’m going to be later with you naked, and underneath me.”

  She shivered, and when he pulled away, he saw the lust shining in her eyes. “I look forward to it.”

  Rage laughed. “You don’t think I can handle you?”

  “I know you can handle me.” She ran her hands up his jacket. “I just hope you’re prepared for what you’re letting yourself in for.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, Rage held her close as he stared into her brown depths. He’d been wanting this, craving it from the moment he realized he wanted Penny for life, not just for sex.

  “I know what I’m letting myself in for. Do you?”

  She frowned.

  “The jacket you’re wearing, it’s a symbol of marriage to the club. My marriage to you.”

  Penny bit her lip, and he knew he’d shocked her. Good. He wanted to shock her and to take her out of her comfort zone. It was the only way he was ever going to get ahead with her.

  “We’re married?”

  “In the eyes of the club, yes.” Slamming his lips down on hers, he staked his claim, showing to the brothers that she was owned, one hundred percent, by him. Penny wasn’t just wearing his jacket. In time, she was going to wear his mark, and have his ring on her finger.

  Where Pea only cared about Melissa, Rage was in love with his woman. Penny was a woman to love, and to keep, and to protect.

  Whistles and catcalls filled the air. By the time he finished kissing Penny, she was red, and buried her head against his chest.

  “I’ve got to go and take care of business, baby.”

  “Hurry back,” she said.

  “Are you wet for me?”

  Penny nodded.

  Smiling, he pulled away, and made his way into the circle. He didn’t look away from her, and Penny kept looking at him. When he entered the circle, he had no choice but to face his opponent. Liam stood in no shirt, staring at him, and then at Pea.

  “You want to be patched in?” Rage asked.

  “You got it.”

  “He’s confident.” He saw Pea was smirking as he looked at Liam.

  “They’re all confident. I wonder how he’ll feel when he’s pissing blood for a week.”

  Rage blocked everyone out and stepped closer toward Liam. He wasn’t interested in a pussy joining his club. What he needed was a man who’d have their backs, and take care of business when they needed him to.

  Liam swung, and the game had begun. Blocking the punch, Rage landed one of his own. Pea came up behind Liam, and the Prospect turned, landing a blow to Pea.

  He’d give Liam one thing. He was fucking fast, and determined. The fight was going to be fair and equal.


  Penny squealed as Rage chased her upstairs to her apartment. It was late, and she was so turned on, she couldn’t wait to get some privacy.

  “I’m coming for you, baby,” he said.

  The fight she had witnessed had turned her on. Rage was a lethal man and had put Liam and Pea through their paces. He hadn’t let either man off, raining down his wrath on both men. At first the two men had only been fighting Liam, but then it had turned into one major fight pitting all three against each other. Melissa told her it was unusual for the club to do, but not that rare. It allowed for members to get their aggression out. During the fight, Penny had not been able to look away, and she’d wanted him badly. When the fight had been over, and Liam had still been able to stand, he’d been announced a patched member. Saint had brought in the leather cut with the name “Road” printed on it.

  Rage had come to her, and all night she’d been by his side until they’d made their goodbyes. She’d been excited.

  Rushing into the bedroom, Penny giggled as Rage grabbed her, throwing her down to the bed. Going to her knees, she watched as Rage removed his shirt, revealing his naked body. Standing up, she had already kicked off her shoes, and she stared to remove her shirt and bra. She placed the leather jacket on the bed as she worked her clothes off. Once she was naked, she picked his leather jacket back up, and placed it on her naked body.

  This had been one of Rage’s fantasies, and seeing as it was also one of hers, Penny didn’t mind wearing the leather cut.

  “Do you like the way it fits?” she asked, spinning on the bed.

  Rage jumped onto the bed, grabbing the back of her neck. “Do I like it? I fucking love it.” The hand at her neck tightened, tilting her head back, and she opened her lips. He took possession of her lips, and with his other hand, he slid his fingers up her chest to cup her breast. “I’m going to fuck you, baby. I’m going to drive my cock into this wet pussy.” His hand slid down her body to cup her between her legs. Penny moaned, opening her legs wider so that he could get to her easily. He drove his fingers deep inside her, curling them around and stroking her. “I bought the gel for that pretty little ass of yours.”

  “Rage?” Maybe she had made a mistake with him, and she shouldn’t reveal what she wanted more than anything. He’d asked her for whatever fantasy she wanted, and she’d figured he was lying. She’d told him she wanted anal, but afterward Penny had regretted it. Sure, there was a lot of anal sex in the books she wrote, but she’d never actually done it. In order to
make sure she wrote it properly, she’d watched a lot of porn online to get the scenes right.

  “Trust me with this. It’s what you want, and I’m going to make sure you get everything that you want.” He kissed her neck then took her breast into his mouth, sucking hard at her nipple. She cried out, moaning as he bit hard into her flesh.

  When it was almost too much, Rage let her go, moving to the next nipple. He lavished attention to her other breast, and she loved it. She relished his attention and didn’t want it to stop.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “I will.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his dick and started to pump his length. The tip was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. She worked his cream into the head of his cock before running down the sides of the shaft, coating him.

  Rage moved down her body, releasing her breasts with a plop. She gasped and moaned as he opened her thighs and stroked between them.

  “This is what I want,” he said, latching onto her clit and nibbling on the bud. She struggled to contain her need for him. Rage moved down, slamming his tongue deep inside her pussy, and his fingers, which were slick with her cream, moved behind to tease her anus. She froze but didn’t pull away from him. The touch to her ass was strange, but she liked it.

  He changed from fucking her pussy to teasing her clit, then back again. He kept working his fingers over her ass, and Penny tensed up as he worked a finger in her ass.

  The moment she tensed up, he pulled away, climbing off the bed.

  “Get on your knees.”

  “You’re not going to say please?”

  “No. In the bedroom you’ll do as I say and get what you want, and I will give it to you, over and over again.”

  It was a promise she couldn’t turn down.

  Getting to her knees, she presented her ass to him, and cried out as he slapped her ass before spreading her cheeks wide. He left her, and she watched as he moved to the drawer beside the far wall. Rage came back with a tube of lubricant.

  “I love seeing my cut on you, Penny. Every time I wear it, I’m going to remember how you took my cock into your pretty pussy while I prepared your ass.”

  In response she groaned as his cool, slick fingers teased over her ass. His cock pushed against her pussy, and she screamed when he slammed every inch inside her.

  He groaned, pulling out of her only to press back inside. Over and over he pounded inside her, creating a pleasure that took her breath away.

  Suddenly, he stopped and pushed his fingers against her ass. She tensed up, and he slapped her ass making her yelp once again.

  “Will you stop doing that?”

  “Why? You’re turned on. Relax for me.”

  “It’s hard to do while you keep hitting me.”

  “I’m not hitting you. I’m spanking you. It’s completely different.”

  She took a breath, and forced herself to relax even as he pressed a finger into her ass. The moment he passed the tight ring of muscles in her ass, Penny relaxed a little more. It was tight, and strange, and erotic. The feel was amazing, and nothing like she ever imagined it would be.

  “Do you like it?” he asked, stroking her clit with his other hand.

  Rage was everywhere, in her ass, on her clit, and inside her pussy. She didn’t know what to do or what to say, and it was all too much, and yet not enough.


  “Good. Imagine my cock sliding deep into your ass, driving you wild as I take what belongs to me. Do you want that?”

  “Yes, I want that.”

  She wanted it all.

  “Every fantasy you want I’ll give it to you. You can write anything you want, but I expect you to come to me. No more hiding. You want me to fuck your pretty ass, I’ll fuck this pretty ass.”

  “You won’t tell anyone at the club?”

  “No. What we do together, it’s private. No one in the club will ever know what we do together.”

  She liked that, and in turn it made her respect Rage so much more.

  He was breaking down her walls, demanding that she pay more attention to him, and to feel for him.

  Rage spread her ass, and started to work his dick into her pussy, going slowly as he teased her clit. She’d never known anything like it before, and it wasn’t long before she was hurtling into an orgasm that completely took away her ability to think.

  Penny screamed out her release, and the moment she climaxed, Rage finally let go, pounding his dick inside her to the point of pain. He never stopped until he grunted, his cock jerked, and his cum was pulsing inside her womb in waves.

  Collapsing to the bed, she stayed on the bed even as he left, going to the bathroom, and returning with a cloth.

  “Now that is a sight I love.”

  “What?” she asked, more aware of her vulnerable position with him behind her.

  “Your ass in the air, my jacket on your body, and my cum leaking out of you.”

  “You didn’t wear a condom again.”

  Leaving the bed, she removed his jacket, and shoved it at him.

  “No condom.”

  “If you’re not going to start wearing a condom, we’re not having sex again until I get on the pill.”

  “You’re not going to stop having sex with me. Try and get on the pill. Consider it a challenge,” he said, jumping on the bed, and taking her down with him.

  “What challenge?”

  “Let’s see if I can knock you up before you get on the pill.”

  “It’s not a game.”

  “I’m not playing a game. This is real to me. You’re mine, Penny. The moment you let me inside your body, you sealed your fate. I’m not letting you go.”

  “You’re being serious.”

  “Deadly serious. I’m not going to stop your writing, but you’re going to realize you’re not alone anymore. As my old lady you’re going to have the club taking care of you as well.”

  “I don’t know if I can handle that.”

  “Tough. I’m not giving you an option.”

  Releasing a sigh, she reached out, touching his cheek. “You’re not going to let me go, are you?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  She was thrilled with that. Rage had the power to make her lose herself, and that scared her.

  Chapter Seven

  One week later

  Rage stood behind Saint as they stared across at the Hell’s Wolves MC Prez, Pipe, so named for the fact that he bashed his enemies’ heads with a steel pipe. Rage didn’t like him, but he clearly ran a tight ship. His men were standing behind him, and so far no guns had been drawn. Pipe didn’t look threatened by them, and he was being honest.

  “I’m telling you my bitches haven’t been anywhere near Sinners’ Corner, and if they have, I’ll find out,” Pipe said.

  “This going to be a turf war, Pipe?” Saint asked.

  “Not interested in your turf. You’ve got your area, and I’ve got mine. I deal guns and coke, and we don’t cross into Saints and Sinners territory.”

  “Someone did.”

  Pipe leaned forward, pressing his hands together, and across his knuckles were the usual “love” and “hate” inked on each knuckle. Rage didn’t believe for a second that Pipe was as juvenile as he was making out. He was a hard ass, calculating.

  “Why don’t you tell me why you trust a couple of cunts with intel?” Pipe asked.

  There he was, fishing.

  “What’s it got to do with you?”

  “You’ve told me that my bitches entered your sex shop, Dirty Deeds, and I wouldn’t be any kind of leader if I didn’t know who ran it. Elena and Sarah, you trust them?”

  Saint tensed up, and Rage cleared his throat trying to show his Prez that Pipe was onto something. He was curious about Sarah and Elena, and what they meant to the club.

  With him clearing his voice, it brought the attention back to him.

  “Ah, Rage, I hear congratulations are in order. Penny is a special woman. I’d keep her tight to you.
She’s easily taken.”

  “Are you threatening my woman?”


  “Be careful what you’re doing. You can threaten me all you want, but don’t even think for a second you can threaten my old lady.”

  “Ah, old lady. Our club has no issue with Penny, or the women at Dirty Deeds. What I have an issue with is being accused of shit I’ve not done,” Pipe said.

  Pea looked ready to strike, but then, so did the rest of the men. This was one of the reasons why clubs rarely met each other outside of territories.

  “This is horseshit,” someone said, grabbing his gun, and taking a step forward.

  “Back off, Sean,” Pipe said.

  “We just going to sit and listen to these fuckers dictate to us. Nah, they’re going to fucking die.”

  Saint stood and drew his weapon, pointing it straight at Pipe.

  Rage watched as Pipe raised a brow. He didn’t look the least bit threatened, but it set off a chain reaction as guns all came out, pointing across from each of them.

  “You fire that gun, Sean, and I will fucking kill you,” Pipe said, standing up. He was the only one not to have drawn his weapon. Rage watched as Pipe walked over to Sean, grabbed his gun, and smacked him around the face. “I’m the Prez of the club. Do you have a problem with that?”

  Sean hesitated, and Rage saw the way he looked toward another member. There was something going on in the Hell’s Wolves, and it wasn’t good. None of it was any good. Rage actually felt uneasy for Pipe. The two clubs didn’t always see eye to eye, but Pipe was fair even if he was a little strange.

  “No? Good. Get the fuck out.” Pipe urged all of his men out of the warehouse before turning back to Saint. “Get your women to give you a description. I’ll find the little bitches and fuckers who threaten our alliance. I swear, none of the women I know have gone into Sinners’ Corner. They know not to.”

  “Will do.”

  “I’d keep an eye on that,” Rage said, nodding at where Sean was once standing.

  “I already saw it, and I’m already working on it.” He shook Saint’s hand. “We should draw weapons more often.”

  Within seconds they were alone, and the sound of bikes rumbling disappeared.


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