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Wicked Wager

Page 10

by Mary Gillgannon


  She was driving him to madness. His cock was rock-hard and his whole body on fire. To be so close to her…to the alabaster perfection of her skin, her slender and yet sensual body. Her sweet mouth. Those huge blue eyes.

  With effort, he forced himself to glance away. He took her glass from her and went to pour more wine from the bottle Bowes had brought in. “Have a bit more. It’s a fairly good vintage.” He carried the glass back to her.

  She nodded and obediently took a swallow. He watched, entranced as the dark red liquid stained her lips. By god, he wanted to kiss her in the worst way!

  She took another swallow, then looked up and saw him staring at her. “What is it?” She gazed at him, blue eyes wide. “What’s wrong?”

  All this polite conversation was going nowhere. He had to act…now!

  She drew in her breath sharply as Revington took her glass of wine. His dark eyes focused on her with an intensity that was frightening. He carried both of their glasses to the table and set them down, then came back to where she stood. She was on the verge of again asking what was wrong when he seized her.

  His arms surrounded her, pressing her against his hard chest. His mouth came down on hers. Despite the ferocity of his embrace, the kiss was tender. He caressed her lips with his own. Subtle. Sublime. Delicious warmth shimmered through her. Her body seemed to melt. She could smell him. Then, as he coaxed her lips apart, she could taste him. Sweet. Heady. Male.

  Unthinkingly, she pressed her body against his. She wanted to be closer. To merge with him. The joining of their mouths sent shockwaves down her body. She was keenly aware of her nipples as hard, aching points. Of a throbbing, yearning sensation in her lower abdomen.

  The kiss deepened. She felt his tongue in her mouth and met it with her own. Their tongues danced. Mated. Drowning in a sea of sensation, Penny finally came up for air. As he raised his head, she let out a low moan.

  He looked almost savage, ferocious. But she wasn’t afraid. She felt drawn to his wild intensity. He kissed her again, more forcefully this time. His mouth possessed hers. She melted. Dissolved. His hands were on her buttocks, pressing her against him. She could feel the hard ridge of his phallus through the thick wool of his trousers. The sensation made her squirm, wanting, needing, something more.

  She was writhing against him, begging for it. He felt almost dizzy with desire. Her ardent response almost undid him. But he reminded himself she was a gently reared virgin. He must slow down if he wanted to make it good for her.

  He raised his head…and nearly lost control again. She looked so beautiful. Her eyes were deep blue pools of yearning. Her lush pink lips parted in invitation. Her expression was not one of innocence, but frank sexual need. Somehow he had to satisfy her and yet not fall into the abyss of his own arousal.

  With trembling fingers, he slid down the strap of her gown, exposing one of her breasts. He cupped her opulent, creamy flesh and lowered his mouth to taste her delectable pink nipple. Suckled. Nibbled. Caressed her sweet delicate flesh with his teeth. Then, adjusting her dress, he transferred his attentions to the other side. She sighed and let out a soft moan.

  He was intoxicated, overwhelmed with desire. But some part of his mind remained aware, reminding of him of the lack of privacy. With great effort, he drew away and murmured, “We should go upstairs.”

  She was frowning. Damn! When faced with the reality of what they were doing, she seemed to have lost her nerve. He shouldn’t have broken things off, but just laid her down on the settle and had her. Bowes would never have dared disturb them and it wouldn’t have been too awkward. But, strangely, he didn’t want it to be like that with her. That was something he would do with Elizabeth—tumbling her on the floor or a piece of furniture. Penny deserved more care and consideration.


  With effort, she fought off the mind-numbing haze of desire. He wanted to go upstairs. Once they did that, there would be no turning back.

  Not that she wanted to turn back. Her whole body ached with longing and unfulfilled desire. But her mind remained wary. Did she really want to do this—give herself up to this man who affected her so intensely? It seemed dangerous to lose control, especially with someone she was trying to manipulate. What had he said about winning at cards, that the important thing was not to get carried away emotionally?

  Penny turned away from him. Was there some way to let him know she desired to continue things, but not yet? She could hardly tell him she wanted to wait until they were wed. That would ruin her whole plan. She must be careful not to give him that idea. There was nothing she could do except go upstairs and continue.

  Steadying herself, she turned to back to him, smiling sweetly. “Yes, we should go upstairs. That’s exactly what we should do.”

  Chapter Eight

  Revington stared at her a moment, then gestured toward door. “After you.”

  She left the library. Revington followed, carrying their wineglasses and the half-empty bottle. She was grateful for his foresight. They might both need to imbibe more spirits to get through this.

  Her heart raced as she went up the stairs. The dazed, almost trance-like state she’d experienced had been replaced by a mixture of terror and excitement. Her breasts and private parts tingled with longing, but the idea of what would happen next panicked her. If his kisses and caresses could cause her to slip into a kind of wild delirium, how would actual consummation affect her? Would she would lose all sense of reason and completely forget the plan? She dreaded being so vulnerable. But what choice did she have? She could scarcely back out now.


  He decided that having Penny walk upstairs ahead of him had been a bad idea. A very bad idea. As if he wasn’t aroused enough, the sight of her pert little bottom swaying provocatively nearly pushed him over the edge. He loved her slender elegance. Her tall graceful form perfectly rounded in all the right places. Her sheer gown revealed much of those delicious curves, while his memory of her in riding breeches supplied the rest. Soon he would be able to see all of her. How would he maintain control?

  He took a deep breath, glad his hands were occupied with the glasses and the bottle. He must focus on practical things. Hopefully, his bedchamber would be warm enough without a fire. Should he start undressing immediately? Was she ready for that? He was unsure how to go from making polite conversation to making love. In the library, he’d simply grabbed her and kissed her. Such blunt behavior showed a lack of finesse. But he didn’t know how they’d ever get to the next step unless he took direct action.

  The problem was, he didn’t know her. They’d exchanged superficial information about their lives, but never revealed themselves to each other. In playing cards, discretion and secretiveness were essential, but it didn’t seem appropriate in a marriage. He didn’t want to always be guessing what she was thinking, to never truly know her mind.

  But maybe sexual intimacy would lead to more openness between them in other ways. Even as his mind worried over these things, his body had no such qualms. He wanted her as badly as he’d ever wanted a woman.

  When they reached the bedchamber, he put the two glasses on the small escritoire and quickly poured them each a substantial portion of wine. It was clear she was nervous. She stood by the bed, looking like a startled deer, set to flee at any moment. Indeed, she had the same delicacy and ethereal beauty as a lovely doe: long legs, graceful neck, wide, expressive eyes. Although hers were deep blue rather than brown.

  But as he approached and handed her the wine, he was keenly reminded that she was a woman, not a hind. His eyes lingered on her décolletage, remembering how those softly rounded, luscious breasts had felt in his hands. The taste of her tender pink nipples.

  With effort, he returned his gaze to her face. As she took a swallow of wine, he was overwhelmed with the memory of kissing her. The splendor of her mouth. The feel of her body in his arms. He took a sharp breath, struggling against his almost painful arousal. He couldn’t endure this much longer

  Finishing his wine, he reached for her nearly empty glass. She handed it to him, and he set the two goblets on the table. Returning to her, he smiled. “Now, where were we?”

  You were kissing me senseless, was the response that sprang to Penny’s lips, although she didn’t speak the words. In a heartbeat, he closed the distance between them. He took her face in his hands. The tenderness of the gesture shocked her. She could only wait helplessly, silently begging him to bring his mouth to hers.

  And then he did.

  It was even better than their first kisses. She knew now how to open her mouth and respond to his teasing, tantalizing tongue thrusts. As their tongue-play grew more passionate, she leaned into his solid warmth and strength and let her body meld to his. Her breasts were crushed against his hard chest and her stomach rested against the provocative ridge of his arousal. The unmistakable evidence of his masculinity made her weak with longing.

  Seized by a sudden restlessness, she pressed herself against him. Her body knew exactly what she needed. If only he would touch her…soothe that tormenting ache.


  He could scarcely believe how responsive she was. The awareness nearly pushed him over the edge. He wanted to rip off their clothing and push her down on the bed. With effort, he forced himself to continue with foreplay, kissing her neck, then moving his hands down to cup her buttocks. As he pulled her against him, she made soft mewling sounds. He kneaded her delicate flesh through her gown and then pulled up the thin silk, exposing her sheer muslin pantaloons. Dragging them down, he touched bare skin. Mmmm. Pure bliss.

  He stroked and fondled, then slid his fingers along the cleft of her bottom, seeking paradise. She moaned as he touched her tender essence, her response making him fight for control. She was so wet. So small and tight. He could barely get a finger inside her. Somehow he must slow down, take his time to ready her.

  He edged her toward the bed where he broke off their kiss and helped her lie down. She rested on her elbows facing him, her eyes wide and helpless, her kiss-swollen lips parted. He pulled off her slippers and stockings, then pushed her dress further up and took her pantalettes completely off. For a moment, he admired her naked beauty. Then he gently spread her thighs and lowered his mouth to kiss her sweet, intimate flesh. She let out a cry of mingled delight and shock.


  Dear heavens! She’d been on the verge of begging him to soothe her savage need, but she’d never guessed he’d do it this way! The pressure of his mouth both soothed and tormented her. She writhed and raised her hips as a fierce heat built inside her. She could not. Help. Herself. Could. Not…

  A wild cry escaped her lips as a fierce energy burst inside her and exploded.

  Gradually, she floated back to earth and opened her eyes. Revington was leaning over her. His mouth glistened with moisture and his dark eyes watched her. She felt her face heat with a blush at the thought of what he’d done to her. And this was only the beginning. They had not yet…

  She took a deep breath, anticipating what was to come. The aching, heated sensation again built inside her. How could that be? He’d taken her to such heights of feeling. Could there really be more delights to experience?

  But as he started to undress, she felt a twinge of panic. A few moments before, she’d been quite sure of herself. But that was before she realized just how intimidating he would be without his clothing. His bare shoulders seemed twice as broad and his naked torso much more muscular.

  He sat on the chair by the bed to remove his boots. Once they were off, he stood and pulled down his trousers and small clothes. She stared. She hadn’t anticipated that his male member would be so…

  She brought her gaze back to his face. If she didn’t look down there, she might regain her nerve.

  But, having seen him, she couldn’t get the image from her mind. She told herself he wasn’t as large as a stallion, that there was no reason to be intimidated. But he was certainly larger than she’d anticipated. She couldn’t imagine how they were going to…

  He seemed to guess that his nakedness unsettled her. Moving quickly, he climbed onto the bed, pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  Once again she gave into the delights his lips and tongue and teeth could arouse. By the time he’d kissed and nibbled her neck and shoulders, she was helpless with desire. As he mouthed her breasts, the yearning ache between her legs grew urgent. She clung to him as he eased her farther onto the bed, feeling nearly blind with desire. The feel of him on top of her, his heated flesh against hers…Oh!

  And still he kissed her, plundering her mouth, then nuzzling her earlobes and neck. She writhed and moaned, feeling as if she would burst into flames. Helpless with need, she spread her legs and lifted her hips, seeking something, seeking him. In response, he rubbed his phallus against her, making her feel the hard, heated length. Holding himself above her, he rubbed his member against her belly and then lower. As the soft, plump tip stroked her intimate parts, she opened herself to him, desperate to be filled, to have the raw, fierce ache inside her soothed and satisfied.


  At last, she was ready. His own control was near the breaking point. As she thrust her hips up to meet him, frantically seeking penetration, he used his hand to guide himself, pressing his cock against her sweet slit. For a few seconds, there was resistance, then he was inside her. She let out a gasping moan, and he felt her body tense around his. The pressure nearly did him in. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, fighting the desperate urge to thrust deep.

  Reaching between them, he found the top of her cleft and sought the tiny tender nub at the center of her pleasure. She reacted by moaning and shifting her hips, allowing deeper access. He continued to stroke her, not touching the sensitive spot but circling around it. She arched her body and cried out. As she went limp, he thrust harder and faster, finally giving in to the implacable needs of his own body.

  She was caught up in a whirlwind of mindless sensation. Once, twice, three times she reached some pinnacle of feeling, partially recovered, then found herself climbing the heights again. As he dragged her to the summit, his breathing was harsh and fast in her ears, while his body pulsed inside hers with some ancient rhythm. She could only hold on while they galloped toward their soul-shattering destination. Close…closer…His deep groan echoed her own intense release.

  He collapsed upon her, breathing hard. She held him tight, feeling a deep tenderness. As he raised his head and looked at her, she saw perplexity in his expression…and something else, a sudden wariness. Triumph surged through her. She’d reached him. For a brief time, the mask of the cold, hardened gamester had fallen away and she’d forced him to actually feel something for her.

  But along with that realization came another thought. In the process of drawing him out, she’d stripped away her own protection. If she’d made him care for him, then it was balanced by a sudden surge of yearning in her own heart.

  She struggled for control, telling herself she couldn’t give up her own goal and let her emotions overrule her wits. The pleasure he’d shown her was fleeting. She had the whole rest of her life to consider.


  It would be so easy to fall asleep here. His body felt replete with sexual satisfaction, his whole being, languid and content. The next moment he reminded himself that he’d already let Penny get too close. He dare not fall asleep next to her silky feminine warmth, or what reason and resolve he had remaining would dissolve.

  He forced himself to get out of bed, taking care not to touch her or look at her as he did so. Somehow he had to regain his poise, his normal sense of himself. He gathered his clothing, but even that action brought his thoughts back to Penny, reminding him how he’d practically torn off his garments in desperate need to join his body with hers.

  Damn! He must remember not to go so long without having sex. Yes, that was it. He’d simply waited too long, allowed himself to become too desperate. That was why he’d wanted her so badly.

nbsp; He jerked on his trousers and hastily buttoned his shirt. Now that the deed was done, he needed to move on, to get back to his normal mode of living. He needed some distance from his response to her, the way her body felt in his arms. Her scent, her taste…

  Hurriedly putting on his stockings and boots, he made up his mind. He’d go to the club. Have a few brandies and look for a game. After all, that was his business, his livelihood. He’d neglected it far too much as it was. Grabbing his coat and cravat—he’d have Bowes retie it—he hurried out the door.


  Penny sat up at the sound of the door shutting. As Revington dressed, she’d been in a kind of daze. She hadn’t thought he’d leave so abruptly, and without saying a word.

  She got out of bed and went to the adjoining water closet, then returned to the bedchamber. Her sense of repletion vanished, and she felt bereft and melancholy. She was obviously wrong to think lovemaking would influence Revington’s feelings for her. If such a blindingly intense experience didn’t affect him, nothing would. Her whole plan was a waste of time.

  Even worse was the knowledge that what they’d shared had changed her feelings for him. They’d been so close, as if they were one person instead of two. How was she to forget that and go back to despising him?

  Restless, she grabbed her clothing and dressed. But even as she clothed herself, she couldn’t help thinking about the way Revington had kissed her. A wave of emotion swept through her and she bit her lower lip, feeling as if she might weep. What was wrong with her? Why did she long to have him come back and hold her in his arms?

  She forced off the mood, finished dressing and redid her coiffure as best she could. Downstairs, she peeked into the library but found it empty. She sought out Bowes in the foyer. “I’m looking for Mr. Revington.”

  “He’s gone out.”

  Feeling irritated and depressed, she went to the library and tried to read. She glanced up frequently, watching time creep by on the mantel clock. When the hands pointed to eleven o’clock, she slammed the book shut.


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