Snake's Addiction

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Snake's Addiction Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-304-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This is for all my readers. You're all amazing, wonderful, and supportive. I love hearing from all of you and you all make everything worthwhile. I hope you find Snake a great addition to the Chaos Bleeds crew.


  Chaos Bleeds, 6

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  “When’s Devil getting back?” Snake asked, taking a sip of his whiskey. He turned back toward the bar seeing as the main door wasn’t opening to show him Devil, the Chaos Bleeds club Prez, was back from his little escapade to Fort Wills. Alex had called him over a week ago to tell them what had happened with Tabitha, and now they were all waiting to see what was going on. None of them liked to think of Tabitha in the hospital. She was only a little girl, and no one messed with little girls as far as the Chaos Bleeds were concerned.

  “I don’t know. Why? You want to suck his dick?” Dick asked, taking a seat beside him.

  “Shut the fuck up. I’m concerned,” Snake said. “It’s not every day you hear about a fucking four year old knocked unconscious.”

  “It’s the world we live in, and it’s fucked up.” Dick opened a can of soda while Snake continued to drink his whiskey. Snake wasn’t a recovering addict whereas Dick was. He didn’t give a shit about drinking in front of Dick.

  “We’re all concerned. Regardless of the world no kid should have to see that,” Ripper said, drying a glass behind the bar.

  “Where’s Judi?” Dick asked.

  “She’s up in my room, resting. I can’t wait for this fucking baby to come. The wait is killing me.”

  “We’ve all got to wait.” Snake take a sip of his drink, glancing back at the door. “You don’t think it was some kind of ambush?”

  “Fuck, man, Tabitha’s been hurt. That’s all we know,” Ripper said.

  “So why call Devil?” Snake asked looking at Dick then at Ripper. “The last time we were in town, Tiny wanted us out of it. Why call Devil now?”

  “Because Devil has Simon,” Dick said.

  “What’s that got to do with it?” Snake was getting tired of being left in the dark. He was jonesing for a fight. Ever since he’d gone to see her he’d been waiting for her to come back to him. He was getting sick and tired of always waiting for her. The New Year had come and gone, but still nothing from her.

  He’d kissed her, and where was she?

  “Where’s who?” Mia asked, walking up behind him.

  “What?” Snake asked.

  “Dude, you totally said that shit out loud,” Ripper said.

  “What?” Snake wasn’t getting on well right now.

  “You said you’d kissed her and now what?” Mia said, leaning over to snag Dick’s soda from the counter.

  “Hey, I was drinking that,” Dick said.

  “Is this about that nurse? What was her name?” Mia asked.

  “Jessica,” Death said, walking up with Brianna. His arm was slung over the girl’s shoulders, pulling her in.

  Snake didn’t like this. He hated being the center of attention, and the way the guys were looking at him right now, it wasn’t helping him any.

  “This is the same nurse who you went on a date with?” Mia asked.

  “Ripper,” Judi said, coming downstairs.

  All of them turned to watch as a heavily pregnant Judi came downstairs.

  “Babe, what have I fucking told you?” Ripper dropped the glass he was using to run to Judi’s side. His hand was on her stomach as he placed her arm around his neck.

  “Something doesn’t feel right.”

  “What do you mean it doesn’t feel right?” Ripper asked.

  “It hurts, Ripper. Look, my feet are swollen.”

  Standing away from the bar, Snake looked at Judi’s feet to find they were swollen. She wore a lace nightdress that landed to her knees. Just one glance at her pale, sweaty face, and Snake knew in his gut something wasn’t right. Her head lolled a bit as if she couldn’t keep it upright.

  “Are you okay? Baby, I need you to talk to me.”

  “I need to go to the hospital, Ripper. Something isn’t right.” Judi screamed suddenly, grabbing her stomach. “Ouch, it hurts. It hurts.”

  Snake didn’t wait around for orders. Rushing out of the clubhouse, he jumped into the car as Ripper carried Judi out. Dick and Death were helping him.

  “It’s too soon. I can’t give birth. It’s too soon. Call Lexie.” Judi stopped talking as a scream erupted from her.

  “We’ll do it.” Ripper climbed in behind Judi. “I’ve got you, baby.”

  Dick joined Snake in the passenger side. “The brothers will round up and meet us at the hospital.”

  Putting his foot to the gas, Snake went as fast as the car would let him. He needed to get Judi, the club princess, to the hospital.

  She kept screaming and panting.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you. We’re going to get through this. I promise you. Just breathe.”

  Pulling into the hospital, Snake was shocked to see Jessica making her way out of the hospital. She was carrying a helmet, and he didn’t think. Honking the horn he grabbed her attention.

  Climbing out, he opened up Ripper’s door.

  “Snake? What is it?” she asked.

  “Judi. She’s going into labor or something. We don’t know what to do.”

  Jessica was already running toward him. She shoved her helmet at him, pushing Ripper out of the way. “Judi, do you hear me?”

  “It hurts.”

  “I know. Tell me what’s the problem.”

  “My feet hurt, and it feels like it wants to come out.” Judi was panting with each breath she took.

  “No, we’re going to remain calm. Remember the deep breaths. Take deep breaths. Listen to my voice, and don’t you dare let this little monster win now. You let it win and they’ll have you wrapped around its little finger. Do you understand?” Jessica asked. “I’ll be right back.” She pulled away from the car. “Keep her calm.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  “First birth, the swelling feet, the pain. I’d say pre-eclampsia. We’ll need to do tests to confirm.”

  “Is it bad?” Ripper asked.

  Jessica closed her lips, shaking her head. “I’ll grab a bed.”

  She made to run inside. Snake joined her. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, some women, if not treated, can die from it. It’s like their body can’t handle the baby. You were right to bring her.” Together they pushed a spare bed while Jessica started shouting out orders to the other nurses. He got that she asked for a doctor, but that was about it.

  Watching her, Snake admired her skill. She wasn’t shaking but in control. Ripper and Dick were waiting, and they helped Judi onto a bed.

  “Okay, Judi. Everything is going to be okay now. You’re at the hospital, and we’re going to do everything to make sure your little monster stays right where you need him or her to be.” Jessica leaned in close, smiling at Judi. “I call him a little
monster with affection. My brother, he always called me that.”

  “I’m not going to sue you for bad bed language, Jess,” Judi said.

  “Good ‘cause I’d have to kick your ass, and I’m against kicking pregnant women’s asses.”

  Judi started to chuckle.

  They pushed her into the hospital where there was already a small team waiting. A man in a white coat moved forward. “Tell me what I’ve got, beautiful.”

  Snake didn’t like him one bit. He stayed back while Jessica gave the doctor a rundown of Judi’s status. When it was over, she turned back toward him. Her long raven hair was tied at the back, knotted around.

  “I’ve got to go. She’s in good hands. Ripper, follow me.”

  He watched as his brother walked beside the good doctor. Dick stayed with him. “I guess we’re on a vigil for now.”

  “Should we call Devil?”

  “We can call Devil but talk to him. You don’t want Lexie to find out. It’ll worry her.” Dick slapped him on the back. “I’ll get us some coffee.”

  Walking back outside, Snake put a call through to Devil. He had to call a second and a third time before he answered the call.

  “You better have a good fucking reason for waking me up.”

  “Judi’s in the hospital.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “She’s in the hospital with a suspected pre-eclampsia. We’re on a vigil, and Ripper’s with her. I just thought you should know.”

  “Shit, we’ll try and get back tonight. Tabitha has only just woken up, but I’ll get Simon to say his goodbyes in the morning. I can’t leave my family behind.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep you posted of her condition,” Snake said. What else was he supposed to do?

  “I can’t tell Lexie. It could cause complications with her own pregnancy.”

  “I know. I’ll keep you posted of everything that’s happening. I promise I won’t tell Lexie.”

  “Be honest with me, Snake. How does it look?”

  “It doesn’t look good. I was talking to Jessica, and some women … they die from this, Devil.”

  His Prez cursed over the line. “When are we ever going to get a fucking break? Judi’s wanted this baby for a long time. She’s waited to have time with Ripper. I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

  He heard Devil’s upset but then, Snake wasn’t feeling all that great either. Judi meant a great deal to the club. All of them had been there when they saved her from a fucking pimp beating the shit out of her.

  “There’s nothing we can do.”

  “There is. Keep me posted, and I’ll be there when I can.”

  Saying his goodbyes he walked back into the hospital. While he’d been on the phone, Curse, Death, Spider, Slash, Butler, and Pussy were waiting. Several of the guys would stay behind at the clubhouse to protect their shit. Mia, Sasha, and Brianna were also waiting. None of the club whores were present as they weren’t allowed in club business.

  Dick finished giving them an update, taking a coffee to him once he was done.

  “You’re offering me a coffee?”

  “We were here first. They can get their own fucking coffee.” Dick blew across the surface.

  “What is it?”

  “Wishing it was something a lot fucking stronger.”

  “If you loved the drink and drugs so much, why quit?”

  “And leave the club? Believe it or not, Snake, I happen to love this fucking club. I loved it way more than any drink or drugs.”

  Snake shrugged. There wasn’t anything else he liked more than the club. He kept his gaze on the door where Jessica had disappeared. His whole life he’d been used to women obsessing over him. This was new for him. He’d never obsessed about another woman or taken the time to get to know her.

  What was it about the raven haired nurse that had gotten under his skin?


  “We’ll monitor her and try to keep her BP under control. Poor girl,” Dr. John Milford said.

  Jessica nodded. “They brought her in just in time.”

  “That they did.” John turned toward her, smiling. “Shouldn’t you have left?”

  “I was leaving as they came. Well, there’s nothing you can do now. Go ahead.” He squeezed her arm before running his hand up and down. “Go and rest. I’ll take care of her.

  “Okay. I’m out. I’ll update the family.”

  “They’re bikers, Jessica. Not family.”

  “If you want a riot on your hands, you’re going the right way about it. They’ll cause some problems if you treat them like anything other than family.”

  “How do you know them?” he asked.

  “I don’t. I’ve heard about them, same as everyone else.”

  “You’ll do good to steer clear of them.”

  Jessica hated being told what to do, especially by someone who was stereotyping the whole biker image. “I’ll do what I think is necessary. Good night.” She walked away before she did something she’d regret later. Milford was an asshole of the highest order. A great doctor but an asshole. He believed the nurses were his personal harem, and unfortunately several nurses had fallen for his charm. Jessica saw through him. She saw through all of his charm and bullshit, just like she’d seen through Snake’s. The biggest problem was that kiss. Of all the things she anticipated from Snake it wasn’t a flyby kiss on Christmas Eve. It had confused her. Lydia, her friend, didn’t have the first clue about him being a man whore in the beginning. If she did, she was pretending that she didn’t know. Her friend was a little strange when it came to relationships. There were two reasons that kept Jessica well away from Snake. Her first reason was her loyalty to her friend. Lydia was her friend and still had a thing for Snake. The second reason? She couldn’t trust him. He was surrounded by pussy, and she’d never been the kind of woman to go hunting for pain.

  Even to this day Lydia thought Snake was going to call her back. Snake was not the kind to call or to be nice. He was an asshole to the core just like Milford.

  She made her way out toward the main reception, and as she stood at the door that separated her from the group, she took in the worried sight. They were a rough and tough biker club, but their love for the girl upstairs was clear to see to anyone.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked toward them. Snake spotted her first, and he stood up. She was surprised to see he still held onto her bag and helmet.

  “Hello,” she said to all of them. She didn’t look at Snake, didn’t want to.

  “What’s the news?”

  She didn’t know who asked the question. Snake had gotten close to her, almost touching her shoulder he was so close.

  “Judi’s stable at the moment. We’re keeping her monitored, and she’s doing okay. I’m not going to lie, it could go bad, but we’re here to make sure nothing bad happens.”

  They all thanked her, and she turned to Snake. “Can I have my helmet and bag?”

  “I’ll follow you out.”

  Jessica wasn’t in the mood to argue. It was past two in the morning, and all she wanted to do was go home and go to bed. The moment they left the hospital she was hit by the cold late January air. She quickly pulled her jacket around her, trying to fight off the sudden chill.

  “Thank you for helping me out there.”

  “I’m a nurse, Snake. I’d do it for anyone.” She stopped at her bike and turned to him. “Can I have my helmet and bag back?”

  “Why haven’t you been by?”


  “Yeah, the club. Why haven’t you been by the club to spend some time?”

  She frowned. “I didn’t know I had to come back.”

  “I kissed you.”


  Jessica was confused. She pulled the bag he handed to her over her shoulder.

  “So, you were supposed to come to the club.”

  He held her helmet captive, refusing to give it to her. She went to take it, and he moved it out of the way. “Very mature, Snake.”
  “Why didn’t you come?”

  “Well, I didn’t invite you to kiss me, and I didn’t know I was expected to come to you because of one stupid kiss.”

  “You thought the kiss was stupid?”

  “God, Snake. What are you twelve? It was a damned kiss. One I didn’t ask for and one you shouldn’t have given.” She made to reach for the helmet. He moved it out of her grasp, angering her. “You’re just a child.” She spat the words out.

  “And you’re a cold heartless bitch.”

  “What about Lydia, huh? You think I just want to be another one of the women you fuck?” She shoved him hard in the chest. “I don’t know you. I’ve no intention of getting to know you. Back the fuck off.” She shoved him a little more.

  Snake wrapped his arm around her waist, dragging her up against him. The helmet he held rubbed against her ass.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Showing you it was more than a stupid kiss.” Before she had the chance to protest, his lips were on hers.

  At first Jessica started to fight, to kick and hit out at him. When his tongue ran over her bottom lip, she lost all the fight. He plundered her mouth, sinking his fingers into her hair. She gasped, and he took advantage by deepening the kiss.

  The helmet was forgotten, and she heard it fall to the ground with a thunk. She didn’t have time to think about her helmet. His large hand covered her ass, gripping her tightly.

  She kissed him back, unable to control the deep yearning that was washing over her. He held her tightly to him, rubbing his cock against her. The nurse’s scrubs she wore didn’t hide his arousal. He was rock hard, pressing against her.

  Snake broke away from the kiss. His lips teasing back to her ear. “I bet if I was to put my hand against your pussy you’d be soaking wet.”

  She tensed up, no longer wanting him touching her or anywhere near her. “And there you went and ruined it.” She kneed him in the balls, angry that he’d ruined a perfectly reasonable kiss. “That was a stupid kiss as well. You’re going to learn to keep your hands and lips to yourself, Snake. I don’t want them. I never want them.”


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