Snake's Addiction

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Snake's Addiction Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Bending down, she grabbed the helmet, placing it on her head. Straddling her bike, she didn’t pay him any attention as she left the hospital parking lot. Jessica was angry at herself and angry at Snake for knowing that her pussy was indeed soaking wet. What kind of friend was she that she couldn’t stop her body from responding to him? He was a man whore, the worst kind. Ever since Lydia fucked him, it was all Jessica had heard about. Snake this and Snake that. She was tired of hearing about the blasted man. Now he was kissing her, confusing her, and fucking insulting her.

  No, she wouldn’t be giving in to the horrid man.

  She parked up outside of her home. Pressing a button, she waited for the garage doors to open. Placing her pride and joy against her shit car, Jessica locked up the garage before heading inside.

  Living alone had its perks. She didn’t have to worry about the time she kept, which meant extra shifts at the hospital. There was currently no man in her life, and she didn’t have to worry about keeping her legs shaved all the time.

  Closing up the downstairs, she made herself a hot chocolate before going upstairs to her bathroom. She lived in a two bedroom home that she had a mortgage on. At twenty-nine years old, she was happy with the way her life was going. No stress, no chaos, and no bikers.

  Running herself a bath, she placed her cup on the edge of the bath near the taps. Staring at her reflection in the mirror she saw the dark patches under her eyes. Sleep would take them away, but they’d be back again tomorrow. Her life had become nothing but work. She loved her work, and it was now her life.

  Pulling the band from her hair, she fingered out the length of hair. Not a single grey in sight. She’d not been with a man for a long time, so long. It had to be at least a year since she last had the pleasure of a living, breathing man. She owned a vibrator, but the experience was pitiful in comparison.

  “You don’t need Snake. You don’t want Snake. He’s not going to rock your world but cause problems.” Expelling a breath that made her lips pucker, she shook her head.

  Later that night it was Snake’s name she called out when she found a less than satisfactory relief.

  Chapter Two

  After heading home for a shower, shave, and a bite to eat, Snake arrived back at the hospital to relieve Dick. It was early the next morning with no change in Judi’s condition. Looking around the room he saw how hopeless they all felt. None of them could do anything to help her or Ripper. The other brother was just about to leave when Devil burst through the door, Lexie and the kids following close behind him. Devil’s presence surprised Snake. He must have gotten up early enough for the kids to say goodbye.

  “Where is she?” Devil asked.

  “Prez, you got here fast.”

  “They didn’t need us at Fort Wills any longer. Come on, I’m going to go and find my daughter.” He took Josh off Lexie, and the family started toward the main desk. There was no sign of Jessica, and Snake was pissed.

  The little bitch had kneed him in the nuts last night and left him lying in the snow. Not that he didn’t deserve it. He’d taken things a little too far last night. He needed to learn to take his time.

  “I’m heading out. Call if anything changes. Devil’s on the case now, so we don’t have to be,” Dick said.

  “I’m sticking around. I want to keep an eye on things.” Snake slapped Dick on the back, heading back to the main reception area.

  Several of the brothers were waiting around. Some of them were playing on their cell phones, and Snake noticed several of the patients walking through the door trying to be as far from them as possible.

  “Anyone would think we got some disease or some shit,” Snake said.

  “Nah, they’re just afraid we might fuck their wives,” Butler said, smirking.

  “You’re still awake.”

  “I’m still awake and here waiting for the news. It’ll kill Ripper if anything happens to Judi.”

  “It’ll kill all of us, man. Judi’s ours. She’s club property.”

  Butler nodded. “I know, but it’s different for us.”

  “Why? ‘cause we don’t have our dick inside her?” Snake winced, holding his hand up. “Shit, sorry, lack of sleep and I’m turning into a fucking monster.”

  “We don’t fuck Judi, but Ripper’s in love with her. We all love her. She means something to all of us, but we’re not in love with her. Kind of like Devil, if he ever lost Lexie. It would hit us all hard, but it would kill Devil.”

  “Nah, nothing would ever affect the Prez.”

  “Then you’re an idiot,” Butler said. “Prez would kill himself to follow Lexie. I remember the way he was when she was pregnant with Elizabeth and then Josh. He was so scared of losing her. It tore him up. Devil will die for her.”

  Snake sat back thinking about the time Lexie was pregnant. It was hard on all of the club but especially for Devil. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.” Butler stretched his legs out, locking his fingers behind his head. His shirt rode up showing the scars of his past drug taking.

  “Do you ever miss it?” Snake had taken drugs in the early days of riding. He never liked waking up not knowing what he’d gotten into. Waking up next to a dead woman hadn’t helped him. The woman had died of an overdose over fifteen years ago. It had shaken him up so much, he never touched drugs again. He liked a drink, not drugs.

  “I’d be lying if I said no. I sometimes think it would be easier to just start up. I wouldn’t remember shit like this. This is the hardest thing ever. Watching the people you care about suffer. Judi’s suffered enough, and yet here we are. It’s their first kid.” Butler stopped talking, and Snake saw his jaw clench. “This is what I hate the most. Waiting, watching, seeing others try to fight falling apart. It’s scary shit, man. What about you?”

  “No, I don’t miss the drugs. It has been so fucking long since I took anything, I can’t even remember the high.”

  “You’ve found your high in other ways, Snake.”

  “I have?”

  “Yeah, the fights you get into. Drinking. That cute little nurse you’re chasing around.”

  “I’m not chasing a cute little nurse.” Snake tensed up, looking toward the main doors. When did she work again? The little bitch owed him for the bruised balls.

  “No? You’re always looking toward the door. Last night, you were waiting for her, holding her helmet like a lovesick puppy. Face it, Snake. You’ve got a thing. The chase of her is giving you a high.”

  “She kneed me in the nuts.”

  “Conquering her would be a delight for you then.” Butler slapped his thigh. “I’ve got to take a piss.”

  Shaking his head, Snake grunted out, turning back to look at some of his other brothers. None of them paid any attention to him. Leaving the hospital, he pulled out his smokes. It was freezing cold, and he zipped up his leather jacket. He couldn’t be in there, not yet.

  Inhaling on his cigarette, he looked toward the parking lot in time to see a car he remembered. Jessica parked toward the back of the parking lot just as the doctor from last night made an appearance. Snake couldn’t recall the doctor leaving. He watched as the bastard parked next to his little bitch.

  Snake couldn’t look away even though he wanted to. Gritting his teeth, he waited as they walked toward the main doors.

  “Maybe we could grab that coffee,” bastard said.

  “I don’t think—”

  “One coffee today at lunch. I’m not asking for much.” The doctor kept talking even though Jessica looked to be trying to get out of it. She didn’t want him.

  “Hey, babe, it’s about time you turned up,” Snake said. He dropped his smoke to the ground, stubbing it out. Closing the distance between him and Jessica, he gripped the back of her neck, tugging her close.

  “You need to pick that up,” the doctor said, pointing to the cigarette on the ground.

  Glaring at him, Snake tugged Jessica close. “What about that coffee today at lunch? I’m wa
iting around anyway.”

  “No news on Judi?”

  “Devil’s up with her now.”

  “Jessica, are you coming?”

  “I’ll be there in a moment, Milford.”

  Snake waited, keeping hold of the back of her neck. “You can take your hands off me now.”

  “I don’t think so. You’re being rather compliant, and I like that.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “So, we’re doing lunch?”

  “No, we don’t have to do lunch.”

  Snake turned her so she didn’t have a choice but to look at him. “What about Doctor Bastard?”

  “Doctor Bastard?”

  “Yep, I don’t care to know his name. He’s going to see you alone at lunch. Why don’t you want to have a coffee with the loser anyway?”

  “He’s going through the nurses, and I’m a nurse. It seems he’s deciding to add me to his list of the conquered.”

  Snake didn’t like the bastard even more. “We’re having coffee then. He’ll catch you out or step it up.”

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “Why not?”

  “You’re not the kind of man to give a woman a helping hand.”

  “You really have a low opinion about me, don’t you?”

  “I work with what I know, and I don’t know anything great about you.” She shrugged. “Will you let go of my neck now?”

  “No, I like holding your neck. You’ll do as you’re told.” He caressed the sides of her neck, enjoying the way she squirmed.

  “You’re annoying me, Snake.”


  “Fine. Lunch, but you keep your hands and lips to yourself.”

  “I won’t come near you at all.” He held his hands up, releasing her.

  She glared at him before turning away to enter the hospital. Butler might actually be right. There was something thrilling about chasing after the doctor. She wasn’t giving him anything, and he was having to fight for the smallest moments with her.

  Taking a seat beside Butler, he saw the brother was smiling.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “I could ask you the same question.”

  Shaking his head, Snake leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “Devil, Ripper, Curse, Pussy, Death, and now you,” Butler said, smirking.

  “What the fuck are you talking about now?” Snake asked.

  “Six brothers down. Wow, we’re going to be a club filled with pussy.” Butler couldn’t stop laughing.

  Listening to his brother laugh, Snake tried to ignore him. He wasn’t falling for Jessica. There was nothing to his interest other than sex. He didn’t want to get involved, have kids, or share their life together. A simple fuck was all he wanted, and he’d be happy with that.

  Devil came down looking older than when he went up. Getting to his feet, all of the brothers gathered around.

  “What’s going on?” Spider asked, speaking up from the back.

  “They’re injecting her with steroids, preparing for a possible C-section. They can’t keep her blood pressure down, and it’s bad, boys. It’s really fucking bad. Ripper’s going to need you.”

  “I’ll head out to the house and pick some shit up for them,” Snake said.

  “Butler, will you take the kids to Vincent? He knows what’s going on and is keeping an eye on everything. Where’s Pussy?”

  “He’s back at the clubhouse. Sasha’s got the flu, and he’s taking care of her.”

  “Okay, get Death to handle the decorators for the strip club. I want that up and running by February at the latest,” Devil said.

  “Prez, none of us care about the money. Judi needs to survive this,” Curse said.

  They all agreed. The strip club and the income it would make could wait. One of their own was down. They needed to focus on Judi getting well and being there for Ripper when he needed them most. They were all a family. If they lost her, Ripper was gone as well. They would all mourn Judi’s loss.


  Jessica finished binding up the arm of a five-year-old who’d fallen downstairs from all the excitement. Tansy was helping Milford with Judi. She didn’t know what was going on with Judi. It shouldn’t bother her, but it did. Giving the instructions on caring for the arm to the child’s mother, she saw them out of the room, giving them directions on where to go. When it was finished, she wrote up the chart taking it through to the main reception. The Chaos Bleeds crew was still waiting. She didn’t see any signs of Snake. Grabbing another chart, she called one of the women through.

  “I don’t like them being in the hospital,” the woman said.

  “Please take a seat on the bed.” Glancing through the chart, Jessica saw she was having some abdominal pain. She asked the necessary questions, pressed lightly on her stomach. “I’m going to take you for an x-ray.”

  “Is it serious?”

  “I’ll see what the x-rays tell me.”

  “No, not about me. I’m talking about those bikers being here. I’d love to know.”

  Gossiping townsfolk pissed Jessica off more than anything. “I can’t disclose as to why they’re here.”

  “Biker groups are so bad and dangerous. Have you seen the women who hang around them? They’re sluts, all of them. I wouldn’t dream of being near them even in my day when I was a looker.”

  Rolling her eyes, Jessica helped the woman into a wheelchair.

  My job is to care.

  Jessica listened as the woman kept on talking about everything she hated about bikers and how they were bringing the town of Piston County down.

  Jessica bit her lip, going behind the protective shield while the x-ray was happening.

  “You’ve got a talkative one today, Jess,” Malcolm, the guy who took the pictures, said.

  “She hates bikers.”

  “I feel sorry for them,” Malcolm said. “I heard one of their women was inside. Pre-eclampsia?”

  “Yeah, I know.” Jessica signed some forms, putting her pen back into her uniform.

  “They’re in here, and they’ve got women like her making it hard. From what I know, they pay their taxes and keep to themselves.”

  Jessica had heard a lot more than that but kept her mouth shut.

  “Thank you, Malcolm.”

  The woman had wind built up, which was causing her pain. She got the doctor, Milford, to sign off on some laxatives, and rest.

  “So, how about that coffee?”

  “I’m having coffee with Snake. Sorry,” she said, glancing down at her watch.

  “You should really think about who you associate with,” Milford said.

  “And why is that?”

  “The reputation of this hospital for one.”

  Cocking her head to the side, Jessica stared at Milford. “Look, I can have a coffee with whoever I want just like you can choose to screw who you want to. Back off, Milford. You’re not getting into my pants.”

  He raised a brow. “Are you going to threaten me with sexual harassment?”

  “No. You’re not harassing me, but I can make your life just as uncomfortable as you can make mine. Think about that, Milford.” Turning on her heel, she gave the woman a prescription then made her way out to the reception room. Snake was waiting for her. He was surrounded by several brothers.

  Taking a deep breath, she walked over to him. “Coffee?”

  “You’ve decided to have one with me now?”

  “Please, Snake. I’m not in the mood.”

  “You said please?”

  “So, come on. Coffee.” She didn’t stand around waiting for him. Behind her, she heard several catcalls follow him.

  “Where’s the lunch room?”

  “Upstairs off the child’s ward.” She took the stairs, not wanting to be alone with him in the elevator. When Snake crowded her, she didn’t seem to be able to keep any focus on herself. Walking up the steps, she was aware of his presence on the way up behind her.

her lip, she tried not to wonder if her ass looked big or not.

  “You don’t have to crowd behind me,” she said.

  “I like looking at your ass. Deal with it.”

  In no time at all they were in the lunch room. She spotted Milford in the corner with Bernie, another nurse, slender with blonde hair.

  Expelling a relieved breath, Jessica grabbed a tray. “Pick what you want and I’ll pay.”

  “I can pay for my own stuff.”

  “I know, but you’re doing this as a favor to me. I owe you.” She took a tray of lasagna that looked way too over-cooked, a large slice of chocolate cheesecake, then ordered a strong black coffee.

  Snake had two burgers and fries, two cheesecakes, a large cookie, and a milkshake.

  She paid the woman serving on the till before finding a table. Keeping her back to Milford, she focused on the man in front of her. Snake sat his large body down. She couldn’t help but look away from the thickness of his arms. Did he work out? His muscles looked hard and defined. They were not covered in ink either. He did have patterns on his arms but nothing that would cover his arms.

  “Doctor Bastard keeps looking over at you.”

  “He threatened me before I came here. He warned me that I should think about the kind of people I hang out with.”

  “And yet you’re here with me.”

  “I don’t like being ordered around.”

  “You don’t like authority?”

  “No, I don’t. I used to piss my dad off all the time, and my brother. They believe I was always looking for trouble.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “They live in the city. My father’s a lawyer, brother is a doctor. Mother is a housewife. You?”

  “I don’t have any parents, and I’m not going to talk about them.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m not.”

  She couldn’t look away as he took a large bite of his burger. His hands were so large and powerful looking. Taking a bite of her lasagna she tried not to wince at the overly herbed food.

  “This is shit, you know that right?” Snake asked, swallowing.


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