Snake's Addiction

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Snake's Addiction Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Brianna tensed up.

  “Snake, this isn’t the time or the—”

  “He’s got Jessica. He’s in town, and I need to know everything about him.”

  Death looked at Brianna. “You knew he was going to come to town?”

  “No, I didn’t. Gonzalez and Ronald are dead. His supplier of women is gone.” Brianna pressed a hand to her mouth. “I don’t know what he’s capable of.”

  “What about Jessica? I need to know if there’s anything I should be worried about.”

  “I don’t know anything about him. He doesn’t like staying in the same place.” Brianna rubbed at her head. “We were always moving around. He’s rich and can go anywhere he likes.”

  “So I’ve got a short time to get her back?”

  “Yes. He’s heavily armed. He’ll have men with him who are capable of doing anything. They will kill anyone he orders.”

  Snake nodded. “I only needed to know if they were heavily armed.”

  “Why?” Sean asked.

  He was already making his way out of the hospital. “I’m not going to put Jessica or the club in danger. I need weapons.”

  “Death, don’t,” Brianna said.

  Glancing back he saw Death cupping Brianna’s face. “I’ve got to do this.”

  Why hadn’t he voted at the time to take out Master? Death had wanted to go looking, and they’d not long taken care of Gonzalez. Now this bastard man had Jessica, and there was no hope for any of them.

  “We need to get her back,” Sean said.

  “I’m going to take her back.”

  “This is your fault.” Sean charged at him, slamming him against the hospital wall. “I told them you’d get her killed. You’d be the one to put her in danger.”

  Snake clocked him with his fist. “I’m not the one who caused this. I ordered Jessica to stay in the hospital. Lydia brought this to her. Lydia put her in danger. You want to blame anyone, you blame that little slut. Jessica was safe until she answered her call, and now I’m going to go and put right what she fucking fucked up.” Pushing Sean away from him, he headed for the car. It was getting dark once again, and he hoped to God that he wasn’t too late to save his woman.


  Jessica stared at her bound hands. So much time had passed, it felt like years, but in truth it was only a few short hours, if not minutes.

  “You’re such a beautiful woman,” he said, caressing his hand down her back.

  She didn’t flinch. Closing her eyes she thought about Snake, of his loving touch. She wasn’t under any illusions. If Snake didn’t get to her in time, this man was going to rape her, use her, and kill her. The only reason he hadn’t raped her already was because of her menstrual cycle.

  Last night Snake had held her, rubbing her stomach as the cramps had been painful. She’d hated being on her menstrual cycle last night whereas now she was more than thankful.

  “I can’t wait to show you off. You’re going to be such a prize.”

  His hand landed on her covered ass. She wore a pair of panties but nothing else. Her stomach rolled as he stroked her body as if it was his right.

  “You’re still convinced Snake’s going to come.”

  It wasn’t a question. She’d not spoken to him, and she wasn’t going to start now.

  “The Chaos Bleeds crew will never find you. They don’t have a clue where you are.”

  He moved to sit before her. She stared into his eyes, trying to think of something, anything that would get him to leave.

  The door banged open, interrupting him from speaking further and her from talking at all.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Master asked.

  Lydia was thrown to the floor.

  “We’ve got to go, Sir. Your identity may be compromised.”

  “My identity is never compromised.”

  He stood up glaring at the men. Lydia cried out, and tears slipped out of Jessica’s eyes. She hated hearing someone in pain, and this wasn’t any easier for her.

  “They’re coming for her. We must leave immediately.”

  “I want her to come with me,” Master said.

  “We’ve not had the opportunity to make the arrangements. She has to stay. We’ve got enough room to take you.”

  Master didn’t speak for several seconds.

  “Chaos Bleeds. They’re becoming the bane of my existence. Fine.” Lydia cried out as Master grabbed her, dragging her against the wall. “I take it I’ve got you to thank for what happened.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  The sound of a gun going off made Jessica scream. She grabbed onto her ears to push out the noise. Lydia screamed.

  “I wonder if they’ll be back in time before you bleed out.” He moved to the bed. “I’m so sorry little one. Maybe in time we’ll be together again.” Master lifted her up, placing her on the floor beside Lydia. She was naked, and she didn’t even try to cover her body. He’d whipped and beaten her, using her as his own personal punching bag. “Such a waste.”

  He walked toward the door, glancing back at her. Closing her eyes, Jessica listened to Lydia crying out in pain.

  “I tell you what. I’ll give you this. Kill her when she gets too much.” Opening her eyes, she saw Master put the gun on the floor. “After all, she gave you up without caring.”

  Then he was gone. She stared at the gun as Lydia gasped, and whimpered out. The pain on her thigh made it impossible for her to move. She found herself moving even as every inch of her skin was on fire, and burning. If both she and Lydia weren’t taken care of soon, the wounds were going to get infected. She wondered if that was why he left her alive, either that or to leave her in fear of him coming back. Master liked to hurt and to cause pain.

  “Jessica,” Lydia said.

  “Shut up.” She crawled to the bed, grabbing her shirt, working it over her body so that most of her nakedness was covered. Grabbing the duvet, she dragged it over to them. Master had shot Lydia in the thigh. If he’d severed the femoral artery, Lydia didn’t have long. She was bleeding badly but not enough to kill her.

  Jessica had no strength, and she had no choice but to move around the room. Each step she took was painful, but she found a pair of tights. She didn’t want to know why he owned tights. Collapsing to the floor, she did her best to bind up Lydia’s leg.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I don’t want to hear it.” Jessica tried to stop the bleeding, but it wasn’t happening. Spots danced in front of her eyes.

  “Snake called, Jessica. He’s coming for you. I promise you, he’s coming for you.”

  Once she tightened the makeshift tourniquet, Jessica collapsed beside Lydia’s leg. It was too painful to move. Everything hurt, and she closed her eyes.


  Squeezing them shut, she tried to ignore everything else. There was no way she could hear Snake’s voice or movement heading closer to her. It was all in her imagination. She should have listened to him. The next time she was going to stay at the hospital. She wasn’t going to believe what her mind was telling her. It was lies, all lies.

  I should have listened to Snake.

  “Jessica, they’re coming. I promised you they were coming. They’re coming.”

  She couldn’t hold anything in. Turning to the side, she vomited, heaving up everything that she’d eaten that day. Being with Master she’d kept everything inside whereas now, she brought it all up, unable to keep anything down.

  I’m going to die.

  I love you, Snake.

  I’m so sorry for letting you down.

  “Fuck, man, she doesn’t look good.”

  She recognized the voice but couldn’t believe it.


  The darkness was so close. She just wanted to sleep. She was so tired. Tired and scared.

  Sleep would make everything easier. Snake wouldn’t be angry. She’d wake up to him holding her once again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Snake stared down
at his woman hooked up to several machines on the hospital bed. They were feeding antibiotics into her body to fight off any risk of infection. Her back had been cleaned and bandaged. Master, whatever the bastard’s name was, had whipped her to the point that he’d drawn blood.

  “I thought I’d come and check on you,” Devil said.

  While he’d been rescuing Jessica Lexie had given birth to a bouncing baby boy. Both mother and baby were doing well.

  “She should wake up soon.”

  “Why did she pass out?”

  “The doctor reckons exhaustion. She had an ordeal, and she just started to shut down.” Snake ran a hand down his face. He’d charged into the room just as she was vomiting. Snake had caught her before she collapsed into the vomit. She passed out in his arms, and he’d not been able to wake her up.

  “What about you? How are you holding up?”

  “I’m here, boss. We’ve got to find out who this Master guy is. He almost killed my woman, and he’s fucked with Brianna as well, then nearly killed Lydia.”

  “I’ve just come from seeing Lydia. I was shocked to see Dick sitting watching her.”

  “Both women had an ordeal.” Snake stood as Jessica moaned.

  “We’ll talk about this in the club. I’ll leave you with your woman.” Devil tapped him on the back. “The club will back you whatever happens.”

  Going to the bed, he sat beside her, grabbing her hand.

  “Snake?” Jessica said.

  “I’m here, baby.”

  She opened her eyes, and he cupped her cheek. “I’m alive?”

  “You’re alive. You’ve still got to marry me.”

  Jessica smiled. “Did it really happen?”


  “You came for me.”

  Cupping her face, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “When are you going to realize I’m always going to come for you? I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Your brother came with me. He’s talking to your parents. They’re dealing with your medical papers as I didn’t have a clue. All three of them are in talks to try to make this hospital better,” he said.

  “My family comes from money, in case you didn’t know. They’ll be by to see me soon. I know they mean well.”

  Tears fell out of her eyes, and he hugged her close. “I love you so damned much.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he let the tears fall. His woman was alive, she was well, and he was going to do everything in his power to keep her safe.

  “What about Lydia?”

  “She’s alive. She’s in the hospital. He missed her femoral artery. She’s going to be walking around, fighting fit in no time.”

  Jessica pulled away. “I need to see her.”

  “No, not now. That bitch is the reason you’re in this hospital now. I don’t want you anywhere near her.”

  She touched his hand. “I need to see her. She didn’t want me there, but she didn’t have a choice, Snake.”

  He shook his head.

  “Trust me.”

  Gritting his teeth, he nodded his head. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Leaving her room, he made his way toward the nurse. “Can I have a wheelchair? My woman wants to visit her friend.”


  He followed the nurse, taking the chair from her. Walking back to the room, he found Jessica sitting up staring down at her thigh. Brianna had a scar on her thigh, and she’d gotten it inked to cover it up.

  “He marked me.”

  “Baby, we’re going to take care of that. It doesn’t matter.” Jessica had peeled back the plaster and looked down at the raised skin.

  “I can’t believe he’s marked me.”

  Taking her hand away, he rubbed the plaster around the scar.

  “This is not who defines you.” He took her wrist, kissing her pulse. “I love you, baby.”

  “He didn’t break me, Snake.”

  “He better not have. You’re strong, you’re my woman, and I’m not going to let you fall. Do you understand me? You’re not going to fall.”

  Holding her close, he helped her into the wheelchair. She wasn’t crying. He took her down the long corridor toward the door. Dick was sitting in the chair, and Lydia was staring at the television.

  “Jessica, you’re okay. Thank God you’re okay.”

  “Will you leave me a moment?” Jessica asked.

  Snake didn’t want to leave her but knew he didn’t have a choice.

  “Okay, but I’ll be right outside.”

  Leaving her in the room, he stepped out with Dick following him. “It’s good about the baby. Two more boys joined to the fold.”

  “I want to vote on this Master crap again. I want to find him, and I want to kill him.”

  “I’ll vote yes,” Dick said. “He needs to be stopped.”

  “Death will vote for it.”

  “After what we witnessed and what her brother witnessed, I’d say we’re not the only one going to look for him.”

  He’d already talked with Sean after they got to the hospital. Sean was going to look into who owned the house. Snake had her brother on his side, and now all he needed was for the club to vote for him as well.

  “I’m going to give Whizz a ring. We need all the help we can get.”


  “Jessica, I’m so sorry,” Lydia said.

  Holding her hand up, Jessica shook her head. “I don’t want to hear you talk. You know, my eyes have been opened, and they should have been opened long before now.”

  Lydia whimpered. The sound grated on her nerves.

  “If that had been me I would have lied my way out of it. I’d have told the asshole that I didn’t know you, that there was no way to find you.”


  “You didn’t do that. You led him right to me and put my life in danger.” Tears spilled out of her eyes. She stared at her friend and saw nothing. “We’re done. Do you hear me? We’re through. I’m not going to be there for you anymore. You’re on your own.”

  “Jess, please, I’m really sorry.”

  “No. I don’t want to listen to it anymore. From now on you stay away from me.” She shouted for Snake.

  “No, Jessica, please, don’t leave me. I don’t want you to go.”

  She ignored Lydia, and Snake walked in. He didn’t question her as he wheeled her back to her room. Lydia called out her name, and she ignored the call. Snake helped her back into bed, and she was so happy to be in her room.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “She didn’t even try to help me, Snake.”

  “Lydia answered the phone.”

  “She lured him back to my place. She put me in danger, and she didn’t even warn me. I could have phoned you to let you know what was going on. Nothing.” Tears fell from her eyes. He climbed onto the bed, wrapping his arms around her.

  “I’m with you, baby. You know I don’t care about the bitch. I never cared about the bitch. The only person I want is you.”

  He kissed her neck, and she turned into his arms.

  “I love you, Snake.”

  “I’ll protect you.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m going to find him, and I’m going to kill him.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”

  “You’re not worried about what I’m going to do?”

  “No, I want you to tell me when he’s dead, Snake. I need to know.” She touching his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin seep through her fingers. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  “Oh, honey,” Bethany said, rushing into the room. Jessica was pulled into a hug that almost choked her. Looking over her mother’s shoulder she saw her father and brother enter the room.

  “Everything is taken care of. You’ll have the best love and care here. When you’re well, we’re taking you home.”

  “No, you’re not, Dad.” She expected the threat of being taken back home. It was what her father always said wh
en he found out she’d been hurt or in danger, even when she was a little girl.

  “Jessica, you could have died.”

  “What happened today wasn’t Snake’s fault. It was Lydia’s. I’m not leaving the man I love. We’re going to get married.”

  William didn’t look convinced.

  “I’m not going anywhere, and if you try to make me, I’ll never speak to you again. I mean that. You can’t protect me from everything, Daddy. I know you want to, but you can’t.” She rested against Snake needing his warmth more than anything. “Snake loves me, and there’s nothing you can say that is going to make me change my mind.”

  Her father hesitated for many minutes. He clearly wanted to say something else or get her to agree to go home. “There’s nothing I can say?”

  “Nothing. I’m going to be happy and married very soon. Be happy with me for that.” She held onto Snake’s hand tighter than ever before. He was the only person she’d ever loved and trusted. Over the past couple of weeks he’d proven to her over and over again that he wasn’t the man she first thought he was. She wanted a future with him, to have children, grow old.

  “It’s okay, honey. We’ll all get through this. Don’t ever think I’d willingly let anything happen to you. I’m sorry, but when you’ve got kids of your own, Jess, you’ll understand.”

  She smiled. “I already understand, Dad.”

  After a tense couple of minutes, they all sat down. Jessica was happy to finally be with her parents. She wasn’t a fool though. She knew Master was still out there somewhere. He was going to come back whether she liked it or not. She shuddered, and Snake held her a little tighter for it. Even with Master out there, Snake was now alert, and no one was going to hurt her.


  Lydia couldn’t stop crying. She’d just lost the only friend who’d ever really given a shit about her.

  Dick entered the room. He sat down on the chair beside the bed, staring at her. She was indebted to him. When Snake had entered the room, he’d caught Jessica before she fell in her own vomit. Snake, Death, and Sean had been there for Jessica. Dick, he’d been the one to help her while no one else cared.

  “Did you hear?”

  “It was kind of hard not to hear exactly what happened.”

  “She hates me.”


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