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Shadow Guardians - Genesis

Page 8

by Albert Long

  Selda fell to the floor and coughed uncontrollably. The Tarrons gathered around her. She was holding her throat. “An Angel cannot expire here,” Caroth said. “That would re-ignite the war. We are not prepared to assume control of the planet, just yet,” he said. Matt aimed his right hand at Fozzley’s shackles and burned them off with a jolt of electricity. Miguel gave the rest of the team the sign to retreat and leave. They gave him a stern look. “No,” said Mimi. “We can help you.” Caroth and Krizel stood behind Miguel. They poised to aim their hands at him to emit some form of energy. Matt dove in front of Miguel and pushed him out of the way. Miguel was filled with his greatest rage. The Tarrons fired their powers at him at will. Miguel did not retreat. He aimed a cataclysmic ball of blue energy at Krizel and fired. Krizel screamed a high pitched, shrill scream. “No”! Orin shouted. “Krizel,” Jordin sobbed. Caroth, Shorman, Loth, Beegal, and Kristh all fell to their knees. Krizel disappeared into a pile of dust on the ground. “Get out of here,” Miguel yelled to his team. Jericho, Mimi, and Matt left. Miguel, Selda, and Fozzley awaited the Tarron’s next move. Fozzley eased over to where Krizel had fallen and scooped up some of his ashes, depositing them in a plastic bag in his pocket. The Tarrons, in unison, disappeared from the battle-site, taking the remaining flakes of Krizel’s cremated remains with them.


  “Molly is fine, now, thanks to you,” Matt said to Mimi. Jericho and I just got back from checking in on her. Her mother is very good to her and tries, every day, to make up for what she did to Molly. Mimi cried. Jericho hugged her.

  Selda and Miguel sat in the kitchen drinking juice and eating sugar cubes. It had been completely silent for some moments before Miguel asked, “what powers do Angels have”. Selda didn’t look up at him, but began her answer anyway. “An angel’s basic powers are flight, strength, telepathy, and control over events. Some more gifted Angels embody talents known only to them and the Supreme One,” she replied. “As an Angel,” Miguel began, “I assume that there is a certain moral foundation to you and that you don’t lie or lead people astray. “That is true,” Selda said. “So, tell me, can I trust Fozzley? He’s got a couple of dogs in this fight, and it seems that preserving me and my teammates might not fit his best interests,” Miguel replied. “I’ve only known Forzzozolone since he changed sides during the last great war and joined the Angels. He helped us to win. Based on that, I believe, he is a man of morals, principles, loyalty, and trustworthiness. He fights for what he believes in and what will benefit the people the most,” she said. “I would trust him with my life,” Selda added. “Good enough for me,” Miguel said. He left the room. Selda started to hum some tune Michael never heard before. He passed by Fozzley on his way to the front room, Fozzley heading to Selda’s room.

  The group had been sitting outside talking about trivial things and watching humans. “That police car that just zoomed past here gave me a bad vibe,” Jericho said. “Don’t all police give you the scares,” Matt giggled. “Miguel, Jericho yelled, let’s you, me, and Matt go check up what was up with that police car that just passed. I got a bad feeling. Miguel took to the air, as did Jericho and Matt. They followed the police cruiser for many miles, far outside the city’s district. The cruiser stopped in front of the law offices of Frankley and Fern. Miguel, Matt, Jericho, and Mimi went in for a closer look and listen. “Officer Durden, it’s come to my attention that you’ve been arresting and deporting certain Chinese children who are in the employ of American factories. It seems you have a moral problem with it,” the chubby, hairy man with the tiny spectacles said. “Mr. Frankley, I’m just doing my job,” the officer replied. “Do you have a monetary problem with looking the other way,” Mr. Frankley asked. “I know your kids are in college, and your wife doesn’t work. Must be a lonely, tough, life,” he said. “Pay me $1000 a week, and you’ll not hear from me,” the officer said. “Very good then. Here’s your first installment,” Mr. Frankley said. The officer left. Mr. Frankley dialed his cell phone and asked for Senator Ornman. “I need the locals in check, or this whole thing is gonna blow—a million dollar a week operation. Are you going to the party tomorrow night,” he asked the person on the line. “Good, we can talk there,” Mr. Frankley said.

  “We have to get some first-hand knowledge of what these guys are involved in right now,” Miguel said. “Any ideas,” he asked. “Could we kidnap the real Harlon Frankley and have Matt take his place at this party, see what he can find out,” Mimi asked. “That’s brilliant,” Jericho replied.

  The next night, the team waited for Harlon Frankley outside the arriving party-goers. “My brain is drawing a blank. What does he look like,” Matt asked. He’s a chubby, hairy man with tiny spectacles,” Mimi responded. “There he is,” Matt pointed. The group followed Mr. Frankley inside the men’s bathroom. Almost on queue, he entered the bathroom, alone. “Miguel stung Harlon with a couple of jolts of lightning, incapacitating him. “Your turn,” he said to Matt. Matt touched Mr. Frankley, assumed his appearance, and turned into human form. “Just mix in with the crowd and see what you can learn about the slavery operation,” Mimi said. Matt walked into the main room of the party, from the kitchen. Miguel put Harlon Frankley’s body in a cooler behind some huge boxed of lettuce. “May I see your reservation, sir,” a man asked Matt. Matt showed the man Harlon Frankley’s credentials. The man nodded, and Matt went on his way. “Ah, there you are Harlan,” a woman in a black evening dress with a strand of pearls on her neck announced. “I have some people for you to meet before you get down to business with your little boys’ club,” the woman said. “Harlan Frankley, this is Senator Greg Ornman,” the woman said, introducing the two men. They exchanged pleasantries. “I thought Senator Greg might be interested in your ambitions to encourage more employers to hire workers from China,” the woman said. “I’ll leave you two alone. The woman disappeared into the crowd. “So, you want to bump American workers from the workforce for cheaper labor, huh,” the Senator asked. “Actually, I want the Chinese to saturate the labor force with cheap labor, forcing American companies to react to the resulting public outcry by raising wages and expanding the number of employed Americans. Let the Chinese have the jobs at fast food restaurants and lawn companies. Our workers will be re-trained, re-education, and re-equipped to acquire jobs in this country that pay better than minimum wages,” Matt said. “There sure are a lot of them immigrating these days,” the Senator said. “It’s hard to believe they’re all coming in legally,” he added. “Most of them are sixteen years or younger, and no they aren’t getting in legally, from what I know,” Matt replied. The Senator grinned. “Let’s step outside,” shall we,” the Senator asked. The two of them walked onto the balcony to be alone. “So, what do you need from me, Mr. Frankley, and what’s my share for doing it,” the Senator asked. “I need you to support my operations. I lost my trafficker in Malaysia and his ship. I need someone new to work with, someone with a boat and connections who can recruit and transport them to America. I need help getting the proper clearances, keeping the local cops off of us, helping us get legal documents, and helping me to place them,” Matt said. “I can do that,” the Senator replied, “on one condition”. “What’s that,” Matt asked. “I get my choice of one of them anytime I wish for a little excitement,” the Senator said. “Here, call this number, and deal with Samuel on this from now on. Don’t ever approach me again. Anything you need or if you have to arrange something, call that number,” the Senator said. “Nice to have met you,” he said, extending his hand. Matt lightly shook the Senator’s hand, and the Senator went back inside to the party.

  Matt found a phone and dialed “Samuel”. “This is Sam,” a man answered. “Samuel, the Senator gave me your number,” Matt said. “Meet me tonight at Club XS, first table by the stage, and we’ll talk,” the man said. He hung up the phone.

  Miguel went to the cooler where the real Harlan Frankley was still asleep. Miguel showered him with another spray of electr
icity to make sure he didn’t arise before Matt could meet with “Samuel”. That night, Matt walked to Club XS and took a seat at the bar. Mimi, Jericho, and Miguel were with him. There was a mixed pack at the club—some very moral and others evil. Each time a patron walked by and spoke to them, the children were surprised. It never seemed to be the shady-looking characters that they suspected could see them. “Can you let me know when Samuel comes in,” Matt asked the bar tender. “He’s right behind you in that booth next to the front door,” the bar tender said. “Thanks very kindly,” Matt replied. Matt walked over to the table where Samuel was sitting and asked if he could take a seat. “No reason you can’t,” Samuel said. Matt said down across the table from Samuel. Matt extended his hand and said, “Harlan Frankley”. Samuel didn’t shake the man’s hand. “I heard we can do some business together,” Matt said to Samuel. “We can do one-hundred fifty per trip. They will be on-board a cargo liner, “The Chalmer”, and they will need to be picked up from the docks no later than an hour after arrival. There will be a shipment every two weeks,” Samuel said. “My cut of the action is $500 per person transported,” he added. “And the cut for your friends,” Matt asked. “Is of no concern to me,” said Samuel. “They negotiate their own deals”. “Just out of curiosity,” Samuel asked, “what do you do with them once you get them here”? Matt smiled. “I put them to work—on the streets, in the factories, in hotels, on farms or wherever it’s needed,” he said. Samuel asked the waitress for two shots of Tequila. When she brought them, Samuel raised his in the air to make a toast. Matt joined him in the toast.

  “Meet me at the abandoned glove factory over on Holendale road around eleven P.M. tonight, Samuel suggested. “I will be there with bells on,” Matt said.


  “Do you want to risk having him around, volatile as he is, potentially switching sides on us one day,” Selda asked Fozzley. You know better than anyone how Tarrons think, how ambitious they are, and how destructive they can be. From what I’ve observed, this one is a wild-card, a rebel. There’s no telling what he’ll do. I say we make the deal with the Soulcatchers, move far far away from here and hope that the Tarrons never come after us. The Supreme One promised you a life with Magda again, and that has been the one thought on your mind for many decades. You’re so close. Why not go after this opportunity,” Selda asked.

  Matt, Miguel, Mimi, and Jericho were drinking pineapple juice and watching Selda and Fozzley gesture as they spoke. They could not hear the conversation. “Matt, you get inside that glove factory and see what’s what. Unless they force us, we won’t make a move tonight. We want to make the biggest impact possible—freeing as many people as possible and cutting the head of the top of this trafficking organization,” Miguel said. “If they do give us immigrants, we free them on the spot, understood,” Miguel asked. “I’ve thought it through about one-hundred times,” Matt said. “I know what to do,” he snapped.

  Matt was dressed in a business suit. He looked like money from head to toe. He stood at the entrance to the glove factory awaiting the arrival of Samuel. Selda had helped him get a truck large enough to transport any women, if the deal changed. Mimi and Jericho were near Matt, hiding in the shadows. Miguel had decided moments before the deal that he wanted to see his family, since he missed them last time. He was at the apartment resting for a trip to Maine.


  “You are the more experienced Tarron, Fozzley,” Selda said. “You can take this kid. His powers might be off-the-charts, but that’s nothing if he doesn’t know he has them or how to fully use them.” Fozzley nodded. His fists glowed lime green and lime green electricity flowed from his eyes. “I’m willing to do this, Selda,” Fozzley said. “However, the other children will need to be away. I need Miguel isolated,” he added. “I can handle distracting them,” Selda said. “You just bring your best game and get the boy under control long enough for the Soulcatchers to arrive and do their part,” she added.

  “The other children are at that thing with the Chinese immigrants. Miguel is asleep. He’s totally alone and vulnerable,” Selda said. She gave Fozzley a peck on the lips and rubbed his chest. “Take care of him now, while he’s asleep,” Selda said. “I can use my magic to cover the noise you make entering the room. He’ll never know what hit him,” Selda said. Fozzley walked slowly behind Selda as she eased into the bedroom where Miguel lay. He was motionless, wearing on a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts. Fozzley’s eyes flowed lime green, and he pressed his fists together, producing a stream of high voltage electricity. He thrust his fists at Miguel and also emitted electricity from his eyes, knocking Miguel out and covering him in a protective bubble all at once. Selda began to cheer. “There will be no uprising from the Tarrons this year,” she said. “Or any other year,” she added. “Let’s take him to the Soulcatchers,” Selda said. Fozzley controlled Miguel’s floating body and made his way to the front entrance of the apartment. There he let Miguel float outside, then he leaped into the air to find the Soulcatchers. Selda had ripped off her shirt, and her wings were flapping desperately in the air to keep up with Fozzley.

  Samuel finally drove into the abandoned glove factory. As promised over a hundred people—men, women, and children—poured from the van and stood humbly before the group. Matt handed Samuel a briefcase. Samuel opened it, saw the money, and smiled. “Nice transaction,” he said. “Okay, ladies and gentleman, you will follow that man,” Samuel said, pointing to Matt. He will take you to the riches of America. “Get in the van,” Matt ordered the people. He watched as Samuel and his henchmen left hurriedly. Once all of the immigrants were in the van, Matt spoke to them, saying, “As of this moment you are free. You owe no debt to anyone. Do the Supreme One’s will. Be kind to one another. Go out and prosper”. There was a loud cheer amongst the people. Those who had boarded the bus got off. Others started to walk into the night, happy that they were now free. “You know,” Matt said to Mimi and Jericho, “if we never find out who’s behind this human trafficking, I may never care, so long as we can free those brought to this country”. Let’s go back to the apartment and tell Fozzley and Selda. Maybe Miguel is still there too.

  Fozzley and Selda arrived at Climlos with Miguel. He was still knocked out cold. Soon Orin and Beegal joined them. “The deal is done,” Orin said. We must cross his soul over as soon as we can, or we may wish we had. Unbind him,” Orin said. Fozzley hesitated. “He is in a deep sleep, right,” he asked Fozzley. “Yes,” Fozzley said. “Then he should be no harm. Unbind him and remove the protective bubble,” Orin said. Fozzley looked at Selda. She nodded her agreement, and Fozzley removed the energy force that had Miguel bound and removed the protective bubble from around him. His body thudded to the ground. Orin kicked Miguel in the jaw, once with each foot. “Stop it,” Fozzley cautioned him. “He might awaken”. “You defeated him once. Can you not do it again,” Orin asked. “Subduing him wasn’t exactly a tactical affair,” Fozzley said.

  There was a ground shattering crushing noise followed by rocks, wood splinters, glass, and earth. When the dust settled, Mimi was standing there with her arms extended. Jericho was to her left, and Matt was to her right. “Is this a bad time,” Matt asked Orin, Fozzley, and Selda. “I always knew you were being dishonest with us about your intentions,” Mimi said to Fozzley. “And you,” she said, pointing to Selda, “I never liked. Fozzley encircled himself, Orin, and Zelda in a protective bubble of electricity. Mimi ran over to Miguel and touched him, trying to give him a quick energy surge. Miguel opened his eyes and joined Mimi in caressing hands. “Where am I,” he asked. “No time to explain. Just put on your angriest attitude and have bad, bad intentions for your enemies. That includes Fozzley and Selda” Mimi said. Miguel stood up from the floor. He turned his entire body into blue electric flames, his yellow eyes embedded in the blue. Miguel aimed his hand at the circle that held Fozzley and Selda and shattered it into pieces. Fozzley fired green e
lectricity at Miguel, but he caught it in his hand and threw it right back at Fozzley, hitting him in the head and knocking him to the floor. Selda aimed her hand at Miguel and whispered a curse. Miguel dropped to his knees. Selda walked closer to him and intensified the pain. Not to be left out, Jericho clumped Selda over the head with a rock, then threw it on top of her. Miguel picked Fozzley up and slammed him to the ground several times. “A few more, and the Soulcatchers should be ready for you,” Miguel said. He formed a blade with his hand and made a long slit along Fozzley’s throat. Finally, he kicked Fozzley several yards into the air. Fidex was walking slowly towards Fozzley’s limp body. Miguel felt Fozzley’s chest to see if he was moving. There was no movement. Fidex grabbed Fozzley by the collar and dragged him with him into the shadows. By this time, Selda came to and sped away as fast as her wings would carry her. Just for drama, Miguel shot electricity after her, deliberately missing.

  “Qwam! Phish! Kabloom! There were noises in the shadows and mist. “He has escaped someone yelled. The Tarron killed Fidex and is on the loose. Miguel felt a burning sensation on his chest and looked down to find that he had been struck by green plasma. “Fozzley,” Miguel muttered. Miguel was lifted into the air by his neck; someone was behind him, but he couldn’t see his attacker. “Let him go,” Mimi yelled, hurling a rock into the sky and striking Selda, stunning her for the moment. She crashed to the earth. “Thanks,” Miguel said. “This has to end now,” Miguel added. He turned his entire body into flaming blue electricity. Fozzley shot plasma at him, but Miguel walked through it as if it were mere water being sprayed on him. “Let’s settle this, Fozzley,” Miguel said. “Face to face, man to man, let’s dance”. “I do not wish to destroy you, child,” Fozzley said. Let the Supreme One do what he may, but I cannot continue this way. You children do a good thing here on earth. I do not fear your joining the Tarrons. You may be one, but you make your own decisions based on what’s right, not based on what’s right for Tarrons.


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