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Shadow Guardians - Genesis

Page 10

by Albert Long

The group drank pineapple juice and consumed donuts, talking about Owl’s background, their own experiences, and their mission as Shadow Guardians. “You need a place to stay, don’t you,” Owl asked. “I have just the spot where you can operate clandestinely, remain out of the sight of your enemies, and help make this world better. Here are the keys,” Owl said. It’s the apartment three doors down from this one, to your right. Check it out, and see if you like it. If you do, it’s yours. I own this building, so there are no issues. Most of the people who live here have some form of paranormal powers or are into the study of the paranormal. You’d blend right in,” she said. “Now, let’s go get Matt,” Owl said.


  The team flew for an hour into the night air, ascending a few thousand feet every so often, on Owl’s command. “Miguel, I need you to aim at that star right there,” Owl said, pointing, “and heat it with electricity and fire. “What,” Miguel asked. “Just do it,” Owl replied. “How come we are not at Climlos, where Matt was taken,” Mimi asked. “Climlos is but one step on the journey to oblivion,” Owl said. “Now, Miguel,” she yelled. Miguel shot fire and electricity at the star. “Keep it going,” Owl said. “Now, reverse yourself and pull the energy out of the star into your body,” Owl said. Miguel complied. Miguel felt stronger than ever. “Bet you didn’t know you could do that,” Owl laughed. The star had lost its illumination and just hovered in space in darkness. “Into the star is where we’re headed,” Owl said. The team floated next to the star and waited for further instructions.

  “Is Miguel going to be okay,” Jericho asked Owl. “Quite fine,” she replied. “Now, let’s look around and see if we can find your friend. “This is the plane of existence between the earth and the afterlife,” Mimi asked. “It’s one entrance to that plane,” Owl said. We have a great deal of ground to cover before we get to where I suspect Matt can be found,” Owl said.

  “What do you make of all of this,” Mimi whispered to Miguel. “I’m not thrilled by it, but if Matt’s here, it’s worth it,” Miguel said. Jericho rubbed his bald head and continued to follow Owl. The group hovered through a place of shadows and darkness. There was no light, save for that being emitted from Miguel’s hands. The walked down a winding staircase. It seemed to twist and snake for hours. Wherever Matt was, it wouldn’t be easy to find him.

  “Duck, Jericho,” Miguel yelled. Jericho did so, and the blade of a Soulcatcher whisked above his head. Miguel fired shots of flame and electricity at the Soulcatcher, wounding him in the leg. The Soulcatcher lay on the ground, holding his leg. “Archansee Toblee,” chanted Owl. She pointed at the Soulcatcher, and he disappeared. “Just sending him back to his parents—a child Soulcatcher prowling a place like this—what nerve,” Owl said. “Thanks for the save,” Jericho said to Miguel. “Anytime, man. Anytime,” Miguel replied. “More Soulcatchers are ahead,” Owl said. “Dodge and evade, or confront and destroy,” she asked the team—primarily speaking to Miguel. “Let’s handle it however the outcome might best benefit our chances of finding Matt,” Miguel said. “It’s going to rain fire,” Jericho snorted. “Miguel Menendez not wanting a fight. Sheesh”. “Mimi,” if you touch them, can you absorb their powers, weakening them,” Miguel asked. “Never tried,” Mimi responded. “It’s worth a shot, though,” she added. Mimi and Owl crept slowly behind the Soulcatchers. Mimi touched them both on the shoulder, and they instantly fell to the ground. “It worked,” Mimi said with glee. “Can you feel any of the power you absorbed from them, Mimi,” Miguel asked. “I can’t tell,” Mimi replied. “I guess I can absorb a spirit’s energy, but not wield their powers once I do,” she said.

  “Two more doors down is where we should find Matt,” Owl said. The team cautiously walked the hallway, mindful of any Soulcatchers or other spirits. “What’s in that room,” Mimi asked Owl. “I sense some sort of equipment room,” Owl said. “I would love to get my hands on one of those blades the Soulcatchers use,” Miguel said. “Let’s go in and cop a couple,” he added. Before she could warn him not to go inside, Miguel had opened the door to the equipment room and went inside. The others followed him, partly out of concern and partly out of the need for the light Miguel was emitting from his hands so they could see.

  The room was lined with weapons and equipment that Soulcatchers use. Miguel wasn’t interested in any of the shields, vests, chainmail, or boots that he saw. He was after one of the double-bladed flaming swords. Miguel found a blade like the one he had awed at seeing the Soulcatchers use. He found a sheath for it, placed it on his belt, and put the blade in the sheath. “Can we get out of here now,” Jericho asked. Miguel didn’t say a word. He just led the way out of the room.

  When the team reached the door to the room where they believed Matt to be, Mimi used her powers to sense Matt’s presence. “It’s very faint, but I can sense him or that he’s been here,” Mimi said. Miguel shot a bolt of electricity at the wooden door and exploded it into splinters. Matt was lying on a table, unclothed. He looked as if he had lost five years of age. Miguel tried to pry his eyes open to no avail. Mimi touched Matt, hoping to fill his body with energy and awaken him. After receiving several jolts, Matt opened his eyes and looked at Mimi. “Do you remember,” Miguel asked. Matt did not say anything or gesture with his body. “Matt, it’s your friends. We’re here to take you back home with us,” Miguel said. “Matt smiled. Just give me another shot at Fozzley,” he said.

  “Matt, it’s you” screamed Mimi. She put her arms around Matt and hugged him until he gasped for air. Mimi glanced out the corner of her eye to see Miguel’s jealous reaction. “Matt, it’s so good to have my friend back,” Miguel said. “We saw you taken by the Soulcatchers, though. How were you able to escape? How are you here,” Miguel asked. Miguel thought to himself. With all the tricks and games that had been played recently to try to capture him on behalf of and to keep him away from the Tarrons, little could be reliable. Miguel was suspicious. “Remember when that Angel said that I probably had some unknown power that I hadn’t been using. Well, when I’m in human form and get killed, it’s not like a spirit leaving the earth. It’s like a piece of the spirit dying, but still surviving overall. Many many deaths in my human form would kill me, but what Fozzley did, only knocked me out for a while,” Matt said. “What happened with the Soulcatchers, then,” Jericho asked. “I was immune to their blades for some reason,” Matt said. “I still don’t understand it. It’s like I’m immortal almost,” he added. Miguel embraced Matt for the longest time. “Man, I thought I’d never see you again. I missed you so much. I love you,” Miguel told Matt. “We all love each other,” Mimi said.

  “As much as I hate to break up this celebration,” Owl said, “we are among many broods that wish us no good. We need to leave this place now,” she added. “Who’s she,” Matt asked. “She’s a para-geist that we met yesterday. She helped us find you,” Jericho said. “You’ll excuse me if I’m not too trusting of anyone that I don’t know,” Matt said. “No offense taken,” Owl said. The team slowly retraced their steps backwards and exited the Soulcatchers’ lair.


  The team giggled and laughed as they entered Owl’s house. Miguel couldn’t remember feeling so care free in a long time. Mimi walked to the back of the house to get some pineapple juice. There was a shrill scream. Miguela and Matt walked hurriedly towards Mimi to see what was wrong. Fozolorne stepped from the shadows, holding Mimi by her neck, like a rag-doll. “So, I get to destroy you again,” Miguel said in a very pleased voice. “You selfish, conceited, amateur, fool,” Fozolorne said to Miguel. “Did you think you could erase me from this plane with the “toy” powers that you wield? You do not yet know what it means to be a Tarron and truly have the gift of power flowing through your spirit. Tonight, I will destroy you and your friends,” Fozzley said. Fozzley fired a blast of green plasma at Miguel. Miguel easily dodged it and fired a shot of blue electricity back at Fozzley. Owl threw a kitchen knife at
Fozzley, striking him in the thigh. He dropped Mimi. “How many times must I break you before you give up, Fozzorlone,” Miguel asked, slamming Fozzley to the ground with a body slam. Miguel engulfed Fozzley’s clothes in blue flames. He walked over to him and punched him squarely in the mouth. He stomped on Fozzley. He kicked his ribs until his sides turned purple. Fozzley was unconscious. Miguel had his electric blue knife drawn and ready to deliver an end-blow.

  “Fozzorlone, hold up your hands,” Selda yelled, as she dipped from the air to pick up Fozzley. Fozzley had never been so happy in his life. He hugged Selda tightly—both to avoid falling from her and to show her his affinity for her help in such a dire moment. “Gotcha,” Miguel yelled from below, just after firing a shot into the air. Fozzley felt Selda go limp, and her body, with him on it, was hurtling to the ground. Fozzley jumped off and landed on the electric blue blade Miguel had intended for him earlier. Fozzley lost consciousness. Miguel fired blue flames at Fozzley. Fozzley burned, slowly. Miguel stood over him and watched. “You know he will be back,” Owl said. “Yeah. I know,” Miguel said. Like me, he’s fairly immortal. Time is the only factor in his regeneration. Never forget, though, when he comes back—every time he comes back—the Shadow Guardians will await him.”

  Beegal, Caroth, Krizel, Shorman, Loth, and Kristh floated above the trees that filled the park beneath them in New Jersey. They had been discussing their most talked-about topic over the past six months—the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Leadership confessed to the Tarrons by an angel six hundred and forty-six years earlier. “We just haven’t gone after him with all our might, like we normally would, said Krizel. Against all of us, he would stand no chance and would have to see reason. What we need to do is overwhelm him, scare him, make him feel insecure and needy. We’ll be there to fill the void and restore him,” Krizel finished. “Where is he now,” Loth asked. “He is with the Owl and the other children somewhere in Maine,” Beegal answered. We have the insects and the birds, and the grasses and trees on alert for their presence. We should find them soon, I expect,“ Beegal added. “The Owl has reappeared,” Loth said with a bit of amusement in his voice. “I always liked her; she’s very challenging for a pari-geist; very challenging,” he said. “What role does the Owl play,” Shorman asked. “Though they are powerful, they are still children and always will be. They think as children. They have childish needs. Owl is their mother-figure, the adult that holds the team together. “She sounds important,” Kristh said. “Yes,” Loth added. “Important enough that she may serve as a bargaining chip,” he mused. “We all know that the Owl can be quite elusive, if not impossible to capture and restrain. I propose that we meet with her and try to come to some mutual agreements,” Loth said.

  The Six finished their meditation session and started about the chore of figuring out how to get in touch with the Owl and what to propose to her. “What is it that the Owl wants more than anything on this planet, Loth asked. What do we know of her,” he asked. “Opal Weldon Lugini,” Beegal said, “was born a little over a hundred years ago to a human woman who was impregnated by a demi-geist. She was born at her mother’s home in St. John’s, Newfoundland in Canada. Opal Weldon Lugini, most prominently known as the ‘Owl’ was raised by her mother with limited involvement of her father in her life. To-date, no one has ever identified the demi-geist who fathered the Owl. The Owl is a strong feminist, a human who cares a great deal for other humans, and is very vocal and very active in whatever she pursues. She has been involved with spirits for the past eighty years of her life. Her first paranormal activity was to summon a séance of spirits who may have been associated with her unknown father. The Owl is driven by an underlying desire to identify herself within the spirit world, know her father, and understand what powers may be within her that she has not yet discovered”. “We must discover the identity of the Owl’s father,” Caroth said. “Based on what I know of the male demi-geists who based themselves in eastern Canada, were known to commit the taboo of intimate relationships with humans, and were of fathering age approximately one-hundred years ago, I am certain that I know her father. We all know him,” Krizel said. “That knowledge will be the key to getting the Owl to do our bidding now and in the future,” he added. “We head to the Owl’s location this very minute,” Caroth said.

  Moments later, six bodies flamed through the sky and struck the roof of the apartment at 636 East Port drive in Maine. They were immediately met by the Soul Guardians and the Owl. “We’ve been wondering when this day would come,” Matt announced. “This day has been prophesized,” Beegal chimed in. “Opal Weldon Lugini, the Owl, is the most powerful para-geist known to have ever existed on this planet. She has no clue of her true powers, however, and little knowledge of herself. I bet that can be very painful, not to know one’s self. True, you were raised by and remained very close to your human mother until her death some years ago. After she died though, you became bitter. You’d never known your father. Your mother never spoke of him. You never saw a picture of him. You don’t know what his life or death were like. You don’t know what powers he had and may have passed on to you. How unfulfilled your existence must be, Owl,” Caroth said.

  “So, you know the name that has eluded me for almost eighty years,” the Owl asked Caroth. “I know that all information comes with a price, so let’s get down to it. What will it take from me to get the name of my father from you,” the Owl said. “You and the others leave this place now, leaving only the Seventh Tarron here with us. We will provide the name that you seek once the Seventh Tarron is amongst our ranks.

  “It’s true that I have a huge hole in me, not knowing anything about the side of my life that so dominates my existence. I long to know all the deepest, darkest secrets of my kin and myself. I have contemplated some pretty half-brained schemes to get my father’s name in the past. None of them, I’m happy to say involved harming other spirits or putting them within harm’s way, just so my ego and curiosity could be satiated. I’m not about to do that now, especially to a boy as dear to me as Miguel. I couldn’t live with myself knowing that I helped bring the Tarrons one step closer to fully reigning over this domain. I have to reject your offer, Caroth. I cannot help you,” the Owl said.

  “So be it,” Beegal said. “Get the boy,” Caroth ordered the Tarrons. Matt, Jericho, Mimi, and the Owl gathered around Miguel. “You’ll have to go through us to get to him,” Matt yelled. Krizel waved his hand, and Matt, Jericho, and Mimi disappeared from their location and reappeared across the room behind some energy field that they were battling to get past. The Owl was on the floor clutching Miguel. “I do not wish to harm you,” Caroth said to the Owl. “Move now, or I will scramble your genes into the form of a fruit fly,” he added. As if to demonstrate the ability to accomplish the task, Caroth waved his hand at a pile of dust in the corner of the room. It changed to several crickets, chirping and hopping around. The Owl slowly moved away from Miguel. The Tarrons moved closer to Miguel in unison.

  Miguel lay on the floor, encircled by The Tarrons. He never felt so scared before. Here he was fighting entities who were close to Gods. Here he was losing a fight for the first time in his life. Here he was being treated like a rebel child who refused to go home with his parents. “We will not harm you,” Krizel said. “It is written that we shall not. We want you to join our fraternity and lead it. If you do, you and your friends will reap great rewards, Krizel added. “I know all about you and what you want,” Miguel said. “You want a world where your kind rules all other races and creatures. I do not believe in that cause, and I cannot support it,” Miguel said. Caroth reached towards Miguel to grasp him by the collar and lift him up.

  “If you make one more move in this direction, I will use this,” Miguel said, flashing the double-bladed flaming Soulcatcher’s sword he had acquired. “If the only way to end this and save the world from your evil plans is to destroy Miguel Menendez, the Seventh Tarron, then I’m more than willing to slice my own throat with this blade,” Miguel sai
d. “Miguel, no,” shouted Mimi. “No Mig,” yelled Matt. “You can’t do that man,” said Jericho. “Supreme One, no,” the Owl said. The Tarrons immediately froze in their steps. “The Seventh One was prophesized to lead the Tarrons, not to be removed from this place by the Tarrons,” Kristh said. “You can put the blade away, fellow Tarron. You have our attention. What type of deal are you seeking in exchange for not using the blade?

  “The Tarrons shall have their seventh member and prophesized leader,” Miguel announced, “if, in exchange for joining your ranks and leading you, each of you makes a great vow. I ask you to vow to devote your days to helping human children who are in danger, being abused, suffering, or otherwise in need of assistance. Grant this, and you will have my leadership. You will obtain your goals. Deny me, and you shall forever want for my leadership and plot to obtain it. What is your answer,” Miguel asked.


  “We will always be chased by Soulcatchers who want to end our attachment to this plane of existence. Tarrons will always plot to get Miguel to become their prophesized leader. Shady characters with their own agendas will constantly try to infiltrate us and use us. We still have Fozolorne left to deal with, as well as Selda,” Matt said. On the other hand, the four of us are the best friends one could ask for. We have a true friend—the Owl—who we can count on to help us through the struggles. Most of all, we are able to continue or work, saving children in need and making life better for them,” he added. “One more thing, guys,” Matt said. Every superhero team needs branding—colors, a logo, a secret hideout. Maybe we should even go public. I’ve got some ideas on that to run by you. How does midnight blue with teal strike you for our team colors,” Matt asked. “Miguel looked up to the sky and shook his head. “I’ll pick up my own outfit,” he said. Everyone laughed. Miguel and Owl locked eyes.


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