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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

Page 75

by Amy Valenti

  Alex’s brow became more and more furrowed as Sophie got into her story. When she was finished, Sophie realized she was almost crying. Alex looked at her solemnly.

  “Thank you for telling me this, Sophie” he told her, his deep eyes looking straight into hers. “You might have just saved one of the most precious and profitable parts of my business from being sold behind my back.”

  Sophie wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol rushing to her head, or if it was his honest, heartfelt thanks, but she suddenly felt a rush of emotions. She moved her lips up and brushed them against Alex Carey’s. He didn’t pull away and she kissed him again, harder. His lips were soft, but with a confidence about them that Sophie would have only expected. He gave her one strong kiss before pulling away. He was smiling. “As much as I would like to continue this embrace, I think neither of us would enjoy being caught at this moment.”

  He led Sophie back inside, where she nursed another few drinks before Alex motioned for her to come over. “It is getting late and we have a somewhat busy day tomorrow. We should go back to our hut” he told her, gently leading her out of the hut.

  As soon as they entered the hut Sophie stumbled into the bed they were to share, throwing her clothes on the ground. Alex stripped and slipped into bed next to her.

  “Are you going to fuck me, Sir?” Sophie asked, moving her hand towards Alex’s cock. He gently moved it away.

  “Not tonight, Sophie. You’re much too drunk to consent to sex, and I won’t take advantage of you like that.”

  “Pffft, I barely had a few drinks.”

  “Still, I’d rather be safe than sorry” Alex replied with a smile. He took her into his arms and held her against him as they drifted off to sleep. Sophie dozed off a few minutes later, the combination of a few drinks and the big day helping her fall asleep almost immediately to the sound of her master’s heartbeat inside his chest.

  * * *

  Sophie woke up in the morning to the sound of sea birds chirping and waves washing up against the shore. Her head hurt like hell. The shower was running in the bathroom, and when she turned over Sophie realized she was alone in the bed.

  She sat up and tried blinking her eyes a few times, rubbing the sleep out of them. It took her a moment to realize where she was, not having slept anywhere other than her bed in months. There was a glass of water and two pills of ibuprofen next to the bed, which Sophie immediately took.

  As steam poured out from the bathroom Sophie looked out over the ocean. The turquoise water glistened as the bright tropical sun shone down on it. She looked at the clock next to the bed. It was only 8:30 in the morning. What a beautiful day this was going to be.

  Wrapped in the sheet, Sophie got up and went to the patio. She stared at the beautiful water, thinking that tonight she should go for a swim after she was finished with the day’s meetings. Alex came up behind Sophie and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked softly, kissing her neck.

  Sophie moaned her approval softly.

  They spent the entire day in meetings. Sophie took notes, trying to keep up with the lingo as the woman with whom Alex was speaking last night did a presentation on derivatives and how the investment bankers could continue investing in them without causing artificial returns.

  Despite it sounding incredibly boring to start off with, Sophie found the topic to be quite interesting. Her mom had almost lost her home in the Global Financial Crisis, and Sophie was extremely interested in how it had all come about.

  The afternoon was spent networking, holding semi-formal meetings and making business deals with others. Sophie looked around but saw neither Johann Ulhmann nor Tom Birdname, as she’d taken to calling him in her head.

  The dinner that night was a more formal affair, with each attending member assigned a table. When the dinner was finally over, Alex practically rushed Sophie back to their room. “I’ve wanted to fuck you all day since I saw you in that sheet this morning, slave” he muttered into her ear as they crossed into their hut.

  Sophie tingled with anticipation. As soon as they entered the bedroom, Alex ordered Sophie to strip. She slid off her clothes, her master watching her, his growing pleasure evident in his pants. When she was completely naked except for her collar, he smiled. “Lay down on the bed” he ordered, and Sophie complied immediately.

  She watched as Alex grabbed the strings to the blinds and deftly ripped them off the blinds. It must be nice not having to worry about paying for damage to the room she thought as he came over and tied her hands together to the bedpost.

  He tied each of her ankles to the corner of the bed, leaving her naked and spread eagle on top of the sheets.

  Sophie could feel herself getting wet, her body tingling just from being tied up, from knowing once more that there was nothing she could do to stop Alex from taking her any way he wanted.

  Alex leaned in between her legs, his hot breath on Sophie’s most sensitive areas causing her to gasp. Sophie had never let a man give her oral sex before, she’d always been too embarrassed, and she was embarrassed now. She squirmed with a combination of shame and pleasure under Alex as he moved his tongue along the lips of her pussy.

  “Oh my God! You can’t! ... Sir” she cried out.

  “I can do whatever I want, and you’re going to enjoy this” Alex replied. He slowly moved his tongue in between the folds of her lips, his gentle touch teasing Sophie just enough to turn her on, but not quite enough to make her cum.

  She moaned in pleasure, her embarrassment soon forgotten as she enjoyed the sensation. His stubble brushed against her thighs lightly, barely tickling her. It wasn’t long before Sophie had relaxed and started to lean back in pleasure, enjoying what was being given to her.

  All of a sudden, Alex plunged his tongue deep into her chamber, eliciting a deep, throaty cry from Sophie. His tongue thrust in and out of her, lapping up the juices flowing from her pussy. Sophie had never felt anything like this before. It felt so strange, so different to Alex’s fingers or cock inside of her. His tongue was so flexible, teasing her G-spot and exploring her insides.

  Pure bliss would perfectly describe how Sophie felt. She couldn’t move, or she would have wrapped her legs around Alex’s head and made him keep licking her. Why the hell didn’t I let anyone do this to me sooner? Sophie asked herself as she came closer and closer to orgasm.

  Just when the world started turning into stars, when her eyes started rolling into the back of her head and Sophie’s moans got louder and louder, Alex suddenly pulled his tongue out of her.

  “I’m not quite done with you, you’re not allowed having an orgasm just yet” Alex told Sophie as she let out a small mewl of protest.

  “Oh please Sir, please fuck me” she begged. She was desperate, she wanted to cum. She needed to cum.

  Alex took his clothes off and climbed on top of her.

  “Alright little slave, I’ll fuck you” he told her. Alex pressed his cock against her opening, her pink sex ready for him. With one swift motion he slid his cock inside of Sophie, her guttural cry of pleasure muffled by his mouth as he kissed her, making her taste her own juices.

  Sophie wasn’t used to her own taste, the tang very unfamiliar, having not tasted it since their first encounter in the bathroom, when Alex made Sophie lick her juices off his fingers.

  He thrust in and out of her, slowly, bringing her ever so slowly back to the brink of orgasm. Sophie bucked against him, trying to make Alex go faster, but he took his time with her, slowly taking her to new heights of pleasure.

  Finally, Sophie could take no more. She was being driven crazy with pleasure, and she needed her orgasm. Alex thrust hard and fast inside of her, pistoning over and over until seconds later the sensations grew too much for Sophie to bear and she came.

  Her cries echoed through the room, drowning out all other sounds as the orgasm ripped through her. Like a tsunami passing through her core, pleasure washed over her, rushing through every vein, every cell, every fibre in he
r body. Her back arched against the bed, her muscles tensed, her pussy clenching involuntarily on Alex’s cock. She shuddered from pure pleasure, her body completely spent.

  When the orgasm finally passed and Sophie came back to the world, she lay on the bed in orgasmic bliss, letting out slow, low moans as Alex continued to fuck her.

  After a while, Alex’s thrusts got shorter and he started letting out low grunts. Finally, his erection exploded, his cock shooting hot spurts of cum deep inside Sophie as he grabbed her hips and thrust into her as deep as he could. He stayed inside of Sophie after his dick finished spurting his seed inside of her for a minute, both of them enjoying the moment, before he finally pulled out and untied Sophie. They lay in bed together for quite a while before Sophie got up to have a shower and they fell into bed together. Sophie fell asleep with her head on Alex’s chest, the rhythmic movement of his breathing relaxing her and helping her to fall asleep.

  * * *

  When Sophie awoke it was the middle of the night. It took her a moment to get her bearings, to remember where she was. When she finally realized, she sat up in the bed. There were voices outside, too faint for her to hear the words, but loud enough for her to make out that they were arguing. Sophie looked next to her and realized the bed was empty.

  Curious, Sophie got out of bed. I wonder if Alex is one of the people arguing she thought to herself as she grabbed a bathrobe and made her way towards the open door to see what was going on. As she stepped onto the still-warm stones on the path outside the hut, Sophie started to be able to make out what was being said. Alex was arguing with his business partner, Johann.

  “I can’t believe you would fucking go behind my back like that. You do realize your name’s on the door of the building too, don’t you?” Alex scolded.

  “You can’t be mad at me here Alex. You’re the one who’s been dropping the ball. Are all of those women getting to your head, making you think you don’t need to work and everything will be fine? At least one of us was trying to get a business deal going.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Your assistants, Alex. I noticed you got a new one. Will this one last longer than the two months the last one did? Are you going to drop her too, and find some new pet to entertain you while you continue to not work?”

  Both men were obviously livid. Sophie, on the other hand, grabbed the edge of the door for support. What did I just hear? He just dropped his last assistant when he got tired of her?

  “My old assistant and I didn’t work out, she wasn’t the right fit for me. And besides, I still work fucking hard. If you look at the numbers, in the last month that fund you’re trying to sell has made 3% returns, when the market overall dropped 0.5%. That’s good investing, that’s me making sure everything in that fund is perfect. Not to mention the goodwill that comes from that portfolio. I can’t fucking believe you tried selling it behind my back.”

  It didn’t work out. What does that mean? Did he really just drop her when he got tired of her? Will the same thing happen to me? But he seemed so nice.

  Sophie didn’t want to hear any more. Her heart sank like a stone as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She’d known it had to be too good to be true, she knew that there was no way a man like Alex Carey would actually like her. I mean, I guess it was surprising enough that he wants to have sex with me, considering he could have any of the model gorgeous women in New York she thought. Still, tears began to pour down Sophie’s face.

  It was only then that she realized she really, really liked Alex Carey. Hell, I might even love him. God, how could you be so stupid? Falling for a billionaire like that? Sophie scolded herself; she should have known that no one who was that handsome, that rich, that powerful, could ever fall in love with her.

  She sat on the edge of the bed, gently crying into the sheet for a while, feeling sorry for herself and scolding herself at the same time. That was how Alex found her, her milky white, soft shoulders bobbing gently up and down when he came back into the room.

  He immediately sat down next to Sophie and wrapped his arm around her. “Sophie, what’s wrong?” he asked softly. Sophie moved his arm away and stood up. “I heard the conversation out there with Johann” she told him. Sophie wasn’t going to sit down and just take this.

  “You’re just going to drop me after a few months like your last little submissive, aren’t you?” she asked.

  Alex held up his hands in front of his chest, as if in surrender. “Sophie, I promise you I won’t, let me explain.”

  “I should have known it was too good to be true. I should have known there was no way that the rich billionaire who could have anyone in the world would want me” she cried.

  “No Sophie, it’s not like that at all. Please, give me a chance to explain.”

  He was so sincere, his eyes begging for a chance to tell her what had really happened. Despite her sadness and her rage, Sophie couldn’t help but want to give him that chance.

  “Johann was correct, I was only with my last assistant for two months. It was a mistake that I made in taking her on. She wasn’t ready. She was brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Intelligent, sexy, not unlike yourself in fact. The problem was, she couldn’t trust. She had not had a brilliant upbringing, and it turned out that despite her initial desire to be tied up, she wasn’t able to trust me completely, and the relationship broke down. It wasn’t either of our faults. She was my first submissive, and I made some mistakes as well. I pushed her too hard, too fast, especially since I knew about her past. We spoke at length about what we both wanted from the relationship, what we were both able to offer. I offered to pay for her to get counseling if she wanted. In the end, we decided to part ways. It was a mutual decision, one that I believe to this day was the correct one. She works as an analyst at Samantha Bell’s company now, she was the one who did the presentation on derivatives this morning.”

  As Alex told his story, Sophie eventually moved to the end of the bed, sitting next to him as he continued.

  “It was not an easy relationship that we had. But let me tell you, I have no intention of giving up on you. I’ve learned from my mistakes, Sophie. You’re smart and you’re so sexy” he told her, tracing her face with his index finger. “If I’m honest, I’ve never wanted another woman as much as I want you. Just the thought of that scares me. I don’t know what I’m into here. One thing I learned from my last relationship is that communication is the most important thing. Absolutely the most important. And so now I’m communicating to you: I intend to keep you as my slave for as long as you’ll have me. Please believe that Sophie, because it’s the truth.”

  His eyes bored into hers. They glistened in the soft light, the sincerity pouring out of them. Sophie believed him. He had just poured his heart out to her. There was no way he would do that if he was just going to drop her. Alex took her hands into his. Her heart began to race. It was as though a giant weight had been lifted off her shoulders, with Alex’s admission, his willingness to tell her everything. He wasn’t really hiding his old assistant as a secret from me, it was just a hard story for him to tell Sophie realized.

  She nudged herself closer to him and lay her head on his shoulder. Alex wrapped an arm around her. “I’m sorry Sir” Sophie told him. “I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

  Alex shook his head. “No, it was natural for you to. I would have reacted the same way if I’d heard what you heard.”

  They sat in silence together for a while, each enjoying the other’s company, until finally they stripped back down and fell asleep. After all, there were still meetings to be had the next day.

  Sophie had a shower when they woke up. She was definitely still a little bit groggy after their late night adventure and the hot water helped wake her up.

  When she came out of the shower, towel drying her hair, Alex had a smile on his face as he stood in front of the bed. There was a small, silver egg-shaped thing in front of him. “I have a surprise for you today, little slave” he t
old her.

  Sophie looked at the clock. “But Sir, if you fuck me now, we’re going to be late” she exclaimed. After all, it was her job to make sure he was to his meetings on time, even if he wanted her in between her legs right then and there.

  “Oh I’m not going to fuck you just yet, we won’t be late.”

  “What is that, Sir?” Sophie asked, gesturing to the egg.

  He smiled again. “This is my special little egg. It’s a vibrator, powered by remote control. Come over here.”

  Sophie slowly went over to Alex, wondering what exactly he had in store for her. She was wet between the thighs already, and it wasn’t because of the shower. When she stood in front of him, she stopped. Alex looked at her. He was now fully dressed, she was naked. He moved his hands down Sophie’s body, his soft touch against her skin making her tingle. She didn’t know what to expect. After all, they were going to be late if they didn’t get going soon. Most of Sophie didn’t care, she would rather be fucked by Alex Carey right here in their hut rather than go to another morning of business meetings she didn’t understand.

  Alex’s hands slipped down Sophie’s waist and made their way in between her legs. “Ooooh, already wet are you, little slave?”

  Sophie’s face turned red and she looked down at the floor. Her “Yes Sir” in reply was barely audible. She still felt embarrassed at how quickly her master managed to evoke those kinds of reactions from her body.

  His fingers teased the folds of her lips and Sophie was reminded of the bliss she’d experienced the night before. With his other hand, Alex slid the silver egg into Sophie’s pussy, eliciting a small gasp from her.

  Alex removed his hand and picked up a small remote off the bed that Sophie hadn’t noticed. He pressed a button and the egg inside Sophie began to vibrate. She gasped again, suddenly realizing what had happened. She looked at Alex, realizing what was about to happen. He smiled as he saw the realization dawn upon her.

  “Time to get dressed, Sophie. We’ve got a morning of business meetings ahead of us” Alex told her.


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