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Club Alpha: BDSM Romance Boxed Set

Page 93

by Amy Valenti

  “Do you know what you want to do then, how you want to play?”

  “I do. But we need to talk first, about safe words, about what you want.”

  “Okay.” Safe words made no sense, and she thought she’d want whatever Wesley wanted.

  “Safe words keep people from getting injured. Pain is part of what I want to play with, but I don’t want you to get injured, or go too far beyond your limits. So if there’s something happening that you want to stop, say the safe word.”

  “Can’t I just say no?”

  “Sometimes no doesn’t mean no, not with play. Sometimes no means don’t stop. In this context, no loses its meaning. So if you want me to stop, for any reason, say tap dance.”

  “Tap dance? Okay.” It seemed a silly word, but as she thought about it, it did make some sense. “What else?”

  “I want to explore dominance with you, but I don’t think you’re not ready to be a submissive. I want to push you, but only so far.”

  “Alright.” She frowned. Wesley had skirted around dominance and submission all night.

  “Subs are under obedience during sessions, like now. You’d be answering me with yes, Master, or no, Master.”

  For a moment Scarlett wanted to giggle. It seemed absurd to call someone Master. Maybe he saw the reaction on her face, or sensed how she felt. Shaking his head, he went on.

  “We can be a little flexible with that though. Obedience and submission are something that takes a long time to learn, and I don’t want you hung up on semantics. I want you to enjoy yourself tonight.” He took a set toward her, brushing his hand against her cheek. With a start she realized it was the first time he’d touched her since they’d come into this room. .It made her realize how much she wanted his touch and she leaned into his hand. But he pulled his hand away, stepping back.

  “But I want you to try, okay? I want to restrain you, and I want you to be submissive. And I want to work with pain again. That sounds like a lot, I know. But would you like that?”

  She nodded. “I would.”

  “Then I think we should get started.” Wesley smiled again, the slow smile he’d given her in his apartment, while she was tied to his bed. Her breathing got a little faster, her heart skipping a beat. This was it. She was ready.

  She reached for him but he took another step back. “Patience, Scarlett. We go slow, okay? And you’re under obedience as of now. You do as I say, when I say. Understand?”

  “Like playing the game last night?”

  “Like playing the game. If you have questions, you can ask. But otherwise, no talking, unless I ask you a question.”


  “Sometimes that’s the hardest part.” She heard the gentle laugh in his voice. “Now tell me the safe word.”

  “Tap dance.”

  “Okay.” Wesley’s expression had slowly changed while he’d been talking. His eyes had darkened, his face taking on a dreamy quality. But his voice had that edge to it, the one she remembered from last night.

  “I want you to step out of your shoes.”

  She did as she was told, standing barefoot on the rug, shifting from foot to foot as Wesley watched.

  “Stand by the cross so I can adjust the restraints.”

  Scarlett walked over, standing in front of the large wooden structure. It gave her a palpable thrill just being close to the wood, having Wesley position her against the cross. The touch of his hands on her skin as he moved her legs apart, his body brushing against hers as he took her arm, holding it along the upright arm of the cross, all of it made her want to kiss him, to pull him into her arms, to start this adventure with Wesley.

  But he was detached, methodical in his attention to the leather cuffs at her ankles and wrists. She glanced over her shoulder. The cuffs were apparently adjustable and Wesley was moving them up and down the arms of the cross, carefully aligning them with her wrists and ankles. She wondered if he was really interested in her at all at the moment. All his attention was on the cross, none of it apparently on her.

  “Okay.” She stepped away from the cross and so did he, glancing once more at the cross. Finally he looked down into her eyes. For a moment their gaze locked and she drew a sharp breath. There was no mistaking the heat she saw there. As if reading her mind, he spoke.

  “Scarlett, this is a slow burn, not a flash fire. We have all night. No one’s going to bother us. This isn’t like weeknight sex, wham, bang and we’re done. Pace yourself or you’ll burn out before we’ve had enough time.”

  She drew a deep breath, blew it out. “This isn’t quite how I thought it would be.”

  “It never is, first time or hundredth. It’s always different.”

  Scarlett nodded. From what Wesley had told her, every time would be different, if every time he picked a different woman.

  “Okay, then. I’m all yours.”

  Wesley smiled. “Then remember you’re under obedience. No talking, unless it’s the safe word. You can ask to speak, if you have questions. Understood?”

  For a confused moment Scarlett didn’t know how to answer. Finally she decided nodding her head wouldn’t break any of Wesley’s complicated rules.

  Wesley took a few steps away from her. “Take off your top.”

  Scarlett lifted the edge of the silk tank, pulling it over her head, dropping the garment to the floor.

  Wesley’s eyes slid from her face, down over her bra-covered breasts. His lips parted slightly, and he drew in the slightest breath. Scarlett smiled to herself; he wasn’t totally immune to her after all.

  “Come here.” He held out his hand, and she let him take hers, let him lead her to the cross. As much as she wanted to be in his arms, she remembered his words. She walked to the cross, standing with her back to the wood.

  “Turn around.”

  She frowned, hesitated for a moment. “But I thought…”

  “Shh…” He placed one finger against her lips. For a moment she wanted to open her mouth and bite his finger, or at least kiss his palm. But she remained still. “No talking, Scarlett. Turn around.”

  Scarlett hesitated, then turned to face the cross, apprehension and excitement playing up and down her spine. The arms of the cross were dark wood, stretching above her, smooth and unbroken by any knots or imperfections.

  “I’m going to position you now, just like before.” His voice was low, soothing, as he took one arm, lifting it over her head. She rested her hand on the wood while Wesley put the leather cuff around her wrist, the clink of the silver buckle as he fastened it almost musical. The wood was cool to her touch. But then she remembered what was happening, that Wesley was restraining her on a giant wooden cross.

  Wesley took her other arm, working slowly, deliberately, restraining her wrist.

  “Is that too tight?”

  Scarlett gave an experimental tug on each arm. “No, I think that’s okay.”

  “If anything starts to go numb, like your hands, or your shoulders start to hurt…let me know right away. You can say the safe word, or you can just tell me. You’re not breaking obedience if something starts to hurt, or it’s uncomfortable.”


  Wesley patted her shoulder. “Don’t sound so apprehensive. It’ll be fine.”

  Scarlett looked at him over her shoulder, managing a smile. “I guess I was just...oh, sorry.” She bit back the rest of her sentence. He was right; not talking was going to be harder than anything else. “Sorry.”

  Wesley’s lips curled into a half-smile. “You’re learning.” His breath brushed against the back of her neck. If she took one step back, she’d be pushed against him. But she stayed where she was.

  Wesley stepped away from her and she heard the sound of a zipper, muffled noises behind her. Then Wesley was behind her again.

  “I’m going to take off your skirt now.”

  She felt his hands on her hips, his thumbs resting lightly against the top of her ass. For a moment they stood like that, his hands warm through the
thin fabric of the skirt. She closed her eyes, imaging what Wesley looked like, standing behind her. Was he aroused, as hot as she was? If she took a step back, would she feel it against her? She was barely able to resist the urge to press back against him, to find out if she was right.

  Slowly his hands slid back to the zipper. He tugged it down slowly. As he did she heard him draw a breath.

  “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you? And that’s a rhetorical question, by the way.”

  Cool air hit her skin as he slowly lowered the skirt. It dropped to the floor and completely out of her mind.

  Wesley’s fingers were back on her hips, caressing her, moving gently over her skin.

  “I like your choice of lingerie.”

  She wanted to tell him how long it had taken her to decide what to wear, but she bit back the words. Maybe later, after…when they were alone in his apartment.

  “I didn’t picture you as a thong-type of girl. Maybe a matching bra and panties, yeah, but not something quite this risqué.”

  A whole retort popped into Scarlett’s mind and she squeezed her eyes closed, all but biting her tongue, holding back the words.

  Wesley’s voice was in her ear. “After we’re done, you’ll have all the time you want to tell me whatever it is you want to say, okay? But for now, you’re doing great.”

  For a moment his breath was on her neck again and the apprehension over not being able to speak melted away. It really didn’t seem that important after all, telling him her trouble deciding what bra and panties to wear.

  She swallowed hard, nodding.

  “Good girl.” His hands were on her legs, pulling them apart. “I’m going to restrain your legs now. Just relax.”

  She let him move her legs apart. Suddenly wearing a thong didn’t seem like such a good idea. The further apart her legs were, the more open and exposed she felt. There was practically nothing between her and Wesley. A small bubble of panic started in the pit of her stomach, and she tensed against Wesley’s grip.

  “You’re doing fine, Scarlett. Really. Do you want to stop? All you need to do is say the word.”

  She shook her head. “But…”

  “You can talk.” Wesley straightened. He moved from behind her, coming to stand in front of the cross. “What is it? Does something hurt?”

  There was a look of genuine concern on his face. The panic subsided.

  “No, nothing like that. It’s just…I guess I just need to get used to this.” She pulled against the restraints, the buckles clinking against the wood.

  “It’s a big adjustment, from silk ties to this.” Wesley glanced up at the arms of the cross. It was very quiet in the room but from somewhere nearby she heard a series of high-pitched noises. A woman, Scarlett guessed, a woman reaching climax, coming hard. The sounds cut off abruptly, and the room was silent again.

  There were people all around her, in all these room, doing just what she and Wesley were doing. They were playing, or having sex, or both. She closed her eyes again as a wave of something dark tore through her. She wanted what they had, to be doing what they were doing.

  “Maybe this is a little one-sided. Maybe I forgot this is all new for you.” He leaned forward, his lips brushing hers. She knew better than to try to deepen the kiss, so when he pulled away, she let him go.

  Wesley reached up, undoing the buttons on his shirt. Scarlett watched as he slowly pulled the material away from his body, exposing his chest, and then his flat abdomen. His jeans were stretched taut across the unmistakable bulge of his erection. Images of him from the night before rose up, and with it, the same feelings she’d experienced: arousal, heat, desire. The strength of it took her breath away and she suddenly found herself weak-kneed, breath coming in a deep gulp. She met Wesley’s eyes and found him watching her, lips parted.

  “Yeah. Okay.” He pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside, his lips curled into a half-smile.

  Just as the waves of heat began to build inside her, Wesley stepped away from her, out of her line of sight. She let out a frustrated noise, not caring if it was against obedience or not.

  “We’re just getting started, Scarlett. Patience.”

  She gave a tug on the wrist restraints, the leather biting against her skin.

  There were noises behind her, sounds she assumed was Wesley rummaging in his bag. He was behind her again.

  “I’d like to blindfold you, Scarlett. You have a habit of wanting to watch and I’d like to be able to surprise you.”

  He came around in front of her. In his hands was a piece of black cloth. He held it up in front of Scarlett.

  “If you don’t want it, that’s fine. Just let me know.” He took another step toward her. “Do you want to play this game?”


  Wesley nodded, took one more step forward and lifted the blindfold to her face. For a moment she held her breath, waiting, looking at Wesley over the edge of the material.

  “Relax. This isn’t the part with the pain.” His smile was reassuring and she blew out a breath. Then she nodded.

  “Okay.” she closed her eyes.

  He put the blindfold against her face, over her eyes. The fabric was soft, cool, and suddenly she was plunged into darkness. She felt Wesley tying the blindfold behind her head.

  “Is that too loose, too tight?”

  She wiggled her nose, trying to peek beneath the fabric, but she couldn’t see anything, not even a sliver of light.

  “It’s fine.”

  “Good.” There was a beat of silence. “I’m going to start now, officially start. Tell me the safe word.”

  “Tap dance.”

  “Good. You can ask questions, tell me if something hurts. But otherwise, you’re under obedience. Do you understand?”


  “Good girl.”

  There were more noises behind her and she strained to make sense of them. Then there was a long silence. The silence was worse than the sounds she couldn’t identify, and it seemed to stretch on and on.

  “I’m right here, Scarlett.” His voice was right behind her. One hand rested on the small of her back. “Like I said, I like your choice of lingerie.” His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of the thong, tugging it lightly. It snugged against her, and Wesley tugged again, harder this time. The fabric rubbed against her clit.

  The touch was subtle, soft…too subtle. She wanted more. Wesley was still pulling on the waistband and she shifted her hips forward. For a brief instant the touch was electrifying, and she tipped her head back, crying out.

  The waistband snapped against her skin, the delicious pressure against her clit gone. She pulled against the wrist leathers in frustration.

  “Not so fast.” Wesley leaned forward, his lips brushing against her ear. “You didn’t think that’s all I’m going to do to you, did you?”

  His chest was pressed against her back, the rough denim of his jeans against her ass. She pushed back as much as she could, wiggling against what she hoped was his cock, hoping like hell to get him as hot and bothered as she was getting.

  But he only laughed, and then stepped away. There was another mysterious noise behind her.

  “Still okay, Scarlett?”


  “Good. I’m going to touch you with something. And it might hurt after a while. You can tell me if the pain is too much, if you want me to stop.”

  Scarlett nodded. A film of perspiration broke out across her upper lip, across her forehead. She wanted whatever he was going to do, to feel the pain, knowing it would come with pleasure, intense pleasure.

  “This…” Something rubbed against her hip, but it wasn’t Wesley’s hand. It was smaller, soft, almost warm. He ran whatever it was slowly down her hip, then even more slowly up the inside of her thigh. As he reached the top of the inside of her thigh, he stopped, whatever it was resting against her skin.

  “Riding crop.” His voice was darker and lower, and completely mesmerizing. He teased it slowly between h
er legs, over the fabric of her thong, then further forward. The crop slid over her clit and she jerked in response to the rush of arousal that slight touch sent through her. She wanted more but bit back the words.

  “Good girl.” Wesley’s voice was close but he wasn’t touching her. Nothing was touching her except the crop, slowly circling between her legs, working back and forth over her clit, against the sensitive skin of the inside of her thighs, pulling back to flick against her ass.

  “You’re so beautiful, Scarlett, all your curves. All your soft skin. So soft…” His breath brushed against her ear, then the soft touch of his lips on the nape of her neck. The heat of his body warmed her back and she knew he was close, very close to her. Goosebumps rose on her arms, her body shivering uncontrollably. She wanted him, wanted more of him.

  “Please…” She turned her head, seeking the heat of his body to tell her where he was. “Please, Wesley…”


  The crop was taken away, the warmth of his body moving away left her chilled.

  “There are rules, Scarlett. Whatever you want, that’s not an option…yet.”

  She pulled in a deep breath, trying to control the shaking in her arms.

  “Does something hurt, Scarlett?”

  “No. It’s…it’s not that.”

  “Do you want to stop?”

  “No.” Stopping now wasn’t an option. She wanted more, but as hard as it was, she’d have to do this on Wesley’s terms.

  “You can stop at any time, Scarlett. I’m not going to force you, you know that. Are you sure you want to continue?”

  “Yes, I do…I want to continue.” She cringed, thinking she’d said too much. But Wesley didn’t make any reply.

  Something passed through her mind, a fleeting thought Wesley’s words had triggered. But before she could put her finger on it, the skin of her ass flared with pain.

  “Fuck…Jesus, Wesley. A little warning?”



  “Scarlett, I’m not giving you a warning.” His voice drew closer to her. “That’s not part of the game, and you know that.”

  She gritted her teeth. The pain was fading but she wanted Wesley’s touch, the way he’d soothed her at his apartment.


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