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The Final Score

Page 18

by Jaci Burton

  She knew Aubry would eventually bring that up. "Nothing's going on. We're just having some fun."

  "You two have known each other a long time. Were you friends all through college?"

  Mia nodded. "Yes. But nothing was going on back then, either. We're just friends."

  Aubry raised a brow. "I had guy friends in college and medical school. I never had sex with any of them."

  "Maybe you missed out, then." She gave Aubry a grin.

  Aubry laughed. "Ew. No, I did not. Trust me."

  "You're only saying that because you're married and totally in love with my brother. Back then, some of your guy friends were probably hot."

  "Okay, maybe they were. But I think we were all so stressed about medical school and grades and just trying to keep our sanity that was all we could think about."

  "Oh, come on, Aubry. You never had sex while you were in school?"

  "I did. And had one relationship that ended badly, so I focused on school instead of guys."

  Mia nodded. "I understand that. That's why I'm not having a relationship. I have my business to think about and that's occupying most of my thoughts."

  "Your one true love?" Aubry gave her a wry smile.

  "Yes. That's it exactly."

  "Then it makes sense for you to have sex with your best friend."

  Mia looked down at the women doing their manicures. They were good at their jobs, because they were focused on their tasks and, while Mia was sure they were listening in, their facial expressions betrayed nothing of their thoughts.

  "It's working for both of us right now. Nathan is just about to start the football season and he has a lot of pressure on him, too. Keeping things simple between us is the best way to go."

  Aubry's nails were finished, so she leaned back in her chair. "Sure. As long as neither one of you gets emotionally involved."

  "Right. And that's not going to happen. We both know what we're doing."

  Aubry let out a soft laugh.

  "What?" Mia asked.

  "Oh, nothing. I'm sure you totally have it together. Just like Tucker and I did."

  Mia frowned. "Hey, that's not funny. You two are married now."

  Aubry gave her a knowing smile. "Exactly. And so are Grant and Katrina and now Flynn and Amelia are engaged. Oh, and of course Barrett and Harmony are getting married today. And you know what the common thread was binding all of us together?"

  She didn't want to know the answer, but she knew she had to ask. "What?"

  "None of us wanted to get involved. None of us were in the market for love or a relationship. And none of us planned on falling in love." Aubry held out her hands. "Look at all of us now, Mia. So you know, best-laid plans and all."

  Mia lifted her chin. "That's not going to happen with Nathan and me. We've been friends for a long time. How we feel about each other is different."


  She did not like Aubry's tone. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "It means that once you introduce sex into a relationship, it changes everything."

  Her manicurist had just finished with her, and the team was taking a break before pedicures, so Mia shifted in her chair. "That's exactly what I told Nathan. Only my reasoning for keeping sex out of our relationship was because I was afraid to lose our friendship."

  "I don't think that should be your biggest concern. But I do understand it. I know how close you and Nathan are. If it were me and I had a guy friend as my BFF, I'd be hesitant to have sex with him, too. Because like I said, sex changes everything."

  Mia sighed. "Dammit, Aubry."

  Aubry laughed. "Sorry. But it's true. It changes the entire dynamic of your relationship. However, I will say this. If anyone can manage it, it's you, Mia."

  "Thanks. I'm going to try my damndest."

  She thought about--or more like worried about--what Aubry had said. In fact, she pondered it all through her pedicure. By the time she was on the table for her massage she was a tight bundle of tension and the massage was more painful than enjoyable because she wasn't able to relax.

  "Try deep, cleansing breaths," her massage therapist said. "In through the nose, out through the mouth."

  She did. She settled into the massage, determined to fall asleep if possible. But then she thought about Nathan, about all the things Aubry said and how things would change in her relationship with him.

  She had been wary of introducing sex into their relationship, though she had to admit she was having a great time with him now that they had. The sex was amazing, and being able to see him more often, to touch him and be intimate with him had sparked desires in her that had lain dormant for far too long.

  Nathan was an amazing lover, so generous, so passionate.

  But at what cost? She was always going to worry about their relationship ending, about something going wrong between them.

  Dammit. She could not relax. She even practiced her yoga breathing, tuned in to the gentle music, even tried to fall asleep. Nothing worked because she couldn't clear her head. She was tense. Tense, tense, tense. She felt bad for her massage therapist, who Mia was sure took it personally.

  Mia got up at the end of her session.

  "I have a lot on my mind."

  Evita, her therapist, sighed. "I can typically work with that. I'm not sure why I couldn't release the tight knots in your muscles."

  "It's not your fault. But thank you. It was a lovely massage."

  She got dressed and left the room, hoping Evita's next client was someone a lot more relaxed. She passed Harmony on the way out.

  "How are you doing, honey?" Mia asked.

  Harmony grinned. "I'm having a fantastic day. How was the massage therapist? I'm next with her."

  "She's amazing and you're going to love her."

  "I can't wait. I'll see you soon."

  Evita was going to have a great time giving a massage to the happy bride-to-be.

  Mia went to her room and took a shower to wash off the massage oil, then slipped into a sundress. She went downstairs and found a group of women in the kitchen. There were small sandwiches and snacks laid out--her mom and Diane's work, no doubt. Given the stress and activity of the day, her mom wouldn't want anyone to get hungry. Mia grabbed a few carrots to nibble on and made herself some green tea. Maybe that would relax her.

  She pulled up a chair next to Amelia.

  "Did you get your massage?" she asked.

  Amelia nodded. "It was heavenly. How about you?"

  "Yes. It was perfect." She wasn't about to tell anyone how bound up with tension she was.

  "What time is hair and makeup?" Katrina asked.

  "According to the schedule, they should arrive around three."

  She picked up her phone. She had an hour to kill, so she took her tea and went upstairs to her room. She grabbed her planner and sat in the chair next to the window. The sun was bright, and the day was hot as blazes, but the air conditioning made the room perfectly comfortable.

  She opened her planner and flipped to a blank page, then settled in to make some notes. But it wasn't work that was on her mind, it was Nathan. Nathan and her, and their friendship.

  She divided the page into two columns, titling one "Friendship" and the other one "Sex."

  On the Friendship side, she listed all the things that mattered to her: trust, length of their friendship, the fact she could count on Nathan for everything, that she could tell him all her secrets and that their friendship had, for the most part, been non-sexual, which had made it uncomplicated.

  On the Sex side, she wrote "Fun, Adventurous, A Tension Release, Hot, Steamy," and then smiled as she wrote, "The Best I've Ever Had."

  She tapped her pen against the paper. "Isn't that the damn truth?"

  On the Sex side she also wrote, "Complicates Things. What If It Ends? Could End Our Friendship." And then there were the scary photographers, who'd been stalking them here and there. She still couldn't make sense of what they wanted, but if word of their relationship got o
ut, it could spell bad tidings for both of them. And then there was the family issue. She didn't need her family nosing around her relationship with Nathan. With the season about to start, the last thing Nathan needed was to be at odds with one of her brothers.

  Her brothers had always been protective of her. She had no idea how any of them would react to her seeing Nathan. Plus Flynn played on the same team with Nathan. So she added "Work Complication for Nathan" to the Sex side.

  She sighed. So many unknowns. Which was why she put three underlines under "Uncomplicated" in the Friendship column.

  She compared lists, searching for clarity but finding none. Of course their friendship would always come first. She could live without the sex. She'd done that plenty of times. The problem was, she was now having a sexual relationship with Nathan.

  And that's where uncomplicated had become complicated.

  She sighed, closed her planner and headed downstairs. It was time to put thoughts of her oh-so-complicated relationship with Nathan away for now. Because it was wedding day for Barrett and Harmony, and that's the only thing she intended to think about for the rest of the day.


  SO FAR, IT HAD BEEN AN AWESOME DAY. THE BEST thing about not being involved in a wedding was that you could kick back and relax.

  Nathan had played golf with all the guys this morning, which was a blast. He'd shot a decent game, so at least no one had been able to give him shit about that. He mentally thanked his dad for dragging him around golf courses from the time he was a teenager. At the time, he hadn't appreciated it, but Dad had always told him golf was a social game as well as a game of skill and patience, and that someday all those lessons would come in handy.

  He'd been right. His dad was always right, dammit.

  They'd had lunch in Austin, then driven back to the ranch to get ready for the wedding.

  Since he had no official wedding duties, he asked what he could do to help. Easton told him he could assist in supervising the set-up of the reception barn since Lydia was busy getting her hair done and she'd handed him a clipboard saying it was essential everything be done right.

  "So you want me to handle this?" Nathan asked, looking over a checklist.

  Easton slanted a grin in his direction. "Yeah. Because I have to handle the liquor."

  "The drinking of it or the stocking of it?"

  Easton laughed. "I wish we could start drinking. But I don't think Barrett would be very happy with me if I was inebriated before his wedding even started. So I'll settle on supervising the stocking. With maybe one beer."

  Nathan smiled. "Okay, what do you need me to do?"

  "Just make sure everything on this list gets checked off. And, I guess, it's supposed to look good."

  Nathan gave Easton a wide-eyed look. "How am I supposed to know if it looks good?"

  Easton slapped him on the back. "Hell if I know. Good luck, kid."

  So now he was watching people set up tables and chairs and put down linen tablecloths and flower centerpieces and whatnot. Definitely things that were out of his wheelhouse, but hey, he had a checklist, so he supposed he was good to go. He just hoped these people knew what they were doing, because if something got screwed up, he was the one with the damn clipboard.

  He wished Mia was here. In fact . . .

  He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and texted her.

  Where R U?

  He waited. Five minutes later he got a return text.

  Getting makeup done. What's up?


  He replied with, Nothing. Have fun.

  She replied right away with, Do you need me?

  She had no idea how much he needed her right now, but if he said he did, she'd come running. And it was hot as fuck out here and her makeup would melt.

  He could handle this shit.

  So he replied with, No, I'm good. C U L8r

  He took his clipboard and wandered the barn, counting all the tables. They were all up and in place according to the plan, so he checked that off. Then he did the same with chairs. Tablecloths had all been put on. Next he had to do the place settings.

  What the fuck did he know about place settings?

  "What did you need?"

  He spun around to see Mia standing there. She was gorgeous. Her hair was perfect, like it always was, and her makeup looked--he supposed, like makeup. He didn't know, since she always looked pretty. But the sundress bared her shoulders and her neck and he really wanted to put his mouth on her neck.

  "Should you be out here?" he asked.

  She frowned at him. "Why shouldn't I be out here?"

  "Because you had your makeup done and it's hot."

  She rolled her eyes. "I'm not a freaking snowflake, Nathan. Now what's going on?"

  He pointed to the clipboard. "Your dad put me in charge of this after your mom put him in charge of it and I'm not sure I know what I'm supposed to do."

  She took the clipboard from him. "Let me see it."

  She scanned the list, then looked over the barn. She started wandering around to inspect a few of the tables. She handed the clipboard back to him. "It looks great. The team knows what they're doing, so your job is to just stand here in case anyone has questions. And if they do, text me and I'll ask my mom."

  He was so relieved. "Thanks. I didn't want to screw it up."

  She grasped his arm, lifted up on her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. "That's sweet. I have to go. See you later."

  "Okay. Oh, and, Mia?"

  She had started to walk away, but stopped. "Yes?"

  "You look really pretty."

  Her lips curved. "Thanks, Nathan. You look hot and sweaty."

  He grinned. "Thanks. Later, Mia."

  She wandered off and he relaxed into his job, figuring all he had to do was monitor things. Now that the stress was off of him, he appreciated how nice the barn looked. Even though the reception was taking place in the barn, the tables were round and sturdy, and they'd been fancied up by the nice linens. Bright lights were strung over the wood beams, and they'd cleared a dance floor at the front, where there was a long table set up for the wedding party.

  It should be a fun night. They just had to get Barrett and Harmony married so they could get to the party portion of the evening.

  Nathan was more than ready to party.


  MIA STOOD AT THE FRONT OF THE BARN AND WATCHED her brother Barrett declare his love for Harmony. She blinked back tears as he recited his vows to love and honor Harmony for the rest of his life.

  She'd cried tears of happiness for each of her brothers at their weddings and for the women she'd grown to love like sisters. She loved Harmony just as much and couldn't wait to welcome her into the Cassidy fold.

  Her brothers had all made wonderful choices in women and as Barrett and Harmony sealed their bond with a kiss, she sniffled and smiled.

  After the ceremony, they took what Mia thought was about a million photos before they made their way from the wedding barn to the reception barn. She was happy to walk in there first to the cheers of the crowd, then stand in a line with the other bridesmaids and groomsmen as Barrett and Harmony were introduced as husband and wife to wild cheers and applause.

  Then they had their first dance, and it was so sweepingly romantic. Harmony looked beautiful. She'd chosen a very simple A-line wedding gown with a sweetheart neckline that clung to her curves and looked stunning on her. She'd worn her hair up, a few tendrils curled around her face. The only jewelry she had on were her mother's pearl necklace and matching earrings. Simple, yet exquisite. She glowed.

  Oh, and Barrett looked nice, too, she thought with a grin.

  After the bride and groom finished up, the bridal party danced, which was kind of hilarious since Mia was partnered up with one of the defensive linemen from Barrett's team who towered over her by at least a foot and a half. But he was so sweet to her and so cautious as they moved around the floor. He didn't step on her toes once, which was aweso
me considering he had enormous feet.

  "I practiced with my wife," Jacob said while they danced. "She told me if I crushed your toes she'd never speak to me again."

  Mia laughed. "You're doing great, so I think you're safe."

  After the dance, her obligations as a bridesmaid were mostly over. She had to sit at the head table with the bridal party during the toasts, and then there was dinner, which was spectacular. She was happy that dinner was catered, even though Barrett and Harmony had kept the guest list small. Only family and close friends had been invited and it ended up being intimate and sweet rather than ostentatious and crowded.

  It was lovely and her brother looked happier than she'd ever seen him.

  She got up from the table to stretch her legs and walk off dinner. She made her way to the bar to grab a cocktail.

  She'd had champagne for the toast, but otherwise she'd avoided alcohol so she could stay clearheaded today. Now she was ready to party. She decided on a dirty martini. She took the glass and walked away from the bar, wandering about the crowd.

  She spotted her uncle Elijah dancing with Diane. The deejay was playing a slow song, and the two of them were bundled up so tightly together that it was like they were one body.

  Oh, there was definitely something romantic going on between the two of them.

  "I think my mama might be in love with your uncle."

  She turned to see Harmony standing next to her. "I think you might be right. Isn't it great?"

  Harmony's lips curved. "It sure is. Your uncle is an amazing man. He's flown out to Tampa a few times and stayed at Mama's house. They get along well and Mama deserves to be happy. She's been focused on work and on me and hasn't taken the time to do anything for herself for as long as I can remember. It's time she has some romance--some love--in her life."

  Mia draped an arm around Harmony's shoulders. "I agree. They seem happy together."

  "I think so, too. Mama said Elijah would be willing to move to Tampa. Mama really doesn't want to leave there. It's home. And he likes it out there."

  "That's awesome, Harmony. So maybe before long we'll have another wedding in the family."

  Mia saw tears glisten in Harmony's eyes. "Nothing would make me happier."

  She saw Barrett approach and put his arm around Harmony, then glare at Mia.

  "Did you make my wife cry?"

  Mia rolled her eyes. "I did not."

  "These are happy tears," Harmony said. "I've been crying them all day, in case you haven't noticed."


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