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Blazing with Love (The Armstrongs Book 12)

Page 14

by Jessica Gray

  “I have my ways,” he teased her. “By now, you should know that I possess a devilish charm that most women can’t resist.”

  “No, seriously. How did you sneak in here? I know they have a nurse guarding these rooms. I’ve been up here before.”

  “Let’s just say I can be very persuasive when the situation warrants it.”

  “I already knew that. How else did you convince me to abandon my policy where co-workers are concerned?” She tried a smile, but the band-aid on her cheek probably made it look like a grimace.

  “Are you alright?” Tyler kissed her gently on the lips.

  “I’ll be fine. Some burns and a few bumps and bruises. Nothing serious. I’ll be back on the roster in a week at most.” She leaned against his hard chest, inhaling his unique scent. Even now, the lingering smell of smoke mixed with shampoo and aftershave. “How long have you been back?”

  “About two hours.”

  Her eyes widened. “You didn’t sleep or eat?”

  “No, I only took a shower because they wouldn’t have let me in with my sooty appearance, grabbed a few sandwiches and Mike drove me here.” He placed another kiss on her lips, this one much more passionate than the first. “I was so worried…I missed you so much…” He let her go to examine her face. “Is that the newest fashion fad? It looks good on you.”

  Jules giggled, but it ended in a pained grimace. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts. The doctor said, there’s a hole in my cheek.”

  “That sounds bad…real bad…” Tyler caressed the band-aid on her cheek. “How will you be able to eat with a hole in your cheek.”

  Again, she had the urge to giggle, but kept her face straight. She’d missed him so much. Everything about him. Especially his ability to make her laugh like a silly schoolgirl.

  “Jules, I need to tell you something…” Tyler said.

  “No wait. I have something to tell you first.” She waited for Tyler to nod his acquiescence before she said, “When I was inside that darn shake and bake, I had a chance to think about my life and the future I hoped to have.” She took a deep breath to muster her courage. “I thought I had things all figured out, but I realized I didn’t. I couldn’t see what was right in front of me. You.”

  She lifted a bandage hand and Tyler captured it before she could hurt herself, kissing it gently and searching her eyes. “Is that what you wanted to tell me?”

  Jules shook her head. “Not quite. Tyler…I love you. I used not to believe in love, but…I love you. More than life itself. And my biggest worry was that I would die before I could tell you.”

  “I love you too, Jules. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you, and with every passing minute I love you more.” He released her hand and stepped back, lowering himself down to one knee, wincing at the way his overworked, exhausted body protested the new position. “Jules Cooper, I don’t have a fancy ring right now, but I have my heart and it’s yours if you’ll have me. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? I love you with my whole heart and I never want to be apart from you again without you knowing that to be true.”

  “Yes! I will marry you. Now, get up off your knees and kiss me,” Jules said, her smile brighter than the sun outside.

  Tyler needed no further encouraging and soon Jules found herself engulfed in the arms of the man she was going to spend the rest of her life loving, his tongue tenderly parting her lips and claiming her as his forever.

  When the nurse poked her head in a few minutes later, she just as quietly slipped back out, leaving the two lovebirds alone for a few minutes to rejoice in their love.

  Four months later…

  The fire season had been unusually long and hard with multiple fires burning at once across parts of California, Oregon, and Arizona. Jules’ hotshot camp had been involved in most of them, and everyone had been more than ready to see the weather shift and fire season finally come to an end.

  Tyler and she had announced their engagement amongst their fellow co-workers, and to Tyler’s family, but Jules had been scared to tell her mother over the phone. Last night they’d driven down to L.A. and she’d spent the night at Tyler’s place. With the help of Tyler’s brothers they’d found the perfect place to live together, only a few blocks from the beach and wanted to move in by the end of the week.

  “Jules, you going to call your mother?” Tyler asked at breakfast. He’d understood her reluctance to say anything yet, but they were planning to get married before the next fire season started and that only left them a few months to get everything arranged.

  “I really can’t put it off much longer, can I?” she asked.

  “Since my siblings are wanting to throw us an engagement party next weekend, probably not. It would be nice if your mother would come and meet everyone.” Tyler smiled, and his confidence immediately calmed her mind.

  She couldn’t wait to start the rest of their life together, with or without maternal support.

  “Don’t hold your breath on that one. She’s not going to be pleased with my choices…”

  “But they are your choices and I, for one, am thrilled with how things have turned out. Want me to come with you?” he asked, pressing a quick kiss on her lips. Like always a quick kiss between the two of them evolved into an earth-shattering explosion of pure passion and several minutes later, Jules pushed at his chest.

  “Stop, or I’m never going to tell my mom.”

  “I could live with that…” he said with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

  “No, you couldn’t. In fact, I’ll call right away and invite her to lunch. She’ll be less likely to throw a tantrum if there are others watching.” Jules glanced around to find her phone.

  “Devious, but smart. Another reason why I love you,” Tyler said, letting her go. “I’m going to the beach for a run. Want to join me before you take on your mother?”

  “No, you go ahead. I’ll see you later this afternoon.”

  “Okay. Call me if you need rescuing. You know I’ll be there.”

  Jules smiled and cupped his chin when he wandered back for another kiss. “My knight in shining Kevlar. Always coming to my rescue. I’ll be fine.” Jules waited until Tyler left the small apartment and then placed a call to her mother, who was surprisingly excited to hear from her. She readily agreed to meet for lunch in two hours’ time and Jules rushed through her shower and dressing, knowing it would take her at least an hour in the traffic to reach the restaurant. As she entered the restaurant and walked to where her mother already waited, she steeled her spine for another lecture she didn’t want or need.

  “Darling. I didn’t know you’re back in L.A.? Is the season over yet? You should have told me in advance, since your room is not cleaned up. But I can arrange for the cleaning lady—“

  “Mom, please, can I sit down first?”

  “Sure. You look nice.” Her mother air kissed her on both cheeks before resuming her seat.

  “Thanks. You’re looking very good yourself. New hairstyle?”

  “You like it? I’ve been told it makes me look ten years younger. What do you think?”

  Jules nodded her agreement, used to playing these games with her mother. “So, what’s new?”

  “Nothing earth shattering. There’s something different about you, however.” Her mother looked her over with a critical eye and then shook her head, “What’s going on, Jules? Something is different. You seem…so happy.”

  It’s now or never. “I am. Remember Tyler, the young man I brought home to meet you at the start of the season?”

  “Of course, I remember him. A very handsome and capable young man if I remember correctly.”

  “He is that. Well, he’s asked me to marry him and I’ve agreed.” Jules watched her mother’s face for any reaction, surprised when the only reaction was a shy smile.

  “Congratulations, my darling. I’m very happy for you.”

  “You are?” Jules questioned, doubting whether she should believe her own ears.

course, I’m happy. I’ve had a lot of time to think about you and him. The way you two looked at each other was so…so…full of love.” Her mother dabbed at her eyes. “How could I not wish for my only daughter to experience an epic love? And if he makes you radiate happiness like this, he must be very special. That’s not to say that I don’t wish he was wealthier, but above all else, I want to see you happy.”

  “You do?”

  Her mother shook her head and reached across the table for her daughter’s hands. “Jules, I know I’ve made some horrible mistakes where men are concerned, and I’ve even gone so far as to encourage you to make similar mistakes, but you’ve been smart and gone after real love.

  “Just because men have been a constant source of disappointment for me, doesn’t mean that you have to settle for that same kind of life. I’m happy that you’ve held out and waited for your one true love to come along.”

  Words failed her as she sat numb with shock. “Mom…”

  “When is the wedding? Have you set a date yet?”

  Jules shook her head, finally finding her voice. “Not yet. We’re planning to do that next weekend at the engagement party Tyler’s siblings are throwing for us. I would like you to be there.”

  Her mother beamed a smile at her, and then grabbed the attention of a passing waiter. “Please bring us a bottle of champagne. We’re celebrating my daughter’s engagement.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Right away.”

  The waiter shuffled off and Jules smiled at her mother. “Champagne? In the middle of the day?”

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You’re my only child and since it seems you’re determine to break the mold I put in place and only marry one time, we’re going to celebrate.”

  The champagne arrived and both women waited while the server poured it. Jules and her mother lifted their glasses and her mother offered a toast. “To you and Tyler. May you always have the sunshine upon your backs and the sure knowledge that your love is forever. Be happy my daughter.”

  Jules clinked her glass to her mother’s and then sipped the champagne, the bubbles tickling her nose.

  She offered up another toast, this time to her mother. “May you one day find the same happiness I have. True love does exist. I’m living proof of it. And there’s nothing to compare it to on this great Earth. Nothing.”


  Curious how everything started with the Armstrongs? The first book of the original Chicago Armstrongs POWER OF LOVE is available for free on most retailers.

  Download here:

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  About the Author

  Jessica Gray is a true romantic. She writes heartwarming and sexy contemporary romance full of true love. Her characters are normal, lovable people with all their flaws and challenges, who never take themselves too serious.

  Also by Jessica Gray

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