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LA Shifters: Shifter Romance

Page 72

by Sky Winters

  “It really isn’t that interesting,” he said and laughed. And that was perhaps the first time she really did. It was like a slight chuckle, only it resonated in the room, and seemed to make the air come alive with its melody that she couldn’t help but smile when he did.

  “To me it is,” she said when she moved closer to touch it, like it hadn’t always been there. She leaned over to stare at the panels and grooves long the sides, and slid out the drawer where he would place the unprepared meal. “I would have loved this at home,” she said. “My own personal chef.”

  “Well, I still have to do this part,” he said, indicating the raw meat still lying on the counter.

  “True,” she said and straightened herself. Then she walked over and touched the meat. “What is it?”

  “Kushnai,” he replied. “A rare delicacy here,” he said when he saw the confusion on her face. “I think it’s what your people know as steak.”

  “Oh,” Aurora replied. “You know about my people?” she asked.

  “Of course I do,” he replied. “We know about every nation in this galaxy; it is a school requirement.”

  “Then I believe I am at a disadvantage,” she said as she moved closer to him and touched him on the hand. “If it is alright with you, I’d love to know more about your people.”

  Nevaeh looked at her hand on his, and then deep into her green eyes. A twinkle emerged there that warmed her on the inside and he covered her hand with his other. “It would be my pleasure to,” he replied. “But I must apologize for my rudeness. All the while you have been here I didn’t take the time to know much about you. I thought you…well, I don’t know what I was thinking. But I do believe I would love the honor of knowing your name.”

  Aurora smiled when he spoke, witnessing a gentler, nobler side than the rugged painted man she had seen on her first day on Thrax, and in that moment she was glad it was he who had found her. “It’s Aurora,” she told him, and she removed her hand form under his to formally meet the strange man who was slowly winning her over.


  Over the next few days Nevaeh took Aurora out every time he wasn’t busy with work. It was no easy feat for Aurora, to be out in public with him, for she received threats, deadly stares and foul words she could not even comprehend. Nevaeh shielded her as much as he could, but she was determined not to let their anger sully the impression she had of them that was already changing. She didn’t take it personally anymore, especially considering the new knowledge that she had found, that it was her and her people who had done them more wrong than had been meted out to her kind. Oftentimes she imagined herself ambling along the walk of shame, receiving blows from rotting foods and vegetables tossed at her, and feeling deserving of each.

  This particular day, Nevaeh thought it would be better if they spent the day away from prying eyes and evil minds. He took her to a recreational facility which housed a gym, a lounge area, a pool, various tracks and entertainment for children. Aurora was awed by the artwork displayed in the architecture of the building, and she made full three hundred and sixty turns in each area they passed through.

  “Why isn’t anyone here?” she asked when they got to the pool.

  “It is my day off, and the children are in school, so there isn’t usually anyone here at this time of the day,” he replied.

  “Is that why you brought me here?” she asked.

  He rolled the leg of his pants up, sat at the edge of the pool and dangled his legs in the water. Aurora stood there watching him and then she joined him. She wrapped the skirt between her legs, part of the pieces he had gotten for her in lieu of the fact that she had nothing other than the torn gear he had found her in.

  “You didn’t answer me,” she said when her feet played in the warm water next to his.

  “Yes,” he finally said. “It won’t be easy for the people here to accept a newcomer, especially one from earth,” he sighed.

  “So, why did you?” she asked. It seemed the question resided between them, and came up at some point or the other, for Aurora couldn’t wrap her mind around his strange generosity.

  “Haven’t we gone through this before?” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, I know what you’ve said before, but I don’t believe that the answer is still the same,” she told him. “I’ve watched you, and you have taken a battering from your people as much as I have, and still, rather than casting me out, here you are.”

  “It’s the decent thing to do,” he told her.

  “But that’s just it,” she retorted. “I’m not sure I would have done the same thing had you been the one to crash on my planet. I’m not sure there would be anyone who wouldn’t want to lock you into an underground lab and use you as the basis for experiments and torture for years on end,” she said and sighed. “I guess we really have a long way to go.”

  “But look on the bright side,” he said and nudged her on the shoulder. “If it had been anyone else who had found you here, you would be dead.”

  “Are you telling me you wield that much power over the actions of others? There were three of you there. They could have killed me anyway, or any other day on the street.”

  “We have honor and respect for the wishes of others here,” he replied.

  Aurora smiled and touched his hand as it rested on the hard surface that surrounded the pool. She gazed at the still, clear water that stretched out before her. It looked like every other pool she had seen since she had come to know of their existence, and if someone had kidnapped her and taken her to that world, she would not have perceived it to be anywhere but earth. Except for the extraordinary man sitting next to her.

  She had been his prisoner for three weeks, and in that time her status had been elevated to roommate-as far as her terminology of it went. She looked over at him now, and he smiled at her, and his black eyes flashed, piercing her soul, and she trembled under his gaze. Her mind started wandering, and somewhere deep in the shadows of her subconscious, she started developing an attraction for the being who had saved her life.

  Perhaps he saw the look in her eyes, or read her mind of the carnal thoughts that had started invading its space, but the next thing she felt was his cold hard lips on hers. She was frightened at first, and her eyes popped when her mind registered what was happening, but like caramel in the hot sun, she melted under his touch and her entire being became a sticky mess. She felt his lips transform from cold to burning hot, and soon her eyes closed as she succumbed to her need. She could feel her body floating away like a helium filled balloon, and when she felt his hand touch her side, she shivered, and he moved away.

  When their eyes locked, he smiled and pulled her to him and they sat together, at the side of the pool, feeling contented, yet concerned about their future.


  It was no easy feat that Nevaeh took on when he decided he would show his affection for Aurora in public. In the same way she had been jeered before and raked over the coals, he was treated in the same manner when he decided to hold her hand as they left the pool.

  “Disgusting,” an elderly woman spat as they walked by her.

  “Look at the strange woman,” some kids laughed, and then proceeded to throw stones at them.

  “Stop!” Nevaeh shouted, and they jumped in fright, hung their heads and dashed off in separate directions. Aurora tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t allow her to. “No,” he whispered. “They will never accept us if they think we are weak.”

  “Accept us?” Aurora asked. “What exactly is there to accept?”

  Nevaeh stopped walking when her words penetrated his colored face. “You are the enemy,” he said slowly, just in case she hadn’t comprehended that so far. “Not exactly the girl you take home to mama,” he said to her.

  “That’s not what I meant,” she began. “I meant, are we together?”

  “You had to ask? I kissed you. That should in every way confirm what I feel for you and my intentions for us.”

  “From a k
iss?” she asked him.

  “That’s not how it works on earth?” he asked her. His expression was one of shock, and she found it noble that he would think a kiss meant more than just that; a kiss.

  “No,” she told him. “A kiss usually means a guy is attracted to you, and that he is probably interested in a date. Most times it happens after the first date.” When she paused from her explanation she caught him looking at her in an odd way. “What?”

  “You come from a very strange place,” he told her.

  “Well, back in the day, way back in the day, men used to be chivalrous: showing up with gifts, opening doors for women, pulling back chairs and asking permission for her hand in marriage, or even for a kiss. Nowadays that has all but died, and what we have left are a bunch of ‘men’ who just want to get into a woman’s pants. If all they do is kiss, then the girl is lucky.”

  “Wow,” Nevaeh said when she was through. “We are more like your men of old; times have changed and we have gotten more advanced, but some things will always be the same. I only wish I had gotten the chance to ask you out on a date. The first time we met I took you home.”

  They both laughed at his words, and then she stopped walking to face him, the curious stares from his people all but forgotten. “Ask me now” she told him and looked at him from her emerald green portals.

  “Okay. Aurora, will you be my date tonight?” he asked and grinned.

  “Why, thank you for asking; I was not expecting it,” she told him and laughed. “I would love to go on a date with you Nevaeh, to any place we won’t possibly get stoned.”

  He held her hand and let ring a loud and melodious laugh that reverberated in the streets and drew the attention of another couple that was passing them by. Maybe it was the happiness in his tone, but they smiled as they ambled along. Or perhaps, it was in their own happiness that they could easily accept the strange couple that didn’t belong.

  Later that night, they snuggled up to each other in the 4-D theatre studio, with the first eight seats around them being vacant. They didn’t seem too perturbed by it, and when it was over, and Nevaeh led her through the exit, they were bombarded with insults once more.

  “Get her out of here,” a man behind them barked. “We don’t need it on our planet.”

  “And will you be the one to remove her?” he asked and turned to face the voice.

  “You are a traitor to keep her here like this,” the man continued. “They killed your father Nevaeh.”

  “It may have been her people, but it wasn’t her, and you are wrong about her,” he tried to explain.

  “Wrong my ass,” the man snarled and bore down on them.

  “I think we had better go,” Aurora said and held onto Nevaeh who had started assuming the color of cherries.

  “I think you are right,” he told her, though standing his ground and challenging the man to make a move. He got close enough to Nevaeh, but he didn’t dare make a move. “That’s what I thought,” Nevaeh said and grabbed Aurora by the hand, and walked through the throng of people who had already gathered.

  “I think it’s beautiful,” one woman said and gave Aurora a friendly pinch on the arm.

  Aurora smiled at her, and was pleased to find that there was one voice in the crowd that wasn’t looking to maul her.

  Nevaeh pushed the door in, angry and hurt that he wasn’t receiving the response he would have preferred. He flung himself on the bed, with his hands sprawled like he was about to make an angel from linen rather than snow.

  “It’s alright,” Aurora told him. “Maybe you can just sneak me off the planet; this probably won’t work no matter how we may want it.”

  “I will do no such thing, unless…” he started and then got up to look her in the eyes. “Do you want to go?”

  Aurora thought about the question, and immediately she thought of how lonely her life had been on earth; ever since she lost her brother, she had found meaning only in her job. And that job had led her to Nevaeh, who was giving her every woman’s dream. “No,” she responded. “I think I like being here with you, despite everything.”

  Nevaeh leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips, and then more sweetly the longer his lips played over hers. Then they locked in an embrace so strong and all consuming, that it filled Aurora’s eyes with water to imagine she had found love in a strange place.


  As the days went on, some longer than others, Nevaeh’s and Aurora’s affections for each other grew in proportion to the public’s acceptance of their once taboo relationship. They no longer received hard stares or curse words hurled at them, but smiles and nods-worst case, indifference.

  “I do believe you have won them over,” he told her once when they returned home.

  “I’m not so sure of that; Bjorn still looks at me like a fly stuck to a trap,” she said while referring to one of his closest friends-the only one still having a hard time with them being together.

  “He will come around; he is just stubborn and foolish. Who knows? Maybe you will be the reason earth learns my people are not the enemy, and we can have some peace between us.”

  “I doubt that will happen,” she said and sighed. Shortly after, a mischievous grin crossed her lips, and she walked seductively over to Nevaeh. “In other news, there is a ‘peace’ of you I would like to sign an agreement with,” she told him. She was standing directly before him now and she pulled him forcefully to her. Aurora had been tempted to be with him on many occasions, but the gentleman in him wouldn’t approach her to solicit sex, and she was all but frustrated with being that close to him and not feeling him.

  “Are you sure? It is not customary…”

  “Shh,” she whispered. “Enough about your people. Let me show you some customs of mine,” she grinned and slid his pants to his ankles and helped his shirt over his head. She had never seen him naked before, and she marveled at how perfectly proportioned his frame was. Her eyes roamed his firm body, and he stood there like a marble statue while she had her fill. Then he reached out and traced her fingers along the markings on her skin, and as she drew closer south, she saw his hard member perk up, and its head elevated as if to meet her touch.

  She held onto it, and squeezed and stroked until he closed his eyes. She felt him quiver when she took him into her mouth and greeted him in a way she was sure he wasn’t familiar with. Nevaeh looked down at the woman who was controlling his ebb and flow, and he grabbed her red head as the unfamiliar feeling escalated into sensations strange and sweet to his consciousness. He rocked his head back as Aurora licked from base to tip, and then covered him inch by inch. The choke effect she felt which caused her to gag, threw Nevaeh over the edge, and he pulled back and looked at her, her hair tossed aside, and her green eyes wild with passion.

  He pulled her to him, and buried his head in her neck as he slid the straps of the dress from her shoulders, and Aurora stepped from the thinly veiled fabric and let her arms envelop his body. Neveah’s lips moved from the cleft at her neck and down to ripe nipples already throbbing and aching for his attention. His warmth was welcomed when he ran his tongue along their circumference, and then he cupped one with his hands and suckled her. Aurora cried out and ran her hand over his bald head. She kissed the top of his head as he moved from one twin to the other.

  Then, with skilled hands, he lifted her and gently rested her on the bed, and as she spread her legs wide, giving an all access granted path to heaven, he buried himself within her. He stroked hard and fast and Aurora trembled each time he pulled back and re-entered. She watched as he held his head back, his eyes closed, and penetrated her deeper. By the time she felt him increasing in speed and tremors, she knew he had all but reached his climax, and she dug into his hips with sharp nails, eliciting cries from him. Then she matched him, and in one glorious and united effort, they molded their bodies into one

  When it was all over, he relaxed on the bed next to her, a broad smile on his face. She smiled too, and played with the markings o
n his skin that had seemingly gotten illuminated by the passion they shared.

  “What do you think would be a good name for a boy?” he asked her.

  “A good name? What are you talking about?” she asked him.

  “For our son-the one you will soon have. We have to make preparations for his arrival, which means our nuptials, and we need to…”

  “Hold it Nevaeh,” Aurora said when she realized his line of argument. “What are you talking about?”

  “Darling, don’t you know?” he asked, and then placed his hand on her stomach.

  “What? No!” she said. “That was our first time, and based on my cycle I wasn’t even ovulating, so there is no way I can be pregnant. And how could you know that right off the bat?”

  “What does that mean ‘right off the bat’?” he asked, a confused expression possessing his features.

  “We just made love, so how could you know that already?” she asked. She was feeling a sudden and intense sense of panic rushing through her because of what he had said. She had not imagined herself a mother before that time, and the words flowed right through her like water through a cave before crashing on rocks in descent to the enormous pool at the end of the waterfall.

  “You have much to learn about us,” Nevaeh told Aurora. “Why do you think we don’t take things so lightly? We only kiss when we mean it to be more, and we only make love when we are ready for a family. Just once with a man of Thrax and the woman is guaranteed conception.”

  He looked down at her stomach again and smiled, and Aurora watched him, but all she heard was the blood rushing though her veins as they made the endless circular journey.


  It didn’t take long for Aurora’ body to prove Nevaeh’s words. Within a week she was already experiencing symptoms systematic of pregnancy. She, like her kind, began developing nausea, and what she once detested in food she now had a craving for.


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