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LA Shifters: Shifter Romance

Page 106

by Sky Winters

  It was nearing eleven when Gabriel finally excused himself.

  "We're back in the studio tomorrow morning," he reminded her, rising from the table. "I'm already up later than normal, but I'd do it all again as long as I had you for company."

  Anna blushed, standing as he did.

  "I had a really good time tonight."

  "As did I." Gabriel took her gently by the arm and led her from the cafe and into the night. The moon, full and bright, shone overhead. The street was surprisingly lonely.

  "I hope to see you outside of work again, Anna," Gabriel said, voice little more than a whisper. The words were meant for her ears, and her ears alone. Anna turned to face him in full, feeling the moment between them start to heat with desire. Gabriel had a way of asserting himself that was quiet, surprising, and totally inescapable. She was caught up in him.

  "I'd like that," she replied. Gabriel smiled and tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear. Talented fingers now treated her to their touch; Gabriel traced along her jaw line until his index finger rested at the tip of her chin to make sure her gaze remained locked on him.

  "You're a sweet girl," he told her. "I don't want to hurt you, so I'm going to be upfront. I don't want commitment. I like having fun with you, Anna, but for now that's all it is. I understand if you can't keep seeing me for it, but I can't let myself be tied down. Not yet. Not with Italy in my future."

  She hadn't seen the imperfection because the fault lay inside of him, wrapped up behind blinding talent and a stunning physique. The hope she'd had and the excitement she felt cracked and fell to pieces, broken and useless. What had once been weightless glee now felt like bricks of lead dragging her spirits down. Anna did not let her disappointment show on her face.

  "Yeah," she whispered back, trying to hard not to let her voice waver. "We can keep seeing each other like that.”

  Why had she agreed when her heart mourned already? If she had emotionally invested in Gabriel now, over time the bonds would intensify. If she were smart, she'd end things now and maintain their professional relationship, but the smile that spread his lips was worth the pain. He was so handsome when he smiled, and she knew he smiled for her.

  "On Thursday there is a poetry reading at Java Lav, another seven o'clock affair. Come with me?"

  It was the first time in years she'd been asked on a second date, but Gabriel's reluctance to commit made it feel useless. Anna's lips moved as though on autopilot.

  "I'll be there."

  Gabriel smiled at her once more. The finger dropped from her chin, and instead he leaned forward and brought their lips together. The kiss was short and sweet, and had Anna not felt like garbage she would have melted beneath it.

  "Goodnight, Anna," Gabriel whispered, his lips brushing against hers. Then he pulled away and started down the street towards where he'd parked.

  Alone and wounded, Anna made her way back to her car and sank down into the driver's seat. What had started as a fantasy had soured and lost its sparkle. The reality was that Gabriel was just like any other man — interested in sex and not anything more.

  "Ugh," she breathed in frustration, letting her head flop back against the headrest. "Figures."

  And yet she'd agreed to keep seeing him. The misery she'd suffer was misery she'd invited. There was no one to blame for any bruised feelings but herself; Gabriel had been very respectful and communicative about his motives.

  There was no use dwelling on it. Anna jammed the keys into the ignition and turned them. The engine failed to catch.

  "Not now," she muttered, turning the keys again to the same results. Over and over the keys turned, until at last the engine caught. Anna breathed out a sigh of relief and started on her way home.

  Her luck only lasted another fifteen minutes. Freshly turned off of the highway, the Camry's engine misfired and died. Had she not been on a quiet street, Anna was sure she would have been hit. There was enough juice in it to coast down the street and turn into a small parking lot before the car stopped. Anna clenched her fists around the steering wheel and set her forehead against the top, breathing hard. It was the first time her ride had ever misfired, and the fear of losing control still coursed through her veins. The night really had taken a turn for the worst.

  Light rose across the rusted hood of her car and cut through her windshield to bath her dash in light. Anna lifted her head to find the garage door in front of her opening. She looked towards the commercial building next to it and read the name above the doors.

  "JJK Auto Repair".

  When she looked back towards the garage door, a man stood there. A pair of loose jeans, ripped around the knees and at the sides, clung to his hips. A t-shirt streaked with grease stretched across his toned chest, the arms rolled up to reveal just how muscular the mechanic was. Big biceps rolled and bulged, and Anna could see that his thighs and chest were just as impressive. A white rag hung from his back pocket, but his hands were covered in grime regardless. The dark hair atop his head was untameable, and the gruff expression on his face suggested that the man was equally as wild. One arm was covered in tattoos, decorated from his palm to his shoulder.

  "Hey," he called out to her through the night. It had to be close to midnight, so what was he still doing in the shop? "You know we're closed, right?"

  Anna's hands remained clenched around the steering wheel, but no longer from fear. The chances that she'd glide right into a mechanic's shop were slim, but the chances that the mechanic would be there well after conventional working hours was so much less likely. That the man who stood a short distance from her gave Gabriel a run for his money in the looks department and left her feeling confident that what had just happened had happened for a reason. He was a reason to forget her bad night and discard the idea of Gabriel. Anna took a deep breath, then exited the car.

  "Yeah. I just managed to guide her in before she died on me. I was just looking for a safe place to stop; I wasn't planning on finding someone to service my car."

  "Yeah, well," he took a few steps forward, entering the night from the light of the garage. Anna could see his eyes on her, glued to her breasts and the curve of her hips. There was hunger there, primitive and feral. "You coasted to the right place. I'm probably the only mechanic in the city who works through the night so self-important jack-offs can pick up their rides for work the next morning. Maybe I can fit you in."

  Anna had considered Gabriel dominant, but the control he had over her did not compare to this man. Just a little bit older, likely somewhere in his early thirties, the very way he moved commanded respect. Anna found she could not look away.

  "She wouldn't start the first four or five times, and then the engine misfired and died after it started." The stranger continued to approach until he stood within arm's reach, eyes lifting from her breasts to look into her eyes.

  "Sounds like you've got some faulty spark plugs," he uttered. There was nothing faulty with the sparks that flew between them. Anna felt her lower lip trembling just slightly, the air between them thick with an unspoken desire. She knew nothing of this man, not even his name, and yet heat spread through her deep and low. When he reached out to run a hand down her waist and pull her close, Anna wasn't alarmed. It was only natural that such a dominant man would lay his marks on her. "When's the last time you got her serviced?"

  "I don't remember," she mumbled, gazing up into his eyes. They reminded her of Gabriel's as dark as they were, but the mechanic's eyes were flaked with warm amber undertones.

  "Well, if you've got time, I'll look her over for you."

  Why was she so okay with this? Anna lifted a hand and ran it across the mechanic's cheek, careful of the streaked grease on his skin. His skin was rough and leathered by time, his stubble catching against her soft fingers. The touch was all the invitation the mechanic needed. He caught her lips with his own, the kiss crushing. Anna moaned in the back of her throat and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, letting herself sink into it. There was an undeniable at
traction between them she could not hope to explain away that would only be sated with physical contact. In that moment even the big details didn't matter; all she wanted was to feel him dominate her and show her what a real man was.

  His hard lips broke from her long enough to say, "Name's Nate. I want to hear you cry it out before the night is through," before they claimed hers again.

  The kiss did not degenerate. From time to time it broke so one of them could gasp for breath, but Nate did not want to give her up. His mouth tasted like smoke, so contrary to the lingering menthol that tingled on her tongue. Anna didn't like smokers, but in Nate it was right. Edgy, masculine, and so bad. Gabriel, the talented, sculpted artist, was too righteous to do something like smoke. Nate was the distraction she needed from the hurt Gabriel had inflicted, even if he hadn't meant it.

  He drew her from the parking lot to the garage, the door closing behind them. Several vehicles were parked inside in varying stages of repair, but Nate paid them no attention. Instead he pulled Anna towards one and tossed her upon the hood, pinning her hands above her head as he lowered himself upon her and ravaged her lips with his own. Pressed as close as they were, Anna could feel the hardened bulge beneath his jeans. There was no question that he found her attractive despite her weight. Anna found herself wanting him just as much.

  Nate let their lips part.

  "I'm Anna," she breathed in reply. Nate's chest was heaving, although he did he best to keep his appearance cool and unaffected.

  "I want you, Anna," he told her. The words were plain and uncomplicated. They'd known each other for such a short time, but already Anna felt as though she understood him. Black and white, right and wrong, a man of wants and needs and nothing more. To Nate she was an object he desired, and when he wanted something, he went for it. She could respect that. Such a simple way to operate, free of the pretenses and politeness most society cherished. Nate trusted his instincts, and right now his instincts told him to take her as his own. Anna's instincts told her to let him.

  "I want you, too."

  Even in her wilder years during college, Anna had never done something so reckless. Nate was wild, and he brought the animal out from inside of her. Before she realized what was happening one of his hands had left her wrists to cup her breast, squeezing and exploring. Anna gasped, eyes closing.

  "Tonight," Nate told her, voice heavy with his arousal, "I'm going to show you a real good time, and in the morning, when I'm done fixing your car, then if you want to you can go. I'm not convinced you'll ever want to part ways, though. Not when you see what I can do to you."

  A whole night spent chasing orgasms with a stranger. Anna's heart throbbed just a little harder to send desire rushing through her. If Gabriel didn't want to be exclusive, she didn't have to be, either.

  Nate's hand moved from her breast to her thigh. Rounded fingernails sank into the nylons she wore and tore them down. His calloused palms traced across the soft skin beneath them and moved slowly inward. Anna turned her head to the side and moaned as his fingers dipped against her sex, teasing. She was drenched from the prospect of such a careless coupling.

  "Naughty little vixen," he purred, the sound deep and rumbling. Anna's hips rose just slightly to meet his fingers, and Nate obliged her. His index finger traced along her and teased her clit, sending pulsing pleasure through her core. More than ever she wanted to explore the bulge beneath his jeans.

  The finger moved in skillful circles, grazing against her with varying pressures. Thoughts of Gabriel faded from her mind as Nate worked her body over, drowning her in sensation. Soon Anna couldn't keep still, and she twisted against the hood of the car with need. Had Nate not been holding her wrists down with one hand, she would have tried to pull him atop her.

  "I can't take it," Anna breathed. Nate's fingers played with her, driving her past desire and into need. "I need you. I want it so badly."

  Nate smirked and drew her up by her wrists until she stood on both feet. The shredded nylon's he'd pulled down to her knees bound her, and the skirt of her dress fell back into place to preserve her modesty. Anna felt dizzy and weightless, but more than anything she felt alive.

  "When I'm through with you," Nate boasted, "you're not going to be able to walk."

  He turned her around and laid her back against the hood of the car again, this time so that she was on her stomach. His hands pulled back her skirt, and she felt the heavier ruffling of jeans and the clack of a descending zipper. Moments later Nate's thick shaft trailed across her slick sex, coating itself in her secretions. All Anna could do was tense and lift her ass for him, desperate for it.

  Nate didn't waste time. He took her rough, the swollen head of his cock burying itself inside of her and pushing deep. Anna cried out, both hands flat against the hood of the car. Nate's thick member was too big for her tight slit, and it felt like he was tearing her in two.

  "Oh my god," Anna cried, too stuffed to try to move back against him.

  "You're tight," Nate grunted, his hips pulling back for the first time. The traction between their bodies forced a moan from Anna's lips. Nate felt fantastic; with a cock as big as his, he didn't have to try very hard to hit her in the right spot.

  The rhythm increased in speed until he was driving himself into her with abandon. Anna breathed hard, letting her cheek press against the painted hood. Behind her she heard Nate's uneven inhalations and the occasional grunt. The smell of grease and sweat and sex filled the garage.

  "I'm going to cum inside of you, Anna," Nate warned her. His thrusts were wild and insistent, each one burying him deep inside of her to flirt with her cervix. "I want to make your sweet little body mine."

  So many rules were being broken tonight. Anna had never been boy crazy, and had never had sex for the thrill of it. Now here she was, in a garage she'd happened to coast into, bent over the hood of a car by a complete stranger. Granted, he was one of the most handsome men she'd ever seen, but it was no excuse. She used to be so much more dependable than this.

  And now she was going to let him cum inside of her, unprotected. Anna hadn't been on birth control since she'd broken up with her last boyfriend several years back, and she knew her womb was fertile for him. If she let him cum the consequences could be dire, but she couldn't refuse Nate and found her wanting it just as much as he did.

  "Cum deep," she pleaded, grinding her ass back against him. Jittering, addicting pleasure shot up her spine and heated her sex as she gave into him, begging him to breed her. Orgasm was so close, and if he just gave her that much more, if he just delivered on his promise and came inside of her recklessly...

  "Here it is," he said through gritted teeth. The thrusts had grown shallower, but they were still forceful. Each one of them pushed the head of his cock deep inside her, seeking to invade her as thoroughly as it could. "Oh fuck, here it is. You'd better take it all."

  Nate's hands gripped at her waist and pinned her down as he thrust one final time. The thick cock that had threatened to split her apart bottomed out inside of her, and Anna felt his hot seed fill her. Nate grunted and rutted, pushing what he'd already given her deeper while adding more to join it. Each pulse delivered a fresh strand of seed, and Anna felt every twitch. It brought her over the edge.

  With a prolonged moan and a shudder, Anna found her release. Her sex trembled, walls tightening and fluttering against his cock as she milked him. The pleasure was outstanding, and Anna lost herself to it. She'd needed this to get over Gabriel. She'd needed this to let go of her inhibitions.

  Nate lowered himself across her back and breathed in the scent of her skin deeply as she calmed. Then, after a moment's pause, he drew out from her and pulled his pants back up.

  "Well," he announced, "I think I can take a quick look at what's wrong with your vehicle. Might cost you a little extra if I need to do any work on it."

  Anna looked over her shoulder at him, unable to hold back a smirk.

  "I think we might be able to arrange payment," she replied.

  He lifted a brow, tore the white rag from his back pocket to wipe his hands, then got to work.

  Chapter Four

  That night Nate took her three more times, and it wasn't until early morning when he finished the car repairs. With little time to spare before work, Anna left the garage and sped home. A quick shower and a change of clothes was all she had time for, and she arrived at the studio only five minutes late. As always, it looked as though Gabriel had been working for hours. The block of marble had started to take shape, and she could make out the rough outline of a figure from amongst the stone.

  "Anna," he greeted her when she entered, "you must be tired after last night. I can't say I blame you, but don't make coming in late a habit. I am still your boss."

  Gabriel didn't know the half of it. Half of her felt guilty, but the other half felt satisfied. Anna grinned and shook off a laugh, starting to tend to the discarded marble as had become routine. And yet, as the day wore on, Gabriel started to slip under her skin again. The smooth timbre of his voice, his impressive physique, and his talent wooed her. She knew he wasn't looking for anything serious, but Anna found herself fostering feelings for him all over again.

  By the time Thursday rolled around, it was as though she'd never liberated herself that night with Nate at all. Anna was caught back up in Gabriel's web, impressed by everything he did and blushing at his compliments. Where Nate was animalistic and brash, Gabriel was subtle and sweet, and he knew exactly what to say to make her laugh and smile.


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