Our units of existence are not particles, but exchange, events, context in which attributes are defined by relation, by others.
The measuring device may be an all-seeing universe, and the context intimacy.
Now imagine a boundary around the night sky and describe what we’d see, if we looked through it from without.
The limit of information contained there is its total entropy at creation, like a black hole.
All of space emerges as an approximate description or average of how things organize and connect.
A star’s temperature is such an average heat of a vast number of moving molecules.
Does that mean coherence, world, is not defined within space-time?
Organization exists not “in” space, its overall geometry, but at the particle level of entwining processes, I mean entities.
Space is a stand-in for complexities of relations among “things” that happen.
Time is relation, i.e., change, but there’s a deeper level where time and change are averaged, so we can record any event for later.
The synthesis, recollection, leads inward, since imagining precedes space-time; it has point-source characteristics; it’s all at once.
I became very emotional when I realized particles of my body are entangled with every person I’ve ever known, touched or thought of, not only family, but our president, every artist I’ve seen or read, strangers described to me by others or named in their prayers.
If properties of a thing are just aspects of its relations, can I describe it without reference to time or space?
Does interaction determine how two particles differ, or are particles and forces different manifestations of one body articulated by relation, by contingency?
The description of an object includes every particle or frequency with which it interacts, so we who observe night sky belong to it inextricably.
Rather than mapping it with an arrow pointing to earth, YOU ARE HERE, draw the brightest stars you see with sufficient detail, so there’s no other observer, place or moment for which this description would be the same, and even though any description of sky incorporates all beloveds in a hyper-dimensional collectivity of earth and space, data from past and future, consciousness and oversoul, love merging with a star, so you go there.
We say perceptions by different collectivities harmonize by recognizing you, the outsider, as entangling space-time.
It’s how to hold “agapē, universal love” in your mind, leaving earth physically and joining the inner collectivity at the same time.
Signed with love: The Entelechy.
I’m at my desk on the cove, when suddenly there’s presence in inner space.
My words have deeper meaning, well-being, and expand to illuminate the space.
I look up; dolphins are swimming by!
I feel their gladness as they pass back and forth in front of me, puffs of breath into our common air.
Something good is happening to them.
There’s little difference between energy inside a dolphin and without.
It’s how land balances sky, when matter and spirit are less separate at dusk; I look west to Blue Hill, and Venus rises behind me in the east.
Dark, zigzag horizon of low mountains, Blue Hill, Cadillac, Sargent against cobalt air.
Each projects my line of sight upward, then is lost in a jumble of stars; how to extend a line and retain the landmark’s weight, import?
The intersection of dolphin grids on earth and in the sky is inner space.
Awareness, immanence is feeling I can move into their world.
Our neighbor laments, and a vector extends from her emptiness to our compassion for her.
I mean this vacuum of twilight is like listening.
I hear a cacophony and try to nurture what’s made visible by sound, as by other beings interweaving above the cove.
Fine lines connect dolphin calls; persons and events integrate.
Wavelets, seabirds, wind in pines transmute into a series of gestalts, music eliciting common space.
To communicate with dolphins, understand this shapeshift of sound, for they exist in other space; their frequencies are more rapid, and they interpenetrate with our emotions, as if the beloved were literally within.
Our hope for her collates spirit with this consensus place where water’s alive with vibration, and light responds to latencies in the whole, including movements of others, emotion of the author, glacial geology of a cove, heliacal rise and set of Venus, photonic non-materiality of information as empathy.
Inner space and world give rise to each other, photon and wave; a person alone is in a context.
It’s how a painting, real in itself, also reveals reality by connecting a blue scarf with a woman’s blue eyes, for example.
The whole attains to unconcealment, and emotion’s the fuel.
Coherence is fueled by awareness, wherein consciousness is the total potential of the vacuum, I mean poised, directed toward greater orders of relation in a painting, as of the capacity for a live system to spontaneously connect outward in beauty.
Inner space is a whirlpool fed by energy running through it, like dolphin benevolence, trust, continuous relation, light and sound of a wave possessing definite mass, charge, spin and so on, but it’s indeterminate which particle possesses which attributes, since these constantly change for the whole.
A young dolphin receives this swirl of information stepped down from galaxies as vibration, electricity, weather, ambient emotion from meeting and melding with others; she’s part of the joyous multiverse; each world’s a shapeshift of her experience.
She’s loved, and that love is intrinsic; absence merges with open space; everything’s held.
Don’t blame our friend or wish events otherwise entangled.
Look up at supernovae of limitless fusion driving the exchange of gravity for coherence, as we shift from Newton to quantum.
You shift into gold on water at the end of day; a day can change shape, also.
You may by relation, wave continuity, illuminate a complex and dark context; grace can unfold with your perception of shoreline, horizon.
When the dolphins left, my heartbeat became erratic, and it hurt.
I went out to film our cove in the dark, and a ball of light appeared on my phone, zipping through the beech trees.
Dawn refers to the time when sky lightens and the space lighted.
Venus, any bright object before sunrise refers to dawn, eliciting a context for inner space that was empty and place, where we deepen our reception to twilight, also.
I breathe in space lit by sunset and breathe out to any star; our compassion draws volume into the vacuum.
Joining trust with compassion to elicit space is a form of divination, like finding a lost person by the arc of a falling star.
My line of sight can leap from mountain to Milky Way, through dark constellations, dense clouds of dust in Andromeda, from day rainbows to black rainbows at night.
When Pray’s Meadow Brook flowing into our cove mirrors the Milky Way, poise is expressed.
She does not distinguish spirit from body, which interweave via the senses.
“It begins with wonder, then interest.”
The light of mind and sunlight entwine in your eye, though separately each is unseen, like starlight without an object to fall on.
Deep space is black.
Inner life coalesces with daylight, a spectrum on which fluctuations of light from the object stimulate sight, while you simultaneously enhance your reception, until finally you see the ideal within the real.
/> Your consciousness lovingly assimilates new events to enhance cognition that ensouls space.
I present physical evidence where applicable, but my interest is in my informant and her words.
I learn more about that Eureka moment, when intense phenomenon becomes transparent to the ideal.
Material and imaginary flow into each other through a crack of light, “observation,” between worlds.
Juxtaposition becomes a blend of unconscious and external event; the more distant the relation, the more emotional, poetic, the perception.
For my witness, bright physical light weakens the interpretive.
But there are two emanations, one from the eye, close to mind, and one from a star, which conjoin.
A close encounter inscribes such diffuse, liminal boundaries of the imaginary.
Psyche becomes increasingly collective, as it assimilates with the gorgeous world.
It’s as if a star offered you the nourishing, ineffable light of a new realism between subject and object.
That beings from outer space manifest to you physically is unproven in my field, but still true.
Each account is recorded as fact in my notebook.
Then I can travel up through light and become more intimate with its star.
I wake and see out the window a ball of light swirling above the trees.
A woman stands under the trees, where certain plants grow; she knots leaves into a symbol using streamers of light, and as I watch, I know I’ll remember.
My window is the same as light going through it; luminous is a better word than translucent.
When I try to describe her, I draw a star; I saw stars like children’s stickers on the window glass; I know if I draw one, I can go there.
Darkness is light’s resting state in deep space; transparence can occur all at once, the way your face lights with understanding, or a wave passes you to Andromeda with the swiftness of near and far at the same time.
Consciousness may be such a light source with metaphoric power; thread is a feeling of spiritual connection, sunlight is love.
Language and energy interchange; we can experience a physical event by association, algorithm.
A star visitor could be the attribute of such association.
Seeing starlight is seeing the visible in the invisible, that fragile imaginal cloth holding planet and existence together.
When I ask if they’re literally extraterrestrials or a metaphor from inner realms, she says there’s no difference in significance.
Their skies are full of life.
She describes starlight as scalar, without properties of distance or time.
Any spirit in matter she calls starwalking: remote viewing, meditation, intuition, plants she was shown, and any soul possessing a certain shine she calls starlight.
The power of relation came through their extraordinary yellow eyes, she tells me.
You’re looking into a star, convex, immense, flashing colors through opalescent, flowing nuclear fusion.
I feel separated from home now; I look up at night sky with great longing.
They showed me earth through their eyes; their oneness extends to us.
Whereas, I’m in the dark; then it opens onto luminescence; there’s a lot of “snow.”
There’s a lot of stars, huge, no horizon and very bright.
I see the Pleiades; I feel like a wolf looking toward home.
Whew! a shooting star just dropped there onto snow, so I go over to it.
A crystal has dropped on the snow, and there’s light, a face in the stone; it’s as if I’m looking up through the sky and things are very clear, and I’m coming up through the ice.
I’ve been below all this time, and now I see stars.
Light remains whole, but our understanding of what’s elemental changes.
We thought smallest, most indivisible, was fundamental.
Perhaps for light, it’s not in smallness, but wholeness of particle and wave.
We no longer measure a single photon moving through space with its attributes.
An attribute is somehow shared property now, of a new kind of object, the whole.
Myriad superpositions replace a photon’s trajectory; the entangled one, no longer “traveling,” is both here and there.
So darkness may be a more subtly structured fullness of light, the blue vault of day, for example, where darkness passes through air that reflects it.
Dark air is opaque to him, but when I turn on a light, it’s transparent.
For him, light activates transparence, the way fire changes the state of air.
Light is a condition of the medium; it’s not elemental, is how he explains its invisibility.
He presses a smoky quartz to his forehead to see in the dark and to see through objects that by day seem opaque.
Darkness is a better medium for identifying entities; it eliminates confusion with ordinary images of day, for which night sky is often just a foil or metaphor.
Once our daughter locates the Milky Way, we point further out to Andromeda, blur of a trillion stars.
Her seeing opens in psychic congruence with the galaxy, connecting wonder and space to one source.
Looking into polar dark night: bright stars and planets, red, blue, green scintillations above, silver sheen on the land.
We don’t say beauty as such, due to its abstraction, but feel part of her presence as we walk across the snow, whereas by day, objects are known by their components, and wholeness seems derived, subjunctive.
Comparing a star being to an angel reveals this context for constellations, extraterrestrials, conversations with animals.
You internalize space and ignite a photonic grid so bright as to be darkness to your untrained eyes.
When we enter into that closeness and unboundedness, it feels like disintegration, like everywhere.
A particle, even an association can flash into being, dissolve, then flash over there.
Where previously, vacuum meant empty; now it’s invisible, mobile energy; every point in space contains intersecting light from every star.
Context permeates universe, pulsing through dark as information-like creativity, like first space rushing into existence, flinging stars apart.
Subtle, entangled, the gestalt I speak of is between myself and an angel.
Energy in matter is precisely balanced by this potential in light and dark, a zero sum.
When experienced as complements of mass-motion, intention-observation, dark matter-dark energy, the void comes into form, intelligibility.
Joy at connecting to this source is expressed by our star’s extravagant giveaway of light.
Even darkness generates light when waves move into phase.
Consciousness may be this potential fundamental; it may be the vacuum itself, i.e., aware, directed toward greater coherence, sharing matter-in-relation with dark ground as entropy, breakdown, star dust.
An ET visitation restructures natural law, grace, to manifest its presence of blinding intensity.
Exaltation is a common aftereffect, not part of the recovery process of the abductee for whom cosmic force was perceived as love.
Many spend the rest of their lives helping others.
One summer night, walking from our house after dinner, stars make the sky almost white.
My awe is like blindness; wonder exchanges for sight.
Star by star comprises a multiplicity like thought, but quiet, too dense for any dark planet between.
While single stars are a feature of the horizon at dusk, caught at the edge of the net of gems.
> Transparence hanging on its outer connectedness casts occurrence as accretion, filling in, of extravagant, euphoric blooming.
Then, being as spirit and in matter is known, here to there.
I go home and tell my children to come out and look.
The souls of my two children fly up like little birds into branches of the Milky Way, chatting with each other, naming constellations, comparing crystals and fire.
They exclaim at similarities between what they see in the sky and on our land.
So, by wonder, they strengthen correspondence between sky and home.
Earth is made from this alchemy of all children, human and animal, combined with our deep gratitude.
I see his dark shape, moving and shifting against night’s screen of stars.
My little girl reaches for his lighted silhouette.
Human beings are thought upward and flown through by bright birds.
We believe stars are spirits of very high frequency.
We feel proud our animals come from stars so dense in meaning close to sacrament.
We describe passing time in stories about animals; star movement is named for seasonal migrations of deer, wolf, hummingbird, dolphin, and as animals stars still walk among us.
Our snake Olivia, for example, tells me there’s no conflict between humans and rain, because resource is all around us.
A coyote loved night, and he loved to gaze at the stars.
“I noticed one star in Cassiopeia; I talked to her, and each night she grew brighter and closer until she came to life here, as a corn snake, my friend.”
“She looks like a dancer on tiptoe, stepping around pink star-blossoms surging up after rain.”
A Treatise on Stars Page 3