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The Billionaire's Fake Marriage: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

Page 55

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Brittany.” As she let go of my hand, it moved towards Katie, and their fingers tangled together. Alright, I could safely assume they would be sharing a bedroom.

  I gave them a wide smile.

  “It’s such a pleasure to meet you two. Is this the first place you’ve looked at together?”

  Brittany nodded.

  “Well, it’s an absolutely gorgeous first place.” My smile widened. “Let’s start in the kitchen, do you two bake or cook much?”

  “Britt is the one who can make more than toast,” Katie joked.

  I turned my attention to Brittany. Her cheeks flushed. “I went to school for it, but I’m not all that good.” She added the last part quickly.

  “If I had diamond laced counter tops, I might spend enough time in my kitchen to get half as good as I’m sure you are.” Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.

  As we entered the kitchen, both girls took in deep breaths.

  “Babe, this is the perfect kitchen for you,” Katie said.

  “It’s so big.”

  “Double stoves and the fridge is big enough to hold just about anything you could want to put in there.”

  I gave them the quick rundown of the kitchen, trying not to focus on Brittany too much and to still include Katie. But it was easy to tell that Katie was not the cooking type; she was, however, thrilled at the idea of giving her girlfriend a nice kitchen. We made our way out to the backyard, which was a big hit. And then we headed up to the bedrooms. As we climbed the stairs, my fingers tightened around the railing.

  I took a deep breath; for a split second, I could have sworn I smelt the stench of something decaying. You’re just imagining it, I told myself. Yes, it was some sort of reliving the experience type thing. I was going crazy, that’s all. Oh, that’s a comforting thought.

  We made our way into the first bedroom that was set up as an office with a large desk looking out into the garden.

  Katie looked around. “This would make a perfect music room.” She paced to the window. “I could see composing new pieces here.” She nodded, her fingers tracing over the window frame.

  I tried to hide my pleasure at how well this was going. If we handled this well, we wouldn’t have to show them another place.

  I loved the idea of connecting people with their perfect home the first try. I knew if I managed to, I’d feel like I was actually good at this job. I thought about what Garth told me before they pulled in. He seemed to think I was good at my job as is. I couldn’t help but not feel like that. I took a deep breath and forced a smile over my face as we toured the rest of the place.

  As if sensing something was wrong, Garth stepped forward, and as he moved past me, his hand touched the small of my back. He took over the tour as we made our way through the bathrooms and the bedrooms, and then down to the basement and back to the main room where the front door was.

  Katie stared out the window, taking everything in. “I like that there aren’t a lot of people around ...” she said thoughtfully. A second later, a grin spread over her face as she let out a low laugh. “I can walk around the yard naked!”

  Brittany laughed softly, shaking her head. “I like it. A lot.”

  I swallowed dryly. “Would you guys like to think about it for a day? We have a little time before we’ve got to put an offer in on the house. We can go see a couple more tomorrow if you’d like to put things into perspective.”

  I wanted to sell them the first home we looked at, but more than anything, I wanted to make sure they got the right home for them.

  Brittany headed over to her girlfriend and touched her shoulder gently before she turned to me. “I think we’re going to put some thought into it tonight, and we’ll let you know if we want to see more, or if we’d like to make an offer.”

  She sounded nervous. I gave her a smile.

  “Of course. If the situation changes at all, I’ll let you know.” I paused. “This is your first time putting an offer in on a house, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” they both said at the same time.

  “It’s a lot less scary the second time. It’s really easy, actually; it’s the waiting that is annoying.” A smile touched my lips. “But it will only last a day at the most, and then you’ll know.”

  I saw both girls relax a little and felt myself relax. I hadn’t even realized I was tense.

  We said goodbye to the girls shortly after that and shut the place down.

  “You did good in there,” Garth said.

  “Thank you,” I said, but I couldn’t agree. All I could think about was going up the stairs. I’d wanted to run. I’d wanted to get out of there as fast as I could and not turn back. I didn’t say it. I couldn’t bring myself to admit it.

  “You know, I was freaked out too,” he said as if he’d been able to read my mind. “I didn’t want to do it. I wanted to send someone else to do it.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  “Because, I’m not going to let this hold me back, are you?”

  I didn’t want to.

  He gunned the engine, and we headed down the driveway as my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my purse and looked down at it, smirking.

  “They want to put an offer in on the house.”

  “We can meet them tomorrow to go over the paperwork.”

  I nodded. “Alright, I’ll call them later, and we can get it all sorted out with them.” I tucked my cell phone back into my pocket.

  “Speaking of later ...” My heart skipped a beat. What? “I um ... I’m going out to dinner tonight.”

  “Oh.” I felt my heart sink. He’s going on a date. How nice. I swallowed, trying not to feel hurt. I mean, I shouldn’t have expected him to be faithful or anything.

  “I’m sorry. I know you’d rather I stay with you, but Brent asked me and ... and I’d like to catch up with him.”

  Brent. He was going to dinner with Brent. I let out a soft laugh. “No, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. I totally get it. You and your friend haven’t seen each other in ages. I want you guys to catch up.”

  I felt stupid for getting jealous, even if it had been for a fraction of a second. “I don’t mind being home alone tonight.”

  “You can go to my place if you like.”

  “No, I want to go home, but maybe you can stop by when you’re done with your dinner.”

  “If you’d like that.”

  “I just ask you don’t bring any girls home.” I tried to give him a grin, trying not to seem too possessive and still hinting that I wanted to know just what I was to him.

  “So you’re not into threesomes?” He grinned. “Good to know. But don’t worry, you’re the only girl I want to bring home.”

  My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t want to be as happy as I was about that. I didn’t want to admit it made me feel better to know he only wanted me.

  “Alyssa isn’t going to like that,” I muttered, mostly making conversation.

  “That’s too bad for her.” Garth shrugged. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright going to your place, though; I mean, last I checked, the place had news crews surrounding it.”

  “I’ve got something in mind for that.” I smiled. I wasn’t worried about a bunch of reporters. I knew they could be bad, but they didn’t scare me, and I wasn’t going to let that change.

  I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath as we made our way back to the office and pulled into the parking lot. I grabbed my purse, Garth grabbed his work bag and we headed up to the office. When we stepped off the elevator, everything went silent.

  “Hello.” Garth smiled to the girls at their desks. He turned to me. “Would you give Katie and Brittany a call, let them know we’d be happy to meet tomorrow and set something up.”

  “Of course, Mr. Adams.”

  I didn’t see Garth the rest of the day. My Jag was still parked here from when we went to show that house together, and come quitting time I joined the rest of the girls as they packed their bags and headed out into the parkin
g lot.

  “Do you want to come grab a drink with us?” the blonde asked. I knew I’d have to get their names again sometime.

  “Yea, I bet after everything you’ve been through, you could use a drink,” the redhead said. The other two shot her a look as if she had said something wrong.

  I studied them carefully. They hadn’t asked me to join them for a drink until I became Garth’s assistant, and now they wanted to grab a drink after I saw that body. I couldn’t help feeling like they only wanted one thing from me.

  “Thanks, but I’ve got to pass tonight.” I forced a smile over my lips and turned.

  “Oh, again? Are you ever going to come out with us?” They actually sounded disappointed.

  No. “Maybe sometime,” I lied, not daring to turn back and see the looks on their face as I headed for my purple car. A car that I’d missed more than I realized.

  As much as I wanted to go home, I didn’t.

  Instead, I went to the police station. I felt kinda silly as I parked my car and stepped out of it. I took a deep breath and strode into the station. The second I stepped in there, I saw the woman I was looking for.

  “Ally, right?” She closed the distance between us.

  “Yes. Um, hi officer. I was wondering if there might be something you could help me with.” Suddenly, I felt like this was a stupid idea.

  “Of course, what’s up?” Was it just me, or did she sound nervous?

  “Well, I guess the press somehow got a hold of my address ... and I’ve been staying with a friend for a couple days, but I’d really like to go home and sleep in my own bed. Is there any way you can help me with that?”

  Her eyes sparkled. “I might be able to call in a couple favors. Why don’t you give me a couple seconds, and I can see what I can do.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  She gave me a nod and walked away.

  It didn’t take long for her to come back, a smile spread across her face. “I have a couple friends taking care of it right now.” She held a thin coat in her hand. “Why don’t you join me for coffee until I get a call from them that it is safe for you to head home?”

  “Are ... are you sure you’re not too busy? I don’t want to get in your way or anything.”

  “I don’t mind at all; actually, I wanted to talk to you anyways.” My heart skipped a beat. Me? Why? She smiled “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble or anything. I just wanted to touch base with ya.”

  She motioned for me to follow her out of the station, and we headed down the street.

  “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m ... fine,” I lied. I mean, I was going to be fine. If I told everyone I was fine, they wouldn’t bother me with it.

  The officer looked at me. “Bullshit, sweetheart.”

  I bit my lip smiling. “I will be fine.”

  “Better answer. Are you going to therapy or anything? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I’m not. Garth ... uh, my boss wants me to.” I didn’t have the time to waste on that. “I showed my first home today. There weren’t any other dead bodies.” I tried to make it sound like a joke—and I didn’t mention wanting to run out of that house as soon as I started taking the stairs. Was it possible for me to have some sort of post-traumatic stress over this?

  I’d have to do some research when I got home.

  We turned into a small cafe and approached the counter.

  The young man behind the counter smiled widely. “Officer, the usual?”

  “Please, and whatever she’d like.”

  I felt their eyes fall on me, waiting. “Uh,” I glanced up at the menu. “Small ice frappe? Please.”

  The boy nodded. “Coming right up.” He left us alone.

  I looked around the place. There was no one else here.

  “I take it you come here often?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “So ... are you and your boss close?”

  Butterflies pooled in the pit of my stomach. There was no way I was going to tell her the truth. I shrugged. “I just recently got promoted, since then I’ve been working with him more than I was.”

  I trailed off. What else was there to say?

  “You like working for him?”

  “Yea, he’s good to work for. He’s nice, and he sees through the girls at the office who flirt with him. They don’t get special treatment.”

  A soft laugh passed through her lips. “That’s pretty uncommon these days. I thought I read somewhere he was some big playboy billionaire, right? He’s got a partner too.”

  “Yea, Brent ... he’s in town for a little while, but he’s normally not around. New York.” The officer nodded, taking everything in. I suddenly realized what she was doing. My eyes widened. “You ... you think one of them are involved?”

  “Oh no! I’m just exploring all my options.” She smiled, stepping towards the counter as the boy came towards us with our drinks. “Thanks, Jimmy.”

  The boy nodded. “Have a good afternoon, Officer.”

  We headed out of the cafe.

  “I was with Garth all day,” I said. I closed my eyes, regretting it the second I said it. It sounded like I was trying to defend him. “I’m sure you could talk to the rest of the girls in the office. I didn’t see him leave at all that day until we headed out to show the house.”

  “And you did that together?”

  “Yes. Since we were both going to the same place, we didn’t see the point in taking separate cars.”

  Why did I feel like I was defending myself to her? I took a deep breath and sipped at my drink.

  We walked in silence for a couple of seconds. The officer took a drink as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

  “Looks like you’re safe to head home. If you have any more issues with the press, you let me know, alright? I’ll fucking arrest them for you if I need to.”

  “Thank you.” I felt cared for. “That means a lot.”

  “I’m here to serve and protect.” She gave me a smile as we made our way back into the parking lot of the police station. “Have a good day, and stay safe. You still have my card, right?”


  “Good. You’re always welcome to call me.”

  “Thank you, and thank you for the drink.”

  “No, thank you for helping to clear a couple things up.” She smiled as she headed back into the station.

  My heart skipped a beat. I wanted to tell her there was no way Garth could have done this, but I wasn’t going to make it look like I was defending him. I just had to hope I cleared things up enough for her not to think Garth could have done something like this so she could focus her attention on finding the person who did.

  I slipped into the driver’s seat of my Jag, gunned the engine and headed for my house.

  I was nervous as I turned onto my street. It’s not that I didn’t think she was being truthful, it’s that I didn’t think someone would actually be able to scare the press off for good. But when I pulled up to my driveway, there was no one there. I put the car into park and stepped out looking around. No sign of anyone. I felt stress leave my body I didn’t even know was there. Grabbing my purse, I headed for my front door and let myself in.

  Being home felt good. I liked spending time with Garth, but I loved my house. It was mine. It felt like home—his condo didn’t, as nice as it was. It made me feel like I was in a fancy hotel.

  I dropped my purse on the couch the second I entered the house. It was just as messy as it had been the day I left it. My brow furrowed.

  That had been the first time Garth and I slept together, it had been the first time we saw each other outside of work. That feels like so long ago, I thought as I padded into the kitchen. Dishes, sweeping, mopping, laundry. It all had to get done, and I needed something to keep me busy.

  Chapter Ten

  I thought about going for a walk, but honestly, the idea kind of freaked me out. I’m not sure why, I’d always been the type to go for a walk alone, but the idea actually s
cared me. Maybe I should go see a shrink, I thought. No. I didn’t need to see someone like that. I just needed to know that the killer was caught and in jail. Then I would be more than happy to go out walking alone in the middle of the night.

  Around 8:00, there was a knock on the door before it opened.

  “Hey!” Garth called.

  “In the living room!” I called back.

  Seconds later, he was in the doorway. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. You? How was your dinner?”

  “It was great to catch up with Brent. I bought you something.” He held out a small paper bag, and I took it. Inside was a container with a slice of cake in it. I licked my lips, doing the most unladylike thing I could and picking it up, taking a huge bite.

  Garth sat down on the couch beside me. “So you didn’t have any issues with press when you got here?”

  “No, I stopped by and saw that female officer from the other day. She called in a couple favors for me; we talked a little bit and then she said my place would be fine.”

  “What did you guys talk about?”

  I shrugged. “Nothing really. She wanted to know more about you and Brent.” I took another bite of cake.

  “Well, what did you tell her?” he snapped.

  I stared at him with wide eyes. Why did he sound so angry? I chewed and swallowed.

  “I ...” I felt goose bumps touch my skin. “I didn’t really tell her anything. That I was with you all day, and that Brent is in town, which she probably already knew anyways. Why?”

  He turned away from me and stood. “I just wondered. I think I have a right to know what people say about me, don’t you?”

  My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t mean to make him feel like I was talking about him behind his back.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t like her. There is something off about her.”

  “What do you mean? She’s a cop.” What could be off about her?

  “The way she looked at me that day she came by my place. It’s like ... like she’s decided I was involved.”


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