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Tender Is The Night (Callaways Book 10)

Page 25

by Barbara Freethy

  For a moment he thought he heard Sam's voice, asking him about his dreams, but maybe that was just his subconscious talking.

  "I don't know what I want anymore," he said. "For the last year and a half, it's only been about this case. I haven't thought past it. Now, I guess I have to move on. I'm going to miss you, Sam."

  The wind lifted his hair, and he felt as if Sam was answering him back.

  And that whimsical thought probably came from having spent way too much time with Kate and her idealistic view of life.

  He stood up. "Rest in peace, sweet Sam."

  He walked away from the grave and paused on the edge of the bluff, looking out on the shimmering blue water of the Pacific Ocean.

  The infinite horizon opened up his head. There was a bigger world out there than the one he'd been living in.

  So what was he going to do now?


  "I'm not sick, Mom," Kate protested, as her mother delivered a tray of her favorite breakfast foods to her bed. She'd finally gone home after the fire the day before, and her mother had been spoiling her ever since.

  "You're recovering from a traumatic event, and I get to take care of you for a little while, so suck it up."

  She smiled and took a bite of the chocolate chip pancake. "Oh, my God, still as good as ever. But I feel like I'm five years old again."

  "I wish you were five years old, and I could know where you were every second of the day. I could make sure you were safe."

  "You have to trust that I can take care of myself, that you raised me right—which you did, by the way."

  Her mother shook her head. "Why do you have to do such a dangerous job?"

  "It's not usually dangerous, and it's because I'm a Callaway. I was raised to serve and protect. I want to do my part to make the world a better place."

  "I'm proud of you, Kate, but I still don't like to see you hurt."

  "I just have a few scratches. A little makeup, and I'll be fine for the wedding photos."

  "I'm not worried about that. I just know that you don't always tell me when you're hurting."

  "I'm not hurting. I'm fine."

  "Then why are there shadows in your eyes?"

  "I'm still a little tired. I didn't sleep well last night."

  "Were you thinking about the fire, or were you thinking about Devin? Your father told me it was all a ruse, but I saw something between you and Devin when you were here together. So fess up. Is it a fake relationship or a real one?"

  "I like him, Mom," she admitted.

  "Why do you make that sound like a bad thing?"

  "Because I have to leave after the wedding. I can't quit my job because I like some guy."

  "He's not some guy, and do you have to leave your job? Have you talked to him about moving?"

  She shook her head. "No, we've been focused on the case. In fact, Devin has thought of nothing else the last year and a half. I'm not sure what he's going to do with his life now that the obsession is over."

  "It sounds like you both have some decisions to make. I know you don't want my advice…"

  "I actually wouldn't mind your advice," she said.

  "Really?" Her mom looked pleased at that thought.

  "I do value your opinion."

  "Good. I know you like to make your own decisions and that you treasure your independence, but I also know that love and family are just as important to you as a career. I've always told you that you shouldn't settle for less than everything you want, and I still believe that. That's how I got your dad."

  "You and Dad were living in the same town and wanted the same things."

  "Your dad was a hotshot firefighter when I met him. He was brash and cocky and quite the ladies man. But once he met me, that changed. Well, he was still brash and cocky at times, but he was all mine. If Devin is the right man for you, then everything is going to work out."

  "How do I know if he's the right man?"

  Sharon smiled. "You already know. You just have to be honest with yourself. Now eat your pancakes."

  "Thanks, Mom—not just for the pancakes—for everything." Her thoughts drifted to Lindsay and Eileen and how troubled their relationship had been. She'd been fortunate to have such a wonderful mother. "I want you to know I appreciate you so much. I was lucky to have you as a mom."

  "Well, that's very nice to hear, and you're welcome. And since you're done with your case now, we could use your help with the wedding. So when you finish eating, come downstairs and I'll put you to work."

  "I thought you were going to spoil me awhile longer."

  Her mom laughed. "Like you said, you're fine. See you soon, honey."

  * * *

  When Kate got downstairs, she found her mom sitting on a couch in the living room, and she wasn't alone.

  "Look who's here," Sharon said with a knowing smile, tipping her head toward Devin.

  "Devin, I was going to call you. I know we need to wrap things up," she said.

  "I'll leave you two to do that," Sharon said, as both she and Devin got to their feet. "Devin, don't forget what I said."

  "I won't," he promised.

  "What was that about?" Kate asked suspiciously, as her mom left them alone.

  "Nothing. How are you?"

  She sat down on the couch, and he took the seat beside her. "I'm good. What about you?"


  "Really?" She searched his face for the truth, but she couldn't quite read his expression. "How did it go with the Parkers?"

  "It was difficult," he admitted. "There were a lot of tears, a lot of questions, but I think it was healing."

  "For you, too?" she asked quietly.

  "It's still sinking in, but yes, I feel like a big weight is off my chest. I just wanted to get justice for Sam. I didn't want her to have died while the arsonist was still running free. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt."

  "I know. I saw that from the first time we met. Your motives were never in question for me."

  "I'm glad." He paused. "I went by the hospital last night; I saw Eileen. She has a concussion, and she's devastated and heartbroken, but she will recover."

  "Physically maybe; I don't know about emotionally. Lindsay really hated her, and perhaps for good reason. Maybe Eileen did know about the abuse and just pretended it wasn't happening."

  "I don't know. She told me that Lindsay had only mentioned something about her father touching her inappropriately after he died, and she didn't know what to make of it. She thought Lindsay was acting out in her grief. But that could just be the nice story she told herself so she would feel better. Anyway, she was released this morning, and she's going to her sister's house. I'm sure all the agencies will be following up with her."

  "Are they going to have a funeral for Lindsay?"

  "She wants to have a small service, just the immediate family. Lindsay was still her daughter." He put out a hand and gently touched her cheek. "I hope these cuts won't scar."

  "They're not very deep."

  "That explosion took ten years off my life. When I couldn’t get to you, I went a little crazy."

  "How did you break down the door?" she asked curiously. "There were two deadbolts on it."

  "Fire extinguisher. I rammed the door. I was getting in no matter what."

  "I knew you'd come. I tried to keep her talking long enough for you to get there. It wasn't that difficult. Lindsay wanted to speak her truth. She wanted her mom to know everything. It was sad." She paused, wagging her finger at him in warning. "And don't tell anyone at the Bureau that I said that it was sad. I don't want to sound like a girl."

  "I thought her story was sad, too," he admitted. "But it didn't excuse what she did."

  "No, it didn't. I spoke to Agent Roman last night. I told him everything that happened, although I still have to fill out a lot of official paperwork."

  "I'll bet," Devin said with a small smile. "I don't miss that. What did he say about the rest of it?"

  "He said you were right all alo
ng, and he never should have doubted you."

  "Easy to say now."

  "He also asked me to pass on a message to you. He said if you ever want to come back to the Bureau, the door is open. All you have to do is walk through it." She paused, not seeing much of a reaction in Devin's expression. "What do you think?"

  "I don't think I want to go back."

  She felt a little disappointed at his decision, but she could also understand it. The FBI had let him down. It would be difficult for him to ever get past that. And in truth, it would probably be difficult for the people who had let him down not to second-guess themselves on any future cases they worked on. "So private investigation?"

  "I've worked with a couple of law firms. They've made me some lucrative offers for full-time work. I'm considering hiring myself out at a higher level."

  "That could be interesting. Criminal law?"


  "Right up your alley. And you'll get to call the shots."

  "At least some of them. The more money I take, the more strings that come with it."

  "It sounds like you're going to stay in San Francisco." She tried to hold back the wave of pain that came with that thought. DC was a long way from San Francisco. She'd never been that good at relationships even when they were in the same city. Long-distance might be impossible. But her mom had told her to go for everything she wanted, and she wanted Devin.

  "I do like the city," he said.

  "Do you like me more?" she challenged.

  He stared back at her in surprise. "What are you asking, Kate?"

  She took a breath for courage, knowing she was about to put her heart on the line. "I'd like to explore what's going on between us. And I was thinking that there are law firms in DC, too."

  "There are," he agreed.

  "I want you in my life, Devin. I think you want me in yours. I don't want you to work at a job you don't like, and I don't want to work at a job I don't like, but maybe there's a way we can be together and still do what we both want."

  "That's very optimistic thinking," he said lightly.

  The teasing glint in his eyes brought forth a wave of relief. "I am an optimist. I've told you what I want. What do you want?"

  He didn't answer for a very long minute. Then he said one simple word. "You."

  Her heart stopped and then started again. "Really?"

  "Yes. I am crazy about you. You came into my life like a hurricane force wind, and you blew out all the bad stuff. You knocked down my walls. I have no armor left. I'm afraid I just can't go on without you. I love you, Kate."

  Her eyes blurred with tears. "Really?"

  "Stop asking me that."

  "I can't quite believe what you're saying. It's all very fast."

  "Life is fast. And I don't want to miss any minutes with you. One of the law firms I was talking about has a branch in DC. They would be happy to have me work out of that office. I'm sure I can find other jobs. If you need to go somewhere else, then I'll follow you. And don't say really again," he warned.

  "I can't believe you'd change your life for me."

  "I want you to be happy, Kate. You're just starting your career. And as you told me many times, you are good at your job. You need to have your chance to live your dream. I don't want to stand in the way of that."

  "But I want you to be happy, too. I want you to have your dream."

  "These days my dreams all have you in them." He leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on her lips.

  She smiled back at him, her heart as full as it could be. "I love you, too, Devin."

  "Good. That will make what your mother asked me to do much easier."

  "What did she ask you to do?"

  "Be your date at your sister's wedding."

  "Oh, my God! Mia is going to go crazy when she finds out I'm in love."

  "She's your twin. Doesn't she already know?" he teased.

  "Actually, she probably does. I can't wait for you to meet her. You know this means you're going to be an unofficial Callaway."

  "I can't wait. Your family is crazy but amazing. I can see why they inspire you, and I think they've inspired me a little, too. I want what your parents have. What my parents should have had but didn't. I want a family. But most of all I want a partner, someone I can love and trust to have my back."

  "Always," she promised.

  "And I'll always have yours." He gave her another smile. "Why don't you show me your bedroom? I didn't see it the last time we were here."

  "Devin, my mother is in the house."

  "She told me she was going to run some errands, and we'd be alone until noon. She was very specific about the time."

  "I can't believe she told you that."

  "I think she likes me."

  "I think she wants to plan another wedding," she said with a laugh.

  "Well, she might just get her wish," he said. "But I'm not going to ask you to marry me now. I don’t want to hear another really."

  She punched him in the arm. "Maybe I'll ask you first."

  "Maybe we'll just see." He kissed her again. Then they made their way upstairs and into her bed.


  Devin had been welcomed into the Callaway clan with more warmth and enthusiasm than he'd ever imagined. So far he'd been to two wedding dinners and an impromptu bachelor party, where he'd gotten to meet Jeremy, Mia's groom, and also gotten to know Kate's brothers and male cousins a little better.

  Today was the big day—the wedding day—and he was standing outside the church in the Presidio while the crowd took their seats, and Kate handled her maid-of-honor duties behind the scenes.

  Ian walked up to him and gave him a nod.

  Out of Kate's three brothers, Devin related the most to Ian, who seemed quieter, more thoughtful, more observant than Hunter and Dylan. Ian also played his cards close to his chest. Devin suspected that Ian had a life away from the family that they probably knew little about. They wanted to know. They tried to pry and tease information out of him, but he was a vault, and Devin was curious what was in that vault, because he knew a little about putting his heart under lock and key, but he'd had a reason. His parents had split up. His dad had died. Every time he loved someone, they disappeared. What was Ian's story?

  Somehow he didn't think he was going to find out today.

  "How's it going?" Ian asked. "You tired of the family yet?"

  "No, but I'll be excited to spend a little more time with your sister when this is over."

  "I hear you're moving out to DC. Is that just for Kate?"

  He wasn't surprised to get the question. He'd already gotten it from Dylan, Hunter, Annie, Mia and Kate's parents. "I'm in love with her," he said simply. "I can work anywhere."

  "She's lucky."

  "No, I'm the lucky one."

  "Well, don't tell her that," Ian said with a grin. "Kate is already too cocky."

  "It seems to be a family trait."

  "You're right, it is. Have Dylan and Hunter been giving you a hard time?"

  "A little, but I like that you all want to protect Kate. That's what I want, too."

  "Then you're going to fit right in." Ian slapped him on the shoulder, then headed into the church as Kate came outside in her silky teal dress.

  She looked beautiful today, her blonde hair pulled back in a loose, wavy ponytail, her makeup enhancing her long black lashes and full pink lips. Her blue eyes sparkled as she walked up to him.

  "Hey, babe." She pressed her hands against his chest and gave him a kiss. "I feel like it's been forever since I saw you."

  "Well, you were the one who wanted to spend last night with your sisters."

  "It was fun. I can't remember the last time Annie, Mia, and I had a slumber party. But I still missed you."

  "You can have me tonight."

  "Oh, I intend to," she said purposefully.

  He laughed at her candor. "I like that you never play games. You say what you want when you want it."

  "How else will I get what I want?
I'm just glad you want what I want. Otherwise, it would be a little embarrassing."

  "You don't have to worry about that. I always want what you want."

  "I have to get inside. We're almost ready to start."

  "Of course." He paused, looking into her gorgeous blue eyes. "One day we're going to do this, too, Kate. You know that, right?"

  "Real—" She stopped herself just in time, then grinned. "Yes, I know that. I love you, Devin."

  "I love you, too. Now go get your sister married."

  "And then we'll start working on our life," she said, giving him one last kiss to savor before she headed back into the church.

  He followed her inside, feeling over-the-moon optimistic about just what kind of life they were going to have.

  # # #

  Dear Reader:

  I hope you fell in love with Devin and Kate as much as I did! I loved writing their intriguing love story, and I can't wait to bring you more books featuring Kate's siblings. Keep an eye out for CLOSER TO YOU, coming in the fall of 2016.

  In the meantime, check out any Callaway books you've missed, and if you haven't discovered my new romantic suspense trilogy, you have more fun in store. The Lightning Strikes Trilogy begins with BEAUTIFUL STORM, which is available now. Book #2 LIGHTNING LINGERS is also available and SUMMER RAIN will be coming in July of 2016.

  To stay up to date on book releases, parties and giveaways, please sign up for my newsletter! You can also visit me on my website at And if you're a super fan and would like to be part of my street team, join here!

  I'm attaching an excerpt from BEAUTIFUL STORM for your reading pleasure! Enjoy!



  (Lightning Strikes Trilogy #1)

  © Copyright 2015 Barbara Freethy

  All Rights Reserved (V1)

  ISBN: 9780996117142

  From #1 NY Times Bestselling Author Barbara Freethy comes the first book in a new romantic suspense trilogy: Lightning Strikes. In these connected novels, lightning leads to love, danger, and the unraveling of long-buried secrets that will change not only the past but also the future…


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