Show Stopper
Page 6
“So . . .” he replies, his lips turning up into a grin. “We can either stay here and eat whatever on earth he ordered for you?
I dip my chin and look at what could just be the most pretentious, beautiful—but not something I would have ordered--appetizer I’ve ever seen—and it’s not my cup of tea. I look back to Marco. “Or?”
“Or you can come back with me to meet my family, then I’ll take you out and feed you.”
“Oh my God,” I gasp. “I ruined your family dinner! I’m so sorry!”
His eyes crinkle. “Two things,” he says, closing the distance between us. “One, I’m the birthday boy and my family knows I was coming over to save you.” My lips part. “And two, Mama wants to meet ‘my realtor,’ who seems to have stolen part of my brain.”
My brows jump at that. “I’ve stolen your brain?”
“Part of it.”
“Which part?” I ask coyly, unable to wipe the grin from my face.
He dips his head, bringing his face close to mine. “That’s yet to be determined. But let’s not keep Mama waiting.”
He bends down, grabs my purse, and straightens. Then he laces his fingers in mine. “By the way, princess. Anytime you wanna play games like that, count me in.”
I gasp. “I don’t . . . I wasn’t . . .”
He turns and grabs the bottle of red wine off the table, then winks at me. On anyone else, it would be jerky, but on Marco . . . damn.
A minute later, Marco and I are standing in front of a table full of Rossis all smiling up at us.
Marco might have saved me, but with all the expectant eyes now looking at me, I think I’ve just jumped out of the frypan and into the fire.
Luckily, I have a fireman by my side to save me.
“Everyone, this is Renee. She seems to have lost her dinner date, so I’ve invited her to join us.”
My brothers all stand and hold out their arms to shake Renee’s hand, as does my father, except the sly dog looks at me and kisses her knuckles, winking when I don’t stop the soft growl rumbling in my chest. Mama doesn’t miss it, though; neither do Skye and Val. All three women grin at me.
I look down at Renee, who, gratifyingly, doesn’t look fazed by the gauntlet I’ve innocuously laid down. It was purposeful. I just couldn’t help myself once I saw the asshole next to her make a move. I was halfway across the restaurant when she put the asshole in his place.
Then she shocked the shit out of me. Not that I’m complaining about her pressing up against me the way she did. The ass-grab was as much for the game as it was for me, but her blown pupils and wry smile told me she wasn’t complaining either. “You can let her go, Marco. I don’t think she’s going to run away just yet,” Gio says with a smirk
I look back to Gio. “Maybe I don’t want to let her escape?”
“The fact you’re throwing her to the wolves before even taking her on a date? Big mistake, Marco. Huge,” Skye says as the rest of my family chuckle.
“You’re welcome to join us,” Mama says. “Son, get your friend a chair.”
I reluctantly release my grip on Renee’s hand and grab a chair from an empty table beside us, dragging it next to mine. We finished dinner awhile ago, our personal chef having long finished throwing hot grilled food at us.
Once Renee is seated, I sit next to her, draping my arm behind her back
“I’m sorry for intruding. Marco just unwittingly saved me from a disastrous dinner,” she says.
Papa chortles. “Renee, my dear. The way my son moved over to you? There was nothing unwitting about it.”
I shake my head, glancing at the beautiful woman beside me and noting the half smirk curving her lips. Her amused gaze meets my curious one before she turns back to Papa. “Your son has made it a habit of saving me.”
I dip my head as if tipping a hat. “All in a good day’s work.”
“I’m sorry for disturbing your meal. The birthday boy here was very insistent,” she says.
Mama waves her hand dismissively. “You’re more than welcome. Any friend of my children is a friend of mine.” She lifts the espresso in her hand, then leans forward in her seat. The rest of my family shift back in their chairs as if they’re getting ready for the show. “We’re almost finished anyway. But enough about that; tell us about yourself, Renee. My son has talked about you.”
I have—but I haven’t said anything about how I’ve spent all week imagining those long tanned legs and those fuck-me heels I’d really love to have in my bed.
The princess quirks a brow my way. Her eyes are bright and sparkling with mischief. ”He has, has he?”
I shrug. I’m not going to deny it. Even if Mama is playing it up.
“Well, my Skye here tried to meddle, which means he kind of got ambushed at dinner last weekend.”
“I really should apologize for my sneak attack with Gilly,” Skye says,
Renee laughs quietly. “It’s okay. Gilly was able to give me some good intel on your brother so it was quid pro quo in that respect.”
“Oh, I like her,” Val says, nodding approvingly. “She’s not going to be a pushover.”
“My Marco needs a strong woman.”
While Mama, Skye, and Val talk amongst themselves about my dating life, I lean down and bring my mouth to Renee’s ear. “I’m starting to regret not walking you straight out the door.”
“And miss the free entertainment that is the Rossi family dynamic?” she whispers, pulling back to meet my eyes. “My night is looking up already.”
“You know, if you’d accepted my date invitation, I would have at least fed you before trying to feel you up.”
She sighs melodramatically. “If only you’d asked.”
“What if I asked now?”
Her gaze drifts down to my mouth then slowly back to meet my eyes. “I’d say feed me and you can have anything,” she whispers with a wink. Fuck, this woman is going to kill me.
“Anything?” I ask. Her eyes flash.
Her stomach growls and she covers it with her hand, her cheeks blushing pink as she drops her head and giggles before looking back. “Yes, apparently, anything.”
“I’ll feed you if you agree to go on a date with me.”
She frowns in confusion. “Now?”
God, she’s cute. ”Yeah, now.”
“But your family . . .” she replies.
“They’ll understand. We’ve finished anyway. And birthday rules apply.”
“Birthday rules?”
“Birthday rules—whatever I want, whenever I want it, and a new one—whoever I want it with,” I say with a grin
She narrows her eyes suspiciously. “That’s not a thing.”
“It’s my thing.”
Renee rolls her eyes and bites her lip, and now all I can think about is kissing her, tasting her, and doing other things too. And yep, that’s got me hard as a rock. I can see her mind working. and I decide to choose for her.
Standing, I reach out my hand for hers. “C’mon, princess. You can get grilled by my family next time. But now, I need to feed you.” When she gets up from her chair, tangling her fingers with mine, I turn to face the table, meeting a hoard of amused grins and curious gazes.
“Thank you for dinner. Renee and I have plans, and since she hasn’t eaten, I’m going to see to getting her fed.” I meet Mama’s eyes. “I’ll call by tomorrow.” My mother doesn’t miss what I’m not saying. Give me this and I’ll tell you what you wanna know next time.
“Yes, son. You two go do your own thing.” Mama stands and moves around the table toward us, pulling me in for a big hug, then—not surprisingly—does the same to Renee.
“It’s lovely to meet you, bella. I hope to see you again.” Then she whispers something in Renee’s ear, making my date giggle then nod at Mama. What’s that about?
I look between Gio and Luca. “I’ll see you guys later.”
n, nine a.m.,” says Gio, his way of asking if I’m coming home.
“Yep. Wake me up at eight.”
He nods, his lips twitching. Right, enough of this.
“Bye, everyone.” I wave again and start moving away, bringing Renee with me.
“Bye! Nice to meet you all,” she says as she follows my lead.
We walk outside and I don’t stop till we’re around the corner and I know we’re out of view. I turn to face her, finding a wry smile twisting her lips.
“So . . .” I say, my eyes roaming her face. She’s even more beautiful than I remember, and she was already stunning.
“So . . .”
“Where to?”
Her head jerks. “Oh no, Lieutenant. This is all on you. My only demand is that you feed me. Beyond that . . .”
“Beyond that, I’d feed you then work you over until you’ve worked up another appetite,” is what I’d say if I wasn’t trying to be a gentleman. That’s how I know there’s something different about Renee.
Do I want her in my bed? I’ve known that since the minute I laid eyes on her hair, her legs, those fuck-me heels I want digging into my hips, and that spark she has that’s begging for me to ignite it.
But I want to get to know her. She’s funny and cute and gives back as good as she gets. She’s strong and independent. The way she took control of her asshole date proves that.
It’s been a long time since a woman has occupied my mind like this, and even longer since a woman has met my family.
“Let’s go get the princess fed then,” I say, squeezing her hand. “Do you like burgers?”
“Am I Renee Hamilton? Of course I like burgers.”
“Good. Then I know just the place.” I take my time to slowly look down her body, pausing to take in the sexy as hell heels adorning her feet before returning to her beautiful face. “Can you walk in those shoes?”
“You’ve got a foot fetish.”
No, I have a you fetish.
“I’m contemplating a fireman’s hold,” I say with a loaded grin.
I don’t miss the hitch in her breath and make a note to go all caveman on her when we get to the point of her being naked and willing in my bed. She’s not the only one who likes playing games.
“I can walk,” she says huskily.
My mouth tips up in a smile. “You just let me know if you can’t. I’m born to serve.”
“I bet you are.
We move down the street, turn at the corner, and head down toward my favorite little diner I always come to when I’m in this part of town.
“So, why were you on that date? That guy was definitely not worthy,” I ask, moving closer to her as a group of twenty-something girls walk past us.
She sighs. “You’re not the only one who likes to help people.”
I turn and quirk a brow.
“Hayley works for the Chicago Fire soccer team, and he’s a new import that she wanted to make a good impression with.”
“And your sister recruited you to do it?”
“Yeah. It was a favor—that’s all.”
I look her up and down. “You did him a favor. You made him look like he was almost worthy of having you on his arm.”
She tilts her head. “Is that your way of telling me I look good?”
We stop at the lights, waiting for the pedestrian signal. I turn to face her and bring her in close, my gaze locked on hers.
“Good is nothing. You look fucking fantastic.”
Her eyes soften and she blushes beautifully. ”Thank you. I do try.”
I lift my hand to cup her jaw and tilt her chin up. “You don’t have to even try. But when you do, you’d make any man want to stalk across the room to claim you.”
Her teeth dig into her bottom lip, drawing my eyes there. Fuck, I want to kiss her.
But I won’t. Not yet. That first kiss is going to be memorable. It’s going to be burnt into my brain and hers. When it happens there will be absolutely no doubt in her mind where my head is at when it comes to Renee.
“Fuck, you’re cute. You’re strong and tough and you take no shit, but when you’re soft and pliant and biting your lip?” My voice is rough and thick. “You make me want things.”
“Things?” she breathes.
“Yeah. Things.”
“What kind of things?” she asks curiously.
“I’ll tell you when I know you won’t bolt.”
She opens her mouth but the lights change and we’re moving again.
After that, she falls quiet and I just enjoy the feel of her hand in mine and the fact I have time with her, just the two of us. It feels right—like, really right. But I’m still conscious of the fact she has baggage when it comes to men in uniform—especially firefighters. I want to get us to a point where we can unpack that. Only when I know the reasons why—once we’ve gotten to know each other more—will I know the fight I’m up against to get her to let me in.
Which means we have to take this slow.
It’s a good thing I’m a patient man when it comes to getting the things I want, and right now, I want Renee.
An hour and a half later, I’m pulling my car into her driveway and cutting the engine. I turn toward her and find her head leaning against the headrest and her soft, tired eyes looking my way.
“Food coma?”
“Close to it. You weren’t kidding about those burgers. And those deep-fried pickles and ranch were to die for.”
I chuckle. “Yeah. I go there as much as I can.”
“You can take me back whenever you want.”
I shoot her a warm grin. “You asking me out for another date?”
Her eyes sparkle with amusement. “If it’s those burgers and those pickles, then yes. Yes, I am.” A yawn escapes her, and I decide it’s time to get my princess to bed. Not my bed, but there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll be there soon enough. I’ll bust my ass to make sure she does.
“Wait there,” I say, hopping out and rounding the hood. I open her door and hold out my hand for hers. I’m addicted to touching her. It settles me. The warm slide of her palm against mine, the trust she gives me when she looks at me—they both point to good things on the horizon. When you face flames daily, you need something or someone to keep your mind focused on getting out. Someone to come home to and help you through the good times and the bad.
After just a few weeks and one burger date, I know Renee could be that person for me. A full heart, a good soul, a strong, resilient constitution.
And to think, we only crossed paths because Skye dragged me along to a house showing.
I lead her up the stairs to her front door. She turns to face me, the soft, gentle smile on her lips enchanting me. “Thank you for turning the night around.”
“You know . . . if this was our first date, I’d be angling for a goodnight kiss.”
She graces me with a slow-growing smile. “Is that what you want this to be?”
My eyes burn into hers as they roam her face and fixate on her full, glossy lips. ”I know I’ve never had such a relaxed, easy time with a woman before tonight—date or otherwise.”
She tilts her head to the side in a way I’ve noticed she does a lot. I get the feeling she’s looking for any tell that I’m full of shit and just telling her what I think she wants to hear. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
I move in slowly, closing the distance, my gaze locked with hers. I leave barely an inch between us, the heat from her body radiating onto mine, making me ache with the need to do something.
“I’m saying that to the woman who’s been stuck in my head for the last two weeks.” I lean in, bracing my arm on the wall beside her head. My heart thuds against my chest as I breathe her in. ”The woman whose path continues to cross mine. I think it means she’s meant to be in my life . . . or she’s a stalker.”
She giggles, shaking her head and biting her lip again. I can’t tear my eyes away from her.
Whatever this is between us, it’s palpable. The
air around us is so electric, it’s like it has its own force field. It’s something no one in their right mind could—or should—ignore.
I reach out and gently tuck a loose tendril of hair behind her ear, lightly brushing my fingertip over the side of her face and down the satin-smooth skin of her throat, leaving goose bumps following in my wake.
I dip my head, bringing our lips closer until they’re almost touching. My eyes stare deep into her soft, glazed ones and fuck, it’s a good look on her. “The same woman who was on a date tonight with a man so far beneath her, he’s lucky he even got past drinks,” I finish.
She lifts a brow. “And do you think you’re worthy of a date with me?”
Oh, yes. There’s that sass I like so much.
“Fuck no. But that doesn’t mean I won’t work my ass off to make sure I’m the lucky bastard who gets a shot with a show stopper like you.”
She stills, her breath catching, her lips parting. ”A show stopper?” she whispers, her fingertips flexing against my chest.
I press her deeper into the wall. “Yeah. The one who makes me want to buy a ticket because I know deep in my bones that if I play my cards right, she might just be the headline act for the rest of my life.”
Her entire body jerks before she grabs my jaw in her hands and crushes our mouths together, her tongue delving between my lips and seeking mine. I snake my hand around her waist and down to her ass, holding her to me as I take over, kissing her deep and long and wet, not leaving a single inch of her mouth undiscovered.
She moans into my mouth and I groan back into hers, her hands roaming over my chest and waist and sliding down to my—
I end the kiss before we pass the point of no return and my aching hard-on takes this where I really wanna take it, especially after having had a taste of her.
Meeting her lust-filled eyes, I watch her lick her lips, which makes me want to take them again. I cup her jaw and trace her mouth with the pad of my thumb. “Fuck, you can kiss.”
Her lips quirk up. “You’re not too bad yourself, Lieutenant.”
“Thanks for making my birthday wish come true.”
“Thanks for letting me.”
“I’m busy until Thursday, but I’d like to cook you dinner.”