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Bad Kitty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 5)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  She was that kind of woman to him.

  Kinky, mouthy, damaged as fuck, but he wanted her.

  “She’s lying.”

  He whirled around to see Dane on one of the benches toward the side of the diner.

  “I didn’t see you there.”

  “Yeah, well, this is where I come when I need to think.”

  Damon walked over to the bench, watching as he lit up a cigarette.

  He didn’t smoke.

  “How do you know she’s lying?” Damon asked.

  “Because, I know her. Teri had big dreams once upon a time. I don’t know when they ended, but there was a time she wanted to be a wife and mother. This was long before she fucked anything with a dick.”

  “You think you’ve got something to answer to with regards Teri’s changed mind.”

  Dane shrugged. “Probably. It’s already well-known that I’m not the best guy when it comes to relationships. I’m the love ’em and leave ’em type. Or I cheat on them, or I run away.”

  “Are you having a pity party, because I don’t need to hear this shit.”

  “Don’t give up on Teri. I will have my own fucking pity party, thank you. I know what I lost.”

  “You could have stayed,” Damon said.

  “Exactly. Like I said, I know it’s all my fault.” He shrugged. “I’m not going to keep defending myself. I’m the big bad man in my story.” Dane chuckled. “Teri, though, she wants it. I don’t know what else has happened in her life, but don’t mistake her bullshit there as her real feelings. She’s scared, and hurting you is easy for her.”

  “I’m not going to back down. I’ve just got to wait now.” Damon blew out a breath. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m doing okay. James hasn’t kicked my ass to the curb yet, so I’m working on staying out of his bad books.”

  “You think you’ve got it in you to even do that?”

  “I am going to try,” Dane said, chuckling. “I missed this. Talking, being part of it.”

  “Then why leave?”

  “Sometimes you’ve got lose something dear to you before you realize what you had.”

  “You were gone a long time.”

  “I had a lot to lose, Damon.” He shrugged. “Oh, well, not a lot left, but I’m going to be here for Ryan and my kids. They’re worth it.”

  “No matter what?”

  Dane smiled. “You’ll have to find out.”

  Chapter Eight

  Caleb was so fucking nervous as he paced the bedroom. Kitty was in the bathroom getting ready. They’d eaten, cleaned up the dishes, he’d read to her for a little while, and when she’d given the signal that she was heading toward the bathroom, he’d followed. Only now, he was fucking terrified.

  He’d been wanting this moment for so long; too long. Now, he wanted it to be perfect, and he’d never known this kind of stress before.

  What if she wasn’t ready?

  What if he screwed this up?

  What if she hated it and never wanted to see him again?

  A whole bunch of “what ifs” kept running around his head. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared at the floor. Anyone else, and he wouldn’t be this fucking nervous. Kitty wasn’t just any woman though. She belonged to him, and he wanted to give her everything. The world that she wanted.

  Stop being a fucking pussy!

  Running his hands down his thighs, he caught sight of his reflection. The mirror was placed near the bed just in case Kitty wanted to try that.

  You know what you want to do.

  You know her.

  You know her better than she knows herself.

  This isn’t rocket science.

  This is making love.

  You love her more than anything.

  She’s your woman.

  Now, stop being a pussy, and know what you want.

  The door to the bathroom opened, and Kitty was there. She stood in a very plain negligee. There was no lace or sexy slits, but to Caleb, he saw the temptation in the simple outfit.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay.”

  She chuckled. “You look like you’re panicking a bit.”

  “Just a little, but I’m holding my own.”

  She tilted her head to the side, and she bit her lip. “If you’re not ready…”

  He was off the bed and stood before her within a second. “I’m ready, Kitty. I’m more than ready for this. I want this to be perfect for you. Every single step of the way.” He cupped her face, his thumb stroking across her lip. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this moment, what I’ve wanted to do to you.”

  “And now you can. I want you, Caleb. I’m ready. I know I am.”

  “It has only been a couple of weeks.”

  “No, it hasn’t. It’s been nearly a decade, and I can’t go on like this. You’re my life, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You’re not going to.”

  Kitty touched him. Her hands were on his shoulders, holding him tightly. “But I want this, Caleb. I want to feel you inside me, possessing me, wanting me, driving inside me. This isn’t just this week. It has been like it for a lot longer. I don’t want to deny us both anymore. I want to fight this, and I know you’ll help me. You’ll keep me with you every single step of the way.” She kissed his lips. “I trust you, Caleb. All the way.”

  Running his thumb across her plump lips, he dropped his hands to her hips and began walking back toward the bed. She followed him.

  He saw the flush rise in her chest.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared up at her. With his hands on her hips, he stroked her over the negligee. Her hips were nicely rounded as she stood there.

  After a few seconds of her getting used to his touch, he slowly slid his hands down to her thighs then back up again. All the time, his touch was on her with the negligee keeping his hands from her skin.

  Running his fingers up across her chest, just underneath her tits, he stroked down, pressing the fabric against her pussy.

  “Are you wearing any panties?”

  “Why don’t you find out?”

  He smiled. “Tell me, Kitty. Did you put any panties on this pretty pussy for me?” He removed his hands from her body, waiting for her gaze to be completely focused on him.

  She missed his touch, he could tell. He saw the need reflected in her eyes and as she shook her head. “No.”

  He placed a hand against her pussy.

  Kitty gasped, arching backward, releasing a moan that echoed around the room, going straight to his dick.

  He held his hand perfectly still, waiting to see her reaction. Her gaze looked a little wild, and finally, he slid a finger between her slit when he knew she wouldn’t be scared or afraid.

  She was soaking wet, and that did surprise him. He’d not expected her response, and now he felt hungry for a taste of her.

  Pressing the tip of his finger against her clit, he circled the hood, then slid across, watching her moan as he did this each time. Moving down, he penetrated her pussy, filling her to the knuckle, withdrawing, and teasing her clit once again.


  She let out a squeal of excitement at his touch.

  He repeated this, giving her enough to tempt and tease her only to withdraw and smile as she grew impatient, desperate, needy. He loved seeing a needy little Kitty. She was so fucking cute.

  “You want my mouth on your pussy?”


  “Lie down on the bed and spread your thighs.”

  “What about this?” she asked, holding out the negligee.

  “For now, it stays on.” That was going to be something he left to her, but he’d already decided how tonight was going to go, and he was a patient man.

  Standing away from the bed, he readjusted his dick. He still wore jeans and the tightness around his length was a little uncomfortable, but for her, he could stand more than his fair share of pain. He’d do it for a lifetime.

sp; She lay on the bed, legs spread, looking like the tempting morsel that she was. She’d lifted up the bottom of her negligee to rest against her waist. Her hands fisted in the bed.

  “Now you’re a sight to behold. So beautiful, so open.” He knelt on the bed, each movement slow so he could gauge her reaction. So far, she’d been desperate, and the want clearly in her eyes. He’d known her for a long time. There were times he truly believed he knew Kitty better than she knew herself.

  When he saw that she was relaxed, comfortable, he crawled onto the bed, going between her thighs. His breath fanned across her pussy, and he heard her sigh.

  Stroking the fine hairs that covered her mound, he smiled, spreading her lips wide. Her clit was swollen, and she was so wet that she made his mouth water to take a lick. He’d imagined this so many times in the years they’d been playing. To take the pain away with his mouth, to taste her. To show her what real love was and is.

  With her open wide, he slid his tongue across her clit, gliding down to fill her pussy.

  His name echoed around the room as she screamed it. Keeping her lips open, he licked and sucked at her pussy, feeling how her body responded to each one. She moaned and wiggled on his tongue. Pulling out of her pussy, he circled her clit, glancing up her body, wishing he had more hands to touch and squeeze her tits.

  “You like this, Kitty?”

  “Yes, please, don’t stop.”

  He smiled against her cunt, flicking his tongue back and forth across her nub. Using one hand to keep her pussy lips open, with the other he thrust two fingers inside her tight cunt. She squeezed him.

  The cry that spilled from her lips was one of pleasure. He continued to tease her, driving her higher but not to orgasm. The last thing he wanted was to finally get his mouth on her after so long wanting this and for her to come within seconds. He wanted this to last, to bask in every single second of her pleasure, relishing her cries, her pleas, her desperation for him.

  Every little beg was a small victory to him, not in finally beating her but in winning her. Kitty had been his prize, not her body, not her orgasm, the woman herself. Every single part of her was worth the fight, the waiting. He wanted her so badly, but he could wait.

  “Oh, that feels so good. Please. Don’t stop.” She gasped, arching up, and sliding back down to the bed as he circled his fingers, stroking over her G-spot.

  She wriggled against his fingers, begging him for more.

  He loved the echo around the room, and knew he’d be doing this back home. Bringing new memories to his bedroom, to their lives.

  Kitty was going to get everything she ever wanted, and it was going to be him to give it to her.


  Kitty didn’t know how much more torture she could take. His fingers teased inside her, filling her, his tongue on her clit. It was all too much and yet not enough. She kept driving toward her orgasm, and each time she felt it climbing, he’d move, he’d change tempo, he’d bring her down from that point, and leave her wanting more.

  She didn’t know how much more she could stand. Never had she wanted something so badly and been denied. She wanted to orgasm at his touch and his touch alone. His tongue stroked her, the pulse of his fingers teasing that spot within her that took the pleasure to another dimension.

  Panting, gasping, begging, pleading, she screamed his name, and finally, he didn’t stop.

  Caleb kept stroking her clit, going back and forth. At the same time his fingers teased her, keeping her at the precipice of release, building that precious orgasm, holding her right there, ready, and he finally pushed her over.

  She screamed his name, shock rushing through her at the pleasure that pulsed through every single part of her body. She felt weightless.

  Her mind shattered with the force of the release. She thrust up to meet each stroke of his fingers.

  Not wanting it to end but finding it impossible to keep his touch.

  When it became all a little too much, he released her pussy, pressing a little kiss to her clit.

  “That was one of the prettiest sights I’ve ever seen,” he said.

  She couldn’t think.

  Her mind was on what he was doing to her body. Her tits ached, her pussy nowhere near finished. She wanted him inside her, to finish this, to take her, to own her.

  Caleb pressed kisses to her hips, to her stomach.

  Slowly, he inched up toward her until she finally looked up at him. Cupping his cheek, she smiled. “I had no idea it could be like that.”

  “It’ll be like that every single time.”

  She stroked her thumb across his lips, which were still glistening from her pussy.

  He pressed his lips down to her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close as he kissed her. She tasted herself on his lips, and she didn’t care. Sliding her tongue across his lips, she felt this was a victory for her.

  She’d finally allowed him to touch her, to lick her, to be intimate with her in ways that she’d never dreamed of being with anyone else. Sliding her hand down his back, moving around, she reached for his dick, only to find him still in his jeans.

  The evidence of his arousal was easy to find. Even through the thick denim she felt his hardness pressing against her palm.

  “I want you inside me,” she said.

  “You do?”


  “Then we’re going to do this my way,” Caleb said.

  “I didn’t expect anything else.” She loved it when he took charge.

  He dropped another kiss to her lips and stood away from the bed.

  She sat up, feeling a little shaky in her arms, but watching him anyway as he removed the belt, sliding it out of the loops and dropping it to the floor. Next, he unbuttoned the top, sliding the zipper down, and pushed them to his knees. He was wearing boxer briefs. His dick pressed against the front of his pants, outlined.

  This wasn’t the first time she’d seen his dick, nor was it the first time when he’d masturbated in front of her. She’d seen his cock plenty of times, only she’d never gotten close to touching him.

  The jeans were kicked off, and as he stepped out of the boxer briefs she couldn’t just sit there watching.

  Sliding across the bed to the edge, she stared at his length. “I’m not ready to suck you yet, Caleb, but I’d like to touch you.”

  He took hold of her hand, pressing a kiss to her palm before placing it against his dick. Together, they wrapped their fingers around his length. He released a little hiss, seeming to find it a little too much.

  Kitty didn’t release him though.

  She ran her hand up and down his length, watching the pre-cum spill from the tip. Even with his hand over hers, she loved his touch, relished it.

  “Do you trust me, Kitty?” he asked.

  “You know I do. I trust you more than anyone.”


  He took her hand and pressed a kiss to it.

  She frowned as he moved away, rounding the bed to the other side. Twisting around, she watched him climb into the center and lie down. “Then I want you to be the one in charge, Kitty. I want you to take what you can get. You’re the one in charge of what you take.”

  Kitty tucked some hair behind her ear and stared at him. Running her gaze up and down the length of his body, she saw his cock thick, hard, and pressed up against his stomach.

  “There’s condoms in the drawer, Kitty.”

  She stared toward the drawer and licked her dry lips. This was all … surreal. Reaching into the drawer, she tore open the condom packet and moved toward his body.

  “I don’t know how to put one on,” she said.

  “Hold my cock,” he said.

  She gripped the base of this dick.

  He smiled. “You’re going to have to go to the tip.”

  She moved her hand up to the tip.

  “Place the condom on the head, pinching the tip as you do.”

  She did as he asked.

  “Now slide the
latex over, being careful as you do.”

  She rolled the latex down his length, covering his cock.

  Staring into his eyes, she straddled his waist, staring down at him. Her hands going to his chest, she leaned down and pressed her lips against his.

  He stroked her back.

  His touch was light, giving her time to get accustomed.

  I’m going to have sex with Caleb.

  I’m going to feel his dick inside me, filling me.

  Please, don’t let me fuck this up.

  She held herself up off him, reaching between them, holding his cock. She was nervous about everything. Pressing the tip of his covered cock against her entrance, she slowly, achingly slowly, began to sink down.

  Kitty gasped at the intrusion of his cock penetrating her. Staring at Caleb, feeling him inside her, slowly as she sank down inch by inch, it was the best feeling in the world.

  Caleb rested his hands on her thighs, but she knew he was showing restraint. He was tense. The muscles in his neck stuck out, showing his strength.

  With a couple inches inside her, she held herself up on her knees, keeping him there.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “This feels amazing.”

  “Nothing else?”

  She knew what he was asking. If there were any bad memories. If she could recall the pain of her past.


  She didn’t.

  That was gone now. She knew it and was going to fight for her own life.

  Too much time had been wasted in memories.

  She intended to make new ones, to embrace her life with Caleb, to give him everything they both deserved. She wanted love, sex, a life, a family, a future. All of it with him, and she wasn’t going to sit back and just take it anymore. She intended to bask in it all. To take what she wanted, to own it.

  Life was too damn short to live it in the past. She was done with that. With her gaze on his, she slid down, taking his cock to the hilt within her.

  They both cried out.

  Kitty was unable to keep her eyes on him as they closed, and she basked in the pleasure of his body as it had slid inside her.

  His grip on her thighs tightened, and she understood it. This feeling, it was so fucking strong. She didn’t want to lose it, to forget it.

  His cock pulsed inside her, awakening her need once again.


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