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Over the Hedge: Part 2- The Finale (Lucky in Love)

Page 43

by Minerva Vesta

  “That was a crazy psycho who used to work with us.” I was getting impatient trying to work out who was who with the attendant. I was panicking thinking Sean was incapacitated somewhere alone with Jenny. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to find him. Do you know if she actually reserved a room or what floor?”

  “No, she didn’t mention which one. But we can have security look at the cameras. Do you think that little lady could do something to hurt him?”

  “I don’t know. But, she’s obviously unstable, and I won’t put anything past her.”



  “I’m not crazy!”

  “Yes, the fuck you are, lady!” Sean yelled from behind the locked bathroom door.

  I gripped the crowbar I brought just in case the sedative wore off. I had no intentions of hurting Sean. The more I thought about it I had no idea why I even brought the thing. But I was glad I did because it was coming in handy for the occasion. Cocking my arms back, I whacked the door handle hard. The metal against metal sound set my nerves on edge.

  The moment I got Sean up to the room, I thought everything would progress smoothly. We would talk. He would agree we had too much in common not to be together. I’d get him to call Lashawnda and break it off with her. I mean it was the decent thing to do since he’d had the poor girl thinking she’d found her prince charming. I wasn’t a complete bitch. I recognized the importance of closing one chapter before moving on to the next.

  But, like everything in my life over the past year, this was also turning into a massive fuckup.

  My palms stung from the repeated blows of the crowbar against the door. I knew where I messed up. I shouldn’t have taken so much time in the bathroom getting ready. I wanted to be perfect for Sean. The outfit I wore took weeks to find. I needed the right shade of crimson red to match the six-inch pumps I’d been saving for a special occasion.

  Like a twit, I had to go out and get ice for our celebratory champagne. After all, who could spend the night in a luxury honeymoon suite without having champagne. I should have given Sean another dose of the sedative before I left.

  “Lashawnda,” Sean’s groan of agony made me grit my teeth and slammed the crowbar against the door handle repeatedly.

  “Shut up! Shut up! Don’t you dare say her name. Shut. Up.” I dropped the crowbar, hands aching from the weight of the metal. My breaths were coming out in hard pants, and I felt my heart tightening in my chest.

  “Let me out of here, you crazy bitch,” Sean barked.

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Just slide my phone under the door and we can forget about this whole thing,” he said trying to get me to change my mind.

  “I really can’t do that. Your going to call her. That’s why you want the phone isn’t it? You want to call that ugly cow,” I screeched.

  A loud thud from his side of the barrier made the bathroom door vibrate. I brushed my hand slowly across the spot on my side of the door, wanting to feel his skin against mine. Wanting to be with him more than I wanted anything in my entire life.

  “Why can’t you just let go,” I pleaded.

  “Lady, you’re bat shit crazy,” Sean argued.

  “Why can’t you just let go of everything and just be with me? Let go so we can be happy together,” I implored, not wanting to hear him say anything else offensive. “Just let go with me.”

  Silence stretched between us making me feel even more uncomfortable. I didn’t plan on Sean’s rejection. At this point in the night I figured we’d be spooning in the king-size bed after a vigorous round of lovemaking. All the planning and plotting was blowing up in my face. With every passing second, I hated Lashawnda more and more. She’d brainwashed Sean and drugged him with her black voodoo. I sat forth suddenly feeling inspired.

  “Hey, I know. I’ve got a little something that will take the edge off.” My mood kicked up lightly, and I felt optimistic about the rest of our evening together.

  I was so weary that I couldn’t get up. Dragging Sean to the freight elevator took just about every ounce of energy from me. When we got to the floor our room was on, one of the hotel patrons helped me carry him the rest of the way. Telling someone that my ‘boyfriend’ had a little too much to drink sent a warm feeling to the pit of my belly.

  I crawled on my hands and knees toward the luggage I packed. The lingerie I wore dragged at my knees. The crimson red material offset my flawless complexion. There was no denying how irresistible I was. I’d spent all week at home planning tonight. I chose my clothes with the utmost care. I used the last bit of money on my credit card for this room. I wasn’t concerned about not having money. Once Sean and I made everything official, he would be there to financially take care of us.

  A few days ago, I followed him to an office building downtown. The investment firm was in the same building where Tina worked as a personal assistant. She and I convinced one of the junior account executives to give us the details behind Sean’s visit. Turns out my sexy green-eyed scientist had just gotten hold of his inheritance.

  A glorious sum of money that would allow me to live comfortably for the remainder of my years. It was perfectly timed since my gig at H&G ended.

  “I’ve got just what you need, baby. Just what you need to loosen up for me.” My voice was filled with elation.

  I pulled the rolling suitcase toward me and unzipped the pocket in the front. The tiny, velvet necklace box stood out like a beacon. Todd had gotten me my first piece of fine jewelry from one of his connects overseas. Diamonds. No man had ever bought me diamonds before.

  I brought the case back to the door, hearing Sean groan on the other side.

  “Hey, I got a little something for you.”

  No answer.

  “You know I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to relax for me. Give me a chance to explain myself. Give us a chance to get to know each other.” I tried again.

  Still no answer.

  “I remember the first time I laid eyes on you. It was like everything felt right in the world. Everything about you called to me. I just knew. I knew without a doubt that we were meant to be together,” I pleaded.

  “You just drugged me. I can’t feel anything on more than half of my body. What about that makes you think I would want to be with you?” Sean’s anger was palpable.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you. He just…he just wouldn’t stop talking about sending me to jail. I didn’t want to go to jail.”

  “Jail for what, Jenny?”

  “For Todd. I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “Who’s Todd?”

  “My ex. The man who brought me here with him. He took me from all the problems I was having and brought me here.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “He’s dead.”


  “I killed him.”


  “I took his life. I did it. I killed him,” I gritted out with frustration.

  “Why?” Sean’s voice sounded different again.

  Before, when I first drugged him, his speech was slow. Now he sounded almost as if it took all the energy in the world just to open his mouth. Did I give him too much of the sedative? I didn’t have a clue about the dosage. None of the lab reports I read made any sense. How was I supposed to know what to give a large man Sean’s size based on what they were giving tiny mice?

  I combed through the fibers in the stiff carpet, memorizing the curve of each knot. When I was a child, I’d get punished by being forced into timeout in the same exact spot each and every time. I stared at that wall for so long that if someone showed me a thousand shades of white, I could pick out the exact one that matched my living room wall.

  I was brought back into that same feeling all over again. I’d screwed up, and now, I was in timeout on the opposite side of the door from my heart’s desire.

  “Why did you kill him?” Sean asked.

  For the first time tonight, my smile didn’t feel forced. Sean cared. I coul
d tell. Why else would he ask these questions?

  I sighed, resigned to let him into my darkness. If he and I were going to spend eternity together, then I needed him to know all there was to know about me, even my deepest secrets.

  “He wanted to die. He was tired of the treatments. Tired of the doctor’s appointments, the poking and prodding,” I answered.

  “Was Todd sick?”

  “Yes, he had cancer.”

  “How did he die, Jenny?”

  “The fentanyl.”

  “You drugged him.”

  “I gave him peace. I gave him a way out.”

  “Did he tell you in his own words he was ready to die, Jenny?”

  “He didn’t have to. I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to die.”

  “Jenny…” Sean began.

  “Don’t use that tone with me. That’s the same tone you used when you called me crazy. I’m not fucking crazy.”

  A hard thud echoed from the other side of the bathroom door. “Just let me out of here.”

  “No. I want us to give this thing a real try.” I sat up on my knees, pressing my palms against the flat surface of the door. “I really do like you a lot, Sean. I know this doesn’t make sense right now, but I promise this is all going to work itself out. I’m not the enemy here. I’m just a stupid pawn in a much bigger game. I promise, if you just let me explain everything, you’ll see we’re on the same side.”

  Almost six months ago…

  I watched as Sean walked toward the dance floor with three of the best-looking men I had ever seen. They were all enough to make any woman have a few intense wet dreams. I noticed the one sitting next to Sean had a wedding band on; while the other two sported empty ring fingers. But I didn’t consider that when I started formulating my plans.

  A knowing smirk settled on my face when I thought about what Sean was going to witness on the dance floor. Lashawnda, her sister, and that crass friend of hers had been out there dancing all over the guys at the club. I followed behind them, anticipating Sean’s reaction.

  Sean’s friend, the one that walked off with the black woman, was bent over her whispering something in her ear. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. I rolled my eyes as the woman bent forward and pressed her ass into his pelvis as she made it bounce. Poor girl probably didn’t realize a guy like that was using her to satisfy a fetish.

  So, that’s how Sean and his friends roll, I thought in annoyance. They all liked black women. What the hell was so special about them? Seeing them at the club that night spoke volumes.

  Not too long after I watched Sean make-out with Lashawnda on the back patio from my place on the second floor. The night was over for most people who had either made up their minds as to who they were taking home. Or, those sorry souls who were going home alone. I had options but, none of them were in this building.

  I grabbed my camera, taking a few pictures of Sean. Candid shots that displayed his chiseled features in a relaxed state.

  I left the club soon after, kissing Tina good night. My walk down to the end of the block was quiet. After checking my phone, I hurried towards my destination. Any other night I wouldn’t have gone out of my way to play this game. But I was heated about Sean’s dismissal and needed an outlet.

  The cigar bar with an older crowd was just shutting down for the night. The last few stragglers were standing out front with their drivers at the ready. My time with Todd taught me what to look for when trying to determine when a man had real wealth. Often, the flashiest men in the room are the ones with the most to lose. While the understated men are the ones with the deepest pockets. Most girls didn’t know this and ended up falling for men with little in the bank.

  I paused, pretending to look up and down the street as if expecting someone. It was all an act since I drove tonight. My car was parked along the road closest to the restaurant.

  “Give me a minute, Charles.” I heard his voice coming from the direction of the men. The sound of dress shoes echoed on the concrete, getting closer. I smirked, thinking how expensive his shoes were. It had been a while since I did this.

  “Young lady, are you waiting for someone?” I turned in time to see the older man approaching.

  I bounced my shoulder and inhaled sharply, pretending to be caught off guard.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to alarm you.” He stepped toward me, hands up in surrender.

  “That’s okay.”

  “So, what is it? Are you waiting for someone?”

  “Yes,” I answered cautiously.

  He turned his wrist over and checked the time. “It’s going on three in the morning.”

  “Yeah. A friend was supposed to give me a ride, but I’m not sure if she forgot or just got too wasted,” I half-heartedly mumbled.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound good.”

  “Some friend, right?”

  “Do you have any other options besides this horrible friend of yours,” he asked with concern.

  “I guess I could try to get a taxi.” I gave a half-hearted shrug. “Although, this time of night, it might take them forever to get here if they even decide to come.”

  “Look, I’m not one to sit by and leave a beautiful woman in a bind. I’ve got a car for the night, so I would be happy to take you home.”

  “That’s really sweet of you. But one, I don’t know you. And two, I wouldn’t want to put you out of your way.”

  “My name is Greg Moore. If you’d like to take my information and send it to your friend, it might make things a little less awkward. However, I give you my word I wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Leaving you standing here would be the real danger.”

  “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Greg.” I reached out and shook his hand.

  “You haven’t told me your name.”

  The night air was as stiff as my smile. I’d done this song and dance too many times for me to get any real rush of excitement. The first time we played this game was cute, now I was bored. My thoughts went back to Sean, and I couldn’t help but compare him to this man. They were nothing alike. Complete opposites in every sense of the word. The one major difference was I hadn’t fucked Sean yet.

  “Juliet,” I answered, “But my friends call me Jules.”

  “You’re far too beautiful to be out here alone, Jules.”

  I pressed a hand to my lips, letting out a light laugh. “Oh, we’re friends, now.”

  “We can be.” Greg stepped closer. The scent of his cologne mixed with a cigar tickled my nose. “We can be so much more if you let me take you home.”

  I placed my hand against his suit jacket. The scent of him stronger the closer I stepped.

  “If you want to be anything more than friends, you’ll need to do a few things first,” I whispered, voice low and sultry to set the stage for the next few hours.

  “And, what’s that?”

  “First, you’re going to take me back to your car, spread me wide open in your back seat, and lick my pussy until I come all over that beard of yours.”

  A sharp intake of his breath let me know he was right where I needed him.

  “Second, you’ll stop at the hotel downtown. You’ll pay the guy working the bar three times as much for a shot of whiskey. He’ll give you a little package that will enhance our night.”

  “And, then?” Greg pressed. His breath was warm against my face with each word he spoke.

  “And, then…” I ran a manicured hand down his lapel. “I’m going to fuck you so good that your wife will cum.”

  I stepped back, putting space between us.

  “Before you make my wife cum. Let’s see if you can make me cum with that pretty mouth of yours.”

  Greg and I made it to the hotel. But not before he did as instructed and pleased me with his mouth. We spent a few hours fooling around at the hotel before he took me back to pick up my car. It was early the next morning. All I could think about was finishing the rest of the coke he’d paid for and spending th
e day in a drug-induced euphoria.

  But Greg had other plans.

  When I pulled up to my condo, he was right behind me. I tried to come up with a good reason for him to leave as I grabbed my things from the front seat.

  “You know you didn’t have to come all the way over here,” I said to Greg. “My high is wearing off, and as you can see, I made it home with no issues.”

  “I have something I need to discuss with you,” Greg replied. He stepped around me and walked toward the lobby. When we got to the lobby, he pressed the elevator call button, dismissing me as if I didn’t just speak.

  “Is this something regarding my position at H&G?” I asked, rubbing a frustrated hand along my brow.

  “We’ll discuss it once we get up to your place,” Greg said dismissively.

  I gave up all hope of getting him to leave. The moment we stepped through the door I dropped my shoes next to the entrance and headed straight for the bar. Whatever tasks Greg was about to ask of me would require a bit of inebriation.

  “What can I do for you now, Dr. Moore?” I asked, sitting with a large tumbler filled to the brim in my hand.

  Greg poured himself a drink and took the seat across from me. He wasn’t a bad-looking man. Age had left lines etched across his skin. The once auburn hair, was now streaked with white. He put on that comfortable weight that all men gained once they reached maturity. One thing that hadn’t diminished was his dominance.

  From the first time I met him, I was enamored. He was at one of the conferences I attended hoping to recruit new team members for H&G. We got to talking at the hotel bar and Greg was interested in my role with the company and my access to the research department. I didn’t think much of it at the time and allowed him to woo me the entire weekend after the conference with lavish dinners and a shopping spree.

  Even the sex was good, and I enjoyed myself more than expected. Greg was gentle yet aggressive. Strong dominant men had always been my weakness. That’s why I knew Sean and I would be a good fit. He was having his fun playing with Lashawnda now. But soon he and I would be together. I found his interest in her amusing. I’d let him have his fun for now.


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