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Under The Cherry Blossoms (Fleurs d'Amour Novella Book 1)

Page 10

by Amali Rose

  “I wouldn’t let Skye hear you refer to this as a ‘party’, she’ll kick your ass.” Mason laughs but I shrug it off. I love Squeak’s feistiness as much as I love her sweetness, and any ass kicking she wants to give is just fine with me. God knows I take plenty of liberties with her ass.

  My attention is drawn to the crowd up ahead as some sort of commotion appears to be happening. Suddenly a flash of pink bolts through the legs of the upstanding adults, and I spot the curly-haired demon that is my daughter running up the path, headed straight toward me. However, she pulls up comedically short when she spots Sebastian, her best friend, standing beside his Grandmother, and the three-year-olds throw themselves into each other’s arms, as if they haven’t seen each other in months. I roll my eyes. I’m pretty sure it’s been about forty-five minutes.

  Turning to Mason, I bite out, “We’re in trouble with those two, aren’t we?” But his answering chuckle does little to calm my worries.

  “Summer!” I holler across the crowd, and her bright green eyes, so much like her mother’s, meet mine.

  “What, Daddy?!” Summer hollers right back. Holding back a smile, I consider, not for the first time, how much of her mother’s sassiness she has also inherited.

  “Come here, Sass!” As her little legs propel her forward, I notice my father and Fiona following her down the path, but before I can greet them, Summer throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and leaning in to whisper something in my ear.

  “Daddy, guess what?”

  “What?” I reply conspiratorially.

  “Seb said he’s gonna marry me one day!” Her excited whisper carries, and I hear Mason snort out a laugh beside me, while I try to muffle my groan.

  “Here you go, Ben.” My father arrives next to us, my youngest daughter wriggling in his arms, reaching out for me. Shifting Summer to my other side, I extend my left arm and take hold of Poppy, who immediately lies her head on my shoulder and lets her eyes flutter shut.

  Looking at my girls in my arms, I marvel at their differences. Poppy is the calm in the storm, while Summer is usually the storm. And I wouldn’t change either of them for anything.

  My phone vibrates in my back pocket, so I place Summer on the ground, and reach around to pull it out. Seeing Cassidy’s name light up the screen, I put the phone to my ear and answer with a short, “Yeah?”

  “We’re here, fady, send the monkeys up to the entrance,” she demands.

  “Oka– wait, what the fuck is a fady, Alexander?”

  “Well, let’s just say, I finally got Skyballs to admit something last night.” She sniggers like a schoolgirl, much to my chagrin.

  “I probably don’t want to know, right?”

  “Ugh, dude, look it up on urban dictionary, ‘kay? We don’t have time for this shit right now! Send the rugrats up to us, so we can get this party started.”

  I hear some rustling in the background, followed by the unmistakable voice of Squeak. “Jesus, can you please not refer to my wedding as a party, Cass?”

  I laugh, and for the first time since she kicked me out of her hotel room last night, the tension leaves my shoulders.

  “Dad and Fiona will be there in a minute with all of them. Put her on the phone, will you?”

  “No, I will not put her on the phone, Captain America! Christ, you can wait five minu—”

  “Ben?” Skye’s voice fills my ear as Mason takes Poppy from me, and I see him help Dad round up the kids.

  “Hey, Squeak, you ready to do this, baby?”

  “Yes,” she says with a sigh. “I’ve been ready to do this for five years, baby cakes. It’s time to finally make an honest woman out of me.”

  “As long as I can still make a slutty woman out of you tonight.”

  Her giggle echoes through the phone line and I grin at the sound, already planning all the filthy things I’m going to do to her tonight.

  “Still such a pervert after all these years! Okay, Mackinnon, I’ve gotta go, I’m getting married in five minutes.”

  “You are? Well damn, he’s a lucky guy, Squeak,” I retort softly.

  “I’ll see you in a minute, okay? Our babies are here.” Before I can reply, Skye’s voice is replaced by Cassidy’s.

  “Okay, see you soon, stud muffin. Kiss, kiss.” She hangs up on me.

  Shaking my head at her audaciousness, I watch as the celebrant begins to organize the congregated group in preparation for Squeak’s entrance.

  Once everyone is seated, I hear the acoustic guitar start, and the first strains of Songbird begin. Turning my attention to the path leading up Cherry Esplanade, I watch in silence as first Layla, then Wyatt and Cassidy follow the path until they’re standing alongside us.

  Then my girls are there, making their way to me. I don’t see the dress, or the makeup. I just see her, and for the millionth time I realize what a lucky son of a bitch I am, that this woman is mine.

  Mine to love. Mine to adore. Mine to fuck.

  After what seems like an e-fucking-ternity, she is standing in front of me, and I can’t stop myself from moving toward her, closing the gap between us. I never could stand not to be touching her. Leaning over, I pick up Summer and move my body flush against Skye’s, placing my hand over hers on Poppy’s back and leaning my forehead against hers.

  I’m oblivious to the people around us. To the celebrant waiting to begin our ceremony. To everything and everyone.

  “Hey, Squeak.”

  “Hey, you,” she whispers.

  Closing my eyes, I inhale this memory, determined to remember every moment of it.

  “Knock, knock.”

  “Who’s there?”


  “Juno who?”

  “Juno I love you, right?”

  And as she huffs out a soft laugh, I take her mouth in a kiss that is as all-consuming as she is.


  Firstly, to every single person who took a chance on a new author and read this book, you have my eternal gratitude. I wish I could give every one of you a giant bear hug! Publishing this book terrified me, but the support I have received has been overwhelming and humbling. Thank you all so much.

  To my alpha & beta readers: Joz, Kimberly, Harper, Tanya, Stacey, Rachel, Tamara, Tre, Laura, Lauren, Devon, Ashley, Cheril, Kim, Brenda & CJ. Your feedback, opinions and support all helped to make this book what it is. I valued every word, every message and every bit of kindness. I hope I made you a little bit proud.

  Special shout out to Tre for her New York knowledge!

  Joz, there are no words. I will be forever grateful that I found you. Thank you for your endless patience with my questions and your unwavering belief that I could do this. I can honestly say this book wouldn’t have been written if it hadn’t been for your support, encouragement & kindness. I love you hard!

  Rachel, you have been my biggest cheerleader from the very start and I can’t thank you enough. The belief you have shown in me and the enthusiasm with which you have supported me, has meant everything, and I’m so lucky to call you my friend.

  Tanya, you were the first person I confided this dream in, the first person to tell me I could do it. You encouraged me when I wanted to give up and you believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. I love your guts!

  The Sassy ladies! Joz, Kim, Stacey, Harper, Sienna & Laura. You guys took me under your wing and are the epitome of what the indie community is about. Thank you all for the encouragement and support you have given me, I’m so incredibly grateful to you all.

  Skyla Madi, thank you so much for your help with my first author challenge, the dreaded blurb. You were so gracious sharing your knowledge and experience with me. Thank you!

  The incredible Judi Perkins from Concierge Literary Designs & Photography. Let me try to find the words… Firstly, thank you for the amazing graphics. Seeing my cover for the first time is a moment I will always remember. Thank you for putting up with my control freak tendencies while you made incredible magic happen.
More importantly, thank you for your advice, kindness and patience as I stumbled my way through this process. I could not have asked for a better designer, and I’m so grateful I can also call you a friend.

  Stacey & Petrina at Spell Bound, thank you for all your hard work editing this book for me. You were an absolute pleasure to work with and you truly made my story better.

  Kylie Sharp from Indigo Assisting, you made my baby look so pretty and professional, thank you for your fantastic formatting work. It’s a real book!

  To my street team, Amali’s Smutty Sweethearts: Brenda, Cheril, CJ, Devon, Kim, Lauren, Rachel, Tamara & Tre. The support you guys show me, and the time you spend sharing my work humbles me. I am unbelievably grateful that I have you incredible women in my corner. Thank you for everything!

  To my amazing friends Kerry & Karen.

  “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not in my nature” ~ Jane Austen.

  All the wonderful people in my reader’s group, Amali’s Haven of Sweet Smut. You all took a chance on a new author and I love you for that. I have so enjoyed getting to know you all and I look forward to more smutty goodness in the future!

  Finally, to all the incredible bloggers who have read, reviewed and shared “Under The Cherry Blossoms.” I understand how important the job you do is, and I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work, and the love you have shown my story. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

  With much love and huge hugs,

  Amali xxx

  Amali Rose is a self-confessed bookworm whose love affair with the written word began as a child, with The Magic Faraway Tree. As she grew older, her tastes evolved until one day she found her way into the wonderful indie community and discovered her passion for romance with a side of smut.

  When not reading or writing, Amali enjoys baking, yoga, cheesy pop music, Netflix marathons and she believes strongly that pink, puppies and chocolate make the world a better place!

  You can find Amali here:


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